Advancing ((Advance Industries #2)) (2 page)

BOOK: Advancing ((Advance Industries #2))
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“And the new President, what was his name again?” She asks.

“John F Laudnam. Very fine young man but then he had a fine example for a father.”

I watch her swallow before she asks quietly, “Who was his father?”

“Fraser Laudnam. He did great things for his city and eventually it spread to other cities,” Gran answers.

“Is he still alive?”

“No, he lived to a ripe old age, though and then his son took over.”

Fuck! If that’s true, then something went wrong with my team. How did he live to take over as President? Johnson was obviously dealt with but I never expected this curve ball. I try to Comm my men but the call fails. Either they’re not back yet or something happened to them. I start pacing around the room worrying my lip between my teeth. What the hell did I do? I wonder if I should leave Faith here with my... grandparents while I go back and re-join my men.

“What’s your name young man?” Gran asks gently.

I stop pacing and face her. “Kye.” She nods almost as if she expected that’s what I’d say. She pulls free from gramps hold and walks towards me. She stares at me for the longest time and I take in her wrinkled face, it used to be full of what she called laughter lines but now all I see is a woman ravaged by worry and loss.

“You look tired boy. We have a spare room you’re welcome to use. Get some rest. I think we all have a lot to mull over. I’ll make dinner afterwards and we can talk some more.”

“Lizzie...” Gramps starts but she shuts him down with a look. I’ve received that look many times and like me, Gramps knows to shut up or else.

Gran links her frail arm through mine and starts leading me out of the room, she gestures for Faith to follow us and avoiding my Granddads glare Faith gets up and trots behind. I don’t have the energy to argue. My mind is in free-fall and being in the presence of my Gran, fake or not is weirdly comforting. We walk down a small hallway before she pushes open a door on the right and walks us through.

“I’ll leave you to rest,” she says patting my arm before backing out slowly. The door closes behind her and Faith folds me into her arms trying to fill me with some kind of peace. At least this room isn’t white! The walls are coated in a lilac with a matching bedspread and crisp white pillows atop it. I pull away and sit on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands.

“It’ll be okay Kye,” Faith murmurs.

I look up at her standing before me. “How? How will it ever be okay? We did something Faith.
did something.”

“You don’t know that, babe,” she protests as she sits beside me.

“Sweetheart everything was fine after you left to return home. Everything was fine before I left to come after you. I think it’s safe to say that my actions caused this. They don’t know me!”

“I know babe; I can’t explain it either. But say that’s true, you couldn’t possibly pinpoint what specific change affected the future so it’s pointless speculating.”

I raise my brows at her dismissive tone. “If I never came after you, my time would be the same Faith; I think we can safely pinpoint that!”

“So what are you proposing? That we travel back to before you left to get me? There is no win-win here Kye. If we do that my time is still screwed but yours won’t be and we’d be without each other again. I can deal with a lot babe but don’t ask me to return to a time where I have no memories, where I’m used and I don’t have you in my life!” She gets up and walks over to the window, her back to me as she stares out.

“I’m not saying that Sweetheart, it’s just a lot to get my head around. I thought once we got back it would be over. I can’t bear this burden of knowing my actions ruined the future as I knew it. My Grandparents don’t remember me Goddamn it! I would never change coming after you but I can’t enjoy your freedom and our life together knowing I screwed up.”

She sighs heavily and turns back to face me. “Okay I understand, I do. Your emotions are running high, though, let’s get our heads down and think it through properly?”

I agree, we’re both tired and snapping at Faith won’t change a thing. Maybe after I rest I can think clearly. We strip down to our underwear before crawling onto the bed. I pull her against my chest but don’t sleep. I’m not even craving her body which a few hours ago was all I could think about. I am left with an impossible decision – be selfish, keep Faith and accept this new world or do the right thing – send her back, live without her but right the wrong I caused. My moral compass is swinging non-stop. Right my time and leave Faith’s as fucked up? Be with her or without her?

