Read A Low Down Dirty Shane Online

Authors: Sierra Dean

Tags: #Urban Life, #Fantasy, #Fiction

A Low Down Dirty Shane (5 page)

BOOK: A Low Down Dirty Shane
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Resistance is futile,
it warned him.

Siobhan’s fingers hooked into his belt loops, and she tugged him towards her, his pelvis bumping against her stomach. “Don’t pretend you don’t want to.” She cupped his bulge, and it was his turn to blush.

“This is sort of…unexpected.”

She rose on her toes and kissed him, her mouth demanding and needy. His brain shut down the instant her lips met his. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly against him and groaning into her mouth as the pressure on his erection proved almost too much to handle. Her tongue flicked against his in a greedy, coaxing kiss that promised to end only when he gave in to what she wanted.

Her dress was so short it took no effort at all for him to lift the hem over her hips, and he grabbed her round bottom in both hands, giving a rough squeeze. She made a small noise and fumbled with his fly, pausing briefly for them to both catch their breath.

Shane, panting and still groping her ass, opened his mouth again, much to the chagrin of his dick. “Not to sound like I’m complaining, but how is this going to help save your life?”

She’d managed to undo his zipper, and her hand played over the strained material of his boxers when she said, “They can’t kill me if I’m not a virgin.”

Shane’s cock, suddenly less eager, thought,
You just had to ask, didn’t you?

Shane himself moved his hands in record speed from her ass to her shoulders and pushed her away, keeping her at arm’s length while he tried to redirect the blood flow from his crotch back to his brain. “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?”

“If I’m impure, they can’t sacrifice me.” Siobhan reached for him again, but he managed to keep her far enough away she couldn’t touch anything that might make him forget what he was doing. She gave him a confused look. “You
to fuck me.” She pointed to his dick, which was still mostly erect.

“Siobhan, look, just because my cock likes getting touched doesn’t mean this is a good idea. Believe me, if I left all the decision-making up to him, I’d sit around jerking off all day and my motto would be
She’s better than nothing

Now she looked hurt, which hadn’t been his plan but gave him an opportunity to re-zip his pants. Awkwardly.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” he said.

“You don’t want to?” Self-consciously she covered her chest.

He paused, not wanting to stick his foot further into his mouth. How he’d managed to take a sure thing and crash it straight into the ground in a matter of seconds was something to marvel at. No other man in his right mind would say no to a smoking-hot redheaded virgin who was literally saying,
Take me now

“You’re gorgeous.”

“Great, so…” Her voice trailed off, and she gave a one-shoulder shrug. “I’m not sure how this is supposed to go. Should I have brought you chocolates or something?”

“Siobhan, I’m really flattered you want to, you know, have me deflower you. But this is sort of a serious thing.”


“It’s supposed to be special.”

“Was your first time special?”

“My first time was in the back of a Cutlass and lasted about forty-seven seconds,” he confessed.

“My first time will ensure my family can’t make me a virgin sacrifice next week.” She gave him a look that made him feel properly moronic for trying to be a gentleman. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I won’t hurt you.” She tugged her dress over her head in a gesture so fluid he barely saw her move until she was standing in front of him in only her underwear.

He’d tried to be a decent guy.

Looked like they were going to do this her way.

Chapter Eight

Once she’d stripped bare in Shane’s living room, Siobhan’s bravado faded as he stared at her like she was about to bite him. She’d been led to believe it would be easy to convince a man to have sex with her. Hadn’t Shane himself teasingly said all she had to do was ask nicely?

She gave him a soft smile—her best impression of a sex kitten—and in a breathy whisper said, “Please?”

He groaned. “Oh, goddammit.” He took a step closer, his hands hovering over her hips, and he met her gaze with a stern look. “Are you sure about this?”


“I mean,

“Shane?” She leaned close, her mouth near his throat where she breathed hotly against his skin.


“Could you please shut up and fuck me?”

was the magic word.

He pulled her against him, his lips crushing hers as he fed on her mouth with a brutal, needy kiss. With his hands moving over her body, exploring her newly exposed skin, she wanted to touch more of him too. She yanked at the hem of his shirt, dragging it over his flushed skin until he was forced to break free of the kiss so the garment could be disposed of. Siobhan paused, marveling at his physique. He wasn’t a big man, unless she counted height, but he was all muscle, and his body was that of a fighter—lean and strong. On the left side of his torso, over his ribs, was a large black-and-gray tattoo depicting a woman with a sword, her eyes blindfolded, stabbing a dragon.


Shane, apparently not wanting to let her get distracted, lifted her while making a noise between a growl and a sigh. Siobhan wrapped her legs and arms around him, latching herself to his body as he carried her from the living room to a small makeshift bedroom hidden behind a curtain he’d hung from the ceiling. He knelt on the mattress, only loosening his hold on her when there was no risk of her being dropped.

He met her gaze, and she worried he might ask her if she was sure again. Instead he smiled wolfishly and skimmed his hands from her hips to her breasts, sending a nervous shiver across her skin. This was nothing like she’d prepared herself for. She’d imagined sex plenty of times, her mind wandering over things she’d read in books or seen in movies, but she’d always thought about it in a removed, almost analytical way. She was never meant to experience it herself, so best not to dwell on it. Even when she’d met Shane for the first time she hadn’t let herself admit she’d been attracted to him. Becoming involved with a man was the last thing on her mind, and wanting one was about as smart as being on a diet and spending your days standing in front of a doughnut shop.

If you weren’t allowed to have it, out of sight out of mind was the only safe course of action.

Shane unsnapped her bra with a flick of his fingers, and she shuddered.

