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Authors: Sarah Curtis

Alluring (23 page)

BOOK: Alluring
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"Nonsense."  He started unbuttoning her silk blouse.  "Your total abandonment when I touch you is the ultimate turn-on for me."  He slipped her blouse over her shoulders and down her arms.

"My drool is a turn-on for you?"  she asked facetiously.

thing about you is a turn-on," he said, very seriously, while stripping her of her bra.  "Now I have you exactly as I want you."

Alexis looked down at her naked form, her feet still encased in her four-inch, black Louboutin pumps.  She looked back up at Jack.  "Mr. Cole, I believe you're over dressed for the party."

He gave her a lascivious smirk.  "I think you may be right."  He slowly peeled off his clothes, tossing them to the side.

Alexis ran her hands down his chest then dropped to her knees.  She looked up slowly licking her lips.  "I've never done this before.  You'll have to tell me what to do."

* * * * *

Hearing those words alone, almost had him coming.  Seeing her lips moving so close to his dick, had it twitching, eager to be between them.  Just the thought nearly brought him to his knees, and he decided he should be sitting for this.

He brought her to her feet.  "Come on, let's do this over here."  He walked to the sofa, moved the coffee table, and removed one of the back cushions and threw it on the floor.  He sat and motioned for Alexis to kneel on the cushion in front of him.

He took his cock in his hand and gave it few strokes.  "Lean forward, baby and wrap your mouth around me."

Alexis did as she was told.  Placing a hand on his thigh, she leaned forward and took him in her mouth. 

He let out a long hiss.  "God, that feels good.  Wrap your hand around the base. Put your lips over your teeth.  Use your tongue and suck me down." 

He let her play for a while until he reached his limit.  He lifted her from under her arms and settled her, straddling his lap. 

"Jack, I wasn't done."

He chuckled.  "I'm glad you were enjoying yourself, but another minute and I would've come in that very talented mouth of yours, and I'm not ready for this to be over yet.  I still owe you two more orgasms."

She gave him a sigh and a cute little pout that he captured with his lips.  He grasped her by the hips and guided her onto him.  They moaned into each other's mouths at the contact.  "Ride me, baby.  However, you like it."

She started slowly, gliding up and down, their mouths still fused.  Her hands gripped his shoulders but soon she was moving faster, grinding herself against him.  Her nails dug into his skin as she tipped her head back, arching her chest.  God she was beautiful.  The most magnificent thing he had ever seen.  He could stare at her for hours.

He reached out a hand, pinching at her nipple, rolling it in his fingers as his other hand came between them finding her spot.  His actions caused her to move faster.  "Come on, baby.  Find it for me." 

His words must have been her trigger, for right after he said them, she moaned, shuddered, and collapsed against his chest.  He kissed the top of her head, smelling the sweet honeysuckle scent of her shampoo, before shifting them, so she was beneath him, never breaking their connection.

He slowly moved in and out, running his lips and tongue up her neck to her ear.  "That's two."  He captured her lobe and sucked it deep into his mouth. 

He heard her moan, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist, her hand clutching his ass.  "What do you want, baby?" he breathed, into her ear.


He pumped into her harder.

"Faster ... harder ..."  she panted.

He slammed into her harder, faster, until he lost all control.  He heard her scream his name, then he collapsed, breathing heavily into her neck.  She was going to be the death of him, but what a way to go.


A few hours later, his phone rang.  He sat at his desk in his home office, finishing some work he'd gotten distracted from earlier.  Last he'd checked, Alexis was in bed reading. 

The phone's screen let him know Stan was calling.  "What's the news?"  he asked, by way of greeting.

"Got a trace on the calls being made to Ms. Taft's phone."

"And?" Jack asked impatiently.

"They're coming from various payphones, from different hotels up and down the strip."  Stan cleared his throat.  "The perp is a woman, but even from numerous camera angles, I can't see her face.  She has it covered with a large, floppy hat, which incidentally, also covers her hair."     

Jack growled into the phone.  "I want to see those videos."

"I had still shots printed up.  I'll bring them to your office tomorrow so you can take a look.  Have Ms. Taft there, as well.  I want her to look at this woman and see if anything is familiar about her."

"We'll be there, say eight tomorrow morning?"

"Sounds good."

Jack set down his phone and leaned back in his chair.  It wasn't much, but at least they were a little closer to finding this person.  At least now they knew it was a woman.

He got up, switched off his office light, and made his way to the bedroom.  Alexis was waiting for him, a smile on her face in greeting as he climbed in bed beside her.  His heart filled just looking at her.  She made his life complete, and he would do whatever it took, by any means necessary, to keep her safe, so every night could end with Alexis in his arms.







Stan already waited for them, the next morning, when they entered Jack's office.  Jack had briefly told Alexis last night that Stan had photos he wanted them to see.  She was eager to see the person creating so much havoc in her life.

Stan sat on the couch, and a blush stained her cheeks in remembrance of what Jack and her had done on that couch less than twenty-four hours ago.

Stan set his coffee on the table and stood as they approached.  He held out his hand, and Jack shook it. 

"Where are the photos?"  Jack asked, not even trying to sound patient.

Stan pulled a stack of photos from his briefcase and handed them to Jack.  He examined each one carefully before finally looking up with a snort.

"As I said, there's no clear view of her face, and the hat hides her hair."  Stan tapped them with his finger.  "Maybe, Ms. Taft will see something we don't."

Jack handed Alexis the photos.  The woman wore a different outfit, but the same hideous, black, floppy hat in each picture.  "Something about her seems familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it."  Alexis flipped through the pictures slowly, trying to figure out what about them nagged at her memory.

