Read Always - A short tale of erotic discovery Online

Authors: Scarlett Redd

Tags: #romance erotic series new adult college short reads fantasy urban romantic action adventure short stories

Always - A short tale of erotic discovery (3 page)

BOOK: Always - A short tale of erotic discovery
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I grinned up at Billy Ray kissing him on the
chin. “Sounds like a lovely romantic idea baby. Better than some
fancy restaurant. I love that idea” while I stood up to leave.


We wandered slowly hand in hand out of the
theatre. We went in search of some takeout places. Billy Ray
decided on some sub sandwiches with salads. While we stood there
waiting. He was holding me tightly in his arms, swaying me
backwards and forward. We brought a nice bottle of red wine to go
with our meal. Getting back in his pickup, we headed back to his


When we arrived back at his place we quickly
rushed inside. He grabbed the blanket flung over the back of the
couch placing it on the floor in front of the fireplace. Since the
fireplace was all ready to go, he just had to light it which threw
romantic shadows around the room from the flames.


“Hang on a sec baby. I’ll just go grab some
plates and glasses to go with our dinner,” he told me smiling.

“Can I do anything to help babe?”

“No, no just stay there make yourself
comfortable” he grinned.


I sat down cross legged on the rug. Staring
dreamily at the crackling flames. While I waited for Billy Ray to
return. He returned with plates, cutlery and two wine glasses.
After setting everything down on the rug, he went back into the
kitchen. He really made me smile when the sweetheart returned with
our bottle of wine and carrying a lit candle in a glass jar.


“How romantic babe, this is better than any
fancy restaurant.” I leant over kissing him on the cheek which made
him break out in a big broad grin.


“Thanks babe! Love you ya know” he said

I gasped as he finally said the big L word to
me. Shocked but happy, I grabbed him round the face planting a big
kiss on his mouth. “I think I love you too baby” I told him in
return. I sat back down smiling to myself. I felt like my heart had
burst open like a blossoming flower with his declaration of


We had a fun evening enjoying our dinner and
wine. We talked about everything but nothing in particular. We sat
there making fun of some of the funny parts in the movie making us
giggle and laughing out loud along with a few stolen kisses in
between. At times he would run his fingers gently up and down my
legs making me giggle since it tickled me so. He made me shiver as
it sent tingles through me, feeling so gentle and nice.


I stopped giggling as I began looking deep
into his dark eyes that had turned all serious. I quickly drank the
last of my wine with all kinds’ of nervousness deep in my stomach.
Looking at my now empty glass, I made to get up to take our plates
out to the kitchen.

Billy Ray put his arm out to stop me “Just
leave them baby” he suddenly said to me in a husky voice. “Come sit
here” patting his lap.


I went over straddling his lap before sitting
down. While looking into his deep dark brown eyes, I felt I should
maybe be scared but I wasn’t. I felt so happy especially anytime he
grabbed me, holding me tight and close. He leaned back to grab hold
of my face. His sudden change in mood made me feel worried with the
now serious expression on his face. I felt my heart quicken as I
began thinking he was going to break up with me or something


He came close to my face “Baby don’t look so
worried. I love you! I just” pausing looking down while he cleared
his throat. Looking back up at me, “We’ve been going out for quite
a few months now. I’ve held myself back due to your bad experiences
in the past. I was wondering if you felt ready to be with me yet.
Would you stay the night with me? I don’t want to force you. You’re
free to say no. I’ll wait for however long it takes you. You know
that cos I love you so much.”


I sighed with relief. Not at all what I
expected but this I wanted. I didn’t have to think about it for a
long time. “Okay! I think I trust you enough now, I’m ready for
this” running my fingers along his cheek. “I know you well enough
now. Please be gentle and slow with me okay just in case?”

Kissing me on the tip of the nose “Of course
baby. No pressure like I said. Thank you so much for trusting me.”
He picked me up carrying me in his arms down to his bedroom.

