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Authors: J.M. Madden

Tags: #Romance

A Touch of Fae (2 page)

BOOK: A Touch of Fae
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Violet felt mortified blood rush to her head, making her feel faint.
. A dull roar filled the shop, then she realized it was just in her head. Raising a hand to shield her eyes, she turned away from the counter and the uncomfortable situation. Fumbling, she tried to find the stool behind the register but for some reason it eluded her. Frustrated tears built in her eyes and she blindly took off for the restroom in the office. That was when she found the stool. It reached out and entangled her legs, making her stagger. Violet had a split second of regret when she wondered if the two hotties would maybe, by some slim, miniscule chance turn and disappear out the door, forgetting they ever met Violet Nichols.

In the next split-second she was forcefully jerked to a full stop in the middle of her fall. Her ponytail whipped forward and her scrunchy fell to the floor exactly where she would have landed. Looking up, she was disoriented to see herself looking back, only in shaded amber. The wrap-around shades had not shifted from the red-haired giant’s face even as he caught her. Her amazement chased away her embarrassment.

“How did you do that?” she asked him. “You were across the room.”

Smiling slightly, the big man snugged her up against his chest and Violet forgot what she had been saying. It felt like she was cuddling with a concrete wall. There was no give in the steel bands wrapped around her back. Without a doubt he could hold her in this crazy position indefinitely and never break a sweat.

But he didn’t. Straightening, he settled her on her feet. Then commenced to stroking her back with his dinner plate sized hand as he waited to make sure she was steady.

“I’m fine, really.”

Digging up her determination, she stepped away from his hand. Regretfully. How could something that hard feel so good? And so big. Feminine curiosity pulled at her. Was he that big everywhere?

Instinctively her gaze dropped to his crotch.

Slamming her eyelids closed in humiliation, she turned away.

The giant chuckled behind her. “Yes,” he whispered simply.

Violet was mortified. She absolutely wanted to die. Was she that transparent? Did her face give away that much? With those damn shades on she couldn’t tell where he was looking. Obviously he had seen her glance at his crotch.

The first sound of
voice was a revelation as well. It was a heavier, deeper baritone than any other voice she’d ever heard and goose bumps danced across her skin from toes to nose. But it was pleasurable. It made her nipples bead beneath her overalls. It heightened her awareness of him. She wanted to hear more.

The sense of the two of them, she and the giant, being just a little out of the ordinary, a little less normal than the general public made her feel a bit warmer to him, too.

Not to mention that her senses were humming like a high-voltage power line. Growling to herself, she stepped a bit farther away before turning to face the two of them. What on Earth did they want here?

She opened her mouth to speak but was distracted by the giant’s hand resting on the placket of his pants and the bulge growing there.

No, dammit! Not going there!

Forcing her eyes away she looked to the Italian. Of course, that smile was there, on those too-fine lips, but his slumberous gaze was directed downward as well. To the giant and his growing erection. In resignation and horror of her own behavior, Violet let her gaze slide back.


For several long seconds—or was it minutes—she could do nothing but stare. The giant had fisted his erection in his hand. The amazing part was his huge hand didn’t cover it all.

What the hell was a woman supposed to do with that?

Yes, she was a bigger woman and liked good, hard sex, but Violet wondered if it was even possible for them to be together.

The faintness this time was from a blindingly vivid vision of him working himself into her, shoving and retreating, spreading the cream she could already feel soaking her panties. Her clit pulsed in time to her elevated heartbeat. What the hell was going on with her body? She had never reacted so strongly to another man.

The giant ran four fingers up and down the underside of his dick, skipping lightly over the pants still covering him. Opening his suit jacket wide, he let her see the bulge a couple inches above where shirt buttons, belt and waistband all met. With his thumb he massaged over the top of that bulge and Violet was fascinated to see a wet spot appear where his thumb rubbed.

Clearing her throat, Violet forced her eyes away in desperation. If she didn’t she was going to go over there and rip everything off the poor man just to see what he was teasing. Saliva pooled at the thought of acting on her libidinous impulses and she swallowed quickly. A fine trembling had started in her hands and was spreading throughout her body. Her tummy quivered in expectation.

