Read A Fine Specimen Online

Authors: Lisa Marie Rice

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

A Fine Specimen (14 page)

BOOK: A Fine Specimen
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The gray morning light
gave his dark skin a metallic tone. His tight, hard features looked almost
otherworldly, like a member of a future race that had been honed and perfected
over several millennia. He looked like the captain of Starfleet Command.

“Oh!” She smiled, heart hammering. “My goodness, you scared
me. I had no idea you were up. Breakfast will be ready in just a few minutes,
so… Alex?”

He just looked at her unsmilingly, his eyes fiercely locked
on hers.

“Got unfinished business,” he said finally in a hoarse
croak, as if his voice hadn’t been used in a long time. “You and me.”

God, he looked better than any male had a right to in the
morning. He had pulled on pajama bottoms and the soft cotton clung to his lean
hips, the drawstring waistband dipping low on his flat stomach. His chest,
covered in crisp black hair, was just magnificent. Good thing he kept that
chest covered up during the day with a shirt and jacket. If he lived in a
nudist colony, he’d be jumped constantly by the female population.

Caitlin had felt every inch of that chest against her the
night before. Her heart thumped at the sight of him and she found awkward bits
of her body softening. Her heart, her knees, her sex.

“Alex?” she asked uncertainly when he didn’t move. He simply
stared at her, face expressionless. “Is something wrong?” He came away from the
doorframe and walked silently toward her on large bare feet. Damn him, even his
feet were gorgeous, long and lean, high-arched and beautifully shaped. There
was something in his walk which reminded her of a panther’s pace. A panther
stalking prey.

He was aroused. The big, plum-colored tip of his cock was
poking up from under the waistband of the soft pants. Oh God.

“Alex?” she ventured again. “Are you angry because I
rummaged around for food and— Mmmf!”

Alex hooked his arm around her neck and caught her mouth
with his. Her neck fell back over his arm and her bones loosened. His kitchen,
his garden, Baylorville, the whole world started spinning around her as he
leaned into her, and she had to clutch his bare shoulders for balance.

When his tongue touched hers, she felt the electric shock
down to her toes. His large, calloused hand touched her thigh under the shirt
and glided upward, smoothing over her bare hip.

“Saw your panties on the bedroom floor,” he breathed into
her neck, once he released her mouth. “Figured you wouldn’t have anything on
under this.”

“You figured right, Dick Tracy, excellent deductive powers,”
Caitlin murmured, then bit her lip as his hand traveled leisurely up her side
to caress her breast.

“Mmm.” He pulled her even closer. “But I had to find out
firsthand. Says I have to right in the Detective’s Manual. Rule number one for
a detective—check your facts.”

He reached out to turn off the burner and hooked a kitchen
chair with one gorgeous bare foot. He sat down, Caitlin straddling his lap.

She looked at his face. From this vantage point, what she
could see was mostly square jaw, black stubble and absurdly long black
eyelashes. He shifted his arms until she was nestled up against him, chest to
chest, nose to nose.

She could feel the pulses of blood in his penis every time
her belly touched it. Each surge was echoed in her womb.

He watched her eyes, watched her reaction to his arousal,
hot and hard as steel against her belly. Caitlin couldn’t have hid her own
reaction to him if she’d tried.

She knew she was flushed, she could feel it down to her
breasts. Her nipples were so sensitized that the thick, starched material of the
shirt almost hurt them as she brushed against it. At least the material was so
thick it hid the fact that her nipples had turned hard as pebbles.

Alex’s gaze left her eyes, lingering on her mouth before
dropping to her breasts. When his gaze rose again, his eyes were so hot they

Maybe he had X-ray vision.

“What—” Oh God, the heat inside her was so intense she could
barely huff out the words. “What unfinished business do we have?”

“Foreplay,” he growled. He pulled her to him for a kiss so
hard and so hungry she was shivering when it ended.

“Completely forgot foreplay last night, it went straight out
the window.” His hand slid up her rib cage, his thumb rasping across her
nipple. Goose pimples broke out on her arms. “It was like I was in some kind of
a race to see how fast I could get into you. Sorry.”

The last word was said against her neck, his teeth and
stubble scraping down a tendon. She shivered.

