Read A Dream to Cling To Online

Authors: Sally Goldenbaum

A Dream to Cling To (23 page)

BOOK: A Dream to Cling To
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Her lips curled in a small smile. “I … was going to move in with you. Dunkin and I … we were going to risk it.” She shook her head slowly. “No, excuse me. We
going to risk it.” A tear meandered down her cheek. “Sam, I love you. And I want to be with you. Somehow we’ll work all this out.”

He slipped his hands beneath her head and drew her up to kiss her. “Oh, we will, will we?” He found it difficult to talk, difficult to tell her what was in his heart, what he had planned through two sleepless nights. For now, holding her in his arms was enough.

“Sam, I’m not thinking too clearly.” This was probably all a dream, she thought. A dream with Sam loving her like that with his eyes. Those wonderful eyes …

“It’s the medicine, Brittany. They gave you some pain killers for your ankle and for a couple of stitches they took in your leg.”

Her brows drew together in concern.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious. Actually, I think it’s kind of sexy.”

“Sam …”

The rustling of the crisp curtain and entrance of a white-coated gentleman stopped her sleepy words. “Well, I see you’re awake, Ms. Winters. I’m Dr. Stanwick.”

She smiled faintly.

“You came in with quite a bump on your head, but it’s nothing to worry about. It was enough to knock you out briefly, but there’s no sign of a concussion. We’ve told Mr. Lawrence here what to look for.”

Sam grinned. “They’ve put me completely in charge of you.”

The doctor continued in an efficient, clipped voice. “The pain medicine is what’s making you groggy and what made you fall asleep. The dose was quite strong. You’ll sleep well when you leave here. And that’s going to be my only prescription. Sleep.” He smiled at Sam and shook his hand. “Nice meeting you. Take good care of her, and you can leave any time now.”

He started to walk out, then half-turned. “Oh, you can pick up the dog at the nurses’ desk. I believe he’s having a bowl of cereal. It was all they could find.”

She laughed wearily as he let the curtain fall back in place, then focused all her feeble attention on Sam, who was scooping her up in his arms and holding her tight against his chest. She felt weak and strong, heavy and weightless all at once. “Oh, Sam, it wasn’t supposed to be like this, you know. I had it all planned.…” Her voice drifted off and she struggled to keep her eyes open.

“No, it wasn’t supposed to be like this. But as long as I have you now. Oh, Brittany … You’re my life.”

A small smile played on her lips as her eyelids fell heavily.

The snow had stopped and again had turned the world into a wonderland.

Sam smiled happily through the windshield and into
the dark night. Brittany was curled up next to him, her body wrapped in a warm blanket and her head resting against his shoulder. In the backseat Dunkin snored comfortably.

The few times Brittany had opened her eyes the past couple of hours, she had only murmured sleepily, then dropped off again, never asking where she was or why.

Evergreen was blinking its lights off in sleep when Sam passed through, and the narrow road to the cabin was lit by the huge moon hanging low in the sky.

Beside him, Brittany stirred.

“We’re here, darlin’.” He pulled the car to a stop beside the porch and turned off the engine.

Brittany opened her eyes and looked out into the black night. Her vision adjusted and she saw the moonlit snow and the cabin, lit like a beacon with light that filtered out through the curtains.

“Sam …”

“Come on.” He opened the door and was around to her side before her sleepy mind had completely awakened.

In one smooth movement he slid his hands beneath her and lifted her gently from the car.

“I think there’s something I should tell you,” she murmured against his chest.

“Wait.” After Dunkin jumped out, Sam shoved the door shut with his knee and walked slowly up the steps, carrying Brittany into the house. “Are you awake enough to know I just carried you across the threshold?”

“Yes,” she whispered hoarsely. “But, Sam, it’s somebody else’s threshold. The cabin has been sold.”

Sam was silent as he walked over to the couch and lowered her onto the cushions. Fumbling in his pocket, he pulled out a small envelope and laid it in her lap.

Brittany stared at it for a moment, then looked up at Sam. His lean figure was outlined in golden firelight. “Sam, what’s going on here?”

“Wait, I’ve got my order of events all mixed up.” When he slipped down on the woolly rug, she spotted the ice bucket behind him and the foil-wrapped top sticking out of it. The room was rosy and warm from the carefully banked fire, and the soft lights lit shadowy corners. And then her heart began to beat crazily as she looked into Sam’s brown eyes.

“Brittany.” He lifted both her hands to his lips as he knelt beside her, drawing his head close. “Will you marry me?”

Her heart stopped. “Oh, Sam—” She didn’t want the tears to come, she’d shed enough for a lifetime, but when they did, he gently kissed them away.

“Is that a yes?”

“Oh, Sam, I love you so much. You know that, but are you sure? There are so many things we need to say.”

He nodded against her cheek. “But not until I get my answer.”

She framed his head between her hands and brought his mouth to hers, her pulse quickening. Words seemed inconsequential set against the incredible feeling that engulfed her, but she pulled back slightly and whispered against his lips, “Yes, my darling. Whenever you’d like. Now, tomorrow, next year … As long as I have you.”

