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Authors: Alicia White

Alyssa's Choice

BOOK: Alyssa's Choice
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Journey of a Thousand Miles 3

Alyssa’s Choice

Alyssa Fredricks didn’t come from a good family, so she adopted her friends Bella and Jessica to be her family. When Bella asks her to go on a road trip, she jumps at the chance to get away from San Diego and a past she wants to forget.

Grant Hollis and Justin Truman are co-owners of Spread Eagle, a pub in Coltmann County. The first night Alyssa’s in town she gets their attention with her curvy body and her sultry voice. They have been looking for the perfect woman to share and they think Alyssa could be the one they’ve been waiting for.

A surprise twist throws Alyssa off and sends her running back to California. When she comes back with her tail between her legs, will Grant and Justin be able to forgive her? Can a woman with so many insecurities forget the past and embrace the future?

Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

51,315 words 


Journey of a Thousand Miles 3

Alicia White


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


Copyright © 2012 by Alicia White

E-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-923-1

First E-book Publication: August 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley

All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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Alyssa’s Choice
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To all the readers who love Coltmann County as much as I do. I hope you enjoy Alyssa, Grant, and Justin’s story. Please let me know what you think. Jessica’s book is next. I’ll keep you all posted. Happy reading!

Copyright © 2012

Chapter 1

Alyssa’s first night in Coltmann County…


Alyssa walked into the pub and noticed that the place was full of gorgeous men. How could so many good-looking men be in one place? The odds had to be slim. She walked with Bella to the bar and took a seat. Spread Eagle, the name played around in her mind for a while and conjured up many scenarios. Of course, she was the main star in all of them. When the bartender walked up, he became the main acting role. His dirty blond hair hit his collar, his eyes were blue and not just an average run-of-the-mill blue. They were deep like the ocean on a clear day. He wore a tight, white T-shirt that sculpted his muscular arms and stomach. She licked her lips, wishing she could be the lucky girl to tear that shirt off his body.

“Good evening, ladies, what can I get you?” His voice did things to her she never expected. It was deep, the kind of voice a woman wanted to hear when she was in bed.

She tried to play it off, acting casual. She didn’t want him to notice she was squirming in her seat.

“Can we get two shots of tequila and a couple of beers? Whatever you have on tap’s fine.” The bartender gave a nod and started grabbing some glasses.

“So, are you ladies visiting or are you moving here?” He tried to make casual conversation, although he did seem a bit nervous.

“We’re just passing through. Our car broke down, so I guess we’re here until it gets fixed,” Alyssa told him.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I’m Justin Truman, and my partner over there”—he nodded his head toward the other side of the bar—“is Grant Hollis.”

“Nice to meet you.” Alyssa snuck a peek over her shoulder. She swallowed the lump that suddenly appeared in her throat. Across the room stood a huge man, his thick arms crossed over his chest. He was incredibly gorgeous, and she stared at him, wondering what those arms would feel like wrapped around her. He kept scanning the room, watching everyone. He appeared to be relaxed, but she could tell he was alert. She turned and gave her attention back to Justin, the gorgeous bartender. “I’m Alyssa Fredricks, and this is my friend Bella Williams.” She quickly made the introductions.

Alyssa’s gaze traveled from Justin over to Grant. She wasn’t really paying attention to what Bella was saying to her. She couldn’t seem to focus. What did “partner” mean? Could they both be looking to share? She couldn’t imagine Grant being the type. He looked so in control. The air around him was one of superiority. She turned back to her drink, catching Justin’s eye. He gave her a wink and poured her another shot. The best thing she could do was get a little tipsy then walk back to her motel room, masturbate, and fall into a deep sleep.

Alyssa watched Bella go to the stage. She usually didn’t sing. It was funny to think that she was feeling so courageous. The Colton brothers sat in a far booth, all eyes trained on her, as she went on the stage. It was so utterly romantic her heart felt heavy. She downed the rest of her drink and waved over the new bartender who took Justin’s place. The new guy definitely wasn’t as hot, but she didn’t care. Her new goal was to just get trashed and forget that she was single.

Why couldn’t men look at her that way? She got her fair share of attention, but no man had ever looked at her like that. It was romantic, the way their eyes filled with such love. She waved for another shot. The Patrón was going down smooth tonight.
How many shots was that?
Did it really matter? Nope, she decided to keep it up. The bartender poured her another as Bella walked back to the bar.

“So, Alyssa, it’s your turn. What are you gonna sing?” Bella asked.

“It’s a surprise, just for you. I think I’m up next,” Alyssa told her. She walked on stage and Bella smiled at her. The song started and Alyssa started to sing Train’s “Marry Me.” Her eyes traveled over the crowd, and she saw Grant. He walked closer to the small stage, his eyes trained on her, and she smiled a little, feeling a tingly sensation travel from her stomach to the rest of her body. The intense look in his eyes captured her and held her in place.

People walked onto the dance floor, and she wanted to be one of those girls, having a beautiful man holding her in his arms. She saw Bella and Clint dancing together. They were so cute, the song bringing them closer.

The song ended, and Alyssa walked off the stage, handing off the microphone to the next singer. It was time for another drink. She was almost to her goal. Next was the motel room. Luckily, Bella wasn’t drinking that much. She needed a helping hand. Justin still wasn’t behind the bar, so she ordered another drink and turned to watch Bella being surrounded by her three men. They looked happy. How depressing.

She turned around and faced the bar. Justin stood in front of her with a glass of water in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. She didn’t want either one of them. She wanted another drink. “Where the fuck is my drink?” Her words came out slurred.

Justin quickly answered, “Ladies shouldn’t curse. It doesn’t sound attractive.”

