A New Journey (Second Chance #3) (5 page)

BOOK: A New Journey (Second Chance #3)
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Chapter Eleven


After dinner Manuel led Callie back to his car. “Manuel, what’s the matter?” Callie asked after they were in the car. “Is something bothering you?”

“Nothing’s bothering me, Callie.” Manuel lied. There was no way he could share his thoughts with her.

Callie shook her head at him and sighed. “If you can’t be honest with me then I think you should just take me home.”

“I’m not taking you home yet.” Manuel told her and sighed deeply. “I am worried that I won’t be able to give you the kind of life you’re used to. I’m worried that you’re going to want things I can’t give you.” He confessed.

Callie looked at him for a moment before anger flared in her eyes. “Are you freaking kidding me? Do you really think that material crap matters to me? Do you see me as that shallow of a person?”

“No.” Manuel said in a strained voice. “I see you as kind and caring and loving. It’s just these things popped into my head and I can’t seem to get them to leave.”

“Manuel, look at me.” Callie urged and when he looked over she reached out a hand and stroked his cheek. “I don’t care about material things and I don’t care how many zeros are at the end of your paycheck. I care about you and how you make me feel. I can live without the jewelry and clothes and fancy house as long as I have love and commitment and understanding. Do you love me?”

“I do, more than anything.”

“Then that’s all I need.” She told him and smiled.

He smiled and leaned over. When his lips brushed against hers she smiled a little and pressed her lips more firmly against his. When he groaned and parted his lips slightly she deepened the kiss. After a few minutes he pulled away and she could see the heat in his eyes. “Too much?” She asked in a slightly deeper voice than normal.

“Not enough.” He answered and pulled her to him again. This time when his lips touched hers there was no hesitation in his kiss. He twined his hands into her hair and parted her lips with his tongue. When she trailed her fingers through his short, cropped hair he pulled his lips from hers and softly kissed her neck. “We’d better stop before I can’t. I know you aren’t ready and neither am I.”

Callie pulled out of his arms and looked him in the eyes. “You make me feel things I’ve never felt before.” She admitted and he groaned.

“Saying that to me isn’t helping.” He said and she grinned.

“How about this, we finish our date and see where the night takes us?” She suggested.

“Sounds like a plan, but I know where the night isn’t going to take us and that’s back to my apartment.” He told her as he started the car.

She grinned as they pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward the lights of the city. “Where are we going?” She asked, knowing he probably wouldn’t answer.

“It’s a surprise.” Was all he said and she giggled a little.

“Okay. I’ll just wait and see. I’m not a very patient person though.” Callie told him with a grin.

“You won’t have long to wait.”

She sat there quietly for a few minutes before she looked up and over at him. “You’re right about something. I’m not ready yet.”

He took one hand off of the steering wheel and reached over to hold one of hers. “I know and I’m okay with that. We’re going to walk this road together, and at your pace, because as long as I’m walking with you, I’m perfectly fine with taking it slow.”

Callie grinned and kissed the back of his hand. “I’m perfectly fine too.”

They rode the rest of the way in a comfortable silence and when they pulled into the parking lot of the arena Callie grinned. “You’re taking me ice skating.”

“Karla said you loved it so I thought it would be a nice surprise.”

“Okay, Mr. Tropical Island, have you ever been on ice skates before?”

“Once. I was about thirteen and Abuela took us to New York right after Christmas. We ice skated in Central Park.”

“Did you stay on your feet or on your butt?” She asked with a grin and he laughed.

“My butt,” He answered and she laughed. “I think I’ll do better with a little guidance though.”

“Well then come on, Mr. Tropical Island, let’s see what you can do.” She grinned and got out of the car before he could come around and open the door for her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close as they walked across the almost empty parking lot and into the building.

“You sure you want to do this?” Callie asked after they laced up their skates.

“Yeah. It will be fun.” Manuel answered in a tone that sounded like he was terrified.

Callie shook her head and stood up. When she stretched out her hand Manuel looked at her and smiled. “I promise I won’t let go.” She told him and he reached the last couple of inches and laced his fingers with hers.

“I’ll hold you to that.” He said as she led him to the ice.

After a few minutes of stumbling around and clinging to the wall for support, Manuel found his balance. Callie grinned and pulled him a couple of feet from the wall, onto the almost empty ice. When he lost his balance and fell she landed on top of him and they both burst out laughing. “Maybe we should stick to the wall.” She teased and tried to pull herself off of him. When he held her tighter she looked into his eyes and saw the fire that had ignited in their chocolate depths.

“That’s probably a good idea.” He said before he kissed her forehead and lifted her off of him. “Good thing the ice is cold.” He mumbled to himself.

“Yeah,” She said, having overheard him. “I think it’s probably a good idea if we call it a night and you take me home. I don’t think either of us are ready for this.”

