Read A Family Forever Online

Authors: Helen Scott Taylor

Tags: #Romance

A Family Forever (7 page)

BOOK: A Family Forever
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"Sorry, pal, we can't live down here. Great Monkton is too far away from London and the airports."

Harry pouted but didn't respond.

Adam stood and folded his iPad into its case. He'd let Harry ponder their discussion and, hopefully, he'd realize Adam was right.

"I have to get back to meet the project manager at Larchfield. Be a good lad. I'll see you both later." He met Tim's eyes over his son's head and the tutor nodded. He'd smooth over any more worries Harry had.

Before Adam left, he headed into the Plume of Feathers to find the owner. He'd set his team the task of finding out about the farmer, but it didn't hurt to do his own research while he was here.

The farmer's daughter was wiping down the bar and polishing the beer taps.

"Morning, Felicity."

She glanced his way with a smile, her blonde hair piled on her head in a silver clip. She wore a little too much makeup for his taste, but she was an attractive woman. He wondered how miserable Mr. Andrews managed to father a daughter who looked like Felicity.

"Morning, Adam. Are Harry and Tim okay outside?"

"Perfect. They'd probably like something to drink in a while.

"I'll send someone out when you've gone."

Adam tapped his fingers on the polished oak bar, wondering how to broach the subject of her grumpy father without offending her. "I spoke to your dad about the hedgehogs."

"Oh, how did that go?"

"Not too well. Did you know he's being a bit rough on Victoria O'Shea and her daughter?"

Felicity's eyes widened. "I'd no idea. She's never said anything to me."

"Any idea why he's got it in for Victoria?"

Felicity sighed. "I think she's the victim of a grudge that goes back years. It's nothing to do with Victoria herself. Her grandmother helped me when my father tried to make me leave school early and work on the farm. He had a continual battle with the school authorities because he kept me home too much.

"Victoria's grandmother was my English teacher. She helped me apply for college. My father hasn't spoken to me since the day I left home. He hasn't even acknowledged his grandchildren. As far as they're concerned, they don't have a grandfather."

Adam had thought his parents were bad because they rarely saw him. But at least they still talked to him. "I'm sorry."

"I never dreamed my father would take it out on Victoria and Sophie." She gave a sad laugh. "It doesn't surprise me, though. He's the most selfish, controlling man I've ever met."

"Do you mind if I explain this to Victoria? She has no idea why your father treats her badly."

"Of course. I wish I knew a way to stop him."

"Don't worry about that. I have that under control."

Felicity eyed him curiously. "I hope you succeed. Vicky's lucky to have you in her corner. Are you staying in the village?"

"It's too far from London for me. Well, thanks for the chat. I'd better get back to Larchfield."

Adam wandered to the window and watched Harry working for a few minutes. How could a man cut off his child and grandchildren? He couldn't think of anything that would make him stop loving his son.

No wonder Andrews was a lonely, bitter old man.

Chapter Seven


The sound of Adam's shout from the front of her cottage set Victoria's pulse racing. She hadn't been sure if she'd see him today. When they'd parted on Monday, nothing had been said about when they would get together again.

She went to the door of the shed and called to him. "I'm out back with the hedgehogs."

A few moments later he appeared around the side of the cottage, ducking beneath the overgrown shrubs and bushes that hung over the path, which were long overdue for a trim.

He grinned as he came towards her. "I did knock but you obviously didn't hear me."

She devoured the sight of him as he strode along the path, brown eyes crinkled with pleasure, the sun gleaming off his dark hair. She really should stop staring at him or he'd get the wrong idea. Retreating back into the shed, she finished mixing the milk for the baby hedgehogs.

At the open door, Adam braced a hand on each side of the frame. His blue dress shirt stretched across his chest, the open buttons at the neck revealing a tantalizing glimpse of skin.

"Did you get a chance to check out any more hedgehog release sites?" she asked.

"No, sorry. I've had rather a busy day. We're going to eat at the pub tonight. I wondered if you and Sophie wanted to join us?"

Victoria was torn. She'd love to spend time with Adam, but she had students' work to grade and a woman booked to bring in an injured hedgehog. "What time?"

"Soon. I want to eat early before I move Harry and myself back into the pub for the night. The contractors have started work on Larchfield Hall and we're in the way."

"I'd love to, Adam, but I don't think we can. Soph's not home yet. She has ballet class after school on Tuesdays." Victoria peeled back the top of her glove and checked her watch. "I'm not expecting her home for another hour, then I'll be busy."

"Okay." He wandered closer, a hand in his pocket, and peered in the box at the baby hedgehogs she was about to feed. "I've got a few minutes. As your little helper isn't here tonight, would you like a hand?"

"If you're sure you have time. Do you want to feed one of the babies?" She tossed him a pair of gloves.

Once he was ready, she set the small syringe filled with milk on the shelf in front of him. "Pick the baby up like this." Victoria lifted a tiny, prickly creature out of the box and cradled it in her hand. "Now drip the milk in its mouth, one drip at a time. They don't need much."

He held the hedgehog up and dripped milk on his glove, the floor, his shoe, and finally hit the creature's mouth, more by luck than judgment.

"Good job, there." Victoria bit her lip to hold back her chuckle.

"Not as easy as it looks, is it?" He cast her a wry sideways glance. His warm brown eyes, full of pleasure, tugged at her heart.

"Hey, little guy. Drink up. That's right," he said.

Victoria picked up another baby and fed it, but her gaze kept roving back to Adam, to his strong hand holding the tiny creature so carefully. What would it be like to be intimate with this man, to feel his gentle hands on her body, his strength surrounding her? He did strange things to her, made her want a relationship that she hadn't thought she needed.