This is the toughest decision I’ve ever had to make.

Chapter 2



I lie against him trying my hardest to drift off but it’s impossible. He has me worried because although he adores me he has a moral duty. I know Kye better than I know myself and he won’t be able to ignore this. Regardless of what he wants, he will strive to do the right thing. What that is isn’t clear at the moment but I have a feeling I won’t like it. I’m not sure if pushed which would win out – love or responsibility? I know this is hurting him but can he let it go regardless of the consequences?

Isn’t it finally our time to be selfish after all we’ve faced? We haven’t seen any of the community here so far, for all we know it could still be a great place to live whether Advance Industries is going strong or not. I can’t face going back. I don’t want to go back and if that’s what Kye decides we’re going to implode.

I thought we’d finally get time to enjoy each other, just being together again. No memory loss in the way, no scientists, President’s or time between us. Time to remember why we fell for one another in the first place. His Grandparents are a gnawing worry, though. He adores them. Jeez, I adore them. Seeing them looking the same if not slightly more wrinkled but having no clue who we are is infuriating, but more than anything it’s sad. My heart aches for Kye, they’re the only family he has. They’re the only other people he loves completely. If it came down to choosing between them and me... I’m pretty sure I know who’d lose.

“I know you’re awake sweetheart.”

“I’m worried Kye. You’re scaring me. I... I don’t want to go back.”

“I know babe. I wouldn’t make you but I’m struggling to find a way around it.”

My heart freezes over. Can’t he find a way around it? Missing him wouldn’t be the problem but knowing he’d never be coming back is eating away at me. I feel that void that was closed not so long ago start to open up again, that emptiness starting from deep within and gradually spreading throughout my whole body. The void leaves no part untouched, it seeps into the bloodstream, cells, and every organ. It wages war without discrimination, and it’s going to wipe me out. Decimate me.

“Kye you can’t really be considering this. You came for me and now you want us to be apart again... FOREVER?” Tears stream down my face. How can he think about that? Why bother coming for me at all if he’s willing to give us up so easily? I’m panicking, being a girl, and fleetingly I want to shake myself out of it and get a grip, but the thought of what he’s considering renders me useless... Again!

He lays me back and presses his body over mine resting his forearms either side of me as he gazes into my eyes. “I never want us to be apart babe! Never! I’m just trying to process what went wrong and if it’s fixable then we...
need to fix it.”

“What have you come up with?” I sniffle, hating the weakness in my voice.

“I think maybe the moment I abducted you set things in motion and caused the change. I can’t be sure but it’s the best place to start.”

I close my eyes. This is my worst nightmare. Not all the agony I went through at the hands of Advance Industries but this... Helpless against my own destiny again.

“I have a better theory.” I whisper, “Let’s go back to before I left you. Before I travelled to my time. Your time was fine then, we were happy, we were together. Nothing would change.”

He gives me a small smile and brushes my hair away from my face tenderly. “What about the reasons you went back in the first place Sweetheart? Does that no longer matter to you because it sure did back then.”

My sisters! When did I become so selfish? I don’t know if Kye’s team even rescued them and haven’t spared them a thought. God, I’m awful. Could I go back to before I went to save them knowing they needed help yet choosing my own happiness over theirs?

“This is so unfair Kye. Why can’t things be easy for us? How many hoops do we need to jump through before we can just be?”

“I know babe; believe me, I do. I hate this as much as you but I wouldn’t be the man you fell for if I didn’t do the right thing. I couldn’t be the man I’m meant to be if I ignored this.”

“I hate you right now!” I mumble.

“I hate me too,” he says gathering me into him again. I breathe him in deeply and hold on to him so tightly my nails start digging into him and he sucks in a breath. He tries to move back slightly but I won’t let go. I pretend that if I can hold on long enough we won’t be able to part. I’ll just keep hold of him like this in my death grip forever.

