Read An Alpha's Trust Online

Authors: Shannon Duane

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

An Alpha's Trust (3 page)

BOOK: An Alpha's Trust
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Chapter 2


“I can’t believe you lost her scent,” Conner said, a bit amazed. “You’ve never lost anyone’s scent before.”

“You don’t think I realize that, Matthews.” Conner could tell Jake was mad because he was calling him by his last name. His mate walked past the one ice cream parlor in town and her scent got mixed up with all the other sweet smells. Damn, he’d never been this pissed off at himself. He wanted his mate! He wondered about her looks and life. He ached for her.

“What now, boss man?” Conner asked with some hesitation. He could see Jake was on the edge and he knew how it felt. He himself was a raging dick last week when he couldn’t find his mate.

“Well, let’s get some ice cream and I’ll take you back to the office. I’ll drop you off, then go see my parents. My mother would be pissed if I didn’t tell her. Plus, my family would never miss a chance to poke fun at me for losing her.” Hopefully, pretty soon he’d be taking a vacation/honeymoon with his new mate.


* * * * *


“I thought you said we could go home after you met my teacher. Why do we have to do this now? It is a school night,” Trevor whined.

“It will only take a moment honey and then we’ll go home. I’ll even make you your favorite dinner tonight.” She just needed to sign the papers for the new security system she was having installed. She felt exposed without it. Vulnerable.

“Spaghetti, you promise? Only the noodles, meat and sauce.”

“Fine, if you stay by my side and be good. I’ll leave out the veggies.” He hated vegetables so she would try and cut them up and cook them in the sauce. She had tried all different kinds of vegetables but he always found them. He ate them too because he was a good boy but he enjoyed the meal more without them.

“Deal,” he said, victorious, and got out of the car.

Walking into Twilight Lookout and PI, Shana approached the counter. “Hello, I’m Shana Dunn; I’ve come to sign some paperwork for my new home security system,” she said to a large man sitting behind the counter. She could tell even though he was sitting that he must be over six feet tall with a muscular build and short brown hair.

“Hello, Ms. Dunn. I’m Grant Calhoun; I believe we spoke on the phone earlier. Welcome to town,” he said as he stood up and extended his hand to shake.

She took a step back as he stood and then realizing what she had done she walked to him and, not wanting to be rude, accepted his hand in a friendly shake. “Please, call me Shana. The town is lovely and the people have been very welcoming.”

“What brought you to these parts?” he asked, noticing her sudden scent of fear and weariness.

“I’ve been looking for a nice place to settle down and raise my son. The schools here are great.” Partial truth. Really after the incident where Ryan sent his prison buddy after them, she had to get away.

Trevor poked his head out from behind Shana and smiled.

“Hello there, little man. What’s your name?” Grant bent down and held out his hand to shake.

“I’m Trevor but I’m not little. I’m going to start kindergarten tomorrow and mama says I’m growing like a weed. Huh, mama?”

“That’s right, big boy,” Shana agreed, smiling.

“Mama said she just had to sign some papers and we could go,” he said with authority. “I’m hungry and she promised spaghetti.”

Smiling, Grant stood to retrieve the papers from the counter. “Well, I won’t hold you up then. Here are the papers for the system you’ve chosen. That’s a pretty advanced setup you want. We don’t get much crime around here.”

Shana heard Grant inhale deeply, and watched him smile and wiggle his nose. “You smell really good,” he said to Shana.

“Excuse me?” she said looking affronted. He did not just say that to her, did he?

He could smell her fear and anger. Oops, he didn’t mean to upset her. He thought it was a compliment. “Uh, I’m really sorry. I was just saying your perfume is lovely. I didn’t mean to offend.”

“Just give me the papers, please. Are you going to run the system off the pre-existing setup in the house?”

“Yeah, we just need to reprogram it tomorrow and add the advanced features you requested. What time is best for you?”

“I’m off work tomorrow because it’s Trevor’s first day of school. I should be home by nine in the morning.” Hesitantly, she asked, “Will it be you that comes over or one of your other employees?”

“I’m scheduled to do the work but there are several other people available if you’d like them to come instead. It won’t take very long.” What was going on? This poor woman acted like the world was gonna end. Since their security company began there had only been one real episode; some high school kids trying to break into a house and steal a TV. And they were from another town.

“I would appreciate it if you were to be the one to stop by, Mr. Calhoun. I don’t let unfamiliar people into my home and although we just met, I’ve spoken to you several times over the phone and feel somewhat comfortable with you.” Her cheeks pinked. She sounded embarrassed to admit something like that to him.

Grant thought, maybe, she was coming on to him but he didn’t scent arousal or even the barest hint of interest.

