A Question Of Size: Stacey's Story (The Right Fit Series Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: A Question Of Size: Stacey's Story (The Right Fit Series Book 1)
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“Well?” Alessandro’s voice broke into my thoughts.

“I’m sor… err, I came today to ask you for a favour, but now I don’t think I can.” My hands felt clammy. I ran them down the side of my jeans.

“What type of favour?” he asked, cocking his head to the side, gazing at me through his thick eyelashes. The length and thickness of his lashes made it impossible for me to gauge what he was thinking. His facial expression was statue like, his gaze unblinking.  “From your nervousness, I can only assume it’s of a delicate nature. Am I right is this assertion?”

I watched as the smile crept to his lips from my obviously puzzled appearance.

What the fuck was wrong with him? One minute he was speaking his language, as sexy as it sounded. Now he was spurting out some convoluted words, none of which I understood in my current state of unease; the dick. Well fuck him. I got up to leave. I’d be fucked if I was going to play word games with the dickhead.

“This was a mistake,” I said walking towards my things.

“No, T
wait,” he said, standing and moving towards me.

I stood and waited for him be in front of me.

“What is it you want of me?” His accent was getting thicker again. “Tell me, I am prepared to listen,” he said, taking my hand and drawing me down beside him on the sofa. He let me go and turned sideways to face me. “Now, cara, speak. I am all ears.”

“I don’t know where to start.”

He was so close I could feel his breath on my face.

“Relax, and just let the words come to you.” He smiled at me and a familiar tingle seeped through my body. I squeezed my legs tightly together to erode the feeling.

“I’m married,” I said, as if that was some kind of explanation.

“I know,” was all he said in response.

Somehow, his acceptance of my marital status made saying the rest easier. I told him about my past and the lack of sexual satisfaction throughout my marriage until recent events. Then explained that being with him had changed all that. Finishing with my request to have him fuck me while Jeff watched.

He straightened in his seat “Cazzo!” he turned to look at me, “Non
ti rendi conto di cosa mi stai chiedendo

“What?” I asked

“Now I’m sorry. What I said is, you don’t know what it is you are asking of me.”

“I’ll understand if you say no. It’s just that you’re my fantasy and I know it would be great with you.”

“I like that I’m your fantasy. I don’t know.” His hand moved to his chin, long fingers caressed it as he pondered my suggestion.  “Non voglio mostrarti,” he said, staring at me.

“If this is difficult for you... We can...”

He pulled me into his arms.

“I missed you.” He covered my face with featherlight kisses. His mouth found mine. “Ti voglio,” he said, his voice rough, his breathing heavy. Strong hands were everywhere. “Before I agree to anything, I want you naked and in my bed. Not like the last time. I want to look at you, hold you in my arms and see the beauty of your face as I make love to you.”

After that kiss, I wanted that too. I nodded and he grabbed my hand. “
Adesso ti faccio vedere come un vero uomo fa venire una donna,
” He whispered close to my ear. I don’t know what he said, but I was hot and ready for him. “I need no audience to make you scream with the pleasures I have in store for you. You will come many times.”

Let’s just say he kept his promise.

While I dressed to leave, Alessandro came towards me, the beauty of his manhood amazed me even as it swung flacid between his legs as he moved. He lifted my chin with his thumb. “Lo farò per te, ma solo questa volta.” He pressed his lips to mine.

“What did you say?” I asked

“Pardon my rudeness. I said I will do this thing you ask, but it will only happen this one time. Let me know when you want to do this.”


Jeff arrived home to a meal of meat lasagne and a tiramisu for desert. I wanted to get him in the mood for the Italian job I had planned. While we ate, I put my plan to action.

“We had a call from Bradley,” I lied.

“Oh ya, what did he want?”

“He gave me the name for a third he wants to recommend.”

“Really?” Jeff said, spooning another mouthful of tiramisu into his mouth.

“Yes it was the young man’s name that gave the inspiration for tonight’s meal.”

“What is this person, Italian?” he asked.

“Yes or at least I think so with a name like Alessandro,” I said, not raising my head from my plate should Jeff recognise me for the liar I was fast becoming.

“Well what do you think? It is your body after all. Although I must say after eating your Italian cuisine I have an appetite for something a little different,” he said.

