Read A Vampire's Saving Embrace Online

Authors: Darlene Kuncytes

A Vampire's Saving Embrace (4 page)

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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As soon as her feet hit the floor, a wave of dizziness hit her and she swayed unsteadily. Faster than her eyes could follow, Desmond was across the room and had his strong arms wrapped securely around her, his long, masculine fingers fanning out across her back as he held her steady.

“Easy, my pet,” he whispered, and his eyes found hers.

Abby’s hands gripped his muscular biceps for support as she looked up into his face, smiling in embarrassment as his gaze held hers – his brows furrowed in concern.

“Whoa! Guess I don’t have my sea legs back yet.”

“No, I suppose not,” he murmured, his eyes traveling over her face to stop and rest on her lips. “Abby, may I ask you a question?” he asked, his attention still focused on her full, perfect mouth as his voice grew low and serious.

She could only nod, afraid that if she tried to speak her voice would fail her miserably – being this close to him was doing disturbing things to her body – not to mention the fact that she was pulled up tightly against his chest and the sensation was completely and utterly distracting. “Why aren’t you afraid of me?”

The question threw her for a loop. Why? Good Lord, she didn’t know why! Perhaps she should be. This man was a total stranger to her, and a vampire to boot. An actual Vampire! Not just some nut that dressed up and went out to the Goth clubs to play make-believe. No- he was an honest to God
. And if she hadn’t been one hundred percent sure before, the speed in which he caught her sure as hell brought
point home. He was all too real - yet she only knew that for some strange, incomprehensible reason - when Desmond was near her - she felt anything but afraid. She felt safe… protected. She also felt as if every nerve ending in her body were alive and humming.

“Should I be?” she choked out, the feeling of his arms wrapped tightly around her as her breasts pressed up against his steely chest was causing her knee’s to shake – and she urged herself to breathe.

Desmond was quiet for a long moment, before his intense gaze locked with hers once again. “I would die before I would let any harm come to you,” he stated vehemently.

Abby smiled up at him, “I guess I must have figured that one out when you saved me from being carved up by Freddy Krueger.”

“Freddy Krueger?” he bit out, an edge of anger coming to his tone as his eyes glittered dangerously – and she found herself completely fascinated at the subtle change from blue to silver when he was angry. “How do you know the bastards name?”

Abby shook her head, laughing lightly. Man this guy needed a lesson or two about the modern world. “It’s a movie,” she explained - then shrugged. Another time perhaps, but being this close to Desmond was
not good for her. “I’d better go take my bath before the water gets cold.” As soon as the words left her mouth Desmond lifted her up into his arms and headed for the doorway. “What are you doing?” she shrieked, taken completely off guard.

He walked into the bathroom and set her down on the vanity, the cold marble causing gooseflesh to break out on her skin – or was it because of being held so tightly in his strong arms? She didn’t even want to think about it. “You said that you hadn’t gotten your sea legs back yet,” he informed her as he unbuttoned the shirt he wore and threw it to the floor, as if it were the most natural thing in \ the world.

Abby gasped at the sight of his bare chest as a tingling crept up her spine. He was smooth and muscled and all man. Holy Hell - he was perfection personified! It was as if a marble statue of a Greek God had come to life and was now standing in front of her. Standing and
in front of her, and she shivered.

Her eyes traveled down to the sinewy ripples of his firm stomach and she felt her cheeks burn when – with a will of their own - she glanced briefly lower. He gave her that damn grin of his as he walked closer to her - his hands going to the buttons of the shirt she wore.

“I…I can…” she stammered, her heart hammering in her chest and her cheeks turning crimson.

“As I’ve said, it is nothing I have not seen before,” he replied, his long fingers masterfully unbuttoning the shirt and slipping it off her shoulders - before tossing it to the floor beside his. He touched the bandage on her neck before ever so gently removing it. He studied it closely – nodding slightly. “It has already begun to heal,” he told her. “But I fear you may have a scar - unless…” he paused, his eyes searching hers with an unspoken question and something flashed in them – although she couldn’t figure out just what it was.