She didn’t know if it was her age or what but for the past several months she’d been feeling especially needy. Normally she was okay being by herself. Grandad had worked long hours for years, so she was used to taking care of herself and being self-sufficient, but there was a craving in her blood that would not let her rest. Masturbation took the edge off but it didn’t do anything for the deeper pool of

Movement to her left drew her gaze to the Italian. The expensive suit jacket she had worried about getting dirty now lay across the grimy counter and its owner had begun to roll up his shirtsleeves. Darkened, sensual hazel eyes met hers across the counter.

“May I lock the door, Ms. Violet? We wouldn’t want anybody walking in on us.”

Numbly Violet nodded her head. It was late Friday and everybody had been anxious to start their weekends. She watched as he crossed the floor, flipped the plastic ‘open’ sign to ‘closed’, locked the main door and dropped the blinds on the single plate glass window. Then he turned and walked toward her.

Violet was taken by surprise when he leaned in and dropped a heated kiss on her parted lips. And, oh God, it was so much better than she had ever imagined. The jangling of her senses spiked.

The Italian ran a thumb down her cheek, then on down to the V of her overalls. As crazy as it was, Violet prayed he would continue on down to her nipples. They were beaded as hard as they could be and absolutely screaming for attention. She must have made some movement or sound because his fingertip slipped inside the collar of her t-shirt, then inside the cup of her bra. But he stopped there. Growling in frustration, Violet shifted her chest up, trying to get him to touch her but his finger retreated, leaving her hungry.

The shock of not being fulfilled was enough to jerk her out of the fog of wanting she found herself in. What the hell was she doing? She didn’t know either one of these men, yet she was on the verge of doing something she might seriously regret.

But then it may also be something you will cherish the rest of your life. The demand might be satisfied.

The night with Jack flashed in her brain. On the spur of the moment she had accepted an invitation for a night out from a city man who had been in town for business. It had turned out to be one of the best of her life. Jack had treated her as if she were priceless porcelain. He didn’t care that her hands were rough and red from scrubbing or that her dress was hopelessly outdated. They talked about things that Violet had no experience with but had always wondered about. And when he asked her back to his hotel room Violet had not hesitated in saying yes. Jack had been the most interesting man she had ever met and he had given her the most wonderful night of her life. Even when he’d professed to generally enjoy men more than women she hadn’t cared because he’d taken care of her so beautifully.

If these men were his friends that could only be good, right?

Indecision must have shown on her face because the Italian pulled back and took his hands completely off her body. He even stepped back a foot to give her some breathing space.

“What is it,
? What do you need?” he asked softly.

Violet tried to organize her thoughts. She had no idea who these men were, or why they were here. Or where they came from.

She must have voiced these concerns out loud because the man standing in front of her nodded in understanding.

“My name is Alessandro. My partner’s name is Rory.” Here his eyes drifted to Rory, standing a few feet behind him. “I promise you we wish you no harm. We did not come here planning on … pleasure, but we will make sure you are taken care of if you wish to participate.”

Wickedly twinkling eyes teased her. “Or you may just watch.”

Violet was absolutely floored when he turned and went into the other man’s open arms. The big man, Rory, had to bend down several inches to reach Alessandro’s waiting lips. But once he got there, man, what a show. The two men worked at each other’s mouths as if they could not get enough of each other. And maybe they couldn’t. Violet had nothing against alternative lifestyles and had secretly wondered what it would be like to be with two men at once. Presumably it would depend upon the situation. If it were two gay men allowing a female in, the male’s relationship would probably take precedence. If it were two straight men pleasuring a woman, the male-female interaction would take precedence. Right?

These two had been together before. Violet had given no extra thought to the word partner when Alessandro had used it earlier, but it had more meaning now. Maybe they were

Whatever they were they were making her horny as hell.

