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Authors: Eliza Gayle

Alpha Wolf Rising (2 page)

BOOK: Alpha Wolf Rising
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His tongue again swiped along her aching flesh from bottom to top before devouring her clit with both teeth and tongue. Sierra’s legs shook with the force of her rising climax. So close. But Marek was too smart for that. He only allowed her to go as far as he was ready to. Rough hands skimmed her belly and cupped her breasts, abrading the tender skin. With a thumb and forefinger, Marek pinched and pulled on her aching nipples. The delicious pain shot through her like a direct electric current to her sex.

He laved noisily at her wetness, her hips jerking every time he got near her pulsing bud. Frustrated, she fisted handfuls of his hair in her fingers and pressed his face deeper. Her opening ached to be filled. Fingers, dick, whatever, it didn’t matter. But if he didn’t fuck her soon, she’d have to strangle him for denying her.

Wolves howled around her now, urging him to complete the mating. The pack would wait for Marek to go first, and she didn’t have to look to know they were all very close to losing control. Intense arousal and excitement of the pack filled her nose, driving her closer to the edge of losing it herself.

“You taste so damn good, Sierra. I can’t get enough.” His breath puffed over her swollen flesh, triggering a sharp shiver that raced up her spine. Marek’s teeth scraped across her quivering inner thighs, his gaze locked on hers. The golden glow of his wolf eyes gave away the fight for control between man and animal. The growling grew louder until he abruptly moved, rising over her, and the head of his cock pushed at her opening.

“Mine,” he repeated.

“Yes,” she breathed. Whatever he wanted as long as he fucked her.

With one hand on her shoulder and the other digging into her hip, he thrust fully inside her, stretching her wide to accommodate him. A scream tore from her throat and turned instantly into a howl that her pack returned.

“Move, Marek, now,” she hissed. The hunger burrowed under her skin and ate at her sanity until she thought she’d go crazy.

Finally, he complied and withdrew until only the tip remained. When she expected him to fill her again, he pulled free instead and flipped her onto her knees so fast her head spun. The strength it took to do that amazed her, and her wolf leaped for joy at the capable mate she’d chosen.

With one fierce thrust, he shoved into her eager body, hard muscle creating hot friction against tender tissue. Screams, howls, and chants surrounded her as the pack joined in. Bodies flung together in a frenzy of half-shifted and full wolves fucking every which way they could. The energy they created, driven by pure animal instinct, buzzed around them.

Marek rammed in and out, lifting her ass with each forward assault of his cock. His pace might have injured a mortal, but she was no human, and she wanted it rough. The rougher the better. Even her human lover understood this. Sierra pushed thoughts of Nolan aside and focused on her new mate. Grunts of pleasure rumbled from his chest, and her own howl of ecstasy followed.

Even with the manic tempo Marek set, he still managed to wrap his arm around her waist and burrow his fingers in her drenched curls until he found her throbbing clit. He teased the aching flesh as he pummeled her harder. Gone were thoughts of sweet lovemaking, replaced by pure animalistic rutting at its finest.

No wonder she loved the black moon so much.

No holding back, no worries, no pleasure too great on this one night. She’d never miss another ceremony if her life depended on it. This freedom was what she craved. Marek could fuck her senseless, because Nolan was watching out for her.

The scent of sex wafting on the cool breeze did little to assuage the heat building inside her. Just the opposite. She wanted to see and hear every member of her pack spread their seed tonight. The increase in sexual magic brought down from a black moon heightened a female’s fertility, and a night like this usually resulted in the conception of at least a pup or two.

Their pack numbers had held steady for centuries, but in the last few seasons, her father had mentioned a decline. Marek dug his fingers into her hips. “Focus on me, Sierra. Gods dammit, me!”

Shocks of pleasure rippled along the walls of her stuffed sex, running straight to her womb. Her muscles tightened as sensation spiraled through every nerve ending, building to an impossible peak.

“Yes, Marek—harder.” She pushed on every thrust, ensuring his cock glanced across her womb.

The muscles of his thighs tensed against her buttocks, signaling his own imminent release neared. Sierra’s body spasmed and contracted with a bliss she could barely understand. Louder screams than before erupted from her throat, drowning out all the other noise. Bright lights flashed into her vision as Marek bellowed behind her, his orgasm bursting free on an ear-splitting howl. Heat splashed inside her as her muscles quaked in the heightened sensation from his continued urgent thrusts.