“I agree.” He answered, but grabbed her hand before they started off the ice. “I think we can handle this though.” He told her with a smile.

She smiled back and looked at their joined hands. “Yeah, we can handle this.”

Twenty minutes later Manuel stopped his car in front of Callie’s house and got out. He opened her door and they walked in silence to the porch.

“I have a little time before I have to go in. Want to sit out here for a bit?” She asked and nodded to the wicker bench on the porch. When they sat she laid her head over on Manuel’s shoulder. “I had a great time tonight.”

“So did I.” He told her then shifted a little. “Callie, look at me.” When she did he captured her face in his hands and lowered his head to hers. When their lips met she sighed and he kissed her deeply. When he broke the kiss he looked into her sparkling eyes. “I want more with you than I ever have with any girl. I want to see where this goes.”

“I want that too, Manuel. I love you.” She said and brushed her lips over his once more.

“I love you too. Now, I think it’s time you go inside and I head home. I want to take that kiss further, but now isn’t the time and this certainly isn’t the place. Goodnight, Callie. I’ll text you when I get home.” He brushed his lips over hers once more before he stood, walked to his car and left.

She sat there alone for a few minutes before she got up and walked into the house.

Chapter Twelve


“Callie, come on. We are going shopping, not on a date.” Conner yelled at his sister’s door.

“Relax, Con. I’m ready.” Callie said as she opened the door.

“About time. We’re supposed to be meeting Karla and Elliot in twenty minutes and I don’t want them to have to wait for us.”

“Chill. We’ll make it in time. The mall is only ten minutes from here so even if we hit traffic we will make it.”

“I don’t understand why you had to put on make-up to go clothes shopping anyway.” Conner said has he grabbed his keys off the hook by the door. “It’s not like Manuel will be there.”

“You never know.” Callie said with a grin as she climbed into the passenger seat.

Conner chuckled and started the car. Fifteen minutes later they pulled into the mall parking lot and saw Karla and Elliot just getting out of the car. Conner grinned when he saw a space open right beside her and he pulled into it.

“Hey.” Elliot said with a grin.

“Hey, little bro.” Conner responded. “How’s it going?”

“Karla didn’t kill me with her driving, so it’s going alright.” Elliot teased and Karla scowled at him in mock irritation.

“Watch it or you’ll be riding the bus to school.” Karla said with a grin.

“Rylee’s already here.” Callie said and nodded to Rylee’s bright yellow Civic. “She won’t wait in the food court for long before she takes off to find the perfect first-day-of-school outfit.”

Conner and Elliot looked at each other and rolled their eyes. “Women.” Conner said and Elliot laughed.

“Yep, women.” Elliot said though a fit of laughter.

“Come on, Karla. Let’s leave these two loons to their hilarity and get our shopping on.” Callie said as she pulled Karla towards the mall entrance.

“Hey, wait up.” Conner yelled and he and Elliot jogged to catch up with the girls.

“Thought you’d change your mind.” Callie said with a grin at her brother. She knew how much he cherished his time with Karla.

“There you guys are. I have been waiting forever.” Rylee said dramatically when they stopped beside her.

“Forever is a bit of an exaggeration.” Travis Carpenter said from the other side of her. “It’s been about five minutes.”

“Well, when you’re wanting to find that perfect outfit five minutes feels like forever.” Rylee retorted with a grin.

“Women,” Elliot said and rolled his eyes.

“I heard that, Elliot Matthews.” Malinda said from behind him. “I think it’s time for us women to go shopping and leave these so called men on their own.”

“I fully agree.” Madison said from beside her. She was still in a wheelchair, but was getting around on crutches some too. “I’m going for dresses and skirts today. I am so tired of wearing stretchy shorts and capris.”

“I know the perfect place.” Rylee said with a grin as she grabbed the handles of the wheelchair and started pushing Madison in the direction of her favorite clothing store.

“Of course she does.” Travis said with a roll of his eyes.

“Conner, man, how do you deal with these three and their shopping habit?” Trevor asked

“What do you mean?” Conner asked in confusion. He loved spending time with his girls, which is how he saw them all.

“They come shopping a couple times a month, right?” Trevor asked and Conner nodded. “You almost always come with them, right?” When Conner nodded again Trevor continued. “How do you do it? There is no way I could spend hours at the mall while those three shopped.”

“Before I answer I have a question. Why are you here?” Conner asked.

“Because Mallie and Maddie wanted to go shopping and we didn’t want them to go alone in case something happened.” Trevor answered.

“Exactly. I started coming to the mall with Cal and Ry the summer between eighth and ninth grade because I didn’t want them to come alone. When Karla joined the group I couldn’t not come. Now that we’re older I let them come alone sometimes, but I like to be close in case they need me.” 

“So basically you come with them for their protection.” Trevor stated and Conner nodded. “Do they know you’re here for their protection?”

