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Authors: Lavenia Boswell

Alien Love Too! (24 page)

BOOK: Alien Love Too!
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       Mary stared at Melody and asked, “Did his voice do anything for you Mel?  ‘Cause it certainly didn’t do a thing for me.”

       Melody looked at the women who it seemed to affect.  They were hybrids.  “Nah, he has a nice sounding voice, manly and all, but nothing special to me either.  It seems to have bothered the mixed breeds among us, our girls, rather than us.”

       She winked at Mary and added, “But I will admit his licking my palm
a tiny bit sensual.”

       Melissa asked with her eyes stretched wide, “He licked you?”

       “Yeah, I thought it was a bit much too,” she answered.

       “Mom . . . that’s part of the mating ritual for Zileanians.  How dare he do that to my mother!  Just you wait until Sam hears, he’ll have a fit!” Melissa blared in anger.

       Melody laughed easily.  “Aww Missy, it’s often part of the seducing antics of us Humans too.  Don’t go worrying Sam.  His uncle is here by invitation and it wouldn’t do for there to be a battle of the planets, under our own roof.”

       Mary asked, “I wonder if that’s how he woos females?  I heard he’s a famous rogue among the other inhabited planets.  Mark warned me to stay away from him.” The rest of the women nodded that their spouses had warned them as well.







*  * 
CHAPTER 19  *  *



       As the Jontu’s guest, Tory, made his rounds flirting with all the females in the household, except his new niece, Melissa, he gained anger from the men and some adoration from the giggling women.

       The day finally did come when Tory was called away to a distant world to try and negotiate the possibility of future Matings/Marriages.  His job was to work out details and to obtain their DNA so scientists could determine if matings would be possible to bring healthy, viable offspring into the Universes.      

       They’ve discovered two worlds so far where the mixing of Earthian or H’traeian blood did not work well together.  Their DNA was simply too different.


       Following in their father’s footsteps both Stormy and Sky have been drawn to the world of medical sciences.  But, also they have a keen interest in energy engineering and are the most brilliant computer geeks in all the known worlds. 

       The young Jontu males have advanced the world of communications between H’trae and Earth to all new levels.  Currently they are working on creating a “Beam me up, Scotty” transportation system that transfers molecules without doing them damage.  That’s their current goal. 


       Both Jonathans are somewhat puzzled as to why their sons have not begun the need to search for a mate yet.  Neither of the young men have felt the Stirring, apparently.  Being twenty-two now, it is unheard of that the Stirring has not presented itself yet to either of them.  Though they do enjoy watching and trailing behind the unbonded females among them. 

       Jasper, Tyler and Noel Vannese are also full adult males.  Each is nearly six and a half feet tall.  Matching the Jontu twins.  The five men are closer than brothers and they argue among themselves just as much too.


*   *   *


       “Mom,” David calls out, with Storm right on his heels.

       They find her in the music room practicing a new song, exactly where Storm had guided them. 

       Melody slings the towel off her neck where it had soaked up her perspiration while she’d sang and danced with recorded background music. 

       Looking at two of her son’s hurrying into the room she begins to panic.  “What’s wrong?” she asks with fears creeping up and down her back.

       David stops in his tracks seeing her frightened face.  Then he feels bad, he shouldn’t have sounded so upset.  “Mom, there’s nothing bad wrong.  Storm and I were talking about the time you were on stage and how Dad, had been so shocked to discover that you could sing.”

       “Yes?” Melody asked, wondering what they wanted.       David looks upset when he states, “I was going to get the video of that first performance to show Storm and Sky again, they haven’t seen it since they were little boys.”

       “Okay,” Melody says, waiting for the reason he seems upset.

       Storm blurted out, “Someone’s stolen it, Mom!”

       David tries to clarify, “Well, Storm and I
it might be stolen.  We don’t know for a certainty, yet.”

       Melody climbs down off the stage with each son helping her by grabbing a hand and lifting her down.   “I don’t know who would want to steal it.  There were several different copies made, from different cameras, you know.  Surely one of them must be around, did you ask your Dad?” 

       She had told Storm and Sky, once they were mature adults, just who fathered them.  Storm and David was Jonathan’s, and Jonathan J or JJ was Sky and Melissa’s dad. 

       However, she never told her husbands that she knew, and the boys decided to keep it that way.  They didn’t want any division of their father’s affection toward them.  

       Storm stated with just a hint of his handsome smile, “We don’t want to mention it to them, you know, bringing up their times of greatest heartache and all.”           

       “Oh, yeah, that might not be wise,” Melody agreed.  She sipped on her glass of ice water and thought.  “You want me to ask Mark?  He might know where they went.  Or, better yet, ask Missy, she might have converted them all to one of her new types of file storage and can point you right to it.”

       Storm nodded and grinned, “Bet you’re right Mom.  Since she came up with a clearer and more perfect way to hear and record music, I bet she’s converting videos too.  She gave me a new type of music player that all you have to do is place a wireless, tiny, sticky ceramic flake on the area behind each of your ears, it’s clear so it looks like your skin, and the it’s like you’re in a music chamber. 
clear.  It doesn’t affect our ears either no matter how loud, since it bypasses the ear and it picked up by electrical brain current.”

       Melody states, “Sound similar to that tiny thing she made that controls epilepsy.”

       David states, “She did develop it from that idea.  Our little Sis is rather brainy you know.”  He haw, hawed like he had made a funny joke.