“Babe stop. Don’t do this. Don’t go to that place. I’m with you and I’m for us. Please stop thinking I’m going to leave you. You must know it’d break me as much as it’d break you.”

I open my eyes again and focus on calming my panic. Thing is, I don’t know that. I want to know it; I want to believe it but if that’s true why is he even thinking about going back? This is the downside of falling in love. The hurt it can cause is unbearable and I’m not strong enough to withstand it. I’m good at pretending. I can play the strong woman but truth be told I’m fragile and Kye is my glue, without him I fall apart.

“Roll over,” he says.

I ignore him and concentrate on being as still as I can make myself.

“Roll over baby,” he says again his voice a low husk.

“I’m not a dog Kye,” I snap. “What are you gonna ask next, beg?”

He flips me so I’m facing him, his eyes darken and his lips quirk mischievously. He raises a brow. “Beg? I like the sound of that!”

I shake my head at him, he’s trying to lighten the situation and try as I might I can’t. Not while I feel this lost, no matter how bloody sexy he is. Using his eyes and stubbled perfection of a face won’t distract me from the fact that something big is brewing and it can’t be ignored or brushed away with teasing.

His face falls and he strokes a finger over my cheek. “Shower with me?” He says and I’m not sure if it’s an order or a request.

I nod despite myself. A shower sounds like heaven. A shower with Kye sounds like pure bliss. I might not like him so much right now but I still crave him. Any alone time with him is good by me.

Our separation was long.

Our path back to each other was arduous.

Our time together now is filled with uncertainty.

I’m going to savour him because I have a growing feeling in my stomach that it’s all going to be over too soon.

Kye pulls on his suit and leaves to ask his Gran for some towels. I wander to the adjoining shower room and stand in the middle of the space. I remove my bra and knickers and hang them on a wall rack. The ceiling is fitted with a rectangular shower head, set back into the ceiling, it spans near enough the whole ceiling with a gap around the edge. I command ‘water’ and it rains down on me like fine rain, not the thick blobs of fierce weather. I’m stood centrally as the water falls all around the room and I wonder how people in days of old used to manage. I remember being told that showers were box sized cubicles or even small overhead hoses above a bath where there was barely room to turn around. I can walk around in here, around the whole room and still have water assault me. The temperature is also voice controlled but is usually set to warm and is generally left alone. I close my eyes and let my head fall back. I feel him before he touches me. The hair on the back of my neck stands to attention, prickling with awareness. His presence always makes itself known to my body and I sag as he stands behind me and wraps his strong arms around me. I want the water to wash away all the doubts and we stand like this for a while, quietly stealing strength from the other.

He brushes his lips over my neck ever so softly, a barely-there sensation that sends shivers through me and I melt. My neck is my weak spot and he knows it. He’s not playing fair. I don’t feel very sexy at the moment but I can’t deny I’ve missed being intimate. I’ve missed being wrapped around my man. I’ve missed just being held so tenderly by the gorgeous man who chose me. He slowly turns me in his arms and I stand on tiptoes to kiss him. The man I love. I can’t refuse, I can barely think straight when he’s fully clothed but naked? Yeah, any sense is gone. My man is stood before me naked, bronzed perfection, and I bite my lip to hold the sigh threatening to escape. Softly, slowly, he lets me set the pace knowing how vulnerable I’m feeling and I love him more for always being so intuitive where I’m concerned. His lips are warm and gentle, so is his touch. Softly just doesn’t seem to cut it anymore though and I kiss him with more urgency, throwing my hands around his neck desperate to get closer but not able to get close enough. Our ragged breathing echoes around the room and then his hands are everywhere. Running all over my body, discovering it again as if it’s the first time. My hands roam all of him too, every ripple and muscle. God, I love his body! My movements are rushed and urgent. I’ve been starved of this for too long and I’m ready to feast.