“So should I call him and make the arrangement? When would you want us to do it?” I asked, and fluttered my eyelashes at him.

“I think you should make it for Friday night. If the rumours are true, from what the men say at the gym, the Italians have a lot of stamina. We could be in for a long night.”

“That’s settled then, I’ll make the call,” I said, standing to clear away the dirty dishes. My back to Jeff, I was grinning from ear to ear.

Friday night it was then.


Either Alessandro arrived early or Jeff was running late, I can’t remember which. I just remember Jeff coming home to find Alessandro with me laughing in the kitchen. He entered wearing an enquiring gaze that moved sharply between each of us. A guarded shadow came over him and he appeared to stiffen up. I ignored his aloofness, putting it down to a hard day at work.

I sauntered towards him with a big smile strapped to my face. So pleased with myself, that I ignored the signs something was amiss.

“Hi honey,” I said, planting a kiss on stone hard cheeks.

I took his hand and brought him closer to Alessandro. “Alessandro, this is my husband Jeff. Jeff, meet Alessandro. I invited him for dinner. Let me take your coat and bag while you men get acquainted,” I said. I took Jeff’s briefcase from a hand of steel as if he didn’t want me to have it at first. Then his fingers relaxed and he released the bag. He relinquished his coat a lot easier.

By the time I came back, Jeff seemed more relaxed and they were deep in conversation. I heard Jeff laugh a few times at something Alessandro said. I glanced over at the two men and my heart soared. Jeff was being a great host handing Alessandro another drink. I felt so happy and secure in the knowledge that the chemistry was back.

Jeff raised a brow when he saw me laying the table in the kitchen instead of the dining room, but remained silent. He didn’t take his eyes off me as I worked, but I didn’t care. I was floating on cloud nine. My anticipation of the night ahead made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Busy with my preparations, I muzzled the need to hum and didn’t hear Jeff come up behind me. “Alessandro seems like a nice guy,” he whispered in my ear. “How long ‘til dinner, I need to wash up and change out of my work things?”

“You’ve got about ten minutes, fifteen at a push.”

“I’ll be back in five,” he said and left the room after excusing himself to Alessandro.

“Your husband is a very solid man, why do you both need to do this kind of thing?” Alessandro asked. His breath caressed my hair as he leaned over me. I stepped aside and turned to face him.

“I told you why. With Jeff only minutes from returning, why would you ask me again now? You’re not backing out are you?” I asked, the panic roaring to the surface.

“Relax, tesoro, I’m not changing anything. I’m a man of my word. I told you I would do this. I’m just curious, you seem to be in love, yet you need a third person in your bed. Seems a little loco to me. That’s all.”

Flustered I had no idea how to answer what Alessandro had said. He was right. Jeff and I were in love, he was everything to me. Why did we need a third? It was fun when we were experimenting, but now it was fast becoming our way of life. I wasn’t sure I wanted it anymore. I made a decision: after tonight I’d ask Jeff if we could stop. It didn’t feel right and hadn’t for a while now.

I’d thought it was because I wasn’t interested in the other men. However, maybe it was because I just didn’t want my body used that way anymore. Jeff seemed addicted to watching other men deep within me. I just wanted to make Jeff happy; keep the harmony we seemed to have found. Making love to Jeff without the other people involved was satisfying to me now. Maybe it was time to stop.

Still deep in thought, I motioned to Alessandro to take his seat at the table.

“By the way Stacey, I forgot to mention to you the other day that I love the new do. It’s very seductive,” Alessandro said, just as Jeff entered the room. He glanced from me to Alessandro and took a seat at the table. I gave each man a plate and took my own seat. I ate in silence as Jeff and Alessandro resumed their chatter about everything and anything.

I sat and watched, my mood low, functioning on autopilot. What Alessandro said haunted me. Were Jeff and I ever going back to a normal life. Four months ago, Jeff was the only man I’d ever slept with. Now I was a pincushion for the strange men we’d pick up at the clubs. How many men have I slept with while Jeff watched? I shook my head clear. I didn’t want to think about that now.

If this was going to be our last time with the man who technically was the catalyst to everything that happened, then I wanted to relive it the way I remembered it. This time, Jeff wouldn’t be a figment of my imagination, he’d be here.  He’d be real and the fantasy would be realized, then it would be over. Had I subconsciously been orchestrating this moment ever since the day I met Alessandro?

