Read A Dom's Dilemma Online

Authors: Kathryn R. Blake

A Dom's Dilemma (8 page)

BOOK: A Dom's Dilemma
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Oh, God. What is he going to do to me now?


Kelly must have whimpered, because Master Jim murmured, “Shh, darlin’. I only wanna take a quick peek to make sure you don’t have any problems I need be concerned about.”

Then, before she had time to protest, he moved behind her. She heard him rustling with some plastic wrap as he said, “I’m not even gonna restrain you, but I want you to lie real still for me, All right?” She groaned. “Push back, darlin’.” he commanded, more gently this time.

The moment she obeyed, something colder, larger and more intrusive slid into Kelly’s rectum. Feeling it stretch her wider than she expected, she tensed and gasped. The instrument wasn’t painful, exactly, only uncomfortable, but she still didn’t want it inside her.

“Don’t tighten, Kelly,” Jim warned. “You tense too much, and this is gonna hurt. Give me three deep breaths, and it’ll be over.”

She tried her best to relax and obey him, but this exam was beginning to hurt anyway. By her third breath the instrument was slowly withdrawn.

“Okay, darlin’, you’re done,” Jim advised, cleaning her with another wipe. “George, could I have the blanket back please? And I hate to ask, but would you …?”

“I’ll see to the cleanup, Sir. You take care of Miss Franklin, here.”

“Thanks, George. I appreciate it,” Jim said, wrapping Kelly up before lifting her into his arms. “I’ll be sure to return the favor for you some day.” Pressing his lips near Kelly’s ear, he murmured, “Darlin’, don’t you think it’d be polite for you to thank Master George for all his kind attention?”

Kelly turned, but Master George reached over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“You’re welcome, Miss Kelly. You did really well. Honestly.”

She blushed, certain they’d had much more model submissives than she’d been, but said, “Thank you.” Then she glanced up at Jim who gave her a quick kiss and carried her back to the area where he’d held her before.

“We’ll cuddle here for a bit and you relax. All right?”

She nodded. Though Kelly still wasn’t happy about everything he’d made her do, she desperately needed her Dom’s gentle words of comfort and reassurance, which he was clearly willing to give. And the deep, soothing kisses he provided almost compensated for the embarrassment she’d suffered.

“How’s your tummy? Everythin’ settlin’ down as it should?” he asked, gently rubbing her belly. She found the combination of his voice and fingers very relaxing.

“Yes, Sir,” she answered sleepily, tucking her head under his chin as she enjoyed being held in his arms..

“Why don’t you shut your eyes and rest for a bit, darlin’?” Master Jim suggested, shifting his magic fingers to her neck and shoulders.

“I’m fine, Sir, she replied, liking the attention. And for the first time, without any fear or uncertainty churning in her stomach, Kelly took a good look at her Dom. Dark complexioned, as though he spent a lot of time in the sun, he had a strong, masculine face. His hair was short, except for his bangs, which occasionally slipped down into his eyes before he shrugged or pushed them back.

Under this lighting, which was softer and more intimate than the lights at the chaining station, his hair gleamed a medium golden brown, like mahogany with gold streaks. Though similar in color, his eyes appeared darker and richer than his hair, which, she noticed, was beginning to sprout a few gray hairs near his temples.

He was a large man, near 6’6” or a little taller, and she expected he weighed around 230 or so. Firmly muscled, but not overly so, with enough brawn to make it difficult for anyone to take him down. She was small in comparison, a fact made even more obvious when she placed her hand over his and the tips of her fingers reached only halfway between his knuckles and the first joint. His long, lean fingers could be incredibly gentle, just as his slightly calloused palm had a sharp bite when it came down hard on her backside. Everything considered, she found him attractive and not half as scary as she’d first thought.

“So, if you don’t wanna rest, how ‘bout we talk for a bit?”

“All right.”

“You ready to tell me who hurt you so badly in your back entrance?”

Oh God, he would have to ask about that.
“Can we postpone that discussion until later, Sir?”

“We can. However, I need to say that I’m not at all pleased you lied to me, Kelly. Normally, that would earn you a ten swatter minimum, bare butt over my knees.”

She glanced at his set features, then asked, “How did you know I was hurt?”

“I saw some evidence of rough play when I examined you, but you just confirmed it yourself now, darlin’.”

Groaning at her own foolishness, she closed her eyes.