Here it was finally, after a couple of
months of our being together, here was
moment. His intense loving patience had
helped mend then fix me. I finally felt free of fear, full of trust
enough to feel I was able to spend the night with my Billy Ray at
last. My first night with a man, not any man, my man!


He had helped me get over all the hurt from
my past with all his loving and gentleness. With his constant
reassuring along with building up my confidence, Billy Ray finally
gave me back my self-esteem along with my self-worth. He was always
punishing himself by always holding back, making sure to never rush
me and never asking if I was ready yet. He had waited so patiently
until I was ready. I finally felt like I was home, safe and
cherished when I was with him. I was finally feeling I was able to
trust someone again. I was ready.

God, being with him that night. It was a
fucking like none other I had ever felt or experienced before. He
sure knew all the right buttons to push on a girl. Placing me
gently down on the bed he started kissing me gently on the lips
before slowly kissing down my chest until he reached the top button
of my blouse. Lifting his head he undid my top button kissing down
until he reached the next button repeating the process until he
reached the top of my jeans. Pulling my blouse out of my jeans
before undoing the button then slowly unzipping them. Coming up off
me causing me to pout at him. Grinning he pulled my vans off
throwing them on the floor behind him before tugging my jeans off
leaving me there feeling abit exposed and vulnerable.


“You look so beautiful laying there baby” he


Kissing me on the tummy he quickly began
pulling my panties off. He was a man on a mission. He began moving
down slowly then quicker to tenderly lick and tease my throbbing
clit. He knew how to get me dripping wet in no time. Leaving me
moaning and clutching the sheets tightly in my grip, I arched my
back in ecstasy. This was so much better than anything I had
experienced before. With a deep kiss and a flick of my clit, he
made me explode on the spot. Was that the end of it? No, he was
just getting started and had to keep going. He began kissing me
deeply but on my lips between my legs. At the same time he was
rolling my nipples between his fingers sending the sweetest
sensations rippling through me. He knew what he was doing to me too
as I felt him smiling against me. He knew I was his.


He broke away from me and kissed my mouth. He
then started kissing down my chest before latching on licking and
sucking on my left breast. His other hand started tickling gently
down my body to find my clit. Soon he was sliding down to my
soaking wet pussy inserting his finger causing me to arch and groan
loudly like I never had before. He began kissing slowly across my
chest to give my other breast some much needed attention. While he
inserted another finger in me, he caressed that sweet spot making
me gasp. I grabbed hold of his hair while he was still suckling


“Ow” he said as I was obviously pulling too
tightly on his hair in my passion.


“Sorry! See what you do to me” I told him,
letting go of his hair.


He came off my breast slowly kissing down my
stomach. Suddenly lifting himself up off me before thrusting his
hot hard throbbing cock deep in me, thrusting so deep and hard into
my ready and waiting, wanting pussy. I could soon feel the ripples
start within me signaling another impending orgasm. I came hard and
fast once again. I was gripping tightly onto his pulsating cock
like there was no tomorrow. He came hard and fast before collapsing
breathless on top of me. I threw my arms around him hugging him
tightly to me. Wow just wow.


Finally I was able to see those fireworks I
had heard so much about. One’s other people experience at times
like this. Here I was thinking it was just a myth. I had never had
the pleasure of experiencing anything like it before. Now I finally
knew it to be true.


Finally coming down from my orgasmic high, we
held each other close. He stared into my eyes running his hands
gently through my hair. He was making me know and feel I was
definitely loved. He had my heart bursting open, free from its
steel cage. It had been imprisoned far too long in. He was making
it kick back into life again. I felt so incredibly loved and
cherished. One feeling I had long forgotten until now. It was like
he had set an incredible fire in me, awakening a desire hidden deep
in me, so deep I felt like my heart would burst into a million

Things were moving so fast. Things were
really good. We were deeply in love. It felt like the whole world
didn’t matter when we were together. Every day our love showed us
new and exciting things I never thought possible. I have to admit,
I did resist a little at the beginning but as time passed and my
trust in Billy Ray strengthened, all seemed possible.


