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Authors: Lindsay Downs

A Christmas Surprise (15 page)

BOOK: A Christmas Surprise
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On several occasions Aleece noticed the two older Smyth girls eyeing Chris, which he seemed to enjoy. A few well-timed coughs from her stopped any tomfoolery on his part. She almost regretted the suggestion to her mother about hiring the girls to help in the kitchen, but reconsidered when Mrs. Smyth spoke softly but firmly to them.

Once the rides were finished, she turned her attention to Mr. Thomas. “If you would give me a few moments with Mrs. Smyth, then I am all yours.” No sooner had the words passed her lips then she felt her face warm from embarrassment as to what her last words meant.

“My darling, you are already mine,” he said in a hushed tone, brushing his fingertips down her arm.

Minutes later having secured the two eldest girls’ assistance and letting them know one of the grooms would be out later with the cart, Aleece turned her attention to her Thomas. A brief scan of the area informed her Debbi had kept her word. Near the lean-to where horses were kept, Aleece saw her maid and Chris in deep conversation.


In companionable silence, arm in arm Aleece and Thomas walked to the stream that ran behind the lodge.

Once out sight, especially of the little ones, Thomas swirled Aleece around, capturing her in his arms while pressing her body against him. Seeing her mouth partially open in surprise at his sudden action, he swooped down laying claim to her lips. Without hesitation, he deepened the kiss letting his tongue taste her.

Slowly he drew his lips from hers. “Darling, I have come to a decision about us. I no longer can go on without you. Even at night when I try to sleep you invade my mind, and I refuse to go on like this any longer,” he whispered into her ear.

“I’m the same way but what can we do? I am supposed to be introduced to the man I am being forced to marry at the ball on Christmas Eve. If I know my parents, the wedding will take place then and there.”

“Then I will set a chink in their armor. I will leave now for London and obtain a special license. With Trooper, I know the marquess won’t mind me borrowing him a little longer. Then on the evening of the twenty-fourth I will storm into the ball and kiss you senseless right there in the middle of the dance floor. You will then have to marry me, for I will have compromised you in front of almost the entire
not to mention your parents. I know this might not be what you want, but for us to be happy together I fear it is the only way.”

“That is perfect, except the kissing me witless. Pray, I ask you save some of my mind so I can say yes and I love you.” Aleece punctuated her words by rising on her toes and kissing him, teasing his mouth open with her tongue.

“Then I shall be off.”

Hand in hand they returned to the lodge only stopping beside the lean-to for a final kiss.

“Thomas, when you return on Thursday, enter from the back of the estate and come up past the folly. That way no one will catch sight of you until you are upon the house, right outside the ballroom doors.”

“Your wish is my command, fair lady. I will be off then. Until Christmas Eve.” With one final kiss, Thomas swung into the saddle and bolted down the cart path.

Chapter Twenty-eight


Thursday Evening, December 24, 1812

Lady Aleece noticed, in the dressing table mirror, the scowl on Debbi’s face as she attempted to braid a holly sprig in her hair.

“What’s with the face?” Aleece inquired, suspecting she knew the cause.

“If you’d stop with the fidgets I can get this last piece in. Don’t you want to look perfect for your knight in shining armor? And stop playing with the note he sent,” Debbi responded.

“Yes,” she replied. “I can see him riding into the ballroom on that massive beast his friend let him borrow. Father would have a fit and mother might even have the vapors. Something tells me if he was able to, he would.”

“There,” Debbi said, as she finished inserting the last hairpin. “Now let’s get your gown on.”

Aleece glanced at her image in the cheval mirror. Slowly, she turned her head side to side to inspection the creation. Several tendrils of her dark brown hair drifted softly down, framing her face and barely tickling her shoulders. Three holly sprays, one on each side right above her ears and the last centered on top of her head, like a tiara.

Around her throat, she wore a necklace of emeralds with diamonds between each green gem matching the ear drops her parents had given her on her one and twentieth birthday.

Rising from the dressing table chair, Aleece slipped out of her dressing gown and watched as Debbi collected the deep red gown from the bed. With ease she slipped into the dress and waited as her maid fastened the tiny pearl buttons up the back.