Forget being a dieter in a doughnut store. She was a diabetic in a candy factory, and sugar shock was about to set in.

His mouth reversed the path his hands had taken, his tongue and lips trailing daring kisses down her belly and stopping just shy of the waistband of her underwear. “Oh…my.” She breathed raggedly. Shane touched her in an eager, attentive way that made her think it had been awhile since he’d had a woman to play dirty with and he was going to make the most of it while he had her here.

She pushed her own bra off onto the floor but covered her breasts uncertainly.

“No,” he said, stopping his exploration to look up at her from his rather precarious position nestled between her knees. “Don’t hide.”


“Siobhan.” The way he said her name made long-ignored parts of her clench with anticipation. “Who is saving whose life here?”


“Is saving who?” He hooked his fingers in her underwear and gave a warning tug.


“That’s right.” Shane pulled her underwear down until it tickled her knees before removing it and throwing it into the hidden darkness of the room.

In fiction, and the way she’d been led to believe this stuff worked, she was supposed to be in love with him. She was supposed to know his soul and all the Hallmark-romance crap being sold to the masses.

Love was a luxury she didn’t have time for.

If this worked and she had more than five days to live, she’d worry about love later.

He pushed apart her knees, warm fingers rough against her formerly untouched skin. She felt less virtuous with every passing moment and was certain
was the last word to describe the feeling that accompanied Shane’s tongue sliding over the hot bundle of nerves at her core.

She cried out, forgetting all about shyness and self-consciousness, and took her hands away from her chest so she could grab two fistfuls of his thick hair. He’d paused at her exclamation, but when she latched her legs around his back and clenched like a vise grip, he got the message loud and clear.

The longer he lapped at her, the more her thoughts slipped away from worry about her future. When he slid two fingers inside her and she garbled out a string of incomprehensible vowel sounds, she was sure
had gone out the window entirely.

was sex?

She’d imagined it being much more aggressive and…shorter lived. A few sweaty pumps and she could call it a night with her virginity gone and her life saved.

Shane seemed to have a different idea about things, and she wasn’t planning to tell him he was going about it all wrong. What the hell did she know anyway? She hadn’t had a damned clue about sex, that’s for sure, because if she’d had the slightest idea it felt so damned glorious, she’d have thrown away her maidenhood a
time ago.

Her dizzy musings faded into starbursts of light and nothingness when he sucked her clit between his teeth and his tongue flicked with the frenetic energy of a hummingbird’s heartbeat. Siobhan’s back arched as she clawed at his damp skin, and she might have been screaming, but all she heard was white noise and the pounding of her own heart.

The moment exploded, leaving her whole body raw and shocked and her pulse racing.

She released him and melted bonelessly into the mattress, short panting breaths escaping her lips.

“What the fuck?” she whispered.

His head lifted from between her thighs, and the grin on his face damn near melted her resolve to feel nothing. Shane looked so goddamn proud of himself.

“Round one.”

“Holy.” Siobhan stared at the ceiling and tried to brush her hair from her eyes but found her limbs unwilling to respond properly. Her joints were suddenly constructed from overcooked pasta, and her pulse seemed to be throbbing in her vagina instead of her heart.

“You okay?” he asked, the mattress shifting under his weight as he put a knee on either side of her hips and rested his hands beside her shoulders.

She blinked at him and put a weak hand on his cheek. “Save your breath, Hewitt. Your work isn’t done yet.”


Who was this woman?

Shane had met a lot of girls in his time. A few of them had let him bed them and most others were beyond uninterested. Some had been wallflowers and others were so strong they made him feel emasculated because he knew perfectly well they could kick his ass in a fight without breaking a nail.

But the woman under him now was something entirely different.

She shivered, the aftershock of her orgasm shuddering across her body. Possibly her first orgasm. He smiled at the idea he’d been able to give someone their

“What’s so funny?” she asked.

He dipped low, kissing the crook of her neck before moving his attention to her tightened nipple, sucking it between his teeth and lapping the sensitive skin until she was making the nonsensical noises he’d heard moments earlier.

“Nothing funny here,” he replied with a playful growl. “This is serious business.”

Shane reached over and pulled open the nightstand drawer, rooting around blindly for a condom. It may have been awhile, but a hopeful man was still always prepared. Siobhan watched him with detached interest, her warm hands exploring openly now, caressing his ass and moving to cup his balls. She gave a small squeeze, and he groaned.

“Baby…if you want me to take care of that virginity problem of yours, play nice or I’m not going to be any good to you.”

Siobhan’s eyes widened innocently and she released him, but her fingers still dusted playful touches against his shaft, and he didn’t miss the mischievous grin on her lips.

Finding what he’d been looking for, he ripped the condom wrapper open and rolled it on himself so quickly he was almost impressed. Or he would have taken the time to be if there wasn’t a super-hot naked girl writhing under him who needed his loving touch to save her life.

This was one story he’d never be able to retell. Who in their right mind would believe him if he said,
I once got to play hero and save the day by fucking the virginity out of a stone-cold fox.
Even thinking about it, he didn’t believe it and the girl in question was underneath him, looking at him expectantly.

“Are you—?” he started to ask, but she pressed a finger to his lips.

“I swear to God, Shane, if you ask me that one more time, I’ll just knock you out cold and ride your unconscious body until the job is done.”

So much for being Mister Nice Guy. He didn’t want to miss the show, so he shut up.

He nibbled her lower lip, and she raised her hips, grinding her bare pelvis into his. “I don’t mean to rush you,” she whispered, “but I want you inside me. Now.

BOOK: A Low Down Dirty Shane
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