Alessandro rubbed his right hand along his partner’s ribcage, teasing back and forth over his nipple. His left hand was hidden between their two bodies and Violet had a feeling he was rubbing Rory’s groin. All the while Rory kissed Alessandro’s face, from eyelids to chin. It was actually sweet in the fact that the affection the two shared was very apparent. They weren’t just doing this to shock her, she didn’t believe. They actually cared about each other.

The play of muscles moving against Alessandro’s dress shirt fascinated her. It was obvious he worked hard at keeping himself in shape. He probably had to to keep up with Rory.

They turned suddenly and Alessandro shoved Rory back into the counter. The old, heavy oak piece shuddered with the force of the strike, but the aggression seemed to feed the two men. Rory clutched at Alessandro’s ass and the Italian complied by pumping forcefully into Rory’s erection. Then his fingers began working down the giant’s chest, slipping buttons free of their holes.

Violet’s eyes were transfixed. She could not have looked away if a bomb had gone off in the shop.

Slowly a fiery mat of hair was revealed, covering a bulging chest. Tension knotted his pectoral muscles as he continued to clutch at Alessandro’s ass.

Violet felt her own muscles tighten in expectation the closer the Italian got to the bulge behind his partner’s waistband. Finally one button was left. Violet was practically quivering and her mouth was salivating. Going down on a man was one of her greatest joys. One she didn’t get to do enough of.

And now, as they hesitated over that last button, Violet found that she wanted to participate. It didn’t matter that she did not know these men at all. Her eyes were on the candy that was just about to be revealed.

Alessandro glanced at her out of the corner of his eye as if making sure he had her interest, then slowly sank to his knees in front of the giant. The position put him directly at eye level with his crotch and Violet watched in rapt fascination as he released the final shirt button, jerking the belt buckle out of the way. Rory tilted his head up to the ceiling and clenched the edges of the counter in punishing fists. Violet could only assume his eyes were closed in bliss, because they were still hidden by the amber glasses.

Alessandro pushed the ends of the belt out of the way and unbuttoned the single pants button, before letting his hands lower. For the first time Violet could see the head of Rory’s cock. Weeping a giant rolling tear, it was flushed a hectic purple and flexing. Violet did not understand how something that big crammed under the waistband of his pants couldn’t hurt. It
to hurt.

Reaching out, Alessandro slowly drew the zipper down, releasing the pressure. Slipping his hands inside, he pushed Rory’s suit pants down over his ass. They dropped to the ground unimpeded. Left standing in his brilliantly colored maroon briefs, massive erection straining, exposed to a woman he had never met before, Rory seemed completely at ease. Eager even.

Violet dragged her clammy hands over her overalls trying to wipe the sweat away. Inhaling sharply, she tried to calm her racing heart. Morbid fascination teased at her. How far would they go? What else were they going to do?

Should she leave? Give them privacy?

Or join in?

Violet felt barraged by insecurities. As titillating and erotic as this was, she felt guilty at taking advantage of the show. Obviously they enjoyed it or they wouldn’t be doing it, but still. Anxiety about her own body was at the forefront of her mind as well. She was not a very feminine woman. Seriously. She worked on cars for a living. She had more muscles than curves, and had only ever appealed to a certain demographic of the population. The ones that thought a beer and a trip to the local tractor pull was a good enough date for any tomboy. Violet winced as she thought of all the ridiculous men she had wasted her time on.

For once in her life she wanted to break out of the mold she had been pushed into and experience something different.

Bringing her attention back to the men before her, she saw that Alessandro was playing his hand over Rory’s cock, sliding up and down, back and forth. Reaching under, he gave his balls a painful looking squeeze but Rory moaned in appreciation. Slicking his finger over top of the weeping head, Alessandro leaned forward and began nibbling kisses up the underside of his cock. Rory’s massive tree-trunk sized thighs quivered until he braced them by locking his knees.

Violet was shocked, yet turned on. It was the middle of the day. She was in her grandfather’s shop watching one man get blown by another. The invitation had been issued for her to join them, yet she wavered. What if they laughed when they saw her naked? These appeared to be worldly men used to finer things. They didn’t appear to be having any problems right now though.

BOOK: A Touch of Fae
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