9781618859594HerDeviantLordPimentel (7 page)

BOOK: 9781618859594HerDeviantLordPimentel
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Bastian opened the
door to the carriage, ignoring the protests from the courtesan. Behind him, the
coachman protested too, as she had only hired him for one way. He lifted Mary
Elizabeth in and slammed the door. Tossing the driver some coin, he returned
his attention to the woman.

“Do not seek me
out anymore, Mary Elizabeth. This obsessive behavior is disruptive and not
conducive to your line of business. If you do not cease, I will have words with
Martine, and I am certain you do not want me to entertain that idea.”

“My lord, you
would deny me of the only thing I want? It is I whom you do not want to cross.
This discussion is not over, Bastian. We will finish it, and soon. Mark my
words!” she cried out.

The earl knocked
on the carriage to send it on its way. He pitied the next man that sought her
services. On second thought, perhaps it was a good idea to discuss these
intrusions with her employer, and the sooner the better.

Bastian walked
around the exterior of the house until he saw his Cordelia under the tree. He
walked half way up the hill and wondered if perhaps he could sneak a quick
glance at the child. Would Matthew have his dark eyes and small nose? He’d be a
handsome devil if he had his mother’s soft, delicate features too. The need to
settle his curiosity rolled beneath the surface.
For now, my love, I leave you in peace, but you have much to answer

The earl slowly
approached the sleeping mother and child. With her eyes closed and shoulders
relaxed, she cradled the babe, who stirred in his sleep. He came closer, and
when he bent down, the baby opened his eyes, as if instinctually. After he
blinked a few times, the bundled up infant puckered his lips and made infantile
sounds. He stuck out his tiny hand from beneath the blanket and held it out for
Bastian to touch.

To think, he is mine
. Bastian’s heart
swelled, and he found himself flooded with emotion. Tears welled up in his eyes,
and he could not help thinking how beautifully motherhood suited Cordelia. But
then the baby scrunched up his face and wailed so loud, as if to alert all of
England that the earl had stumbled across them.

Cordelia opened
her eyes, and even though she appeared surprised to see him, she cooed the
child back to calm.

“I am sorry for
disturbing your rest, but the
about something he had to talk to you about.”

“Oh! Did he say

“No, he did not. I
am curious Cordelia, when did you starting watching children?” he asked
quizzically. The last thing he wanted her to know was that he was already onto
her little charade.

“Err… The
housekeeper had errands to run, and I-I volunteered. Yes, I occasionally do
find it good practice to learn such lessons in mothering.”

Bastian muffled a
laugh. “How about I escort you back? It would be rude of me not to.”

She nodded and
began to walk ahead of him. He had loved the swagger of her hips before, but
now that she had filled out from being with child, he could not wait to take
her from behind.

Easy man. You still have a long way to go. First, you have to
convince her to marry you.


* * * *


washed over Cordelia. What would everyone think of her? Well, not everyone,
just a particular earl with a penchant for deviant copulation. The more she
thought on the subject, her need to be joined with him again rushed through
her. Her desire more intense than anything she had yet experienced.

If they were even
to consider reacquainting their former flame, would he receive her the same
way? Much of her body had changed since giving birth to Matthew. Her hips were
wider, bottom rounder, and her bosom…
. Her amiable bounty of a handful had exploded into a corset-busting

“Slow down,
Cordelia. I do not seem to recall this being a race.”

“No, but if you
said that the
wishes to speak with me, I
should not keep his lordship waiting.”

“Of course not,
but we could use this time to talk as well.”

“And pray tell, my
lord, what is it that you wish to speak with me about?”

He stopped and
faced her. His lips pursed, and his posture rigid. “I wanted to let you know
that I have my men out, making inquiries regarding Richard’s whereabouts. There
is a distinct possibility he is on his deathbed, but that is unclear. I should
know by the day after next.”

Cordelia’s belly
fluttered with eagerness. If she became a widow, and if he still had anything
left, it would be hers to do with what she pleased. Matthew would not have a
meager childhood, and she—well, she had no delusions that she would be
attending any society balls. Her time for ball gowns, masquerades, and fine
dining were over. Nevertheless, she would return the kindness Missus Miller had
bestowed upon her.

“Why would you do
that, Bastian? What possibly motivated you to make such inquiries?”

“Why else would I
do it, Cordelia? Everything I have ever done for you has always been carefully
thought out, and with the best of intentions. Do you think I seek to harm you
in any way, with such information?”