All around her, the pack followed suit until the sweet sounds blended into a chorus melody. Wet skin slapped against wet skin, their bodies melding together.

“Get the fuck up, now. Dammit, Sierra, can’t you hear me?” Nolan’s rough voice broke through the haze of pleasure, and she swung her head to find him standing over her with his hands on her shoulder.

Confusion erupted.

Voices screamed to run.

Someone tore her from Marek and swung her over their shoulders.


“Yes,” he answered in a sharp clipped tone as he ran from the clearing and into the woods.

Weak as a new pup, she tried to clear her head. Where was Marek? What the hell had happened to the pack?

“Nolan, stop.” She scratched her claws into the fabric of his shirt. His muscles bunched and flexed underneath her hands, but he didn’t break stride even a little. “Dammit, Nolan, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“We’re under attack.”

That got her attention.

“What?” she shrieked. “Put me down. I’m perfectly capable of handling the situation.”

“Shut up and let me do my job. We’re almost there.”

Fear surged through her at the grim determination in his voice. She might not like it, but he was right. Her heart pounded wildly, but she’d been pulled from Marek for her own safety. She’d not even recovered from mating, so she’d have to let Nolan do what he’d been trained his whole life to do: protect her.

Chapter Two


. Nolan had known this day could come, but he’d never planned on dragging Sierra through the forest with her naked ass in his face and arousal running down her legs. Nope, this was one scenario no one had ever considered.

Duty was one thing; watching his woman fuck like an animal during an ancient moon ritual that mated her to another of her kind had been pure torture.

Screams sounded in the distance, driving him faster. Sierra was now the alpha of the pack, and her safety mattered above all else. They had about twenty-one hours and fifteen minutes before she’d regain her strength. Those patrols had better have a damned good reason for letting something, or someone, through the town barrier.

The terrain dipped under his feet. “Fuck.” Nolan braced Sierra’s thighs to save his balance.

“Let me down. I can keep up with you on my own two legs now.” Sierra scratched though the fabric of his shirt again. His back would be shredded soon if he didn’t put her down, but losing precious time meant the difference between death and life for them all.

“Soon. I have no idea what the status of the rest of the pack is, and I’m not taking any chances.” His breathing was rough. He might not have the heightened senses of a wolf, but his instincts screamed in warning that they were still in danger.

“Hurry.” She spoke quietly, the sound laced with anger and frustration. “I can’t see anyone behind us.”

His blood chilled at the news.

Marek had been right next to Sierra, and Dave should have been on his heels.

Seconds turned into long minutes as he ran toward the safe house. They were close now, and from the lack of sounds ahead, likely the first to arrive. He slowed to a stop and set Sierra on a rock. She kept quiet; they both knew the drill. Sierra nodded in the direction they needed to go, and he tapped his ear in response. When she shook her head, indicating no sounds came from the path ahead, he sighed in relief. Her strength might have been tapped out, but her exceptional hearing and smell were as spot-on as ever.

If she heard nothing, then no one was there. She’d once told him she could hear someone’s heart beating from half a football field away, and they were a mere forty feet from touching the back deck of the cabin they’d take refuge in.

She pointed in the direction of the house, and he nodded, knowing she was ready to proceed. He hiked his pants leg, pulled a knife from the sheath strapped to his ankle, and pressed it into her hand. He thought for a second she might protest, when she grabbed the handle and held it like she aimed to use it if she had to. Still, as her protector, Nolan went first, his gun at the ready as they moved soundlessly toward the back door.

An angry howl split the air, and Nolan swung his head in the direction of the sound. He spared a glance at Sierra, and a slight smile brightened her face. Good to know Marek was still alive and well.

Sierra couldn’t answer his call without giving away their position, so they kept moving toward the cabin. A moonless night gave them little light to work with, but it did give them good cover. Once inside, Sierra could find some clothes, and he’d set about contacting the pack to find out what had gone wrong. He didn’t want to think about possible casualties, but it wouldn’t be the first time the pack had been attacked.

Although never on a black moon.

Their only known enemies consisted of rival packs, which usually raided their ranks for females. Seemed every pack lately struggled with the same fertility issue and were always looking for fresh blood to add to the mix.

