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Authors: Tracy St John

Alien Interludes (2 page)

BOOK: Alien Interludes
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“You were better at evading me than I thought you would be,” he snarled. “You’ve been planning a long time for this, haven’t you? I’m impressed, my little one.” He shifted a little, and Amelia saw an opening. She darted her head forward and sank her teeth into the side of his neck. Hot, sweet blood spiled into her mouth, and he howled. His thumbs dug painfuly into her wrists, and she released the bite with a scream as sharp agony sizzled through her fingertips.

“You wil pay for that,” he said, and ripped the front of her blouse open, spiling her breasts out. Already amply endowed, Amelia’s mounds were swolen from the milk she made for the twins. The sight of them made her attacker growl. His head flashed downward, and Amelia felt the twin stabs of his needle-sharp fangs on top of one.

“Ow Breft!” she yeled at her Nobek clanmate. She yanked in futility against the iron grasp he had on her wrists.

He squirmed against her, pushing her legs apart with his muscular thighs. The next instant she felt euphoria course through her body, brought about by the intoxicant that flowed from his bite. She moaned throatily as her sex caught fire.

Breft knew exactly how long to keep his fangs buried in her flesh. As soon as he had her slightly drunken with warm pleasure he drew back, licking her blood from his lips.

“Animal,” she purred, gazing into the predatory face she loved so much. He hadn’t intoxicated her much, but her head buzzed pleasantly just the same.

“Indeed,” he smirked, the savagery stil lurking at the edges of his expression, making her softer bits tighten with anticipation. “Exactly the way you wish me to be, my sweet little Matara. When Rajhir and Flencik told me this morning I was going hunting, I knew how savage you would want me when I caught you.” To prove his point, he released her wrists to tear her skirt off and shred the thin panties beneath with a low roar. Amelia cried out in mingled terror and excitement at the display of vicious strength. She suddenly lay completely vulnerable beneath him. Knowing he would show no mercy only thriled her more.

Breft sat on her, not putting al his weight on her bely. He might hurt her a little, but only for the cause of greater pleasure. Her Nobek would never cause her real harm. She wriggled beneath him and pummeled his chest with her fists, pounding hard against his granite flesh. After al, the chase was a present to her fierce mate, and he would be disappointed with only token resistance.

As if she wasn’t raining blows at al, Breft casualy unshouldered the backpack he wore and rummaged inside. Amelia stopped beating on him and frowned. “What’s in there?” she asked.

His grin was pure deviltry as he yanked out several lengths of cord. “Be a good girl, little one, and hand me your wrists.” Tied down. Amelia’s anxiety tickled despite the intoxication. He’d never mentioned this as part of his hunting fantasy. “Surely my big, bad Nobek can overcome a little Earther girl’s defenses?”

“Easily. But I want you completely helpless. Mine to play with as I like. Wrists, Amelia.” His blue-purple gaze bore into her. “Now.” Even as she thought of resistance, her arms automaticaly obeyed his command, lying crossed in his open palm. In less than a breath he had her wrists bound together, and he sprang from her body to lash the other end of the cord to a nearby tree. A moment later he was back, tying cords to each of her ankles.

“Breft?” Her voice was high pitched, but she couldn’t help it. She trusted him, but she knew better than to take him lightly too.

“Just a moment. I’ve almost got you prepared for the kil.”

He ignored her whimper and tied the cords to two nearby trees, opening her legs wide. Breft looked down at her splayed body, the bulge of his crotch straining his formsuit to its stretchy limits. “Lovely, my little one. I’m ready to claim my prize now.”

He stripped his boots and black formsuit from his dark, muscular body. Amelia groaned to see the beautiful alien nude. His two penises, glistening from the lubricant they exuded, jutted at right angles from his groin. She went wet herself and eagerly awaited him to fil her.

Breft knelt between her wide open legs, his eyes sweeping over her vulnerable body. A growl, purely bestial, erupted from his chest. Amelia’s heart flip-flopped, and she puled at her bonds. There was no give. She was truly helpless. If Breft lost control…

He crouched over her, bringing his face close to hers. His breath wafted across her face, coming in low growls. She had to close her eyes against the intensity of his stare.

