A Memory of Fire (The Dragon War, Book 3) (32 page)

BOOK: A Memory of Fire (The Dragon War, Book 3)
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Rune placed a hand around her
waist, and she leaned against him. This was the same place, here
under these cliffs, where they would wrestle and laugh as children.
This was the place where they'd stand before the wars, watching the
merchant ships rise from the horizon. This was the place where they
had said goodbye two years ago, the first place they had kissed. He
smoothed her hair now, and he kissed her again. Two years ago, it
had been a kiss of farewell, a kiss that tasted of her tears. This
one was better; it was a kiss of hope, of a future, of many more

They walked along the sand, hand
in hand, heading back toward the town. Lynport rose ahead, nestled
between forest and sea. Much of the city still lay fallen, but new
buildings now rose here like saplings rising from the ash of an old
forest fire. A few hundred survivors were finding a new life. A
flame kindled in the lighthouse, the first time it had shone in
twenty years. A distant figure stood fishing on the docks—Tilla's
father, one of the few survivors of the slaughter. Rising farther
back, Rune could see the tiled roof of the rebuilt Old Wheel. A warm
meal, a welcoming dog, and a soft bed awaited them there.

He began to walk toward the town
when Tilla gasped. She squeezed his hand and held him fast.

"Look!" she said.

He turned back toward the sea
and squinted.

A small white square rose from
the horizon, caught the sun, and blazed gold. It grew taller,
blooming from the water, revealing masts and a hull. Five more ships
appeared behind it, sails wide.

"They're returning to
Lynport," Rune whispered. "Like they did years ago."

Tilla nodded and smiled, and a
distant scent of spice wafted on the wind. Rune held her hand in the
sunset, and they stood together on the sand, watching the ships sail





Thank you, dear reader, for reading
The Dragon War

This trilogy concludes a longer saga. If you haven't done so already, you
can go back and read two earlier trilogies set in Requiem:
Song of Dragons
. If you've already read all nine Requiem novels—thank you for being a loyal reader!

So... what's next?

After nine novels in Requiem, I invite you explore a new world. My new series,
, is about a world torn in two—one half always in daylight, the other always dark. I hope you enjoy visiting the world of Moth too.
You can grab the first novel
or search Amazon for "Moth."

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Thank you again, dear reader,
for sharing these stories with me. I hope we meet again between the
pages of another book.

Daniel, 2013




Firefly Island

The Gods of Dream

Flaming Dove

Misfit Heroes

Eye of the Wizard

Wand of the Witch

Song of Dragons

Blood of Requiem

Tears of Requiem

Light of Requiem


A Dawn of Dragonfire

A Day of Dragon Blood

A Night of Dragon Wings

The Dragon War

A Legacy of Light

A Birthright of Blood

A Memory of Fire

The Moth Saga


Empires of Moth

Secrets of Moth



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BOOK: A Memory of Fire (The Dragon War, Book 3)
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