His arms were around her, holding her with tender passion. “It will be good, Brittany, I promise you.”

She nodded and gazed at him through eyes grown misty. “And this?” She slipped her hand down and felt the stiff edge of the envelope.

“A wedding present.” He took it from her and looked at it. “Chosen with great care and love.”

She tilted her head back to one side. “Mighty sure of yourself, were you?”

He smiled. “Yes. And I knew if I wasn’t enough, this would do it.” He flapped the envelope against her hand. “This is no fly-by-night proposal you’ve got yourself here, Brittany Ellsbeth.”

“Hmm. So the way to a woman’s heart is …” She fluttered her eyelashes at him. “The envelope please?” Despite her joking, her hands were shaking as she eased a sheet of paper out of the envelope. Her eyes moved over it once, then again, then it slipped from her fingers and fluttered silently to the floor. “Oh, Sam.”

“Am I going to spend the whole night kissing away a faceful of tears?” He leaned forward to rub his cheek along her damp face. “It seems a shame when there are so many other lovely parts of you to kiss.”

“You … you bought the cabin …”

“My first permanent address since I was nineteen,” he said proudly. “The way I figure it, we can use it on weekends and vacations—or even more often if we want. There’s room here for the first four children, and then we can build an addition off the east wing if necessary. Did I ever tell you my mother was a twin?”

Brittany could only shake her head.

“Well, there’ll be plenty of time for that. And eventually we can move our rocking chairs up here and retire.”

“Sam, slow down.” She covered his lips with her fingers. “I need to know … about your thinking, how you came to all this.”

He eased himself up onto the couch next to her, and folded her into his arms. “It was the game, Brittany, the game that finally made me see things clearly. Every now and then in life you meet a kindred spirit, and as I poured myself into that game, I realized mine was your father.

“We’re so much alike in what we want from life, the things we love, the needs we have. And until you, I’d categorized marriage as a definite roadblock to all those things.

“But your father had it all and more. We talked for a long long time, he and I.”

“Saturday morning?”

“Yes, before I came up here to meet Ida and straighten the place up. Can’t bring your intended to a dusty
hideaway, you know.” His fingers spread in slow motion through her hair, and he brushed it back and kissed the tip of her ear.

“But we talked at the party too. I knew the instant I saw you that night that no matter what, you couldn’t walk out of my life. Your dad was a sounding board. I wanted to be sure I’d be good for you, too, even though I knew my life would be pretty worthless without you.

“He helped me see a lot of things clearly. The book I said I’d write, for example.”

“In France …” Her voice was a whisper.

He nodded. “It’s simple. A honeymoon trip to gather facts. And you’ll meet my godchildren. Who knows?” He pressed a kiss into her hair. “Maybe it’ll give us some ideas.… And then we’ll come back and I’ll write the book here, with the proper inspiration, of course.” His words were whispered against her cheek. “And whatever happens after that, we’ll work out together.”

“Do you know what I think?” she said, unable to hear any more without crying again. Her mouth searched seductively for his and her fingers played with the buttons on his shirt.

Sam could only second-guess. “You want my body.”

She undid the last button and slipped her hands inside to touch his warm skin. “And soul …”

“I’m in a very generous mood, my love. Is there anything else?” His hand slid beneath her sweater and he watched her eyes turn glassy when his fingers covered her breast.

The tears came anyway, rolling down her cheeks as she pressed her body against his with hungry desire. “You’ve given me everything, Sam,” she whispered. “Your love, this place …”

His lips were parted and moist against her face, and he felt the urgency of his love stirring between his loins. “And it’s all permanent, Brittany,” he promised her huskily. “Without a doubt.”

“And it feels right?” She nipped at his lower lip and felt his shiver all through her. “No second thoughts?”

“Oh, lots of second thoughts …” His hand was lacing her body with desire. “And third thoughts …” Heat trailed down her as his fingers journeyed lower.

“But those thoughts I’ll show you, my Brittany …” And with gentle loving he slid their bodies down on the couch as the show began.


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P.S. Watch for these terrific Loveswept titles coming soon: In April, we’re excited about Megan Frampton’s emotional and powerfully erotic tale
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Read on for an excerpt from Wendy Vella’s
The Reluctant Countess


“If only she had a small imperfection.”

“What?” Patrick, Earl of Coulter, tore his eyes from the top of the stairs to glare at his friend.

“The countess.” Lord Sumner swept his hand in an arc that encompassed most of the assembled guests. “I was saying that some sort of imperfection would detract from her goddesslike beauty. Perhaps a lisp? Alas, no,” he added seconds later. “A lisp would merely make her sweet and beautiful.”

“Idiot,” the earl muttered, propping one shoulder against the silk-covered wall. His gaze returned to where the countess now stood. Poised on the top step of the Duke of Rookvale’s ballroom, she appeared motionless; only her eyes moved as they passed over the guests milling below.

BOOK: A Dream to Cling To
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