       “Just like her brothers,” Melody interjected as she headed upstairs to take a shower before going out on the veranda to have lunch with both her husbands today.

       Storm nudged David’s arm.  “Come on, let’s go ask her.” 

       Off they went, their heads together in deep discussion as they sought to find their sister.


       Melody came strolling out wearing a fluffy, long pink cashmere sweater and a white and pale green tightly pleated peasant skirt.  There was a little chill in the air so she’d opted for the sweater while eating lunch on the veranda.

       Both men stood as soon as she came out the back French doors. 

       “Well,” Jonathan J began as he gave her a once over.  “Don’t you look cute, all girly and pink and stuff.”

       Jonathan pulled her chair out between them and greeted her with a swift kiss on the lips.  “Mmmm, I like pink!”  Looking down at her top he smiled.  “Decided to be brave and show it off huh?”

       Her necklace that Jonathan had given her the night before her first wedding, was laying beautifully on the outside of the sweater.  She usually wore in next to her chest.  It was always there, the clasp had been sealed with Jonathan’s fingers the moment he placed it on her.  But she occasionally wore it on the outside, usually for dinner parties.  On it’s thin, yet strong gold strands, there were rubies, diamonds and stones that looked like pale blue sapphires draped on it, in a design to reflect Earth, H’trae and their joining in marriage.  It was so symbolic that she never tried to reveal its meaning to anyone other than her children and immediate H’traeian family.

       “So,” Melody asked with a quizzical look, “what are you guys up too?  It’s not everyday you both ask me to lunch, alone.  So, what’s going on?”

       The men passed looks back and forth before Jonathan J took her hand and said, “My love, we’ve been wondering why our twin boys haven’t been seeking a Bonding, and have denied having any serious Stirrings.”

       Melody held her
th, for they had all been concerned and were wondering what the problem was.  Or rather why they were
ayed in that aspect of their genetic heritage from their fathers.

       Jonathan took her other hand, rubbed his thumb gently over the inside of her wrist, to keep her calm and said, “We
we know what the problem might be.”

       Melody’s eyes grew larger than normal and a worry wrinkle creased her forehead.  “What is it, please tell me?”

       Both men looked almost afraid to say the words.  So she prodded, “Come on, out with it.  I can take it.  Is anything wrong with them?  Did my genetic makeup cause them a problem of some ?”

       “Not your genetic makeup, exactly.  We think it might be possible that because they are so close to you telepathically that it’s blocking their Stirring hormones from kicking in,” Jonathan J admitted a bit nervously.

       Melody is about to get mad.  “Are you saying that because they love me so much, and have some weird type of mood connection with me - it’s made them ‘Mama’s Boys’ and they aren’t interested in seeking mates because I haven’t broken the apron strings?”

       Her two husbands look at one another for emotional support. 

       “Kind’a,” Jonathan became brave enough to say.

       Melody looked like she was being punched in the gut.  Her face grew red just a few moments before she burst into tears.  “My poor boys!  I’m making them impotent?!”  Then she really wailed and used one of the luncheon napkins to cover her face. 

       Both men tried to console her and each tried to reassure her than it was simply a possibility. 

       Snuffling she tried to dry her tears and get some control of herself again. 

       The back doors flung open and out trooped Sky and Storm along with the Trio. 

       The twins hesitated when they realized that both dad’s were with her and all three looked upset, especially when they looked over at them.

       “Mom, what’s wrong?” Sky asked, needing to know what his dad’s have done to upset her so.

       As he knelt down beside her chair she placed her hand on the side of his face and asked in a low voice, “Have you or Storm ever felt any Stirrings yet?”

       A look of relief washed over his face.  “Is that what has you so upset, Mom?  What does my masculine, fleshly desires for a mate have to do with making you cry?”  He looked with purpose at both dad’s, hoping they would explain the turmoil he had sensed in his mother.

       With her face looking ever so tortured she looked over at Storm, then he came and knelt beside his brother and took her hand.  “Mom, tell us what’s got you so emotionally terrorized?”  He too glances a bit angrily at his dads, expecting the men to reveal something. 

       “Apparently your strong empathic connection with me is proving a hindrance to your Stirring hormones.”  She bursts into tears again and moans, “I didn’t mean to mess you up or make you miss out in anything in life.  I’m so sorry!  I’ll figure out a way to fix it somehow.”

       Storm heaves a deep sigh, kisses his mom’s cheek  and looks at his brother.  “Should we tell them?”

       Sky stands up to his full six feet and six inches, shakes his broad shoulders like he’s limbering up for a race and nods his head.  “Guess so.  Especially since they’ve upset Mom so badly.”

       “Tell us what?” both fathers ask at one time, together.

       “Joann and Jenna.  Tanto’s daughters.  But we’ve wanted to resist the Stirrings getting too out of hand, until the girls are a bit older.  That’s taken a lot of will power too!  The girls are only sixteen and seventeen right now.  Irritatingly their maturing is a lot slower than our’s, being we’re Royal blood,” Sky stated to everyone’s shock. 

       Even the Trio didn’t seem to know about this secret.

       Melody looked at her boys carefully.  “Is that the full truth?  You’re not just saying it to make me less guilty?”

       Storm gave her one of his big bear hugs.  “Mom, you are a class act to follow, in regards of us trying to find a mate that’s half as wonderful a woman as you are.”

       Jonathan and JJ looked more than elated.  They kept grinning and asking the twins all about when they first were attracted, etc, to Tanto’s daughters.

BOOK: Alien Love Too!
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