Read A Playboy's Love Affair Online

Authors: Emily Quinn

Tags: #Contemporary

A Playboy's Love Affair (6 page)

BOOK: A Playboy's Love Affair
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When the game was over, Alex grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. “Thank you for volunteering me. Next time, a heads up would be appreciated.” He pulled her closer, guiding her around the park to the playground.

“You’re welcome. I thought you might like it. It’ll do you good to do a good deed every once in a while,” Carly replied, sitting on one of the swings.

Alex closed the distance between them and covered her hands with his on the handles on either side, pulling her toward him. “I do good deeds all the time. I just don’t flaunt them in people’s faces.” He kissed the tip of her nose and released her swing, turning around to sit on the swing next to hers. “Do you come here every Saturday?” he asked, swinging himself up high.

“Yes, during the season.” Carly closed her eyes as she swung herself up high too. “I never imagined you’d stay for the game.”

“Why?” he said from up in the air.

“You don’t strike me as the ‘I like kids’ kind of guy, or is that another one of those things you hide from people?” She swayed forward.

Alex remained silent considering her question. Kids weren’t in his life’s plan the same as marriage wasn’t. That didn’t mean he disliked kids, but from liking to having kids was a stretch, and a bridge he’d never cross and not something others needed to know.

“Do you want to have kids?” he asked.

Carly closed her eyes once again allowing the swing to take her up. She dipped her head back, letting her long tresses dance with the light sunset breeze. “Why, yes. I’d like to have three kids. The thing is, I have a big problem.” She paused. “I have yet to find Mr. Right. How about you?”

Her words shook him up in a way that was foreign to him, something he’d never experienced before. “Do I look like father material to you?”

“No. You’d make a terrible father,” Carly said, rocking her swing upward once more.

Alex jumped off of his swing and walked over to hers.

“What are you doing?” Carly squealed in hilarity as she bumped into him hard and fast, stumbling him back.

Alex wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him as he fell on the sand with her on top. In the midst of incontrollable laughs he rolled her on her back and placed a leg between her thighs. One arm supported him as his other hand rested right by her breast. His breath intermingled with hers.

This was the side of Carly he didn’t know but craved. She was beautiful. Alex couldn’t find a trace of the woman who always tried to best him in the hopes to be rid of him. Her parted soft pink lips held an unspoken but very visible invitation for him to claim them. He inclined his head and brushed his lips over hers. This was a different kind of kiss. It was sweet, it was fresh, it was better than any other kiss they’d shared. Her lips tasted like honey to him, and he could drink from them all day long. Carly arched up her body in response to his demand for more then, reality kicked in. He was in a public place kissing a woman who drove him mad and in an inappropriate position to most eyes.

He murmured against her mouth, “I think we should go before we get an audience.” Alex didn’t have to tell her twice. One moment he’d been on her, the next he’d ended on his butt.

“Don’t forget never to kiss me again,” Carly said.

Alex got on his feet and dusted off the sand on his pants. “You kissed me too.”

“That’s only because… That was…” Her lips moved but no words came out.

“That’s what I thought.” He reached for her hand and led her back the way they’d come from. No one said another word.

“I had a really good time.” Alex broke the silence when they reached her building entrance.

“I had a good time too. Thank you for not leaving.” Carly hesitated for a moment. “I’d ask you up but I don’t think that’s a good idea. I think you should go.”

Alex dropped a sweet kiss on her lips. “Good night darling.”

Carly disappeared behind the door and Alex walked back to his car. Whatever had happened today should’ve never happened. He’d only stayed for the game to go along with whatever she’d planned, mostly to get on her nerves, put her out of sorts because she expected the opposite from him. But once again Carly had turned the tables, now Alex was a sponsor to the Little Boys Big League, and even more tangled in her meticulous web. He’d even talked about kids. Something must really be off with him. His conversations with women were limited to everything else that didn’t include the words: relationship, marriage or kids.

Alex was going mad, thinking straight every time Carly was around required energy he’d rather spent in other activities, preferably in bed. Thoughts of her clouded his mind, and given that nothing was happening any time soon he knew the perfect place to go.

Chapter Nine

It was Sunday early evening and Alex had spent most of the afternoon at Paul’s home playing a game of pool with him and Dominic. He’d been glad for the distraction considering the alternative would’ve been thoughts of Carly’s legs wrapped around his waist. Jesus! But he needed to get out of whatever spell she had him under. Alex didn’t know if he was borderline obsessed or borderline in love.