Not tonight.

Wolves affected by the curse tended to retreat and hide in the twenty-four hour period of a new moon when their strength was at its lowest. They hated being weak like humans, and a black moon only amplified the problem with intense sexual needs.

Which meant only one thing. The attack had likely come in human form, and only someone familiar with shifter breeding would know about this Achilles’ heel. He swore silently at the timing. Sierra’s first hour as alpha, and she had a shit storm to deal with.

He strained to see through the dark. What he wouldn’t give for a pair of night-vision goggles right about now. But he could rely on Sierra to spot any close danger because her vision was perfect day or night. With no other movement or sign of trouble, they moved onto the deck, and Sierra stepped aside for him to open the door.

Nolan grabbed the key he’d worn around his neck since the day he’d turned twenty. This was the first time they’d ever needed it for something other than a drill. Maybe after tonight, he’d upgrade the security here to something a little more high tech. At least during the last training exercise, he’d restocked the cabin with double the weapons and ammo and personally checked each and every gun for full functionality. He’d lived by the motto that the devil was in the details his whole life, thanks to an obsessive father, so he never left anything to chance. He ran the protector program tighter than any military group.

The cool metal fit smoothly into the lock and turned with well-oiled ease. Nolan yanked the door open and pulled Sierra in with him. In thirty seconds, he had the entrance secure and the few rooms checked to ensure they were alone. Every family had their own hidey-hole, and this one belonged to the alpha. So where the hell was Sierra’s father? The call went out over the radio, and every protector would have received the message.

“What the hell happened out there, Nolan?”

He turned to Sierra, who’d begun rifling through the drawers in the bedroom in search of her clothes. Now that she was safe, he took a minute to look at her. She had scratches and dirt from the forest, and even a few leaves in her hair, yet her pale skin shone brighter than any full moon; and despite their fucked up situation, his dick twitched in his pants.

He’d been forced to watch Marek claim her in front of the whole pack. While he understood the need to do so and the importance of her taking over the reins, his gut had twisted, and he’d ground his teeth until his jaw had ached. He wanted to stake an equal claim. He and Marek had already come to an agreement when it came to their relationship, but for the first time, he felt unsure. Wolves had voracious sexual needs, and many of their emotions were displayed in that manner. Lust, anger, jealousy, you name it, and she got horny. Gave all new meaning to the words
makeup sex.

The fact wolves tended to be polyamorous in their sexual play bothered him little. He’d grown up in Silverstone, and it had become more than normal; in fact, it was expected. But usually when a wolf mated, a bond formed that no one else shared. They were possessive yet open at the same time. A quandary he’d not quite figured out.

“Something or someone broke through the guard,” he said as he stalked in her direction, aggression boiling in his veins. He wanted to claim.

To take. It was his turn.

And to hell with the pack and Sierra’s status. She belonged equally to them both. Sierra not only shared her body but her affection as well. So why did he need this now? Nolan shook off his thoughts and focused on

“That’s not a good enough answer,” she snapped. Sierra slammed the drawer shut and looked up, her eyes growing wide at the intent she must have recognized on his face.

“No, Nolan. Not now.”

He grabbed her shoulders and gathered her against him, covering her protest with his mouth. Heat and warmth exploded through him as he speared his tongue inside her. Sweet and earthy. That was the image he got when he tasted her. Her unique flavor lived inside him every day, a constant reminder of the soul-searing effect she had on him. He pressed into the taut muscles of her neck until slowly they eased and she gave in to her baser needs.

Tongues tangled roughly as he wrestled her for control. Never one to shy away from a challenge, Sierra gave as good as she got. She threaded her hands through his hair and pulled him tighter. The key fell from his hand when he lifted her off the ground. She wrapped her long, strong legs around his waist as he moved toward the bed.

The effects of the black moon would not go away until tomorrow, and even though he knew she couldn’t resist, or maybe because of it, Nolan pushed her onto the bed.

He had to have her and it couldn't wait.

Sierra released the grip she had on him and clawed at the buttons of his jeans until she finally freed him. Nolan moaned into her mouth when those slim hands of hers circled his cock and released him from his pants.

Goddamn she felt good.