“I know not of
what your intentions are, my lord, but I am ever so clear on one thing. Even if
he were alive, he has been stripped of title, as have I. My life cannot be
restored to its previous state, nor do I have any desire to be thrown upon the
unfeeling and wretched lot that the
is. Should Richard become aware that I am very much alive, I am most certain it
will send him into an apoplectic fit.”

“How could you
possibly know such a thing?”

“Really Bastian,
what would be your reaction, after all the wicked things you have done and
having been imprisoned in the meanwhile.”

“I would be
shocked, horrified, humiliated, to be seen in such a state.”

Of course he would.

The sound of a
carriage approached. She watched Bastian crane his head and utter an oath. “For
the love of—”

“Who is that,

“No one you need
to worry about, dear. Run along inside, and try not to keep Thompson waiting.”

Cordelia found his
secrecy and intrigue about the guest fascinating. “No. I think I shall stay.”

“No! I want you to
go inside.”

“I do not take
orders from anyone, least of all you…”

Suddenly, a woman
came barrelling out of the carriage, marching her way toward Bastian.

“I told you never
to return here.”

“And I told you
our discussion is not over. Who is this woman?” Then, the bold, angry pariah
tipped her neck to the side, and her mouth dropped open.

Damnation. I have been discovered.

“She is the
duchess…Downsbury’s wife… You are supposed to be dead!” the woman exclaimed in

“And you are not
supposed to be here. Go home, Mary Elizabeth! I have nothing more to say to

Cordelia wrapped
her arms tightly around her baby and visualized what would happen. By morning,
all of London would descend upon Stoughton Hall. She had to get out of here.
There was no way she would drag the
and his
wife’s good name through the mud, as her husband once had.

Before another
word could be said, she ran toward the house. When she reached the servants’
entrance, she frantically ran to her room and began to pack what she could.
Meanwhile, Matthew kicked up a fuss.

In her frantic
rush, Cordelia turned to find the marchioness standing by the door, watching
her with concern. “Cordelia, what in heaven’s name are you doing?”


“How come? What
happened with you and the earl outside? Are things truly over?”

Over. No. They are only beginning, and your good name is about to be
scandalized once again.
“I cannot say for certain,
but if I do not leave this instant, all of London will know by morning that I
am truly alive and well. Besides, the rest of my business can be conducted from
the country.”
More like it has to be.

She should have
seen this coming. Sooner or later, a visitor to Stoughton Hall would have
recognized her and alerted the
her return.

“Can I not
persuade you to stay on?”

“My lady, while I
am grateful for all that you have done, I cannot, in good conscience, allow any
more scandal come to this house. You have gone through enough to last many
lifetimes, and I will not play a part in it now.”

Guilt washed over
her. Perhaps it was best to leave them all now and forget any of this happened.
Matthew and she would survive even on the meager allowance of what she earned
selling baked goods.

“Allow me to help,
Cordelia,” the marchioness implored while reaching for the baby.

“Very well, would
you find Davy and Missus Miller and tell them to get ready. That we shall
depart as soon as the carriage is ready.”

“If that is what
you wish. I will take Matthew to the nursemaid, so she can watch him while you
make the necessary preparations.”

When the
marchioness opened the door, Bastian’s voice carried up the stairs. She had to
hurry. She could not find the nerve to tell him now that Matthew was his son.




Chapter Six


“Where is she?” he
questioned the servants as he passed them. When he came across Thompson’s wife,
he took a step back and inhaled. “She is packing, is she not?”

Lady Thompson
nodded, and then crossed her arms. “If I were you, my lord, I would begin to
make up for lost time now. The scandal is not far behind, and she does not wish
to impose. I know not of what transpired earlier, but she is scared, Bastian.
We have all suffered at the hands of her husband, so I can understand why she
wants to return to the country.”

She is running. Of course she is. But to what kind of life would she
subject her son in the process?

soon joined them in the hall. “What in damnation
is going on? Duncan was just explaining that he was roused out of the garden
because of shouting and found a woman being aggressively put into a hackney

“Ah! What he saw
was me tossing Mary Elizabeth in. She recognized Cordelia, and now Cordelia is
upstairs packing, trying to leave with my son.”

“And how exactly
do you know it is your son, and not someone’s that she is caring for?”

“For Pete’s sake,
Thompson, the child has my ears and my eyes!”

“Well, it
certainly took you long enough to figure out what was going on. You are not
going to let her leave London, are you?”

