Read A Million Wishes Online

Authors: DeAnna Felthauser

A Million Wishes (26 page)

BOOK: A Million Wishes
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I thought you guys might like something warm to drink. I’m Mikayla.”


She reached out and shook hands with Meghan, then shyly asked the kids “Would you mind if I gave you two a hug? I understand you’ve had a pretty rough night.”


Delilah shook her head yes and went right into Miki’s open arms and squeezed her tight. Her eyes were bright with unshed tears as were Dominique’s. Miki held her right arm out and he followed his sister and hugged her. She patted their backs and smiled. “Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable.”


It warmed her heart when both kids went to Noah and hugged him too before taking a spot on the couch. Meghan took the chair closest to the kids so Noah and Miki sat across from them in the recliners. Noah was limping some. He’d been busy lately with his brother and brother in laws building a play area for kids and also a training course. He had decided to start help training other wounded soldiers and giving hope to the seemingly hopeless. But it had been taking a toll on him and his stump was raw from the long hours of work. Dominique noticed his limp and looked down to see his prosthetic peeking from the leg of his sweat pants.


Mr. Cane. If you don’t mind me askin’, what happened to your leg?” Delilah shushed her brother and told him not to be rude.


It’s ok Delilah. I don’t mind the questions. I’m a Navy SEAL, well, retired now due to my injury. Back in October last year the truck I was in was hit with an IED. I lost my leg from the knee down and had shrapnel all over my left side. That’s why I have all the scars.” He absently ran his hand down his neck.


Wow. You’re a SEAL? That’s bad ass Mr. Cane. You have to be the best to be a SEAL.”


Noah laughed, and Meghan chastised Dominic for his language, trying not to smile even though it made her happy to see the two had already made more of a connection than any other foster home they had been in.


Sorry for the language Sir.”


Just call me Noah and you guys can call her Miki or Mikayla. We’re not too formal around here. We’ll let the language slide this time. It is pretty bad ass to be a SEAL.” Noah grinned and everyone laughed, starting to feel more at ease.


Will you show us your leg sometime Noah?” Dominic asked innocently, curiosity evident on his face.


Dom! Don’t ask stuff like that. Geez you are so rude!” Delilah shook her head, lowering her eyes but not before looking curiously over at Noah.


Now is as good a time as any right?” He pulled his pant leg up and removed his prosthetic slowly starting to unwrap his stump. “Sure you two wanna see this? It’s not pretty.”


By this time even Meghan was leaning forward watching with interest.


I wanna see. That is so cool Noah. Can I touch it?” Dominique was on the floor in front of him now, gingerly touching the prosthetic.


Noah laughed and nodded. “Go for it.” By that time he had the wrap off his leg couldn’t help but wince as the limb throbbed and he massaged the soreness some.


Wow Mr. Cane…I mean Noah. You’re a war hero huh?” Delilah had a single tear slip down her face that she hastily wiped away.


He smiled at her. “I was just doing the job I was born to do Delilah.”


I want to go in the military when I graduate. Lilah don’t want to me because she’d be all alone then, but I want too real bad.”


What branch of the military?” Noah asked.


I thought about Navy. I love the water. I been working out hard with my weight lifting coach in school and I run track just like my big brother does, but I’m not sure I could pass the test to be a SEAL. I want to learn how to fly too. I guess I’m just interested in all of it. Of feeling like I belong somewhere you know?”


Noah shook his head “I understand. No matter what branch of the military you’re in it’s like a brotherhood, a family.”


Yeah, a family that protects each other, and fights for good.” Dom handed Noah back his prosthetic. “I bet it was hard for you not to be able to go back to doing what you love.”


It’s been rough, I won’t lie. Miki and I got married though so I’m really thankful to be home with her now. Too many years of barely getting to see one another can be hard on relationships. Now I’m building a course to help other soldiers get back on their feet again. It’s amazing how your body adapts when you work hard and just keep trying. I’ll take you out and show you after you guys get some sleep.”


You could probably train me then huh Noah? I mean, if you guys let us stay here.”


Noah grinned and nodded. “I could. I won’t go easy on you though. I’ll expect your best.”


Dom smiled at him. “I ain’t afraid of hard work Sir.”


That’s good to hear. We’ll run through some drills this weekend and see where you’re at then.”


Miki was smiling from ear to ear watching them form the tentative strands of a bond already. “As far as we’re concerned as long as Ms. Meghan can work it out, you guys are welcome to stay here. Noah and I have wanted to start a family and you two want a family too right? Looks like a perfect match to me.”


Lilah smiled at her and yawned, wincing and reaching to touch her face again.


Delilah, why don’t you come with me, we’ll find something of mine and Noah’s for you guys to sleep in tonight, and then we’ll go shopping for you tomorrow ok?” Miki stood up and took her hand, smiling when the girl took it and followed her sleepily.


It didn’t take long to find them both something to wear and show them their rooms. “If either of you want to take a shower the bathroom is right here and towels are under the counter. There’s another shower in the master bathroom off our bedroom so you can both get cleaned up if you can stay awake long enough.”


The kids both opted to shower and while they went about it Meghan gave all the paperwork to Miki and Noah, and vowed to help them with the process of adoption after the kids had been with them for 6 months. By the time she left, Miki and Noah were both smiling as they put away the cocoa cups and waited for the kids to get done and settled in bed. It was about 5am when they said their good nights and Miki kissed their cheeks, whispering good night before they turned off the lights and went back to their bedroom.