“I’ve made a lot of concessions for you tonight, Kelly. I really shouldn’t give you this one, too, but I’m gonna.”

When she pressed her face to his shoulder in gratitude, he held her close and patted her back. “I may be strict, but I’m not cruel, and I can actually be pretty reasonable at times.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Don’t thank me, yet, darlin’. I put you through the ringer tonight, as I well know. So, I’m not gonna add a punishment on top of what I’ve already done. But don’t go thinkin’ I’ve gone soft on you, because I haven’t. I can be one mean son-of-a-bitch when I need to, so I expect you to obey me in everythin’ I ask of you.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. I’m glad you agree, because I’m gonna be purposefully stretchin’ your limits, so we’ll need to make sure both of us are clear on what the other expects, wants and needs. Your needs are what we’ll be addressin’ most, darlin’, along with my wants. That means we’ve some difficult work ahead if we’re gonna do this.”

Kelly stared up into his dark, unsmiling visage. “Are you thinking you’d like to master me long-term then, Sir?”

“Yeah, I would. Very much. What about you, Kelly? Do you want me as your sometimes Master/sometimes Dom, teacher, guide and lover?”

The gamut of emotions she experienced brought a tear of relief trickling down Kelly’s cheek. “Yes, Sir. I would like that very much as well. All of it, Sir.”

“I’m pleased to hear that, darlin’. However, the lovin’ part is gonna have to wait for another night. As much as I long to be inside you right now, Kelly girl, hearin’ your sexy moans as I give you pleasure, and teachin’ you what I like in return, I ain’t gonna do it, even if you think you’re ready. If you’re good, I may lay you down and give you one more itty bitty orgasm before we leave here, but that’s gonna be it.”

Kelly already understood enough about the Dom currently holding her to realize arguing wouldn’t help. Besides, he was right. She was a little sore from all the probing and stretching he’d done to her private parts, but the achiness was sort of pleasant, except for her back hole, which still burned. Even so, a sub did not argue with her Dom unless she wished to be punished, and Kelly had no desire to take that route again tonight. So, she conceded and gave a slight nod to show she understood. The frown she received in return made her grimace.

“That’s another thing, darlin’. Noddin’ your head is never an appropriate response for your Dom. In the future, if you slip and forget, I’ll give you a warnin’ first, then if I don’t get the response I require, you’ll get a swat.”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied with a wince, knowing she had a problem with that.

“Good. We’ll sit down and discuss rules and protocol later. But, for right now, I think I’d like to know your name.”

Her name? Didn’t he already know it? “My name, Sir?”

He arched an eyebrow at her, and she realized she’d broken another of his rules by making him repeat himself, but he let that slide, too, and said, “Yes, Kelly. Your full name.”

“Kellian Sarah Franklin, Sir.”

“Kellian, eh? An unusual name. Don’t think I’ve ever heard that one before.”

“What is your full name, Sir?”

“Mine is James Andrew Evans.”

“That is a very strong sounding name, Sir.”

“It is, is it? Well, Kellian….” She winced, and he stopped to regard her for a moment. “You don’t like people callin’ you by your real first name, do you, Kelly?”

“No, Sir.”

“And why’s that?”

“The nuns at the orphanage would always call me by it before they punished me.”

“Okay, you revealed two interestin’ facts in that sentence. One, you’re an orphan. Did you know your parents at all?”

“Briefly, Sir. They died when I was six, during a break-in gone bad.”

“Were you at home?”

“Yes, Sir. My mother hid me in a closet. I don’t remember much about it, but a policeman found me the next day. I think I may have passed out, Sir.”

“You’re what, twenty-eight now?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“So, the crime occurred twenty-two years ago. Were you livin’ here then?”

“No, Sir. From what I was told, we lived in Connecticut, but in another part of the state. I’m not sure where, exactly.”

“All right. You said the nuns punished you?”

“Yes, Sir.”


“Mostly with rulers, Sir.”

He smiled, and she found she really liked his smile. It made him appear younger, more approachable. “No, I mean did you get hit on the back of the hand? Were you paddled? How did they punish you?”

“It varied, Sir. Depending on the transgression.”

“Did they ever paddle you with their rulers?”

“Yes, Sir. Probably more often than I would have liked.”

“So, were you a bad little girl, in constant need of correction, Kelly?”

