Read A Love Stolen Online

Authors: Ella Jade

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #high school sweethearts, #Series, #Small Town, #contemporary erotic romance, #Erotic, #shotgun wedding, #lost love, #second chances, #Contemporary Romance, #Ella Jade

A Love Stolen (6 page)

BOOK: A Love Stolen
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"I tried not to look." He glanced at the floor. "But, you are beautiful."

"Thanks for not taking advantage of me. I don't know what got into me." She handed him his hot chocolate. "Are you warming up?"

"Yeah." He took the mug from her and smiled when he noticed the

marshmallows. "I put some more wood on the fire."

"Here" She tossed him the blanket, just as the lights flickered. "Oh, great."

"I wondered when we were going to lose power. Most of the town is already

out." He sat down on the floor by the sofa. "It's a good thing you had all these candles lit."

"Your clothes," she said. "The dryer?"

"I'm fine." He placed the blanket over his legs. "The heat of the fire will keep me warm."

"Are you hungry? I could make you something to eat." She needed a distraction because, in that moment, all she could think about was his naked body.

"I ate before I made my way out here."

"Why didn't you just call? It could have saved you the trip." She was glad he hadn't called. She didn't realize how much she'd wanted him here, until he'd shown up a few minutes ago.

"I wanted to see you." He patted on the floor for her to sit next to him. "I couldn't stop thinking about you."

She hesitated for a moment. Could she really sit that close to him, knowing he

was completely naked under that blanket and towel?

Grow up!

She plopped down next to him. "I've been thinking a lot about you, too. We shared some great times. When I look back at the time we spent together, I'm always left smiling. When it was good, it was really good."

"And when it was bad?"

"It was really bad." She laughed. "We were pretty wild."

"It kept things interesting between us. You were feisty." He rolled his eyes. "I seem to remember getting more than one drink thrown in my face."

"You deserved it."

"I'm sure I did." He tucked her hair behind her ear. "It's darker."

"My hair?"

"And, you don't have bangs anymore." He moved his hand through her hair, running his fingers from her scalp to the ends.

She liked the way it felt.

"I missed touching you."

She closed her eyes as he ran his fingers along her cheek and down her neck.

"You're so beautiful."

"Trev." She leaned into his touch. "I don't think—"

"Don't think. That's always been your problem." He kissed the corner of her mouth. "Let's just do what feels right."

"We always end up like this," she said. "What if sex isn't enough?"

"It doesn't have to be just sex." He slipped his hand up her tank top and over her breasts. "I want to be with you."

He kissed her, and all of her worries dissolved into nothingness. She couldn't

remember why she'd fought him in the first place.

She moved her hands to his shoulders, pulling him closer. She could feel his

erection twitching against her thigh as his fingers found their way to her nipples. She wanted him to touch her, to feel her, to make her his.

"We have to lose this." He tugged at the hem of her shirt.

She lifted her arms above her head and let him remove her tank top.

He looked down at her exposed chest and slowly shook his head.

"Just like you remembered?"

"You're even more stunning than I remember." He pushed her onto her back, pulled off his towel and moved on top of her. He trailed his lips down her throat, to her breasts.

Once he put his lips on them, she couldn't hold back the moan that escaped. She wrapped her legs around his hips, then gyrated against his hard cock. She felt her body tremble against his, when he wrapped his strong arms around her. The fire he created deep within her core spread throughout her entire system. She was cold and hot all at the same time. Trevor had a way of making her body defy all that was logical.

"I need to get inside you." He slithered down her body, gripping her pajama bottoms, pulling them from her legs. He glanced down and smiled, as he lowered his lips to her tattoo. "You remember what I said I'd do when you got this?"

She nodded, as she spread her legs and guided him to her hip. "You'd run your tongue along it on your way to my sweet, little pussy."

She felt his hot, wet tongue move across her tattoo, his lips stopping to suck her hipbone, before making his way to her slit.

"Let's see if I can still make you come like this." He moved between her thighs then threw her legs over his shoulder, spreading her wide with his fingers.