With a glance at herself in the full-length mirror Aleece smiled. Everything fit to perfection. The seamstress had been able to refashion the gown giving it only a slightly more daring bodice. Something she was sure neither parent would approve of but tonight she was dressing not for them, as she had done in the past, but for her special gentleman.

A soft tap on the door interrupted her thoughts.

“Come,” Aleece uttered.

“M’ lady.” Her mother’s maid curtsied. “Her Grace sent me to see if you were ready.”

“Yes, you may inform my mother I await her arrival so we may descend together.”

“Very good, m’ lady,” the woman said before curtseying and departing.

Aleece returned to the dressing table, picked up a tiny vial of perfume, then returned it, retrieving a different flask. This was the one for tonight. Not only was it hers but his favorite fragrance, the slightest blush of rose.

Once she finished applying the scent, Aleece took the gloves handed her. She finished buttoning the second one at her wrist when her mother strolled into the room.

“Mother,” Lady Aleece uttered, her voice squeaking at the sight before her.

The Duchess of Carlisle, had chosen to be attired in a forest green ball gown accented by a ruby and diamond necklace. Her hair coiffed in almost the same style as her own, replete with holly sprigs. Over her mother’s shoulders rested a shawl matching the deep red of Lady Aleece’s gown.

“My dear, you look a picture of grace and beauty.”

Aleece curtsied to her mother’s compliment.

“As do you. I had my suspicions you would wear that gown as a counterpoint to mine. But your hair, even the style matches.” Aleece paused, turning on her maid.

“Debbi, did you have anything to do with this?”

“Yes, m’ lady. Her Grace wished it to be so.”

“Do not be harsh with Debbi. I wanted to make sure we made a statement tonight, this being the first Christmas Eve balls your father and I will host. I am sure next year more mothers and daughters will match, something that is never done.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised at all. You have always set the fashion.”

“Why, thank you. Shall we be off? Your father probably wonders what is keeping us. Which, darling, I will never understand. All a man need do is throw on a few pieces of cloth with no concern for hair style or the proper application of cosmetics.”

Lady Aleece linked her arm with her mother’s and together they started out. As they approached the staircase, she felt a chilly breeze as a nearby door was opened.

“Mother, it would seem I forgot my shawl. You go on ahead while I return for it. I shan’t be but a few seconds behind,” Aleece stated, when a new draft swept over her.

“Very well. I will let your father know of your slight delay.”

When Aleece returned to her room, she scanned around for the missing piece of her attire. She spotted the shawl on the bench seat set under the window overlooking the garden and folly.

As Aleece strolled over to retrieve shawl, a distant illumination captured her attention. Stepping closer she leaned forward, blocking the candlelight with her hands for a better look.

“Why is there a candle light?” Aleece wonder softly. “Mayhap Mr. Thomas—” she never got to finish her thought when she spied a tall man astride a massive mount. Not having to guess, Aleece knew who it was. “But then, who is that outlined in the doorway?”

Aleece watched as Thomas turned his attention toward the other individual who was approaching him. What she then saw froze her in fear. The person dragged him to the ground and hit him on the head. Panic set in as she witnessed the man drag her Thomas up the steps and into the folly.

Spinning on the heel of her dance slipper, Aleece dashed for the door, only stopping to consider her actions. Trying to alert her father would take too long as she heard carriages arriving to discharge their guests. Some of the footmen would be assisting at the front door with relieving ladies of their capes and gentlemen of their greatcoats.

Others would be in the ballroom with silver trays filled with flutes of champagne. The rest assisting with setting up for the midnight dinner or in the side room ready to assist guests with plates of delicate morsels. Aleece knew this because she’d overseen those particular preparations. With all that going on he might be dead with no immediate help at hand, except for her.

From its scabbard resting on the mantelpiece, she grabbed her training sabre, a gift from her mother. Now armed, Aleece dashed down the hall to the back stairs. This she knew was the fastest way to the folly, and the kitchen staff would see her swift exit and hopefully follow to help, or at least notify her father.