“Of course not. I
had every intention of having her return with me to my house. My servants are
already making the arrangements, though I had no idea we would be joined by a
child.” A surprise he had not counted on, but at least they would both be safe
at his house until he knew what to do with Mary Elizabeth. “Thompson…”

“What is it,

Bastian reached
into his coat and withdrew some money. “Give this to the man and woman who she
arrived with and have them return to the country. There is not much they can do
here, and I am certain they are eager to return to their humble lives in the

“And what of
Cordelia and Matthew?”

“If you would not
mind readying your carriage, I shall ride behind them on my horse. The
situation requires a firm upper hand, and this is just the way to do so.” He
turned to her ladyship and dipped his head. “I know I am not in the position to
make many demands, but do you have a hooded cape she could use for the ride. I
would like to keep her concealed until she is inside my home.”

“Certainly, my
lord, I shall see to it this instant.”

He had had enough
of this scandal already, and it had not even begun. Fortunately for him, the
first place people would check was the

home. And if he knew Thompson well, he would leave instructions with Duncan
that they are not accepting visitors at this time.

Bastian hoped
sincerely that she would agree to stay at his townhouse, but they would soon
find out how much of a fuss she would put up. He would wait outside in the
stables and watch the carriage stroll away.

“What do you plan
on doing about Mary Elizabeth?” the
interrupting his thoughts.

“I will be taking
a course of action through Martine. This kind of behavior is not only bad form,
but is not good for encouraging future business. I imagine Martine will cut her
loose, but it is hard to say. I shall be stopping there tonight to conclude all
association with the business.”

“Are you not
concerned at all about how dangerous she may be? The woman obviously is
obsessed. What makes you think that, once she learns that you and Cordelia are
seriously involved, she would not do anything harmful to the duchess or the

Bastian had not
given it that much thought, but now that he was, that would be a problem. Mary
Elizabeth was emotional woman, driven my impulse, and would likely do something
she might regret. The trick was to stay one step ahead of her, every step of
the way. If she so much as came within a yard of Cordelia and the baby, he
would make sure she never entertained another soul.

“Of course I am,
Thompson. How could you ask such a foolish question? I am going to go outside
to ready my horse. Just make sure she gets into your carriage. I shall do all
the explaining once we get to my house.”

smiled and walked away to deliver commands to the
servants. For whatever bizarre reason, Bastian felt happy. Soon, he would have
the woman who has long haunted his dreams and his foxed hazes. They would be a
family, though that might take some adjustment. Now if only he heard from his
man of affairs. The need to learn of Richard’s condition was becoming dire.

Somewhere deep
down, Bastian hoped that the wretched man had met his fate. He deserved nothing
less for all the strife he had created.


* * * *


“What do you mean
Matthew and I will be travelling separately?” Cordelia asked the marchioness.

“All Nathaniel
instructed me was to advise you that Davy and Miss Miller will be travelling
ahead. He mentioned something that if the weather turned, that at least the
baby would be dry.”

Cordelia cocked
her head to the side, trying to decide how to call the marchioness a liar. But
she knew all too well, that after the excellent hospitality they had bestowed
on her, ’twas best not to say a word. Though she also suspected that Bastian
played a hand in this sudden twist of fate.

A nursemaid stood
off to the side, holding Matthew while she and her ladyship talked. The babe
began to fuss. “He is hungry. I should probably be on my way. Thank you so much
for all that you have done.” Cordelia leaned down and hugged her hostess. “Were
it not for your kindness, my lady, I fear things might not have gone

The marchioness
began to weep. “You are welcome back anytime, Cordelia. I know things have been
hard for you, but I know that things will improve very soon.”

“Somehow I doubt
that, my lady, but I will keep an open mind.”

entered and walked toward them. He reached for
Cordelia, drawing her into a tight embrace. “Know that we will always be here
for you. All you need to do is send for word.”

“Certainly, my
lord. I cannot thank you enough.” Cordelia pulled away, retrieving her son from
the nursemaid. The child had started to wail loudly, making the twins cry. “I
am very sorry about that.”

“Think nothing of
it. It just so happens that the twins need to feed now too. Travel safely, and I
am certain we will be seeing each other soon.”

Cordelia nodded
and stepped outside.
. They were
heading home, and she could put all this insanity behind her. Finding out if
she had anything left from her husband’s estate was not worth the scandal and
pain. She needed to find comfort in knowing that she could never be the duchess
she once was. She had found a new way of life, and one that was meaningful to

After settling in
the carriage, Cordelia unlaced the front of her gown, bringing her son to her
bosom. The child latched on, greedily feeding on her, when a strange thought
crossed her mind. Why had the driver not taken the same road that she had
travelled up with Davy and Miss Miller? She covered her son while he nursed and
reached over to the curtain on the window, shifting to look out.