His mouth crushed down on hers, his tongue invading her mouth. The kiss was brutal, uncompromising in its demands as he plundered the warm interior. The sandpapery texture of his tongue scraped the roof of her mouth and twined about its twin. She moaned to be so thoroughly tasted and possessed. Her body ignited at the sweet violation.

He released her lips and kissed his way down her chin and throat, his soft mustache and goatee tickling her on the way down. She squirmed in reaction, especialy when his mouth landed on the holow of her throat. She giggled helplessly then squealed when his teeth scraped her skin. “Stop!”

He growled in response and continued downward. When his hand and mouth closed over her breasts, Amelia arched with a cry. Sensation was a bright electrical blast traveling from her mounds to her sex.

Breft mauled her, sucking one orb as far into his mouth as he could, clutching hard enough to bring pain to the other. Amelia writhed as much as her tight bonds would alow, at once tortured and delighted by his rough attention. Her moans carried in the forest, punctuated by an occasional snarl from Breft.

He pinched one engorged nipple and gently bit the other. Amelia shrieked as a bolts traveled to her wet pussy. Breft sat up to slap the jiggling mounds from side to side, turning her pale skin pink. His big hands spanked her breasts, occasionaly stopping to tweak the reddened peaks. Amelia sobbed with agonized desire as he demonstrated his mastery over her again and again.

At last he tired of the luscious torture. With a lingering kiss on each throbbing breast, his mouth moved down her torso, tasting her skin as he closed in on her aching mound. Breft paused to tease her navel with the tip of his tongue. His fingertips drew light circles on her spread inner thighs, coming closer and closer to her hungry sex. Amelia shuddered to feel his touch so near. She thrust her hips as much as her tight bonds alowed.

Breft sat back to inspect her wet, open slit. His fingers moved to stroke the auburn swirls of her pubic hair, as if petting a cat. God help her, he was so close to her aching parts. If only he’d touch her. She made a keening sound of need.

His eyes flicked to her face, and his grin was savage. “So pretty, my little Matara. Such soft, pink flesh you have, al for me to play with. Whatever shal I do first with this lovely prize?” Amelia groaned, knowing it would do no good to beg. He meant to torture her, and there was nothing she could do about it. She fel into the warm embrace of perfect submission and waited for his first tormenting stroke.

He sensed her surrender as only a highly attuned Nobek could. “Good girl,” he whispered, his eyes darkening with pleasure. He used one finger to trace around the folds of her labia, spreading her thick wetness over the sensitive flesh. She shuddered as he drew her honey around and over her stil hooded clit and continued down the other side of her pussy lips. Down, down further until he reached the puckered rosebud of her anus. He drew a circle of fluid around her most secret of openings, making her flex with the sensation.

Then he switched his attentions to her sex once more, rubbing several fingers over the warming petals. Breft plunged two fingers inside her al at once, and she arched with a scream of his name at the sudden taking. He pounded quickly in and out several times before slowing. Every time he thrust deep, the heel of his hand found her clit and he rubbed a circular pattern before puling almost completely free of her spasming sheath.

Amelia burned down below, the pleasure so great it actualy hurt. She wasn’t sure how long she endured the slow, sinuous pulses of his fingers reaching inside with that intermittent friction on her straining pearl, broken up by those lightning-quick episodes of jackhammering. Breft’s fingertips curled to rub the nest of nerves at the front of her sheath. The sweet, aching torture seemed to go on forever until her voice burst through her throat with the frantic plea, “Please Breft, please Breft, pleasepleasepleaseplease…” And his deep, growling voice at last commanded, “Come now, Amelia.” An instant later, his lips closed on her clit and sucked hard while his fingers beat within her even faster. The starburst of pleasure went supernova, and her climax blasted her into white-hot shards. Later she would feel gratitude Breft had tied her down; otherwise she might have fled Kalquor’s gravity from the force of the orgasm.

She came down, floating lazily back to her body after an eternity of pulsing bliss. Breft was waiting for her when she landed, kneeling between her splayed legs with a bright grin. “Welcome back,” he growled, his erections huge and gleaming with the juices his alien body exuded.

Amelia’s throat ached; she must have screamed for a long time. From the looks of her mate, she would be screaming some more before he was finished with her. “God, Breft. You nearly kiled me that time.”

