Read A Taste For Danger Online

Authors: K.K. Sterling

Tags: #Covert romance

A Taste For Danger (7 page)

BOOK: A Taste For Danger
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Once inside the office, Jack stood still, unsure of what to do. Eddie rested his elbows on the desk, chin in hands, covering his mouth completely. He looked up at Jack without moving his head.

“What did you want to talk about?” asked Eddie. He regarded Jack with suspicion.

Jack came a little closer, but didn’t sit down. He didn’t try to smile. He had a feeling Eddie could read fake. Something about this reminded Jack of trying to gain the trust of a dog. “I was hoping that you and I could have a casual conversation about finances.” Eddie’s brows furrowed when Jack said “finances.” Jack continued. “I need to learn some things and I was told by other people, including Cindy, that you were the genius behind the finances.” There. Jack hoped he hadn’t overdone it.

Eddie’s expression looked satisfied. “Sit down,” he ordered.

Jack sat in the chair farthest from where Eddie hunched.

The two stared at each other in silence. Eddie’s hands still rested over his mouth. His eyes darted up and down contemplating Jack.

Jack thought of the candy. He took the pieces out of his pocket and held his hand out. “Would you like a butterscotch?”

Eddie’s eyes moved down towards the candy. He took one hand away from his mouth, reached out and took a piece. Opening the candy he said, “Thank you,” as he pushed it in his mouth. Then, to Jack’s surprise, Eddie became a wellspring of chatter.

“I know why you’re here,” he started, “but the question is—is that the best reason for you to be here because there are many reasons you could be here and some are better than others, although all of them are good reasons. I don’t think you are here for some of the reasons that I know, because I don’t think you know them yet. Whether you will, depends on if you last that long—” Here he broke into a childish laugh, then said, “—I’m sorry, that was rude of me. I’m very sorry.”

Jack paused a second to take all this in. Then he said, “That’s okay, Eddie. I know that my predecessor wasn’t here very long. I’d like to work with people like you to get to the truth so I can stay around.”

Eddie smacked his lips together. “I guess it’s okay if you call me Eddie.”

Aware that every word might be a minefield, Jack decided he would simply get Eddie to talk as much as possible and then try to decipher it. It seemed the best course of action. The butterscotch candy worked, but for how long?

“Only two people came to my last meeting,” said Eddie.

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“That’s why things just go on and on and on, and nobody wants to make it better.”

“I want to make it better, Eddie.” said Jack. He added, “I may not be in a position to, but I’d like to try.”

Eddie peered over to evaluate Jack again. Apparently he passed.

For his part, Jack tried to keep his face from showing that he felt sad. He could tell Eddie was very intelligent. Only he didn’t articulate it like everyone else and Jack could envision the disasters that probably happened in Eddie’s past when he did try to speak to any of the Heads, or worse, those from Big D. Eddie could be sitting on the world’s greatest secret, and no one would know because he didn’t possess the ability to subscribe to the required social rituals, much less the intricate mind games that corporate politics required. Jack figured that’s why Eddie was in charge of the financials. He was probably meticulous and always correct. Eddie wouldn’t be corrupted by any of the corporate goings-on.

Jack sat still. He didn’t know what to ask. Then he had a thought. Taking Tom’s emails out of his jacket pocket, he showed them to Eddie. “Eddie, can you tell me if these are correct?”

Eddie took the papers and glanced over at them. Then he said, “Correct relative to what?”

Jack had to think. Talking to Eddie was like speaking to an oracle. “Correct relative to your financial books,” he finally answered.

Eddie tossed them back to Jack. “No. Within themselves they are correct, but they are erroneous when compared to the actual books of the company that I protect.”

Jack noticed the word “protect.” Eddie took his role very seriously.

“Eddie, what if someone said that these financials were the right ones, and yours were wrong?” Jack prayed this would not cause an outburst. He didn’t really know what to expect with this guy.

However, Eddie simply said, “They would be wrong.”

Jack tried another tactic. “Eddie, you said there were many reasons I might be here. Can you tell me some of the other reasons? Some of the ones I might not know?

“Can I have your other butterscotch?” asked Eddie.

“Sure,” said Jack. What—now they were horse trading?

