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Authors: Darlene Henderson

Always A Bride (5 page)

BOOK: Always A Bride
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Harvey Mitchell, are you kidding me?”

You know Josh and I never got along.”

You just need to take the time to get to know him better. Ben is going to come by too. Josh will take his break, and then maybe we can have a cup of coffee in the coffee shop.”

Okay, one cup of coffee.”

Deal. Let’s go.”

Harvey helped Alex out of their booth and held her hand as they left the restaurant.
Outside, he pulled Alex close and kissed her quickly, but passionately.

He was moving away when someone cleared their throat.
“Dr. Mitchell?”

Harvey cringed. He recognized the voice. Nikki. She worked at the nursing home and was friends with Molly.

The situation with Molly might not wait until tomorrow night to come to a head.

He squared his shoulders and turned.
“Hi, Nikki.”

Hi, Dr. Mitchell. I didn’t expect to run into you here.”

The food is great, enjoy it. See you tomorrow.”

Over Nikki’s shoulder,
Alex was discreetly heading for the car. He was grateful she thought to make herself scarce before the situation became any more awkward.

I’ve got to run.”

Harvey turned and
looked for Alex, but she was nowhere in sight. He frantically scanned the parking lot. After a moment of panic, thinking she may have left, he spotted her looking at a movie poster at the theater next door to the restaurant.

unlocked the car and waited for her to join him. When she climbed in, he said, “Nikki is probably on the phone with Molly right now. I may have to talk to Molly tonight. She is going to want to know who I was with and I why I couldn't have dinner with her. She's going to be totally ticked off.”

Maybe it's just better to get it done and over with and we can all get on with life.”

Alex, I don’t want to hurt Molly and I have to think about the baby.”

Molly will be okay and I know you will make sure the baby is too. Let’s just go see Josh and Ben.” Alex leaned back in her seat and took a deep breath.

Chapter Four


Alex didn’t want Molly to be hurt either
, but the woman had gotten herself into this mess. She was overcome with conflicting emotions. There was hope she and Harvey could have a future. But the hope was overshadowed by anger, hurt and betrayal. Harvey was too smart to have gotten himself in this situation.

Is it right to come back to town after all this time and steal Harvey away from Molly? If she’s tricked Harvey and is taking advantage of him
, then I’m not stealing him.

The drive
to the hotel was even more quiet than the drive to the restaurant. Harvey seemed anxious. He drove as if he were afraid someone was following him. He frequently checked the rearview mirror. His knuckles were white from his grip on the steering wheel.

Alex didn't try to make small talk
. She was caught up in her own thoughts. Was this what she really wanted? Did she want to give up the modeling, the exotic locations, the apartment in New York? Was living in her tiny hometown going to be enough? Then she looked at Harvey and knew whatever it took to be with him was exactly what she wanted.

When they
pulled up at the hotel, Harvey searched for a parking place. “That looks like Molly’s car.”

Does it? Does she still have the princess license plate? That would make her car easy enough to identify.”

She does." Harvey snapped and glared at Alex. "Is that why we’re here?”

She shook her head in confusion.
Harvey found his pregnant fiancée parked at a hotel where there was no logical reason for her to be. If he was going to be mad at anyone, it should be Molly. “Yes, Harvey. You need to see for yourself what's going on here. Molly has apparently been coming here for months. If I or Josh told you, you wouldn’t believe us.”

But maybe she’s…or…they…I mean…” Harvey stammered, clearly frustrated. Even if he wasn't in love with Molly, it must hurt him to see such a deception. “Maybe someone is using her car.”

Then call. Say that you want to see her right now. Say it can’t wait until later and we’ll see. If she comes out of one of those rooms, then you’ll know.”

Let’s go see Ben and Josh. I guess they are in on this little scheme?”

This is not a plot against you, Harvey. We don’t want to see you taken advantage of by Molly.” Alex reached out to touch his arm.

Harvey moved just beyond her touch, reaching for the door handle.
“This is just all too much.”

Come on in. We’ll get that cup of coffee and we can sort this out.”

Alex, we can’t start off our lives together like this. Not with anger and confrontation. Let me give Molly the chance to explain.”