“I don’t know and I don’t care if they do know. Even if that tidbit of information were to irritate them, which I don’t think it would, I would still come and hang out here when they were here because I have to know they’re all alright.”

“Umm.. guys?” Elliot said before Trevor could respond. “They already know that Conner comes with them mostly so he can keep an eye on them and they’re alright with it.”

“How do you know that?” Trevor asked in a dismissive voice. He really didn’t like Elliot.

“Karla told me. They figured it out a long time ago, but have never said anything because they know you do it because you care about them.”

“That I do, little bro. Now, I need some new jeans and Karla expects me to help you pick out some shirts. You are all leaving tomorrow for Texas and she wants you to look nice.”

“Karla doesn’t want to go.” Elliot said with a note of sadness in his voice. “I understand why she doesn’t though.”

“Hey, little bro, she may not want to go, but she will because she loves you.” Conner told him.

“I know she loves me. I love her too and don’t want her to be sad. Being in Texas makes her sad because of the memories and being away from you, Callie and Rylee.”

“I know, but she would rather be sad than feel like she’s let you down. I promise she will be okay. It’s just for a few days this time.” Conner told him then grinned. “Now, let’s go find you some awesome shirts for your trip and school.”

Chapter Thirteen


“Is it bad that I really don’t want to go to Texas this time?” Karla asked her friends.

“No,” Callie answered as she stepped out of the fitting room. “Texas holds a lot of memories for you. I wouldn’t want to go back either.”

“Karla, can I ask you something?” Malinda asked softly.

“You can ask me anything.”

“Elliot told me a little about y’all’s mother, but he never knew her and I was wondering about what he told me.”

“What did he tell you?” Karla asked her. She didn’t mind talking about her past now. That was all behind her.

“That she was an alcoholic and very mean to you and that she abandoned him when he was just a little baby.”

“She abandoned us both that day. She was a very mean alcoholic and she never really cared about anyone but herself, but I have forgiven her and moved on. She is in my past, but because of her I am the person you know today. If not for her I would have never learned how not to treat people.”

“If you’ve forgiven her then why is it so hard to go to Texas?” Madison asked in a quiet voice.

“Going back to Texas brings up memories of my time before her. Of the times I was happy and loved.”

“But shouldn’t those be good memories?” Malinda asked in confusion.

“They are good memories. Until two years ago those good memories had been beaten down by Diane and her boyfriends. When I went back to Texas for the first time last year I was slapped in the face by the memories and wasn’t prepared to handle them. When we went after Christmas we stayed in the house I lived in with my grandparents and I was bombarded by more memories I had long forgotten. Going back this time will be more of the same. I’m going because I would never do anything to upset Elliot, but I’m apprehensive all the same. I don’t know what to expect.”

“Have you talked to Elliot about how you feel?” Callie asked.

“No and I’m not going to. I don’t want to upset him.”

“He already knows you don’t want to go.” Malinda informed her.

“How?” Karla was stunned by this news. She hadn’t said anything to anyone about it until today.

“I don’t know how he knows, but he told me yesterday that you didn’t want to go to Texas.” Malinda answered her.

“I’ll talk to him.” Karla vowed just as Rylee stepped out of the fitting room.

“I found the perfect first-day-of-school outfit.” She said with a grin and the topic of conversation shifted to clothes.

Two hours later, when the girls met back up with the guys in the food court for lunch, Karla walked up to Elliot. “Can I talk to you for a minute please?”

“Sure, sis.” He replied and followed her to a table away from everyone else.

“Elliot, Malinda told me that you know I don’t want to go to Texas.”

“I do know you don’t want to go and I understand why.”

“It isn’t really that I don’t want to go as much as it’s that I don’t know what to expect when I do go. Both times I have been back to Texas I’ve been bombarded with memories I had long ago buried, memories of Grams and Pops. Diane did her best to beat those memories out of me and she succeeded because I had truly forgotten how happy those times without her were, but when I stepped through the door and into the kitchen of the old house I was instantly swept back to a time when happiness and love were all I knew. It makes me sad and angry knowing that I let someone as vicious as Diane take away something as precious as the memories of that time.”

When Karla stopped talking they sat there in silence for a few minutes before Elliot touched her shoulder. “You know what Diane did wasn’t your fault and you know that there wasn’t anything you could have done to stop it. You were a little girl and had no control over what she did. You’re a different person now though. You stand up for yourself and your friends and you don’t back down or cower in a corner when faced with confrontation anymore. You are strong and brave and smart, and you are the best big sister in the world.”

“How did you get to be so smart, little brother?” Karla asked in a teasing voice.

“I have the smartest big sister in the world, that’s how.” He answered with a grin. “Now, let’s eat.” He added and they walked back to the group to decide what to have for lunch.

BOOK: A New Journey (Second Chance #3)
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