"I think Prickles here has had his fill."

"That's okay. Put him back in his box."

Adam gingerly set the tiny animal down and it huddled in its towel over the heating pad. "You want the box lid back on?" He picked up the square of wood and she nodded.

Once he'd done that, he peeled off his gloves and dusted his hands together. "They're certainly cute little things. I can see why they appeal to you."

"Yep. These little darlings have taken over my life." Victoria held up a baby to eye level and stared at its adorable brown furry nose and black eyes. She set the satiated creature back in its box and stripped off her gloves.

"Of course, the only problem with hedgehogs is the fleas."

"Fleas?" Adam's startled gaze fixed on her face. "You're kidding, right?"

Victoria feigned surprise. "Didn't you know about their fleas? They're well-known for them."

"Lord. How big are they?" Adam scratched his head then started examining himself, vigorously brushing off his trousers while Victoria stifled her giggles.

"Oh, look. There's one." She picked at an imaginary speck on his shirt and he froze. Her hand flattened over his chest and she took her time, brushing her palm over his ribs and the flat plane of his stomach. Little tremors of pleasure raced through her and she released a slow breath.

He was every bit as toned and muscular as she'd thought when he took her in his arms to comfort her the previous day.

"Stand still and I'll check you over for the little biters." She examined his arms, taking the opportunity to skim her fingers over his biceps.

"Can you see one?"

If he meant a sucker, oh yes, she could. She fought to keep a straight face. "I don't think so, Adam, but to be on the safe side I'd better check your back."

He turned and she hummed in appreciation as she skimmed a hand across his shoulders and down his back to where his waist narrowed. She eyed his gorgeous backside but didn't dare go that far. Instead she returned to his shoulders and pretended to check underneath his collar.

Heat burned through her at the contact. She longed to lean closer and put her arms around him. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea.

"All clear, I think," she said breathily.

He turned to face her, his eyes narrowed. "I haven't noticed you or Sophie worrying about fleas."

Oh dear. She'd been busted. "Gosh, look at the time." She made a performance of staring at her watch. "I'd better get going. Haven't you got dinner planned with Harry? Where is he, by the way?"

Adam ignored her ramblings and stepped in front of her so she couldn't reach the door. His thoughtful expression had morphed into a knowing grin. "Don't you think I should check you over for fleas?"

"No. I'm fine." Heat surged into Victoria's cheeks.

"I don't think so, sweetheart." He stepped closer and suddenly there wasn't enough air in the shed. "I think you're in a heap of trouble." He rested his large hands on her shoulders. "If you wanted to touch me, you only had to ask, you know."

Victoria gulped as his fingertips made contact with the skin above her neckline. "I didn't plan anything. It just sort of happened."

He bent his head, pressed his lips softly to hers, then drew back.

"Like this, you mean?"

"Hmm." She nodded. "Like that."

They both moved together then, his arms sliding around her as her palms flattened against his chest. Their lips met in a long, sultry kiss. It had been years since Victoria was last kissed, and it certainly hadn't felt this good. She closed her eyes and lost herself in the delicious sensation. Hopes and dreams she hadn't dared acknowledge flowed through her mind.

She liked Adam Cantrell, liked him a lot. She was halfway to loving him in a few days. If he stayed in Great Monkton, her life would change beyond all recognition. It would be wonderful to spend time with him, to share her life with him.

"Oh, Adam," she said, touching his hair. "I'm so glad you bought Larchfield, even if it has caused problems with the hedgehogs."

"I'm going to sort that out for you, sweetheart. I promise."

"I'm sorry Soph and I can't have dinner with you tonight. Perhaps we can plan something for tomorrow evening." If she could arrange a sitter, they might even make it a special dinner for two.

Adam sighed and stroked her hair. "I have to go to Spain for a few days."

Disappointment doused Victoria's amorous feelings like a bucket of cold water. Adam started describing the potential project he wanted to check out in Marbella, but she didn't take it in. Of course he would be off travelling again. That's what he did. He was hardly likely to hang around in Great Monkton to supervise the work at Larchfield.

She stepped back, reining in her feelings, trying to ignore the tight knot of hurt in her chest.

"I am coming back." Adam's fingers grazed across her cheek. "You know I won't disappear without making sure everything here is all right."

"Thank you." He was sweet. His intentions were good. He didn't know he'd hurt her feelings. "Have a successful trip."

Adam backed up a step and frowned. "I will. Are you okay?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Just because she got carried away for a few minutes and thought there might be something special between them.

"Right. See you on Sunday evening." Adam went to the door, turned and smiled, then strode away.

A long, painful sigh hissed out between Victoria's lips. Why hadn't she fallen for a man from the village or someone she worked with? Why did she have to fall for a man who was just passing through?


Adam woke at the sound of his alarm and rested an arm across his tired eyes. A restless night full of vivid dreams had disturbed him, dreams of Victoria in Spain with him. Much as he'd love to ask her to join him, he knew it was a waste of time. She had commitments here and wouldn't be able to get away at such short notice, if at all.

Early morning light trickled between the curtains as he sat up. An early start was essential if they were to stop in London to pack fresh clothes before they drove to the airport. He glanced at the heaped bedcovers on Harry's bed and decided to leave him to sleep a little longer.

He headed for the bathroom, shaved, showered, and brushed his teeth, then packed most of the toiletries, leaving out Harry's toothbrush.

With a towel around his waist, he went back to the bedroom and dumped his bag on the end of his bed before sorting through the clothes and refolding them neatly. He pulled on some trousers, and glanced at the clock. Where had the time gone?

BOOK: A Family Forever
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