As soon as they lay down Miki curled against him and rested her head on his chest. “They are perfect for us aren’t they Noah? I just can’t believe it. That we have two blessings in our home now.” She yawned and nuzzled her face against his neck, kissing him there.


It just baffles me that someone could hurt a kid like that Miki. God I wanted so bad to find out where that bastard lives so I can hurt him. But it looks like Dom did a pretty good job according to his knuckles.” Noah chuckled. “Damned if that don’t make me feel like a proud Poppa knowing he did that too. He’s a good kid. They both are. Lilah seems a little shy, but she had a damned rough night. I’m sure she’ll open up with you especially.”


I think it’s going to work out just fine. I know it will. They need us just as much as we need them.” She kissed his chest and yawned again, dozing off.


Noah however, was still awake, listening to the sounds of the early morning. His heart felt full as he listened to his new little family’s soft snores. A year ago he would have laughed if someone had said he would be settled down, married and in the process of fostering to adopt twin teenagers and a multi-millionaire, thanks to the lottery ticket his dad had given them on their wedding day. And here he thought being a SEAL was a crazy life.






Chapter 22




It was a beautiful spring day. Noah was standing at the coffee pot pouring steaming mugs for him and his wife, looking out the kitchen window as the builders worked on their new home. He was surprised the banging of the construction workers hadn’t woken the kids yet. It was nearly ten thirty and Miki was frying bacon and patting out homemade biscuits for breakfast. He watched her work; sitting her mug of coffee on the counter next to her while he looked her over. You would think as time went by desire would fade to at least a low simmer but not between him and his Miki girl. Standing there with her hair piled on the top of her head wearing a pink tank top and cut off jean shorts, he was damn near drooling. In fact, if he wasn’t afraid the kids would wake up soon he’d have already turned the stove off and carried her off to bed again. Noah was smiling when he saw a dusting of flour on her cheek and some on her shirt. He snaked his arms around her from behind and kissed the nape of her neck where tendrils of hair curled down the slender column.


I love you more each and every day baby.”


Miki grinned at him and tilted her head and kissed him. “I love you too Romeo.”


He chuckled and brushed the flour from her cheek, then started brushing his hands over her chest and stomach, making her giggle and swat at his hands. “Noah Cane you stop that! You can’t go around fondling me all the time anymore when the kids are home.”


Laughing, he tried to play it off innocently. “What? I was just dusting the flour off you babydoll, I was helping…”


Turning to the sink and washing her hands off, she nodded towards the stove. “If you want to help, flip the bacon.”


He winked at her and turned to do that as she reached out and pinched his butt. “Hey hey hey Mrs. Handsy! Keep your hands to yourself, I’m working here!”


You started it Romeo!” Mikayla was laughing when she turned towards the fridge to get the eggs out and saw the kids standing there smiling at her.


Morning kiddos. You two are quiet. I didn’t hear you get up.” Blushing she got the eggs and the orange juice out and sat them on the counter.


That’s because you two were too busy flirting with each other.” Dom was smiling as he sat on the barstool watching.


Noah laughed and nodded. “Duly noted!” Poor Miki was blushing while she cracked eggs in the bowl.


Miki is there anything I can do to help? I like to cook. I’m getting better at it too.” Delilah was so soft spoken but looked eager to do something.


Sure sugar. Why don’t you crack all these eggs in this bowl and whisk them up. I’ll get the cheese for them and we can scramble them. Does that sound good?”


Yes ma’am. I can cook that really good.” Delilah smiled and went to work, while Miki got the pan heating with a dollop of butter melting in the pan and started shredding the cheese.


Want me to help with something Miki? I don’t cook so good though, I’m warning you.” Dom said it in such a forlorn voice Miki and Noah both laughed.


How about you pour everyone some juice and set the table then Dom. I can give you cooking lessons another day. The dishes are in the cabinet above the coffee pot and the silverware is in the drawer behind you.”


Her heart swelled with love and peace watching her new little family working together for the first time. Miki quickly turned her head so no one would see the tears of joy that were welling up in her eyes.


Did you guys sleep good?” Noah asked as he took the last of the bacon from the pan and carried the heaping plate to the table.


I sure did.” Dom said as he set the plates on the table, arranging the silverware on the sides of the plates, then folded paper towels into triangles and laid one on each plate.


So did I.” Lilah chimed in, stirring in the cheese as Miki sprinkled it over the scrambled eggs.


Both kids seemed at ease this morning despite the night they had last evening. Lilah’s brown skin showed evidence of bruising on her face, neck, and around her right wrist but her cheek wasn’t nearly as swollen this morning thankfully.


Miki stood next to her and lowered her voice some so she didn’t draw attention to them and make her uncomfortable. “Does your cheek and other bruises feel any better this morning Lilah?”


Yes ma’am, it’s not hurting near as much as last night. It’s just tender when I smile or laugh. I was afraid to even look at it this morning. Does it look real bad Miki?”


She reached out and tucked a ebony curl behind the darling girls ear and kissed her temple, hugging her slight form to her. “No sugar. It looks better than last night. The bruising will go away in a week or so. When we go out today we can pick you up some make up so when you go to school you can cover it up so no one notices, ok?”

BOOK: A Million Wishes
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