Why in heaven’s name are we headed toward…

Her breath escaped
her when she saw Bastian’s town house in sight.
Of all the devilish and manipulative things to do, you rake. You had
this all planned.
A rush of heat seared her cheeks. Matthew would not be
done eating by the time they arrived.
. She had not exactly anticipated on a short drive, which was the only
reason she had decided to feed Matthew on the way. They would simply have to
wait in the carriage, stopped outside, until he was done.

No sooner had the
thought crossed her mind that the contraption did stop, and the carriage
slightly bounced with the driver jumping off. Cordelia looked down to ensure
she was covered when the door opened abruptly.

“You, sir, will
close that door this instant. I will not step out until we are ready, am I

The footman
blushed from embarrassment, nodded, and closed the door.

Well, that went well. Just as soon as I get in, I shall give that
rake a piece of my mind.

“Wait…sir, you
cannot open that…”

Before Cordelia
could react, the door flung open. Her mouth was open wide, and the sheer shock
of being interrupted once again annoyed her. “What is it now? I am not ready!”
She pressed her lips together when she noticed Bastian standing at the door.

“Well, this is
unexpected. Shall we then?” He turned to the driver and whispered something
then entered, taking a seat across from her. “We shall go for a drive, then.
That should give the child sufficient time to finish.”

The man has some nerve for imposing himself this way.
She gently lifted the blanket away from her son to see him slowly
sucking and his eyes closed. This was the moment she loved the most, knowing
that her child could drink his fill. She went to cover him, but Bastian reached
for her wrist.

“I want to see
him.” He leaned back into his seat and watched her with a quizzical brow.

“Why do you want
us here? What does it matter to you of what becomes of Matthew and me?”

“Cordelia, for the
moment, I shall ask the questions. When were you planning on telling me about
the baby?”

Cordelia felt
shamed for the first time in a long time. She should have sent word to him the
instant she had given birth, but life had been confusing enough. To have
learned only days after that the
had presumed her dead. Only then did she learn her place in high society meant

“My lord, I will
have you know, it was my every intention to tell you before I left.
Nevertheless, that woman…courtesan…whoever she is discovered me, and that is
why I am in a rush to leave. It was my intent to inform you of Matthew and to
provide you with the option to come away with us to the country. One can only
presume that you have no interest in such notions if you have already committed
to a contract with a courtesan.”

He scowled at her.
She ignored him and lifted the baby. Cordelia struggled for a moment adjusting
her gown before he sat next to her and tugged the dress up. His fingers
carefully grazed her nipple then pinched her. Heat washed over her, as memories
of his touches flooded her brain.

“I have missed
them. They are incredible now, too. So full, begging to be touched, nibbled,
and sucked. Tell me, my dear, have you missed our interludes as much as I?”

Cordelia tried to
ignore her body’s betrayal with his advance, but all she could muster was
“Maybe.” He laughed, startling the baby. She rocked and cooed him, and then
returned her attention to Bastian. “Would you like to hold him?”

His hesitation
riddled his face. The man was terrified. “Come now, Bastian, surely you have
held a child before?”

Now it was his
turn to blush. She looked down at Matthew and pressed her lips to his head. “It
is time for you to meet your father, Matthew,” she whispered before gently
placing the baby into his arms.

Cordelia had not
felt this amused in a long time. How could a grown man be so frightened to hold
a near sleeping baby? “If it helps, Bastian, I can promise he does not bite…

His eyes widened.
“Surely, you are jesting.”

“I assure you, I
am not.”

Bastian now
frowned, but the moment Matthew cooed, she watched the most beautiful smile
form on the earl’s face. Bastian’s eyes warmed, and the soft lines edging his
lips crinkled. The man had one of the most charming smiles that had ever been
bestowed upon the ladies of London.
to think, I have charmed the very rake with his own son.
This would be a
memory that would last lifetimes to come.


* * * *


Bastian stood at his chamber
door, lost in the vision before him. Cordelia sat on the edge of his bed,
brushing out her hair. Long, precise strokes smoothed out her cocoa-colored
locks. Soft waves fluttering past her shoulders, leaving parts of porcelain
skin exposed.

The room’s temperature rose, yet the fire burned low. He loosened
his cravat, pulling it off and tucking it into his pocket. The sheer thought of
binding her tonight made his blood rush. His heart thundered in his ears, and
the urge to tear off his clothes was instinctual.
Tonight, he would remind her of
the passion they had once shared. He would finally profess his love, and
intentions, and this time, he would never desert her.

BOOK: 9781618859594HerDeviantLordPimentel
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