There was no doubt in Lila's mind he'd be able to make her come.

She arched her back and thrust her hips against his face.

He slid his free hand under her ass and pushed her lower body to his mouth,

wasting no time inserting his tongue as deeply inside her as it would reach.

"Oh." She pressed her palm to the back of his head, bringing his mouth closer to her heated center. "So good."

He increased his speed with his tongue, licking her with long, hard swipes as the juices seeped out of her and trickled down her backside.

She rocked into him, luxuriating in the way his fingers felt against her sensitive clit. He had her at the brink. Her stomach clenched as he scraped his teeth against her folds. He'd remembered everything she liked. If she hadn't missed him every day for six years, she never would have believed it had been that long since they were together.

She felt as if not a day had gone by.

"Trevor." She cried out as he reached for her hand. She clasped his fingers and squeezed as she let go. He was greedy in his reception. He lapped up her juices, barely missing a drop as he licked her clean. She felt her heart pound hard, as the sound of the blood pumping through her veins echoed inside her head.

She was so focused on her climax, she didn't feel him remove her legs from his

shoulder and move back up her body. She reached down, then took his dick in her hand, rubbing the tip of his head along her folds. Her drenched pussy was ready to take all he could give her.

Just as she draped one leg over his hip and started to work his cock inside her, he reached down and placed his hand on top of hers, stopping what she was about to do.

She let out a breath and looked into his beautiful green eyes. He wanted this as much as she did. She felt the evidence of his desire in the palm of her hand.

"I'm good with this. I want you." She wanted him to know she'd have no regrets.

He kissed her, but she sensed his conflict. "I didn't come prepared for this. We may have gotten carried away."

She kissed him back, smiling against his lips. "I'm still on the pill."

"Thank God." He sighed against her mouth as he pushed inside her. "Lila, you're so wet."

"All for you." She wrapped her other leg around his waist as he pressed her body into the floor. "It's always been for you."

He lifted his body up and pressed his weight on his forearm. He glanced down

and watched as he disappeared inside her.

Their connection was stronger than ever. Any doubts Lila had about the two of

them didn't seem prominent anymore. The only thing that mattered now was they'd rediscovered one another. They'd found what they'd lost in a matter of minutes.

He ran his fingers through her hair. "Look at me."

She focused on him. For the first time since coming back to town, his eyes were the way she'd remembered. Full of life and love.

Could he still love her? After all the time they'd lost?

"I've waited so long for you," he whispered, as he lowered his lips to hers.

"I know." She tightened her hold on his waist with her legs. "Trevor."

Her body tensed, and then she came as hard as she had just a few minutes ago.

The climax rocked through her body as she shuddered against him.

He collapsed onto her, whispering her name as he spilled inside her.

She closed her eyes and held onto him. In a few seconds, he'd remove himself

from her body, and she feared their connection would be lost again.

She couldn't handle not being tied to him. The pull she felt to him now was

stronger than it had ever been before.

Chapter Eight

Trevor pulled Lila back, between his legs, and wrapped his arms around her

waist. She draped the blanket over them and rested her back against his chest,

indulging in the feel of his warm skin. The rain continued to pelt against the side of the house. The storm didn't show any signs of letting up anytime soon. Lila didn't care. She took comfort in the safety of her lover's arms.

"I've missed you so much." He twirled her hair around his fingers. "There wasn't a day I didn't think about you."

"I don't believe that." She held back the tears that threatened to spill; she didn't want to cry. "How could you have thought about me? You had a wife and a baby."

Reality settled in for her. It didn't take long at all. How could she have let things get this far between them?

"I know it was wrong, but you were always on my mind. I wondered what you

were doing and who you were with. I used to ask your dad how you were doing. He told me you'd finished college and were renting a nice house in the city. He was so proud of you."

She wiped her eyes.

"I'm sorry." He held her tighter. "I know you miss him, but he was so happy he was going to live with you, toward the end. He told me."