She’d managed to keep her thighs locked around him and wasted no time in guiding him to her heated sex. She rubbed the bulging crown of his cock along her already wet slit. He groaned and ripped free from her lips.

“You little bitch.”

“That’s alpha bitch to you now.” The haughty tone of her voice permeated his senses, driving the need to take impossibly higher.

Unable to take another second not a part of her, he nudged at her opening. The pack could fucking wait a few minutes. And yeah, as revved as he was, this would not take long at all. They’d have time for more later. Nolan tunneled inside on a forceful thrust until he was buried balls deep. Fuck, this woman made him crazy. Sierra screamed, and her hands tore at the fabric covering his chest.

“You may be alpha now, babe, but you still belong to me too.” He pulled from her sheath and pumped into her even faster. All too soon, the base of his spine already tingled, and his balls drew tight.
Not yet
. The need to spill his seed and claim what belonged to him rode him hard.

“Faster, Nolan. Fuck me.”

Nolan bucked violently as she thrashed underneath him, grasping for more of what she needed. He canted his hips and forced his cock even deeper. Her muscles squeezed his shaft, and she met him stroke for stroke. Marek or anyone could walk in on them at any moment, and he didn’t give a shit. The only thing that mattered was ensuring she understood his place in their relationship.

“I won’t take a backseat to Marek,” he managed through gritted teeth as he fought to hold on. “Ever.”

“Shut up and fuck me. Claim me. Do whatever you have to. It changes nothing. The three of us belong together.”

Nolan pushed harder until the bed rattled beneath them and the metal legs scraped across the wood floor. Sweat coated their bodies, and the scent of sex filled the room.

He leaned down and growled in her ear. “Time to come, Sierra.”
Her nails ripped through the sleeves of his shirt, and her hot pussy gripped him like a vise. “Now!”

“Damn you!” A loud scream followed her words, and he pistoned faster in and out of her, his movements rougher on every stroke. Pressure built in his balls as her muscles pulled on him, urging him to come. Unable to hold back, Nolan’s mind exploded into nothingness, and his release poured into her. He buried his face at her neck, groans escaping unbidden. Emptied of seed, he still couldn’t control himself as he dry humped her through a second orgasm. The sensation of her coming apart underneath him pulled the strings nice and tight around his heart.
Damn woman with her hot body and even hotter pussy
. There would be no denying anything she ever wanted.

He may have been forced to claim her after their narrow escape, but who the hell was he kidding? She’d laid her claim on him a long time ago.

“You are insane, Sierra. We’re never going to be able to keep this a secret.” He unlocked her legs and rolled next to her on the bed.
Sierra twisted in his direction. “We better get up. We’re about to have company,” she whispered.

“What?” He jumped to his feet and stuffed his dick back into his pants.

“Relax. I’m pretty sure it’s just Marek.” She teased him with a seductive smile that pulled at his groin.

Nope, he’d never get enough of her. “Still…considering the two of you got interrupted, I don’t imagine he’d be happy to find us fucking right now. Besides, we’ve got to get a handle on the intruder situation.”

She sat up, the playfulness instantly erased from her features. “Tell me exactly what happened.”

“I don’t know much yet. A call went out that there was a breach in the perimeter. Someone blasted their way through the guards stationed at the edge of town.”

He shook his head. “Not that I’ve heard. It would be highly unusual.”

“Agreed.” Sierra stood and dressed quickly. Seconds later someone pounded on the door.

“Well, at least your hearing is still sharp.” He turned and started from the room when a clock went whizzing by his head, the displaced air brushing his cheek. “Good thing your aim’s off, though.”

“My aim’s just fine, you damn smart-ass.”

A quiet chuckle rumbled in his chest. He loved his woman all riled up. Hammering on the door again disrupted his thoughts.

“I hear you already.”

“Then hurry and open up. What the hell are you doing in—”
Nolan unlocked the door, then wrenched it open. Surprisingly, Marek was already fully dressed with a gun strapped to his side. Nolan grabbed him by the neck and dragged him inside before poking his head outside and surveying the surrounding area. “Where’s your protector?”

“I sent him to help find the alpha—I mean Sierra’s father.”

“What do you mean find him?” Sierra strode into the room, worry shining from her eyes despite the fresh-fucked look on her face.

BOOK: Alpha Wolf Rising
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