Okay.” Alex tried to make sense of what was happening. Harvey talked as if he wanted to work out his relationship with Molly.

Let’s go see the guys. I haven’t hung out with Ben in a long time and it will be good to see him.”

Harvey?” Alex said, still sitting with the seatbelt firmly in place.

alfway out of the car, Harvey stopped. He sighed deeply. “Yes?”

I’m sorry.”

Me too. About everything.”

e stepped out of the car and slammed the door.

Alex wasn’t sure exactly why she apologized or even why Harvey was mad. The apology just seemed the right thing
to do. She blinked hard to hold back the tears stinging her eyes and took a moment to compose herself, looking in the mirror to make sure her make-up hadn't run. She combed her fingers through her hair and touched up her lipstick. She might feel like she was falling apart but, darn it, she could look good. She grabbed the door handle. Harvey opened the door before she could, took her hand and helped her out. He was close to the car and, when she stood, his breath warmed her skin.

Oh Harvey, I…”

Hush. I love you, Alex. I just have to deal with this my way.” His lips covered hers.

Alex braced herself
against the car and returned Harvey's kiss. His body pressed into hers. He wound one of his hands into her hair, pulling her deeper into his kiss. With his other hand he sought out every inch of bare skin he could find. When his fingers grazed her leg just below the hem of her skirt, she quivered in excitement. While she wanted to give in to her desire, this wasn’t the time or place. She mustered her strength, placed a hand on Harvey’s chest and tried to push him away. The pounding of his heart beat in unison with hers. His lips moved to her throat.

She tilted her head back and moaned
. “Ohhh...Ha—”

omeone screamed from across the parking lot.

Oh no.” Harvey pulled Alex to him and kissed her hard and fast. “I love you. Go inside. Go to the bar and have a drink with Ben. Let me handle this.”

Harvey released h
er and Alex did as he had asked.

She didn’t
have to look to know Molly was storming across the parking lot. Her screams let everyone in earshot know she was coming and she was

Come back here,” she shrieked. “Don’t run away from me. What do you think you’re doing with my fiancé?”

Alex didn’t look back

Molly, what, exactly, are you doing here?” Harvey demanded.

nside the lobby of the motel, Ben greeted Alex with a hug. "Hey, you look great."

Thanks, Ben. You look pretty great yourself.” His dark hair was cut short and neat. The short-sleeved shirt he wore made it evident Ben had been working out. Alex couldn't help but wonder how he was still single.

Where’s Harvey?”

Out there.” Alex turned and pointed toward the parking lot. “Life must be treating you well.”

Yeah. My band just got our first recording contract. We’re playing all over town and traveling a bit too. It’s all going great. What’s Harvey doing out there? It sounds like somebody lost it.”

That would be Molly and she has,” Alex responded.

What the heck?” Josh came from around the counter. “Do I need to call security?”

No, I think Harvey will calm her down,” Alex answered.

gold jacket with the Fairmont logo on it looked good on Josh. It fit perfectly, and she knew Josh well enough to know he'd probably had it tailored. Josh had always been too cute for his own good. His good-looks and charm had probably gotten him out of as much trouble as they got him into over the years. His brown hair was carefully tousled. But it was the infectious smile lighting up Josh's face that gave him something special.

stood at the plate glass window, reporting to Alex and Josh what was happening in the parking lot. “They are getting in Harvey’s car.”

Harvey said we should have a beer. I think I need one,” Alex said.

You two go on,” Josh said, “I’ll call in my relief and join you.” Josh went around the front desk and picked up the phone.

Ben continued
standing at the window. “But we might miss something.”

No, Ben. Harvey has this under control. Let’s drink. First round on me.”

I’m off work as soon as my relief is here, and I’m up for a drink.” Josh smiled, taking off his jacket. A young woman dressed in the female version of Josh's uniform stepped behind the desk. “And there's my relief now. Let's go.”

Ben, Josh
, and Alex headed to the bar. The bartender seemed happy to see them as the bar was otherwise empty. They each ordered a beer and settled in to get caught up. They choose one of the small round tables near a window. Ben and Josh swiveled in the black vinyl chairs and, just like they would have in high school, laughed when the vinyl squeaked.