“I forgive you,” she whispered.

His mouth moved against the skin of her neck in a smile.
“That’s good. I am humbly appreciative and hope to make it up to you. However…”
His hands went to the front of his shirt. “You stole my shirt. Do you know what
happens to stolen goods?”

He slid the buttons from their holes, slowly, one by one,
watching carefully as the shirt widened, exposing the swell of her breasts.

Caitlin was mesmerized by the look on his face. Every
feature tight. Pupils dilated. Sharp, searing heat. He suddenly looked up at
her and every cell in her body flashed heat.

“Do you?”

Do I what
? she thought, dazed. He was teasing her.
She should be responding but there was no moisture in her mouth. She couldn’t
even swallow. He’d asked her something. She shook her head slowly, side to
side, without looking away from him.

The shirt was completely unbuttoned, caught on her breasts.
Alex put his hands on her shoulders, opening the shirt even farther.

“The police have to confiscate stolen goods.” His hands slid
down her arms, taking the shirt with it. It dropped to the floor. “That’s the

She was naked on his lap. Her heart was pounding so hard she
was sure he could see it pulsing against her skin. He was seeing something, because
his eyes were locked on her breasts. He cupped a breast in his hand, his skin
dark and tough against her white flesh. The contrast was vivid, arousing.

He bent his dark head and licked her nipple.

Caitlin jolted. Her womb contracted with each movement of
his tongue. She was breathing in short pants, embarrassed at how aroused she
was at such simple touches. His hand at her breast, his tongue at her nipple.
Her heart was knocking against her rib cage so hard she was surprised it didn’t
make a racket.

Alex lifted his head and kissed her again, hard, one big
hand cupping the back of her head, as if she’d escape if he didn’t bind her to

Silly, silly man. She wasn’t going anywhere. His kisses were
making her so weak she could barely stay upright. His other hand left her
breast to cup her bottom, edging her closer to him, so close the lips of her
sex met his huge, material-clad penis. It surged against her, lengthening and

She sucked in her breath and let it out shakily.

He pulled her even more tightly to him and kissed her again,
so hard she sagged against him helplessly. Caitlin’s body immediately prepared
itself for lovemaking. Her breasts felt heavy and swollen and her lower body
softened, like a flower unfurling.

Had he felt that? He felt something, because he jolted and
moved fast, in a blur. He lifted her, using only one arm around her back and
positioning her over him. With the other hand he pushed the material of the pajama
bottoms down, pulled his penis away from his stomach and held it, lowering her
over him. His hips pushed up as she sank down on him so that in an instant she
was completely impaled, full to bursting with hard, aroused Alex.

It hurt, just a little. Not actually
, no. More
like stretched and invaded. And hot. It was like having a burning brand of
steel inside her. He was so tall her feet didn’t touch the floor so she had no
leverage to control the depth of his invasion, the full weight of her body
sinking her down on him. She wriggled a little to find a more comfortable
position and he groaned.

“Oh God.” Alex’s forehead fell to her shoulder with a little
thunk. “Not again.”

She wriggled a little more and felt him, impossibly, swell
inside her as she moved on him. “What?” she asked, breathlessly. It was almost
impossible to breathe, as if her body couldn’t do two things at once—have Alex
inside her and pull in air.

“Foreplay.” His muffled voice floated up. “Fuck. I forgot

It was hard to think of him doing anything that could excite
her more than she already was. The slight discomfort was gone and she was so
aroused she was shaking with it. Alex’s entire body was one huge turn-on. The
crisp chest hair that tickled her breasts and stomach and that turned wiry
around his groin, rubbing roughly against the delicate flesh of her sex, the
steely thighs under her legs, shoulders so broad they exceeded the span of the

And that smell, oh God. Pure Alex. Pure sex.

“It’s okay,” she said shakily. “Another time.”

His head lifted at that and he gave her a half smile, one
corner of his beautiful mouth tilting up. “No,” he said, his deep voice low. “Now.”

Eyes narrowing, watching her face carefully, Alex reached
down to where her body joined his. Carefully, delicately, he touched her
clitoris. It was like being touched by lightning. She jolted.