Alyssa yelled back, “Oh, yeah, well fuck you!” She hated men who thought they could boss her around. All she wanted was another drink. She wasn’t driving. This was ridiculous. “Listen, Justin, I’m not driving. I can handle another drink. Bella is gonna walk me back to the motel. Okay.”

“No. You’re cut off. And if you keep up with this attitude, you’re gonna be sorry.” He smirked at her. The asshole actually smirked. Who the hell did he think he was?

“I’ve had enough. Fine. Fuck it! I’m leaving.” She stood up and would have stumbled if Grant hadn’t grabbed her.

“Again with the language, Alyssa. Bad girl. If you’re not going to act like a lady, then you’ll be punished.” Grant growled in her ear. He was so close his breath tickled her neck, and he leaned down and nipped at her. She hadn’t been expecting that, and she jerked in his arms.

She pulled away from him, needing the separation. The word “punishment” did funny things to her, and she wanted to push him to find out what exactly that meant. She bit her lip, trying to think if she should goad him, and then she decided that yes, she should. A smile spread across her face, and she leaned in toward Grant, listening to his sharp intake of breath. She lowered her voice so that only he could hear her. “Fuck you.” She licked the shell of his ear, pulled back, and smirked at him.

She knew that she was testing him, and the smile he gifted her with was pure evil. He leaned in, grabbing her, and threw her over his shoulder. “Baby, you should know now that testing me is a very bad idea.” He slapped her ass hard, and the shock that had struck her silent ended. She started kicking and screaming.

“Bella, Bella, help me. Grant, you asshole! Put me down, damn it.” She realized that testing him was now the worst decision she had ever made. He walked toward the back of the building, and everyone got out of his way. Nobody tried to stop him. Nobody ran to her rescue. She started crying, not because she was scared but because she realized she had nobody.

Alyssa pushed herself up off Grant’s large back and noticed that Justin was ushering people out of the pub. Bella was nowhere in sight and neither were the Colton brothers. She would never forgive Bella for this, for abandoning her. “I take it back. I’m sorry, you’re right. Please, Grant, put me down. I’ll leave.”

“It’s too late. I don’t want you to leave. You’re going to take this punishment like a lady, and then I’ll walk you home.” He kept walking. When they reached his office, he shut the door and put her down. When her feet touched the carpet, Alyssa quickly looked for a way out. He watched her and walked over to the large chair in the middle of the room. He sat down and looked at her. He really saw her, and it scared her. She couldn’t keep the eye contact going. She looked away first.

“I want you to come over here and lay across my lap.” He didn’t move, didn’t say anything else, just sat and waited patiently.

“What? No, no. I’m serious, Grant. I apologize to you and Justin for my bad attitude. I just need to get back to the motel.” Alyssa was pleading with him, and she realized that. She just needed to get the hell out of his office. She was afraid of her intense attraction to him, and she knew he wasn’t playing any games. She had wanted to get his attention, but now she wasn’t so sure. Alyssa started pacing. Was there a way out?

“Alyssa, look at me.” He waited for her to make eye contact before he continued. “You wanted to test me. I’m going to punish you. I’m going to tell you one more time to come over here and lay across my lap. If I have to get up and drag you over here, the punishment will be worse. Again, it’s your choice.” He leaned back in the chair and waited for her to make a decision.

She didn’t want to test him again. She had definitely learned her damn lesson. She walked over to where Grant was sitting. This was the first time that she would be spanked in her adult life, and the thought did weird things to her. She was scared and excited, both emotions warring with each other. It was awkward leaning over his lap. He didn’t help her, just let her move around until she was in place over his thighs. She held her breath, unsure of what was going to happen. She didn’t speak, just waited, keeping both feet on the ground and holding his calf so that she wouldn’t fall.

Grant started rubbing her ass, running his hand down her thighs. It felt good to be petted and played with like this. She heard a moan and then, realizing that it came from her, snapped her mouth shut. She heard Grant laugh and went limp in his lap, feeling humiliated. She laid her head down, closing her eyes, wanting this to end so she could leave.

He started slow, slapping each cheek, and worked up to the point where she was shifting, trying to get away from his hand. Her bottom hurt, and tears tracked down her cheeks. She wanted to run and hide but couldn’t. Grant was holding her in place, but she knew that even if he wasn’t keeping her over his lap, she wouldn’t have actually moved away or tried to stop him. It hurt and it felt good.

Finally, she felt Grant’s hands rubbing her ass and thighs. The punishment was over. She felt relieved and upset. All these feeling were unfamiliar to her.

Grant’s hand dipped lower, touching her sensitive pussy through her jeans. It felt good. After only a minute of Grant playing with her, Alyssa came in a tidal wave of power. It astounded her. She couldn’t speak. She lay across his lap, twitching, and felt another wave of humiliation wash over her. How could he punish her and pleasure her? She felt transparent, and it made her feel sick. He helped her to stand up, but Alyssa wouldn’t make eye contact. She memorized the colors in the carpet instead.

“Alyssa.” Grant stood in front of her. She shook her head and refused to make eye contact. “Okay, I’ll walk you to the motel.” He didn’t push her, just opened the door and let her walk in front of him. The pub was empty. Justin was there. He smiled, and she shook her head, walking toward the exit. It was over. She never wanted to see them again. The sooner the car got fixed and they left, the better.

She kept walking, in silence, refusing to notice that he was following her. She dug out her key card, unlocking the door, and slipped in the room without ever turning around to acknowledge him. Alyssa leaned against the door, locking the dead bolt. She took a deep breath. She went into the bathroom and got ready for bed. Soon she would never see them again.


BOOK: Alyssa's Choice
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