How would I ever really know?

“Shall we take this upstairs, love?”

Jeff’s voice tore through my thoughts like a tornado dragging me back to the here and now. My smile in response was weak and void of emotion. I felt hollow. I followed behind Jeff and Alessandro to our spare bedroom as if heading for the gallows, my feet lagged.

My doubts were forgotten and my mood lifted with the familiar sweet taste of Alessandro’s tongue against my own. At some point, I forgot about Jeff being in the room as I gave way to my desires. This was final, and I would make sure Alessandro would be aware of it with every stroke, lick or kiss. He would feel the finality in my rhythm, the beat of my heart, the sighs from my lips. 

I may have forgotten about Jeff, but Alessandro hadn’t. Like Kenzo, everything he did was with Jeff in mind. He made sure Jeff’s view remained unobscured. Are men always so considerate to each other or is it a power thing? I wondered this as Alessandro had me straddle across the top of him as he lay stretched out on the bed. He faced me towards Jeff who sat on the vanity chair, in front of the bed by the dresser.

However, this time Jeff’s face wasn’t smiling. He looked out of place and uncomfortable as he watched Alessandro plunging deeper and deeper into my welcoming snatch. My body responded automatically to Alessandro ministration. I slipped comfortably into his tempo. We were so in tune with each other, our union like a well-timed symphony.

Jeff watched us with no emotion, no thrill nor movement. He didn’t seek self-gratification like he had with the others. He stared as though he was mentally recording the action in a movie he wanted to commit to memory; something to play back later on rewind. The only expression readable was his sheer concentration. He sat with his arms folded across his chest. His eyes were vacant; never shifting, barely blinking.

Although I rode the waves of ecstasy, I was very aware of Jeff and his lack of movement. There was something different about him tonight. He wasn’t there with us. It was as if he had zoned out. He’d distanced himself from the whole experience. This wasn’t how I imagined it was going to be. None of it was right, but I was enjoying the sensations firing throughout my being.

Yet I too, felt separated from myself as though I was a passenger observing the scene of Jeff, seeing myself from the outside looking in. Everything was different. It felt like nothing would ever be the same again.

As Alessandro and I edged even nearer to our climax, a cold feeling gripped my heart. It felt as though it was trapped in a vice. Jeff closed his eyes his, body still. My heart raced, not from Alessandro’s ministration, but from the cloud that enveloped me as I gasped and screamed from my orgasm. My body quivered and shook from the sensation creeping through my spine like a cold-clawed hand. I felt the contraction in my stomach. I was afraid. I didn’t know what of.

I collapsed in a heap above Alessandro. He scooped me up and lay me on the bed beside him. I pretended to be spent. I heard Alessandro putting on his clothes and Jeff taking him downstairs to show him out. I kept my eyes shut tight.

Something was up with Jeff, and I was determined to find out what. I needed to shake the feeling of dread. I had to know we were alright.


Chapter Twelve

After Alessandro had gone. I walked over to Jeff. He turned away from me, something he’d never done before. I decided we were going to thrash it out, I didn’t want us going back to our old ways where talking about how we felt and what we wanted from each other had been non-existent.

So in a demanding voice I said, “Jeff, what is it? What’s the problem?”

“It’s… Arrr, its nothing.” He lowered his eyes, he could barely look at me. I won’t stand for that.

I grabbed him firmly by the arm, and spun him round to face me. I could see the shock of my actions in his expression. I’d never been this forceful before. I’m not sure, but I could have sworn a smile flashed past his lips.

“You’re going to tell me what’s wrong and you’re going to tell me tonight.”

“I don’t know what it was. I think seeing you with Alessandro seemed different from watching you with the others,” he said.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked

“Like I said, I don’t know what it was. It was just different with him.”

“Different…different in what way? Were you jealous?” Jeff walked away from me and sat on the bed. His head bowed. “Come on Jeff you need to talk to me about this. I don’t want our lives going back to where we’ve just come from, when we’ve come such a long way. Don’t you think?”

BOOK: A Question Of Size: Stacey's Story (The Right Fit Series Book 1)
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