In love? No, of course not! He wasn’t in love. Alex St. Jones didn’t believe in love. He didn’t do emotional. Playing hard to get was a new game to him, if Paul and Dominic found out about his wandering thoughts, they’d tease him mercilessly. The self-proclaimed bachelor, who’d always expressed zero interest in marriage, was having second thoughts about the emotional rollercoaster of a long term relationship. That would be the joke of the century. Then again, who was he kidding? Alex had to admit he’d fallen under Carly’s spell the first time his lips had a taste of hers. If only to prove he’d been hallucinating at the remote possibility of being under her spell, he’d kissed her time and again. But denial was making him the bigger fool. Every night as his eyes closed the memory of her warm soft lips crushing his reappeared, reminding him he’d enjoyed their kisses more than he should have. No. This was pure hallucination. He’d never, ever fall prey to a woman’s charm. Not with emotions and shit like that.

Alex had left her after the tee ball game and met up with old friends at a club in the hopes a different scene would order his thoughts. He’d even gotten reacquainted with an old girlfriend only to realize his body and mind weren’t in it. Alex had excused himself and cruised for hours before heading home. This was all Carly’s fault, and until he had her, it’d be impossible to go back to his normal state.

What was normal anyway?

“Snap out of it, Alex.” Dominic whacked him on the back and handed him a beer bottle.

“What the f—” Alex snatched the bottle from Dominic.

“Leave the man alone.” Paul stood a few feet away and took a drink from his beer as his eyes searched his studio.

“Hmmm…I smell girl trouble.” Dominic glanced up from his beer at Paul and Alex.

Alex ambled in the opposite direction, setting some distance between them. “What, I didn’t know Dominic Delvecchio had girl problems.”

“Dominic Delvecchio has many problems, but never let it be said he has girl problems,” Dominic replied.

Taking a long swig from his beer bottle, Alex studied his friends. “Yeah, yeah, you keep telling yourself that.”

Paul cleared his throat. “What’s the latest with Carly? Will she stick to the contract?”

Alex choked. “How do you know about the contract?” Paul’s silence and the knowing look on his face spoke aloud how he’d found out about it. “Kiera,” Alex said under his breath in what sounded almost like a curse.

Dominic’s gaze danced from one friend to the other. “Can one of you tell me what am I missing?”

Alex turned to Paul. “I don’t know if she will but she signed accepting my terms.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that last.” Paul shoved a hand in his pants’ pocket.

Alex held up his beer. “She signed. It’s a binding contract. Of course if…”

“Oh but this is rich,” Dominic interjected as he propped a leg on Paul’s desk. “You had Carly sign a one-sided contract, that if I’m not mistaken it’s totally beneficial to you, not her. If she didn’t sign, you threatened to prosecute her except…” His leg dangled from the desk. “All three of us know you wouldn’t have gone through with it but she didn’t, and now Kiera is involved.” He upstretched his beer bottle in Alex’s direction. “Cheers my dear friend. Brace yourself because you’re about to get punked.” Dominic downed the rest of his beer in one swallow.

“Where did we find this alien and why is he our friend?” With a crease in his brow Paul directed his attention to their new visitor.

“Hi guys,” Kiera said, standing motionless by the door. “Dinner will be ready in ten, meet you at the terrace?”

Paul nodded in response.

The warm gentle breeze carried a familiar laughter, Alex had been so busy evading answers and defending his actions he hadn’t realized other company had arrived. Alex hadn’t heard Carly laugh a lot since she argued with him most of the time, yet he’d know that harmonious sound anywhere. Why was he not surprised she was here?

He already knew the answer. Carly was close friends with Kiera, how he’d never met her before now was a complete mystery to him. Alex was suddenly in good spirits and excited to see her until he set foot on the terrace and caught her in an enthusiastic conversation with Kiera’s brother.

“Jay! Come on, you can’t be serious…”A hearty laugh escaped her throat.

Jay’s toned arms encircled her waist in a playful way, bridging the gap between her body and his. “Oh baby girl, but I’m dead serious.” Jay inclined his head whispering something in her ear that made her throw her head back in glee once more, allowing Jay to place a soft kiss on her exposed delicate alabaster neck.