Finally in the summer, Billy Ray asked me to
move in with him into his little cottage he lived in on his dad’s
farm. It was just a cute basic two bedroom dwelling. Okay, I know
it really was a small cottage with all the basic living
necessities. It had just been only Billy Ray living there for a few
years so it really lacked a woman’s touch. I set out to decorate
the place changing it from a bachelor pad to a loving home. He said
I could do whatever I wanted to do to fix it up, whatever else it
needed. Help it make feel more like home, making it really comfy a
loving place for just the two of us. It was by then late summer.
Billy Ray was really busy working long hours with his dad to get
the farm ready for the coming winter. This left me pretty much on
my own for long periods decorating the cottage, often trying
different styles to just get it right.


First, we picked out some neutral colors to
repaint the cottage walls. We had fun together painting whenever we
had time spare. Usually when he wasn’t busy on the farm, or me at
the café. I added a few knick knacks and furnishings to make it
look and feel more like a real cozy home. I even found some nice
material at the fabric shop in town to make some bright new
curtains. When I had finished, they brightened the cottage making
it the happy home which was ours and ours alone finally rid of the
bachelor pad look, thank god.


When I’d finished everything. I invited
Baylee to have her take as to how the cottage looked now that it
was no longer the bachelor pad it once was. I was so pleased and
really proud with all the hard work Billy Ray and I had put into
the cottage. She loved everything we had done to the place since
she had seen it last. But for some reason, she seemed to know her
way around which struck me as odd. I soon banished the thought out
of my mind. We spent a great girlie afternoon painting our nails
then doing each other’s hair in different styles. We were having a
great afternoon with abit of wine, lots of girlie talk and town
gossip added in the mix. Time flew by and before I knew it, Billy
Ray arrived home. Since we had such an enjoyable afternoon, I asked
Baylee if she wanted to stay for dinner with us. She had no other
plans for that night so she did. We had a few more wines with
dinner and there was no way anyone was driving anywhere. I insisted
she stay the night and she agreed. Early the next morning we had
breakfast and then I drove her back home. I told her I’d really
enjoyed our day and told her she was more than welcome to come over
again whenever she felt like it. She’d always be welcome in our
home. We were such great friends and really felt more like we were
sisters. She agreed.

Baylee remarked that Billy Ray and I were so
cute being in love and happy never being able to be apart for long.
Usually only his or my work separated us both. Finally I was
feeling like my life was complete, almost too good to be true but
life had disappointed me often, could it last this time? I was so
happy once again. In love. And almost blind to anything happening
around me. It was just so unbelievable. I felt like I was living my
dream life.


I discovered one horrible day, not all of us
seemed to be as happy as I thought.


I had to leave work early one day because I
had such a splitting headache. I couldn’t concentrate on work
properly and I kept making mistakes with the customers’ orders. My
boss Mel finally told me to go home. I’d worked hard all morning
due to being rushed off my feet with so many customers. Things were
quite hectic with the late summer’s town fair drawing many
tourists. I think the whole town too had decided to eat in the café
today. Well it sure felt like it anyway. Everyone and anyone seemed
to want breakfast and lunch in our small café today. None of us
girls had time for a break or to scratch ourselves even. Busy
taking orders, bringing the orders to their tables, then cleaning
up and starting the whole process over again. Every person wanted
at least one coffee refill if not more. The shift seemed to last


Things had quietened down in the afternoon.
They would cope without me. Mel told me to leave then and go on
home. She could tell I was unable to focus since I was in so much
pain. She literally ended up pushing me out the door to go


Well that was the fateful day, my headache
was about to get worse and my world was about to be shattered
forever ending all the happiness I had ever known once again.

BOOK: Always - A short tale of erotic discovery
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