As Aleece gained the bottom of the stair and the hallway to the kitchen, she met up with Debbi.

“Debbi, run and tell my father that someone is attacking Mr. Thomas out by the folly,” she called out, hastening through the outside door not waiting for a reply.

Lifting her gown so she wouldn’t trip on the hem, Aleece sprinted across the grounds as the sounds of the musicians tuning their instruments faded in the distance. The only thought in her mind was to save him and not for her safety. Unless the villain had a pistol, she could best them with her sword and bring the cur to his knees.

Chapter Twenty-nine


With the grace and dignity as one of the leading lady of the
the Duchess of Carlisle swept unannounced, as she was wont to do at times, into her husband’s study.

As she glided up to bestow a kiss on her husband’s cheek she gave a gracious nod to the Duke of Somerset and weak, tin-lipped smile to Colonel Martel.

“I see you invited that scoundrel to the ball,” Eleanor announced, letting the group know her opinion of the colonel.

She couldn’t help but smile at the questioning raised brow Simon gave her.

Eleanor presented the man in question her hand. “Behave yourself, Martel, I still remember your wondering lips when I made my come-out in ’73.”

“And you are as ravishing now as then, Your Grace,” he said releasing her hand.

The duchess felt her face warm at the outrageous compliment from a former rakehell. “And you are still a silver-tongued devil, which must serve you well in the Guards.”

Turning back to Kenneth, she asked, “And where is that wayward son of yours. It was reported to me his valet arrived this afternoon, and I was so looking forward to meeting him.”

A clearing throat brought her attention back to Simon. “Yes, speaking of errant children, where is Lady Aleece? I was under the impression, falsely it seems, she would be with you.”

“Yes, I am dying to meet this young woman who could bring my best captain to his knees,” Martel interjected.

“That, my dear lady, seems to be the question of the hour. Langdonly informed me he was going to London to meet several friends, Colonel Martel being one of them. He, as I wrote you, was then going to travel down here with plans of arriving this afternoon,” Kenneth replied.

Eleanor turned back to the colonel. “I can presume that no such meetings took place?”

“Yes. And none of the officers invited to join in the festivities have heard from him either.”

“At least we know where one of them is. Correct, my dear?” her husband queried.

“Yes, and Lady Aleece should attend us momentarily. We separated at the top of the stairs so she could return to fetch her shawl,” she said, not able to keep a worried tone from her voice.

The sound of rushing feet outside the study drew her attention to the door, only to see it burst open. In front of her stood not Lady Aleece as anticipated, but Debbi.

Eleanor could feel panic set in on not seeing her daughter. “Yes, Debbi, what is the meaning of this intrusion?” she demanded.

“Your Grace, m’ lady sent me to tell you that someone has attacked her Mr. Thomas out by the folly,” Debbi said barely able to get the words out.

“What?” Simon screamed. “How does she know it is him?”

“Forget that. Debbi, why did she go herself and not come get us?” Eleanor questioned.

“Your Grace, she feared there wasn’t time. She said the man who attacked Mr. Thomas was dragging him into the folly and she went to save him. She sent me to tell you. I did note that m’ lady had her sabre with her,” Debbi responded.

“Well, that is something at least. She did not go unarmed like most featherbrained women would do,” Simon uttered.

“Simon, don’t you think we should go and save not only Lady Aleece, but Thomas from this bounder?” Kenneth stated.

“I would be more concerned with the person who injured your son. My daughter is an excellent swordswoman. I taught her and I learned from a French master,” Eleanor announced as she walked over to the wall behind her husband’s desk. From the display rack of swords, she collected a sabre, tossed it to Debbi, then took its twin up.

Eleanor glanced around at the three men standing with mouths open. “What? I taught my daughter, who then with my permission instructed Debbi. A woman cannot always rely on males for protection."

Not waiting for the men, the duchess, with Debbi at her heels, walked over to the glass doors that overlooked the garden. “Coming, gentlemen? We can straighten out whatever deceptions you two planned later,” she called back over her shoulder then opened the door and together, duchess and maid disappeared into the blackness.


BOOK: A Christmas Surprise
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