Eddie took the candy and said, “Thank you.” again. He didn’t eat this one however. He opened one of his top drawers and put it in there. Then he opened his desk file drawer, took out a file, and read, “Reasons include: financials don’t agree; Big and Little Heads pad their expense accounts; company fraud; OSHA standards are not followed in the men’s restroom; most of the Heads lie at meetings; Mr. Hane’s position is impotent; government contracts are rigged; the secretary is forging her timecard; someone is stealing money; and the heat and air conditioning in the building is turned off every weekend meaning that each Monday all employees either freeze or burn up.”

Jack was taken aback. “Is that it?” he asked, incredulous.

“No, those are just the major things.” replied Eddie.

Afraid to ask the next question, but worried about who might be around outside, Jack said, “Eddie, may I close your door? We are discussing some confidential matters.”

Eddie looked at Jack with no expression. “Yes, you can close the door.” Jack did so.

Then Eddie said: “I’m not allowed to keep it closed when I’m alone in here. They told me it’s bad for office morale, so”—here he laughed a short laugh—”so I keep it almost all the way shut.”

“That’s very smart of you.”

Eddie stared at Jack with a sarcastic expression on his face. “I’m not stupid. You don’t have to talk to me like I’m ten. That’s what all the others do.”

“I’m sorry,” said Jack. Perhaps honesty was best. “I’m just not sure how to talk to you,” he added.

“That’s okay,” said Eddie. “No one is. You are doing fine. What else did you want to know?”

Jack went back over Eddie’s list in his head. “Um, let’s start with the financials. Do you know why they don’t match?”

“Someone is stealing money,” said Eddie.

“Do you know who?”

“No, I only make sure my financials are perfect. That means that it is someone at Big D. No one here. My financials are perfect,” he said again.

“I believe you,” said Jack. “Okay, moving said the government contracts are rigged?

“Yes. Cheryl Wong rigs the government contracts.”

“Have you told anyone this?”

“No one asked.” replied Eddie.

“Whooof.” Jack exhaled loudly, then said, “Why would Cheryl rig the government contracts? Does it get her more money? Is she being paid off?”

“I do not know. You will have to ask Cheryl Wong why she rigs the contracts. She is not being paid off. My financials are perfect, and they would show a discrepancy.”

“Okay, okay.” Jack was getting the hang of this now. “What about the fact that the company is committing fraud? Doesn’t that concern you?”

“My job is the books. I do my job perfectly.”

“I see. Do you happen to know at what level the fraud starts? What part of the company is committing the fraud?”

“It is somewhere in Little D. Not Big D. I see in my books what they are doing, however it does not translate up to Big D.

“So Big D—Headquarters—is in the dark about the fraud.

“I do not know,” said Eddie.

Jack started again, trying Eddie-speak. “Based on the facts that you have at hand, and what you know from doing your job, the following hypotheses are true: one, someone in Big D is stealing money, not someone from Little D. Two, someone from Little D is committing fraud which involves the entire company, but Big D is not involved. Three, government contracts are being rigged, but the purpose is unknown because no money is exchanging hands, even in secret because a discrepancy would show up on your books.”

Eddie paused to think. Jack watched him. He seemed to stare out into space, looking at nothing, but Jack bet his brain was going a hundred miles a minute. In about a minute Eddie answered: “Given those parameters, the answers are yes, yes, and yes, assuming there are no outliers unaccounted for that carry a larger than anticipated weight on the outcome.”

“Thank you, Eddie. You’ve been very helpful.” said Jack.

“I like you,” said Eddie. “And Cindy.”

“Thank you. That is high praise.” Jack looked down then back up at Eddie. “You know Eddie, you can come to my office anytime you want. If you ever need to talk or if someone is being mean to you.”

Eddie laughed a genuine laugh. “Now you sound like Cindy!”

Jack smiled. “Well that is also high praise. Thank you again.” Jack got up to leave.

“Jack—” whispered Eddie.

Jack turned around. “What is it, Eddie?”

“Be careful Jack. There are a lot of mean people here,” he whispered again, giving him a pointed stare eye to eye.

“Yes there are, Eddie. Yes there are. And I will be cautious. Thank you.” Jack was careful to leave the door almost, but not quite, closed as he left. Walking back to his office, Jack wished that Cindy had accepted his lunch invitation. He could have used someone with whom to decompress. It was only noon, and he already felt spent.