He lifts me and my legs automatically wrap around him. My breasts are crushed against his hard chest and he holds my arse in both hands, squeezing gently but firmly. I can feel him twitching and loosen my grip on his neck so that I can impale myself on him. I giggle when the first attempt does nothing and I lock eyes with him to see he’s displaying a lazy half smile, his eyes are hooded half lids and then finally he’s pulsing inside me.

He walks us backwards and presses my back against the wall. The cool tiles mixed with his heat and the water just managing to still reach us and fall on our skin has me moaning. He stays still as if waiting for me to get accustomed to his length or maybe he’s just savouring the fact that we’ve been without this for months. Screw that!

“Move Kye,” I tell him while pushing into him, needing the friction he’s holding back. He rests his head against my forehead.

“Please, Kye. Don’t make me beg.” I’m close to whimpering in frustration. I don’t need the loving Kye right now. I want the animal who usually devours me, leaving me a weak pathetic mess, incapable of speech or coherent thought.

He plants a kiss on my lips and his tongue slips in and out of my mouth as he starts to move in me. He’s being gentle and I need this fast and hard. I use my feet to press against his arse and pull him into me, making my intentions clear.

“Sweetheart...” He moans.

I know he’s trying to hold back to make this last but I don’t care. I need it. I coax him with my mouth into speeding up by making our kiss frenzied and suck his tongue repeatedly like it’s a frigging lollipop. Finally, after moaning appreciatively he slams into me. His eyes darken with lust and he swallows my scream with his mouth. Thrust upon relentless thrust has my legs starting to tense and tremble at the same time and I know I’m nearly there. I’m in arms reach of ecstasy. I’m a quivering pool of desire. I can’t decide if I want to reach that bliss or keep up with this beautiful torture. My eyes close and my head lolls as I absorb the feelings he ignites. He keeps up his punishing pace of pleasure mingling with pain while I bite at his neck and earlobe and finally I fall, sinking my teeth into his collarbone as I come apart and ride out my orgasm. If he wasn’t holding me I’d be a pool on the floor. He lets go not long after, satisfied that I’ve been satisfied and with a final bucking of his hips he spills into me growling my name. I stay wrapped around him as he kisses me along my jaw and before he can go again I slide down his body standing on shaky legs and grinning. How the hell he managed to hold me and perform without slipping is impressive. But then he is impressive.

He gathers my face in his palms and dips to kiss me. “I love you, babe.”

I nod. I know he does. But is it enough? “I love you too. More than you’ll ever know.” I turn away from him again, now our lovemaking is over reality has crawled back in, an enormous lump has embedded itself in the back of my throat. I feel like the end is coming – the end of us. I don’t want to face it, talk about it or even think about it anymore. What just happened side tracked my wayward thoughts but now they’re beating away again. How do I distance myself from the inevitable? How can I ensure my heart stays intact? I know he’d never hurt me, he’s fought so hard for me, for us. If this is going to confine him and make him be someone he can’t look at, surely I should fight just as hard. I push the tile marked with an ‘S’ and a bottle of strawberry shampoo emerges. I squirt some into my hand and start lathering my hair. I hear him sigh behind me and know that he’s feeling this funk between us also. I rinse my hair, wash and step out, leaving him staring after me.







I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned it. I have a big mouth and my foot is permanently in it. I missed being able to tell her anything, though, she’s always so clear headed and helps me work out hopeless situations. I’m a dickhead, though. Of course, she’s not going to want to hear me talk about going back, about maybe being apart. I know I’m right, though, it’s the only explanation. What I don’t know is if it’s because I saved her or something I did after that. I feel used after our quick session. That’s not how I wanted our first time back together to go. I wanted to cover her in love, remind her how good we are together, but she forced my hand the impatient temptress. And now she’s left like we just had a fling. She just treated me like a one-night stand!

I wash quickly, dry off and leave the shower room. She’s sat on the end of the bed towel drying her long locks. She looks up at me leaning against the door. Her eyes are sad pools of defeat. “What do I have to do to make this tension between us go away Faith?”

BOOK: Advancing ((Advance Industries #2))
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