“Ahem…” Alex cleared his throat in an effort to cool down the unfamiliar territorial wave that stroke him. “Jay I didn’t know you’d be here.”

Jay’s head came up. “Hey man, good to see you,” he replied, not once losing his hold of Carly.

Carly slowly half turned her head toward Alex. “Hi there,” she said through a tight lip smile. After the quick greeting exchange, she carried on her conversation with Jay paying Alex no heed.

Alex lost his appetite. Dinner was a blur and sat in his stomach like a big lead ball. It would’ve been delicious had he not had to endure all that honey exuding from Carly’s flirty conversation with Jay to go with it. Then, as if God sent, his moment came. Carly excused herself and headed inside the mansion. After a few moments, he discreetly followed her into the powder room.

“What are you doing here?” a startled Carly said to the mirror as Alex stood right behind her.

“I thought I was clear on the conditions of our contract,” he said back to her reflection. She’d teased him slow and long during dinner, now it was his turn. Alex sealed the space between them and placed his arms on either side of her, trapping her in. His crotch pressed against that sweet ass of hers, if Carly knew better, she wouldn’t move or else there was no telling what would happen next. “Do I need to tell you again the conditions of our contract?” The moist heat of his lips brushed her left earlobe as he breathed in her familiar perfume.

“No. You don’t. Unfortunately, your name alone reminds me of it,” she replied.

“Then, what are you doing here with Jay? I thought I was clear when I said—”

“Is that what this is about?” She swirled in his arms and faced him. “As I recall, your contract says I can’t date but it doesn’t say anything about flirting, dancing, kissing or messing around. As I see it, I’m following your ridiculous contract to the letter.”

Her body perfectly molded to his as he pressed her against the marble counter. His face was nearly an inch away, the intensity of her gaze confirmed he affected her the same way. Alex forced her feet apart leaning into her, showing her just how much his body desired hers. “You’re not going to flirt, kiss, dance or fuck anyone who isn’t me, understand?”

“What are you gonna do, Alex? Make up another stupid contract, or sue me for real?” She moved but stopped at the feel of his erection.

“I will fuck you until you’re senseless and leave you begging for more.” His hand moved up her back tangling his fingers in her long wavy hair, finally bringing his lips down on hers.

She parted her lips, giving into his demand, her arms wrapping around his neck. His tug on her hair fueled their passion, and Carly clung to him, deepening the kiss. His lips moved away from her luscious mouth, leaving a trail of soft kisses along her chin and down her neck. Alex stopped right on the spot Jay kissed earlier and gently bit it. “No one can touch you during the term of our contract, is that clear?” he whispered, brushing his lips lightly over her skin.

“N-no.” Carly licked her lower lip.

His mouth trailed its way back to her lips. “Don’t play games, Carly, I’m warning you.” He claimed her mouth once more, his demanding lips showing her who had the reins. His free hand cupped her breast, his fingers playing with a taut nipple through the soft fabric of her blouse. She arched her body in reaction to his caress asking for more, and he intended to do just that. He untangled his fingers from her hair, his hand stroking her back.

Alex caught her soft moans against his mouth. His lips left hers following the side of her jaw to the sensitive spot by her earlobe. Her body shifted in a silent plea he couldn’t ignore asking for release. He pulled up her skirt, his hands lifting her on top of the counter, wrapping her legs around his hips. His fingers caressed her long bared legs paying close attention to the sensitive skin on the back of her knees slowly making their way between her legs, leaving a hot trail in their wake.

Carly tossed her head back, closing her eyes at his featherlike touch. His fingers traced the line of her lace thong and tore it without any advance notice, finding their way into her warm, wet folds, making her groan at their exquisite intrusion.

This was how he wanted to see her, lost in need, silently begging for release but he wouldn’t give it to her just yet. He wanted to taste her first. Alex crouched between her legs and a soft cry escaped her lips when his mouth replaced his skillful fingers. His tongue explored alongside her delicate lips focusing on her pearl, teasing it with the hotness of his mouth. He blew on it as his lips closed around it, his tongue lapping it. Alex groaned as two of his fingers ventured inside her slick entrance. “You’re so wet.” He inhaled her scent, letting it tease his senses. If he wanted to have his way with her, right here and now she was ready for his taking. His fingers thrust into her, his tongue teasing her sensitive bud, drawing it into his mouth.

BOOK: A Playboy's Love Affair
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