Chapter Ten

Passing people in the hallway, Jack carefully maintained his game face. Running into both Bob and Mr. Hanes, he gave polite greetings. Then he walked back to his office and closed the door for a moment. Now would normally be the time when he’d head to a bar, but no more. Jack was cleaning up. However much it cost him, he would see this through. And once done, and all the cases solved, he would never, ever, ever take a corporate job again. After a few deep breaths he opened the door again.

Jack made his way down the hall to someone’s office he had yet to visit. He had forgotten to ask Victoria about reinsurance when they lunched, and now that avenue was cut off. So he went right to the Head for that department. The name Dick McLellan stared back at him from the door. He knocked lightly.

McLellan actually rose from his desk chair and came to the door. “Hello Jack. What can I do for you?” He stood in the doorway as if he were guarding his office.

“I was hoping you could explain reinsurance to me. I’m trying to learn about the company, and I don’t understand some of these fundamental concepts.”

Was that my imagination, or did McLellan look relieved?
Jack hoped the “I’m stupid, teach me” ploy would work. After all, the favorite pastime of egomaniacs was to talk about themselves.

McLellan invited him in. Once again Jack sat at a desk across from an unknown entity. He gazed around. In contrast to the others, McLellan’s office seemed sparse. Jack could barely tell anyone inhabited it. No personal items, nothing distinguishing, in fact nothing of Dick there at all.

“What would you like to know?” asked Dick, playing with a pen in his hand.

“The concept of reinsurance and how it fits into Devonshire. You can keep it really simple. I just don’t want to feel like an idiot here when people discuss business.”

“Heh, I don’t blame you,” said Dick. “It can get really complex, but I’ll give you the simple version. Basically each underwriting group under the Managing Agent takes out a reinsurance policy to pay for any future claims. We do this because although the company has a reserve, the idea is not to have to use it up. That would weaken the company and also generate bad publicity. So instead we purchase a reinsurance policy.”

“From who?” asked Jack.

“Well from ourselves, of course. That way we can stay on top of what’s happening and stabilize ourselves should anything go wrong.”

“What happens if something does go wrong?” asked Jack.

Dick paused, as if considering how to word his answer. “Then the members have to pay for the liability, but that rarely happens. Usually the members make a profit.”

“I see,” said Jack. He realized Dick chose not to say more, but Jack couldn’t guess what he left out. He needed to talk to someone on his side—an ally. Jack stood to leave. “Thank you Dick for clearing that up. I have a much better picture now.”

“Sure no problem,” said Dick, but to Jack, he looked tense.

Jack also needed some other info. But he couldn’t ask the one person who would know for sure because she would spread it around. Once in his office, Jack leaned back in his chair, thinking. There were now three actual criminal cases before him. Rigging government contracts had just landed in his lap. It’s not like he could pretend he didn’t know. He had a responsibility. To whom, he didn’t know. What he did know was this: if he didn’t do anything about the problems, no one would. Jack needed more to go on before his meeting with the CFO tomorrow morning. He also remained dumbfounded about the embezzling. That was the issue for which he had the least number of clues. Then an idea sprung. He closed his office door and picked up the phone.

“Jerry, it’s Jack.”

“Well, hello there. Still working or have they booted you yet?”

“Still here for now.”

“What can I do you for?”

“I’m sorry to bother you again, but I only now realized a few more questions that you might be able to help me with.”

“I’m just sitting back enjoying retirement. No bother. Shoot. That is, if you can trust your phone.”

“What?” asked Jack, surprised.

“You’re probably fine. It’s just a feeling I got once I’d been there awhile.”

“Wow,” said Jack, nonplussed. “Either this job made both of us paranoid, or we’re only getting the tip of the iceberg.”

“Exactly,” agreed Jerry.

“What I wanted to ask: are there any two or three people at Little D that you saw together often? Maybe in hushed meetings or away at lunch together, or I don’t know, just unusual behavior?”

“Sounds like you have a theory developing.”

“Maybe. I’m not sure.”

The phone was silent. “Thinking,” said Jerry.

BOOK: A Taste For Danger
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