"Do you think you've seen this woman before?"  Stan asked her.

Alexis shook her head.  "I don't know."  She held the photos back out to Stan.

"You keep them, they might trigger something.  I have other copies."

Alexis placed them on Jack's desk and pulled her phone out of her purse to check the time.  "I have to get to work."

"I'll walk you out."  Jack turned to Stan.  "I'll be right back." 

He led her out by the small of her back.  As they stepped out of the office, he shut the door behind them.  He took her face in his hands and kissed her on the lips.  "Call me as soon as you get to work."

"I will."

"Drive safe."


He kissed her one more time.  "Love you."

She smiled up at him.  "I love you, too."

Alexis waved and greeted a few people she knew on the way to her car.  The June heat was already brutal at 8:30 in the morning.  Thankfully, she thought to wear a cream silk shell under her light-pink skirt suit.  She had a feeling the jacket would be removed by midday.

She turned a corner and spied her car next to Jack's Rover.  She stopped and stood in stunned amazement at first not fully comprehending the sight before her. 

The back window was bashed in, and both back tires were flat  She started slowly inching her way forward to get a better view of the front, when the squeal of tires sounded, startling her. 

Heart pumping, Alexis turned her head to see a car bearing down on her, seemingly driving at top speed.  She was frozen in place for several precious seconds before her feet got the memo from her brain and started running.  She dove out of the way at the last moment to avoid being hit.

She followed the car with her eyes as it quickly sped away, but she couldn't read the license plate nor could she tell the make and model.  She crawled to her purse that was a few feet away and with shaky hands, pulled out her phone.

Someone from security saw her and came rushing over.  "Young lady, are you alright?"

Jack had answered on his end.  "Sweetheart, that was fast.  Miss me already?"

She breathed heavily into the phone as the adrenaline rush wore off.  Her whole body started shaking, her teeth clattering, and she couldn't seem to find her voice.

"Alexis, are you alright?  Where are you?"  he paused a moment.  "Speak."

His sharp tone seem to snap her out of her funk.  "Gar ... garage,"  she stuttered.

"I'm on my way.  Don't move."

The security guard helped her to her feet.  She looked down.  She was a mess.  She had lost one shoe and blood dotted both knees.  She smoothed down her skirt and left a trail of blood behind.  She looked at her palms.  Those had scrapes, too.

"Lady what happened?  Is this your car?  Were you attacked?"  The guard said something into his walkie-talkie, talking in some kind of code.  Something garbled came back out.

She heard footsteps running and lifted her head to see Jack, then promptly burst into tears.  Guess the adrenaline had finally worn off.  She was a hot mess. 

He cradled her in his arms.  "Sweetheart, are you okay?  What happened?"

She stutter-sobbed the whole story making a mess of his shirt.  Mascara, lipstick, tears, and snot littered the front of it.  She stepped back and wiped her face, wincing when her raw palms hit her salty tears.

Jacked cradled her hands.  "Let's get you cleaned up."  He reached down, picked up her purse, found her shoe and helped her slide it on. 

Stan was investigating her car.  He had his phone out, taking pictures.  "I'll give you a minute to compose yourself, Ms. Taft, then I need to ask you some questions."

"Come with us up to the penthouse.  You can speak with her after I clean her up."  He scooped her up and started walking.

"I can walk," she said, clinging to his neck.

"I want to hold you." 

They got some strange looks on the way to the elevator, but no one said anything.  Stan trailed behind them but stopped at some point to talk to a security guard. 

As they waited in the elevator for Stan to catch up, Jack buried his face in Alexis's neck and breathed deep.  "Are you sure you're okay?" 

"I'm fine.  I was a little shook up, but I'm feeling better now.  I'm glad you were so close, though.  I don't know how I would have coped without you with me.  You're like my security blanket and that kind of scares me."

Jacked picked his head up and looked at her.  "Why's that?"

"What will I do when you're gone?  I've grown so dependent on you."

"I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart."

"You can't predict the future, Jack."

"There is no future I see, that you aren't in."

Alexis just sighed.  There was no talking to Jack when he got into one of his moods.  He saw things one way. 
way.  He never took into account all the variables that could happen along the way.

Stan made it to the elevator, cutting off further conversation.  They made the ride up in silence.  When they arrived, Jack told Stan to help himself to anything in the kitchen, and to make himself comfortable in the living room.  He carried Alexis to their bedroom and deposited her on the bathroom counter.

"I'm going to grab you something clean to change into."  He kissed her on the forehead.  "Be right back."

He came back a few minutes later with a pair of black, cuff shorts and a lilac, V-neck T-shirt.  He squatted, opened the under-the-counter cabinet, and took out a small first-aid kit.

"I need to call in to work."

"I'll do it in a minute, baby.  I want to get these cuts cleaned first."  He pulled out and opened an alcohol swab.

Alexis hissed out a breath when it hit her raw knee.  Jack blew lightly after each swipe.

"Sorry baby, I know it stings."  After cleaning each wound, he applied antibiotic cream and adhesive bandages to her knees and palms. 

He soaked a washcloth, washed her face, then the blood from her legs.  "Let's get you changed, then we'll go talk to Stan."

They made their way downstairs, Jack on the phone with her boss.  She went into the kitchen, got a bottle of water out of the fridge, then proceeded to the living room.

Stan sat on the couch, and Jack sat 0n one of the wing-back chairs.  He patted his lap.  "Come sit here."  Once she was settled, he whispered, "I'm not done holding you yet."

BOOK: Alluring
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