“That’s it,” he murmured, rubbing her lightly. A wash of
heat so great she almost burned up with it rose from her groin area, together
with a wash of juices. That was it, indeed.

His finger slowly, carefully traced her pussy all around
where it was clenched on his penis, opening her up just a little more. The
thighs under her turned even harder and his hips rose, just a little, reaching
somehow even more deeply inside her.

“Bend back,” Alex ordered.

Caitlin was almost beyond understanding English. “What?”

“Over my arm. Bend.” Alex’s voice was guttural now, hoarse.
He had a steely arm holding her, and she tipped her head back.

“Yeah. That’s it.” It was more a puffing out of breath than
words. Bending to her, Alex licked a nipple. Caitlin whimpered. She was
breathing in fast, shallow pants that sounded loud in the quiet kitchen. With a
low, approving sound coming from his throat, Alex opened his mouth over the tip
of her breast and sucked. Hard.

Her vagina clenched around him.

A noise came from his chest that sounded like a purr.

Each movement of his mouth set off a reaction in her inner
muscles, which caused his penis to jerk inside her. Like a
positive-reinforcement machine.

Caitlin’s muscles were completely lax. If she hadn’t been
held up by his arm, impaled on his penis, she would have fallen to the floor.

Alex switched breasts and the contrast between one nipple in
the heat of his mouth, the other tip wet in the cool morning air, made her

Alex’s mouth left her breasts and moved up, slowly, kissing
her skin every inch of the way to her neck, where he ran teeth and tongue over
a sensitive tendon. She broke out in goose bumps all over. She could feel Alex
smiling against the skin of her neck.

“That’s it,” he whispered against her skin. “Now open more
for me.”

Caitlin blinked. Open more for him? How could she possibly
be more open? A shifting of his hands on her back, an adjusting of her thighs
and she found herself leaning forward, plastered against his chest, her thighs
opened wider by his legs and Alex, impossibly, even more deeply inside her.

“Oh yeah,” he breathed. “Just like that.”

His thighs under her hardened even more as he moved inside
her. At first gently, a light rotation that brought him into contact with every
single erogenous zone inside her, then harder as he started pumping. Short,
lazy strokes that soon grew deeper.

Caitlin’s head had fallen to his shoulder. They couldn’t
kiss. His strokes moved her up and down too much for that. And a kiss would be
wasted right now anyway. Caitlin loved Alex’s kisses. He was amazingly good at
kissing. He never made her feel crowded or like she couldn’t breathe, like
other men’s kisses had. No, Alex knew exactly what to do and how to do it, and
she loved it.

But right now, all her attention was centered on the heat
between her legs.

With difficulty, she lifted her head slightly and opened her
eyes. It was mesmerizing, watching where they were joined. The contrast between
their coloring was electrifying. With each stroke that pushed him inside her,
strands of her pubic hair intertwined with his, pale ash to black. When he
pulled out, his penis was darkly earth-toned and glistening, a contrast to her
bright pink flesh.

She was so wet, pearls of moisture glistened in her pubic
hair and made his penis glisten when he pulled out of her. An intense smell,
the unmistakable smell of sex, drifted up. His churning penis made small
sucking sounds as he worked her. A blind man could smell and hear what they
were doing.

The strokes were becoming harder, deeper, faster. Her chest
rubbed against his, the friction almost as exciting as the friction of his cock
inside her. Almost, but not quite. The friction of his penis was burning her up
from the inside, a whirlwind of heat so intense she couldn’t move, could only
stay with her head on Alex’s shoulder, watching the two of them, a sight so
erotic her skin prickled.

Alex was moving so fast and so hard now, both big hands
clenched hard around her backside, holding and lifting her for him, moving
quickly into the violent rhythms of climax.

Caitlin slowly raised her eyes from where he was pumping in
and out of her, up over the strong stomach muscles rippling with his thrusts,
up to his face, flushed and hard, predatory, the broad chest beneath her hands
bellowing in and out as if he were running a marathon. A lock of thick black
hair had fallen over his forehead, tap-tap-tapping in time with his thrusts.
His narrowed gaze held hers intently, watching her carefully.

BOOK: A Fine Specimen
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