“Unless what?” she urged softly, his nearness affecting her in ways that terrified her – not to mention the fact that she was sitting there in front of him completely naked! She unconsciously pressed her legs a little more tightly together and swallowed the lump that was threatening to form in her throat.

“A vampire’s saliva has healing properties,” he explained, his eyes going back to her neck. “If you would allow me - I could seal it so that you will have no trace of that bastards handiwork.” Abby swallowed hard and folded her arms across her bare breasts -not wanting him to see how the thought of him touching her neck affected her and nodded slowly. “If it will help,” she choked out, hating herself for the tremble in her voice and the butterflies that were fluttering in a restless flurry in her stomach.

Desmond leaned forward slowly and ever so gently brought his lips to her neck, causing Abby’s skin to instantly tingle as every nerve ending woke up and took notice. His lips were so cool against her heated, sensitive flesh yet it felt as if she were being scorched from the contact. She let her eyelids drift closed as she felt his tongue dart out and ever so slowly trace the line of her pulse - a shiver running down her spine as she bit back the moan that threatened to escape her . His breath was a gentle caress that had her heart rate speeding up and her breath hitching in her throat as heat spread through-out her entire body.

Much - much too quickly, he leaned back away from her. “There,” he said thickly, his eyes sparkling with a fire that she couldn’t deny. It seemed as if he were as affected as she was by their close proximity.

He lifted her up and carried her to the tub. Carefully settling her into the wonderfully warm, sudsy water, he knelt down on the dark tiled floor and painstakingly washed her back, shoulders and arms - his gaze intense and his hands oh so gentle as they glided over her skin.

“Desmond,” she softly protested –without any conviction at all she realized with a blush. “I…I can do that.”

“It is my pleasure, Abby.” His hand cupped the back of her head and he slowly guided her back into the water – his eyes never leaving hers. “Trust me, Abby,” he murmured when she tensed slightly – so she just closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the feel of his hands as he gently massaged shampoo into her hair. She
trust him, she thought as a sigh slipped through her lips and she swore she felt him tremble ever so slightly.

When he had finished, he lifted her from the tub as if she weighed no more than a feather and wrapped a thick towel around her.

He held her at arm’s length, his mouth turning up at one side. “Steady on your feet?” he asked and she slowly nodded. Was he
She silently screamed. Her knees were knocking together like two maraca’s! “Well, then - I’ll give you a few moments for human things,” he said with that damn grin – his eyes going back and fixing once again on her mouth. “I’ll get you a clean shirt to put on.” He turned and left the bathroom.

Abby grasped the vanity for support - the breath she had been holding coming out in a rush. Oh, Lord! That man was beyond sexy. And what he did to her body by the simplest of actions was beyond her total realm of knowledge. He had her body wanting things she hadn’t in a very long time – or ever for that matter. She was no innocent by any means – but the feelings and desires that he was bringing out in her were something that was totally foreign to her. This was far more than just a raw, animal need she felt. And it scared the pants off of her.

She glanced into the large mirror and groaned. She was a complete mess! No wonder why Desmond wouldn’t kiss…STOP! She silently screamed. She had to stop this. No matter what Desmond did to her body, he was only being…what? Hospitable? Of course! That had to be it. He was just being the attentive, perfect host. Making sure she was taken care of. And he probably considered her a near invalid with her damn wooziness. And as for his pure sexual magnetism – well, that just
to be natural. Or maybe it was just a vampire thing, she rationalized. He probably had no idea what so ever what he was doing to her.

Abby shook the thoughts from her mind and noticed the comb, toothbrush and other toiletries that were set out on the vanity for her. Damn, that man was too good to be true. He thought of everything. She brushed her teeth, went to the bathroom and then began the tedious task of running the comb through her thick mass of hair.

“Do you need help with that?”

Abby squeaked at the sound of his soft voice, quickly turning around to face him. He was as silent as the mist!

As she jerked around, the towel fell to the floor and she turned a bright shade of red at Desmond’s wide, appreciative grin. “Thank you,” he laughed, his blue eyes gleaming in amusement as his gaze blatantly scanned over every one of her curves and she felt herself turning red –yet once again. Abby grabbed the towel and covered herself -the heat flowing through her body creating havoc.