“I tried not to be, Sir. But I routinely got into trouble for something.”

“When did you leave the orphanage?”

“The day I turned eighteen. Unless an orphan wished to become a nun, they sent her packing once she reached her majority.”

“What happened then?”

Kelly slipped a hand free from her blanket and toyed with one of the buttons on his collar. She didn’t want to answer that question, but she didn’t want to make him angry, either.

He was silent for a moment, probably to see if she would speak-up without further probing. If he forced the issue, she’d cave, but she hoped he’d let it go. Finally, he said, “You don’t wanna tell me that either right now, do you?”

“No, Sir. Not yet. If that’s all right.”

He didn’t look pleased, but he didn’t appear angry either. “I can’t force you to talk to me, Kelly girl. I can only reassure you I’ll listen if and when you’re ready to tell me. As we get to know each other better, I’ll probably put a bit more pressure on you to open up to me. But for tonight, I’ll let it go.”

“And what about you, Sir?”

“What about me?”

“Well for one, I got the impression what we did in the medical station was not play for you, Sir. You knew what you were doing and what you expected to see.”

“An astute observation, little girl, considerin’ I had you pretty securely restrained at the time. Yup, a fellow Dom in Texas, a bona fide M.D., showed me what to look for when I was beginnin’ to discover what all this BDSM stuff was about. He often gave the subs exams, especially if he had a suspicion of mistreatment, and he was willin’ to teach any Dom interested in learnin’. I think he figured it couldn’t hurt, and it might help.

“What I did with you is often done in play, and I don’t have the knowledge to take an exam much further than that.” He frowned for a moment. “I believed, even then, a Dom was responsible for his sub’s well being. So, after Master Mark taught me how to properly examine a woman, I started conductin’ exams on my own, under his watchful eye, of course.

“He was a great teacher. Showin’ me if I missed somethin’, or explainin’ if I wasn’t sure what I was lookin’ at. And sad as it is, many subs are abused by the men they trust. However, Doc Mark had an uncanny ability to spot a girl in need of help and attention. When he explained what he wanted to do, and why, a lot of ‘em would balk out of fear. Seems I sorta had a knack for gettin’ the ladies to unfurl and display, even when they didn’t want to. Doc Mark said it was a gift, as most girls aren’t into havin’ amateurs messin’ around with their plumbin’.

“Since then, I’ve givin’ every sub I considered playin’ with on an ongoing basis, a physical exam. Partly to make sure she wasn’t hidin’ anythin’, and partly to see how well she obeyed while I did things she wasn’t gonna like. It’s quite an ice breaker, wouldn’t you say?”

Kelly snorted in reply. “I’d say it’s much more than that, Sir. Although I can see what you mean about trust building.”

“So, you think you can trust me now, Kelly girl?”

After gazing at him for a moment, she risked running a hand through his hair to push his bangs back. The shiny strands glided over her fingers like finely spun silk, then returned to their original position, as smooth and stubborn as their master. She smiled, lightly blushing when he smiled in return, still waiting patiently for an answer to his question. Her blush deepened. “Yes, Sir. You treated me with consideration and respect. And even though you restrained me, you didn’t try once to humiliate or hurt me.”

“I’m glad you think so, darlin’,” he replied, his humor over her distraction evident in his voice

Embarrassed, Kelly glanced down at her entwined fingers. “I still don’t understand why you insisted on using restraints though, Sir. That does add an element of uneasiness to the experience, you know?”

“Yeah, I do. You’ll find I pretty much have a reason for everythin’ I do, and your overreactin’ ended up makin’ it necessary, I’d say.”

She shrugged, not quite sure she agreed. “Perhaps. But you didn’t know I was going to freak out when you told me you intended to restrain me.”

“No, I didn’t.”

Frowning, Kelly met his gaze again. “So why do it?”

“You gave the reason yourself, darlin’. To build trust. A sub who’s restrained during a medical procedure is very vulnerable. Wouldn’t you say?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“So, for her to let me do what I want, knowin’ she might find it uncomfortable and embarassin’, takes a certain amount of trust, right?” Kelly knew from experience that it did, so she agreed. “That trust is precious, Kelly. It’s somethin’ I would never abuse, but it is somethin’ I have to build toward pretty quick if the two of us wanna start doin’ some of the things I like.

BOOK: A Dom's Dilemma
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