"He did?" She often worried he was sad to leave his house and friends.

"He said he wanted to spend whatever time he had left with you."

"We had fun." She laughed. "When he was in between treatments and up to it, we'd walk and talk for hours. I miss him."

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you. I had so much shit going on." He shook his head. "I knew his health was failing. I should've at least called you."

"We hadn't spoken in almost five years. Your little boy was sick, and then you went through a divorce."

"I could've called you."

"And I could've called you when I heard Jeremy was sick. Is that why you and Mary Grace broke up? Was the stress of Jeremy's illness too much?"

He shook his head. "I think we were strong enough to handle that."

She shifted her body so she could look at him. She saw the pain in his eyes. She stroked his cheek with the back of her hand. "You look so troubled. I realized it as soon as I saw you the other day."

"That's because you know me better than anyone."

"I know something is wrong, but I understand if you don't want to tell me." She hoped, after what they'd just shared, he'd be able to open up to her. "I can be here for you, if you want me."

"I do," he whispered. "I haven't told anyone why we broke up." He took her hand, then pressed her fingers against his lips. "I'm still so angry."

He didn't speak for a few minutes, but Lila could feel his body tense and his jaw tighten.

"She stole so much time from us."

"Mary Grace?"

"I lost years of my life with you because of her."

"Trevor," she said, "she didn't get pregnant by herself."

"No, she didn't."

"You did what you thought was right. You chose your family, and while I may have been hurt and devastated at the time, you made the right decision. Your son needed you, and you would never have forgiven me if you hadn't chosen them." Now that she was an adult, she understood why Trevor had to make things right for Mary Grace and their baby. It was the right thing to do. She didn't begrudge him his decision anymore.

"Jeremy isn't my son."

His words were loud inside her head. They echoed, like some kind of cruel joke.

What was he saying? Of course, Jeremy was his son. Mary Grace had been pregnant, and Trevor had slept with her. He admitted it. He told Lila he had a responsibility to live up to.

"Why would you say that?"

"Because it's the truth. Mary Grace slept with someone else, after I went back to you. She knew there was a possibility he could be the father, but she never said anything. She didn't tell me until she was forced to."

"When Jeremy got sick?"

He nodded. "We were going over family history, and we needed to do blood

tests and discuss the possibility of bone marrow. She panicked and told me her


"Did you get it confirmed?" Why hadn't she thought to ask for a paternity test when Mary Grace had come forward?

"Yeah, we had a DNA test. He's not mine, not biologically, anyway. But, in every other sense of the word, he's my son."

"Of course." She placed a soft kiss on his lips. "You must have been devastated."

"Betrayed, hurt, angry, depressed." He shrugged. "I felt it all. I love my son, and I would never wish away the time I had with him, or the years I will have, but knowing what was stolen from us," he sat forward, his body tense, "it's so wrong."

"We were young, and we fought all the time. We needed to grow up, Trevor."

She hurt for him. He'd lived through a tough few years. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I know you wouldn't trade any of it for your son."

"No, I wouldn't." He held her tighter. "He's such a special little boy."

Lila hurt for him. He'd been there for Mary Grace and her son. He'd stood by her through the pregnancy, married her, and was there when Jeremy was born. He'd spent years believing he'd fathered that child. He spent months worrying as they scrambled to find a diagnosis for the blood disorder Jeremy had developed.

"I can't imagine what you must be going through."

"It helps you're here. I'm not trying to be selfish, but it was as if I needed you, and now you're here."

"I don't think you're selfish. You could have abandoned your family when you found out."

"I filed for divorce." He looked up at the ceiling. "I struggled with that decision for months. I didn't want to leave my son, but I couldn't live with his mother anymore.

Her family is furious with me."

"They don't know?"

"Mary Grace wants Jeremy to believe I'm his father, and I agreed. The more people who know, the harder it will be for us to keep that from him. I know eventually we'll have to tell him the truth, but right now, he's too young."

BOOK: A Love Stolen
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