“The panic button, who will it alert when pressed?”

“Please, call me Grant. I’d be happy to do the reprogram tomorrow. The panic button is set up to alert every employee by a pager system and an alert is sent straight to the sheriff. We would all respond.” After all, the sheriff was Pack, but she didn’t need to know that. “Are you in trouble, Shana?”

“No,” she responded quickly, maybe too quickly. “Thank you for your time Grant and I’ll see you tomorrow.” Finally, her home would be safe for her son and herself.

“See you then ma’am, and very nice to meet you, Trevor. Good luck tomorrow at school,” he said with a smile and a wave as they walked away. He felt unsettled. There was something she was hiding and he wondered if it would endanger the pack. He made a mental note to talk with Jake about it later.


Chapter 3


Conner walked into Twilight Lookout and PI, one of the Pack owned businesses, after an angry Jake just about pushed him out of the truck. It was the PI and security company that was run by Jake, Grant, his brother, and Conner. He walked in and was hit with the scent of his Alpha’s mate.
He pulled out his cellphone and dialed Jake.

“What?” Yeah, Jake must be seriously pissed.

Conner replied, “Hey, you better get back here. When I walked through the door all I could smell was your mate.”

Jake growled. “Is she there?” he snarled. He was having a hard time containing his rage at the thought of his pack mate smelling his chosen.

“She must have just left the office because the scent is fresh.”

“I’m coming.” Jake disconnected and tossed his phone on the passenger seat. He would finally see his mate.

Conner could hear the truck barreling around the corner and yelled to Grant who was in the back, “You better get in here.”

Grant came from around the corner as Jake slammed open the front door and took a deep breath. “What the fuck is going on?” Grant asked, clearly confused.

Jake turned to his brother with rage in his eyes. “Where is she?”

“Where is who? What is going on? You don’t have control of your wolf.” The pack had excellent control of the magic of their wolves, but when emotions ran high the beast would take over.

Grant was upset. He rarely saw his brother like this. “I don’t know what’s going on. If someone would care to enlighten me as to why my brother is about to rip my head off, I’d be grateful.” He turned to his brother. “Put your fangs away. I didn’t do anything.”

Conner intervened. “Jake’s mate smells like vanilla ice cream. Do you have any idea why the entire front office smells like that?”

Jake could feel his partial shift; he needed to track her. His jaw was elongating and his claws came out.

“Shit, wait!” Grant pleaded. “There’s no need to shift; I have her contact info on the application for a system. We have her address, bro. She signed up for the premium package and I’m going over tomorrow to install it.”

Maybe, if Jake didn’t kill him.

“The hell you are,” Jake growled as he snatched her info from Grant’s hand. “Did you see her? What does she look like? Did you touch her?” Jake leaned over to sniff his brother.

Grant pushed him away. “Don’t, bro. I shook her hand and that’s all. She looks...average.”

At the word average, Jake pushed Grant. Grant saw that Jake’s eyes were lighter, almost yellow; wolf’s eyes.

“Okay, she has brown hair and brown eyes, with a normal build.” Jake growled and Grant turned so his neck was exposed. “Just go see her, bro.”

Conner piped in, “Let’s go over to her house and scope the place out so you can get a look at her. But you’re going to have to temper your wolf or risk scaring her.”

They parked down the street from her house, shifted, and went to the woods bordering her backyard to watch and wait.


* * * * *


“Mom, can I go play in the backyard while you cook? You can see me from the window and I promise not to wander,” Trevor asked, sounding hopeful with wide innocent eyes.

“Sure, buddy. You know the rules. No going into the forest. It’ll only take me half an hour, so no whining when it’s time to come in and wash up.”

She had planned on putting up a fence around the backyard because it bordered the woods. She felt it was an area of exposure. Anyone could have access to watch them or wander through the woods. Trevor’s safety was her number one priority.

As Trevor was going out the back door, the phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and picked up the phone. “Hey Katie, shouldn’t you be at work right now?” she said with affection. Katie was a true friend and she missed her.

“Hi Shana. How was the move? Are you settled?” Katie sounded off, worried. Shana knew something was wrong.

“I just talked to you a couple days ago so you already know the answer to your questions. We’re fine but you sound like you have something on your mind so spill girlfriend.”

Shana could tell something was up. They had become fast friends since the incident five years ago. Most important, Shana trusted Katie, which was big.

“Sorry to be calling so late but,” she let out a sigh, “I hate to be the one to tell you this but Ryan was released earlier today.”

“What? Are you kidding me? Why? He was given ten years. What the fuck is going on?” She was starting to panic and Katie could tell.