After about fifteen minutes
, Alex's cell phone buzzed on the table. Looking at the phone display, she said, “’Scuse me guys. It's Harvey. Hello?"

's voice was husky when he asked, “Honey, can you get Ben to drive you home?”

Yes, but why? Do I hear crying?” Alex didn’t like the sound of this.

It’s okay, Alex. Molly and I are having a good talk and everything is okay.”

Okay with her or okay with us? Who is it okay with, Harvey? What are you talking about?”

Alex, honey, now is not the time. Just trust me.”

I can definitely get one of these guys to drive me home. I can count on them.” Alex flipped the phone closed without saying good-bye.

What’s up?” Josh asked.

You don’t look happy,” Ben said.

Do we need to go have a talk with Harvey?” Ben was already on his way to the door.

Get back here. He just asked if I could get a ride home with one of you,” Alex explained.

Did Molly whine her way out this too?” Josh asked, leaning back in his chair.

I don’t know. She was crying. Harvey was acting weird about the whole thing. It was like he was mad at me for bringing him here. Then he kissed me and that’s when Molly walked out and found us.”

I bet she was ticked off,” Ben said, walking to the bar to pick up the next round.

Harvey got between us. I think if she could have gotten her hands on me, it could have been very ugly.”

Ben s
et Alex’s beer down. “Girl fights are many things, but not ugly. I’d have paid to watch.”

Alex punched Ben in the arm.

“I don’t know who she’s here with,” Josh said. “Nobody has checked in since I started my shift and the register doesn’t show anybody we know.”

She’s not registered?” Ben asked.

Anybody list her license plate with their signature?” Alex asked.

No and no,” Josh replied..

Alex said
. “I need to get home. Can one of you drive me?”

Sure,” Ben said, moving to the window and scanning the parking lot. “Looks like they are gone. Let’s go.”

Alex hugged Josh and thanked him.
“I can always count on you Josh. You know you’re my favorite.” She kissed him quickly on the cheek.

Hey, what about me? I thought I was your favorite.” Ben put his hands on hips.

Alex giggled
. “You are, but don’t tell Josh,” she whispered.


At home, Alex tossed and turned in bed. The day had been an emotional roller coaster. Harvey had raised her hopes and dashed them again. Now she just didn't know where she stood with him. Sobs wracked her body as she cried into her pillow until, exhausted, she finally fell asleep.

When she woke up late the next morning
, she had missed several of his calls.

She listened to his message
s, his voice calm and cool on the line. “Good morning, sunshine. I’ll see you tonight at the club. I can’t pick you up myself, but I’ll send a car for you.”

Alex talked to
the empty room. “Send a car for me? Can’t pick me up? What is he up to? Maybe I should have just stayed away.”

Alex decided to go to the nursing home to visit her grandmother.
Visiting was part of the reason she was in town and she'd let her drama with Harvey distract her from that purpose. Her grandmother's health was failing and she didn't know how many more visits she'd be able to have. She couldn't let another opportunity pass.

As she drove the roads she
’d known so well as a teenager, she was surprised at how much her little hometown had grown.

Once i
n her grandmother’s room, she pulled a chair next to the bed. She held her grandmother's hand and they were talking and laughing when Harvey entered the room.

Her grandmother’s face lit up
. “Your boyfriend here is the best doctor on staff, Alex.”

Grandma, who told you Harvey was my boyfriend?” Alex raised an eyebrow at him.

Nobody had to tell me. He talks about you every time he comes in here. It's the way he looks at your picture and the way he says your name. Lawdy child, it’s the way he’s looking at you now. It’s just the way your grandpa looked at me for more than sixty years.” Her grandmother smiled. “Don’t leave him waiting any longer, Alex.”

But Grandma Dr. Harvey is engaged to someone else. He didn't wait on me.” Alex patted her grandmother's hand. She was still unsure where she stood with Harvey. He hadn't told her what he and Molly had discussed or what he planned…just to trust him. Alex hoped his reaction to being put on the spot would tell her what she wanted to know.

BOOK: Always A Bride
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