“Here,” he chuckled, handing her another of his silk shirts, “this might stay on a little better. Not that I’m complaining – mind you.”

Abby grabbed the shirt and turned her back to him, letting the towel fall to the floor. She tried desperately to ignore him as she buttoned up – but the shaking of her hands was proof positive that she couldn’t. His very presence caused a heightening of all her senses as if the air around him had been electrically charged. She would have to have been deaf, dumb
blind not to be aware of his presence . Oh, who the hell was she kidding- she thought with a scowl - she would also have to be hard of smelling! The guy smelled amazing!

Finally with a deep breath, she turned and gave him a smile. “Thank you for the shirt,” she said sweetly, “but you know, I really will need some real clothing to wear. I mean, I have to get back to my apartment - my job. I can’t stay here forever and I certainly can’t keep wearing your shirts.”

Desmond seemed to consider all of this a moment before his mouth set in a tight line. “Abby, you will remain here until I am certain that you are safe.” He said finally, and she could tell by his tone that the subject wasn’t up for debate and she felt her temper flare. No man was ever going to tell her what she could and couldn’t do – ever again. No matter how gorgeous he was! Yet, she reluctantly admitted to herself - there was a small part of her that was relieved. The thought of going back to her solitary life at the moment did not appeal to her in the least. She couldn’t explain it, but there was a sense of peace here.

She didn’t know if he had killed the demon who had attacked her or not – and she wasn’t even sure that she
want to know. She only knew that she felt protected here with him – and she found that there was a part of her that really liked the feeling.

“And as for wearing my shirts - I don’t see why not,” he continued, the beginning of a smile twitching at the corners of his mouth. “I have plenty of them and you look
better in them than I.”

“Oh Lord, you’re impossible,” she muttered, before walking past him and through the door into the bedroom. She needed to get away from his disturbing gaze and heart-stopping smile. She walked over to the fireplace and plopped down in one of the oversized chairs as she had imagined doing since she had first woken up and her face broke out into a contented smile – her anger at his Neanderthal -like behavior, instantly forgotten. They
gloriously comfortable, she thought happily as she settled herself into the buttery leather. Pulling her legs up underneath her, she rested her head on her hand and sighed - watching the flames dance in the fireplace.

It was only a moment before Desmond was in the chair opposite her, his eyes seemingly taking in every square inch of her. Abby felt herself growing warm at his silent, intense scrutiny and cleared her throat nervously. “So,” she said, trying desperately to ignore his heated gaze. “Is your brother a vampire too?”

Desmond was silent for a long moment, seemingly deep in thought. Finally he looked up into her eyes, his sea blue ones filled with a sorrow that took Abby’s breath away. “Yes,” he replied softly.

Abby looked down at her hands in her lap and unconsciously played with her ring, twisting it around and around on her finger, wondering what would ever possess her to ask such a stupid question. And the thought of it causing him so much sadness caused a painful twist to her heart. “I’m sorry,” she finally murmured, “I’m asking things which are absolutely none of my business. It’s a horrible character flaw of mine that I just can’t seem to break.” Nice one, Abs! She silently berated herself. What an idiot!

“It’s not that at all, Abby,” he said softly, waiting for her to lift her gaze before going on. “It’s just that I never wanted this for myself and especially not for Marcus.”

Abby nodded, understanding how he felt. She had just discovered she was a Fairy for cripes sake! Fey, she silently corrected herself with a mental shake. “May I ask how long?”

Desmond sighed deeply, a sad smile coming to his face. “1762”

“Holy Hell,” she breathed and Desmond’s smile widened at the use of what had to be her favorite expression. He found himself wondering if she had any idea just how absolutely adorable she truly was? He had never met anyone like her before. She was open, and honest with a quick wit and an infectious smile. Not to mention her gloriously feminine body.

“Yes, it has been a long time.” He looked wistfully into the dancing flames of the fire before he found his eyes going back to the beauty sitting opposite him - looking so small and fragile in the large leather chair in which she sat. “The strange thing is - Marcus has embraced being a vampire. I believe he actually enjoys it.”

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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