“Someone messed up and put him on a work release program which he shouldn’t have been eligible for because of the violent nature of his crimes. It slipped through the cracks. He only had to serve the five years and now he is out on parole.” Katie could tell her friend was preparing for a fight.

“Listen Shana, I know this sucks donkey balls but he still is not allowed within three counties of you. Plus, you moved and he doesn’t know where you are. If you want me to come down for a while, I’d be more than happy. I’ll bring my gun.” She knew Shana would decline her offer but she wanted her to know she wasn’t alone and she’d always be able to count on her.

“No, it’s fine. I’ll be fine. I’m just exhausted of this whole thing. Just when I feel safe it gets ripped away from me.”

The doorbell rang.

“Hold on Katie, someone is at the door.”


Chapter 4


Shana went to the door and looked out the peephole. There was a man standing on her porch with a letter in his hand. He appeared to be scanning the neighborhood.

“Can I help you?” Shana yelled through the door.

The man called back. “I have a letter addressed to a Shana Dunn. Is she home?”

“Just leave the letter on the porch please.” She was no longer so trusting.

“Sorry lady, no can do. It needs to be signed for.” Shana’s heart skipped a beat. Maybe it was a letter notifying her of Ryan’s release from prison.

“Pass it under the door. I’ll sign it and pass it back.”

“I’d prefer not to do that, ma’am.” He sounded irritated now.

Well, too damn bad.

“Either do it or go. It makes no never mind to me. I’m not opening the door for someone I don’t know.” She let her anger show through her tone.

“Alright, so be it.” He passed the letter under the door. She signed it and passed the certified portion back to him. She distantly heard him say, “You have been served.” as he walked away.

She saw the letter was from the courts. She opened the letter and began to sob openly. She remembered Katie was on the phone so she put it to her ear and said, “You still there?”

“What’s going on, Shana?” Worry was evident in her tone. “Who was it? Are you okay? I’m on my way.”

“No, I’m fine. Ryan is a sonofawhore. He just served me court papers. He wants joint custody of Trevor.” And…more crying. Shit, she couldn’t control herself.

“Oh my God. He’s got some nerve, doesn’t he? Get a lawyer Shana, but try not to worry. The most he’ll be able to get is supervised visitation, right? He’s a criminal.”

“I’ve gotta go, Katie. I just want to be with Trevor right now.” Shana disconnected the phone and sat heavily on the couch.

She wanted to cry and hold her son tight and keep him safe. But later when he went to bed she would rage and curse her life, and her stupidity.
When would things get better for her and Trevor?

She got herself up from the couch and looked out the window in the kitchen to check on her son, and immediately froze in shock. She was yelling, “Trevor!” as she ran out the back door.


* * * * *


Jake saw the little boy in the yard playing. He was so happy and you could tell he was well loved. He had an innocence about him that was refreshing. He sat in a sand box making sand castles and crushing them with a toy car.

Jake sat on his back legs and watched him play for about ten minutes when he picked up a scent on the wind. A couple yards away at the edge of the woods were two coyotes, non-shifters, waiting and watching. They were clearly hungry.

Jake anticipated the coyotes’ movements and ran for the boy. He stood in front of his future child on all four legs and growled. Normally, the animals would flee when challenged by a much larger predator but these looked so very hungry. Apparently, they would risk going up against him.

One coyote lunged and Jake stepped to the side and took the animal by the neck and shook, exacting a whimpering sound from it. Jake heard a little voice say, “Don’t hurt him.” Jake threw the coyote up against a nearby tree and growled at the other coyote, who quickly realized Jake was dominant before retreating. The coyotes went back into the woods, one running and the other limping.

Jake turned and saw the boy with wide trusting eyes. Jake stood completely still as the boy began to approach. The boy put his hand out in front of Jake’s nose and let him get his scent as he said, “Thanks.” He showed no fear of the large grey wolf.

Jake finished his sniff and licked the boy’s hand. The kid gave a lighthearted giggle and said, “Eew, yucky Jake. Keep your tongue to yourself.”

Trevor gently patted Jake’s head and ran his hand down Jake’s back, saying, “Wow, you’re kinda soft.”

Connor was still at the edge of the woods and Jake gave him the sign--which happened to be turning in a circle then raising his head to go back to the car. He saw Conner dip his head in ascent and turn to walk back to the car.

In his wolf form he was pretty scary, even to his own pack, so it shocked him that this small child would sit and pet him like he was a family pet.

As he was getting a rub, he finally let the child’s words sink in. He’d called him Jake. He couldn’t possibly know him or about his kind. This was their first meet. As he got lost in his thoughts, he heard an ear-splitting screech that sounded a lot like the word Trevor.

BOOK: An Alpha's Trust
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