“Poor little Amelia,” he crooned, but there was no sympathy in his expression. He looked at her with flat, greedy hunger. Her mate slowly stretched over her, bringing the velvety steel of his erections to her nether orifices. She moaned, her overwrought flesh rioting anew to feel the tapered points of his bulet-shaped organs slide a little way inside her.

Breft suddenly drove hard, burying his staves in her with one powerful thrust. Amelia screamed as he impaled her, pain and pleasure exploding with such power that she felt the top of her head might blow off. The bursting swel of him in both passages made her feel stuffed to capacity, and the thin wal that separated the two cocks heated with the friction of their rubbing. Amelia warbled a welcome as the brief moment of torment faded.

Breft growled his own pleasure as his hips took up a determined rhythm. She looked down between their bodies, watching almost hypnotized as he emerged slick and glistening with their combined juices before sheathing himself in her once more. The sight of his dark brown cocks working in and out of her fair golden skin was a feast for her eyes to devour. Amelia felt the familiar tickle of arousal grow, pushing at the wals of her womb as the desire pounced on her.

Breft fed her flesh with his slowly, making her feel every bit of his lengths as they slipped in and out. He seized her mouth with his, tasting her deeply, leaving no bit unexplored. Amelia moaned as the carnal blaze grew, lighting her insides and bringing her closer to complete immolation. Her Nobek knew every inch of her body, knew what to do to make her burn with need for him.

As if to prove the point, Breft rose on his knees, grabbed her hips and jackhammered hard into her. The sudden change in pace and position brought bird-like cries from her lips as he found new places to stimulate. Her sheath grabbed at him, trying to coax his seed from his body. He growled and slowed again. Amelia whimpered and twisted in her bonds, wanting to take control. Wanting to take Breft and make him suffer.

“Mine to play with,” he purred, discerning as always where her thoughts went. He ground his hips against hers in little circles until he found the sweet spot that brought electric thrils coursing through Amelia’s body. Galvanized by the rush of elation, Amelia went stiff al over.

“There you are,” he grinned, triumph suffusing his tone. With vicious determination, he angled himself so that he slid slowly over that nest of nerves with every thrust.

Amelia screamed, her head tossing from side to side. He moved just enough to bring her right to the brink, then stiled until her body calmed enough for another agonizing stroke. She jerked violently at the cords holding her helpless, needing to get free so she could move against him, taking the ecstasy that beckoned just out of reach. They held, keeping her from claiming the brutal fulfilment she wanted.

“Please,” she begged.

“But you just had one,” Breft said in his most reasonable voice. He pressed hard against that spot again, and Amelia felt the orgasm starting, warming her insides, digging into her flesh with ticklish claws…

Breft stiled, and Amelia hovered for an instant before the bright sensation receded once more. “Nooooo…” she wailed, cheated.

He pinched one stiff nipple and slid his rough tongue across her lips. “Poor little one. You nearly had it that time, didn’t you?”

“Damn you,” she snarled, angry desperation overriding sense. Her need was painful. “Stop teasing me!”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Breft tried for innocence, an expression completely unsuited for his predator’s face. Amelia didn’t think the dangerous Nobek had ever been innocent. He’d probably emerged from the womb ready to fuck and fight.

He slid over that spot again, and once more she came close…so close. When he refused to give her release this time, her scream of rage blasted the woods.

“Hateful bastard! Cold blooded, dominating, vile thug!”

A smirk tugged at his lips. “But you love me anyway.”

She unleashed another furious shriek that died quickly when he did it to her again. Again she trembled on the brink. Again he denied her.

Desperation bled the anger from her veins. She sobbed now, hating her helplessness. Why had she agreed to this? What had possessed her to give herself over to him so completely, knowing he would torment her beyond endurance?

Love, of course. Complete, uncompromising, irrefutable love.

He kissed her tears away. “Enough, little one,” he whispered. “I’l give you what you want now.”

He gave two quick thrusts, and Amelia soared up and over the precipice at last, screaming with abandon as her sex erupted. After a few moments, Breft’s ear-shattering roar joined her cries, and she felt him spasm deep within her as he surrendered to ecstasy. His body over hers was tense, his muscles corded as his seed pulsed from his body to hers.

BOOK: Alien Interludes
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