An Autumn to Remember: A Novel (Elmtown Series Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: An Autumn to Remember: A Novel (Elmtown Series Book 1)
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   Everything Dr. Tesla promised went through smoothly without any of those last-minute disappointments Jamie had become accustomed to. Signing his contract without hesitation felt like signing into a different phase of life. He had three days before the start of rehearsals, the actual tour beginning in New York City in a month, so he quickly bought a bus ticket to Elmtown. He wanted to see the joy on his mother’s face, merely hearing her on the phone wasn't enough. Deep inside he knew he was also going because he wanted to see Chelsea. He had to know if there was going to be a slight chance of them getting back together.

   Before he went to bed on Friday night, he checked his email again and to his surprise and delight, he found a message from Ji-Min. She was now living in New York and had only lied about going back to South Korea because she didn't want him to find them. She again reminded him of how hurt she was. However having given it much thought and discussed with her husband at length, she decided to let Jamie be a part of their lives because whether she liked it or not, Jamie was their father. He wondered what husband it was and guessed she had probably remarried.

She didn't yet know how things were going to work out but left a number where he could reach her to discuss how they would share time with the boys. He felt a heightened sense of joy. All this time he thought they were far away in Asia when they were just a few hours away from him. All things were coming together and although he was so grateful and happy, he still felt an emptiness. A void that only Chelsea could fill.

  “When will you be back?” Jerome asked as he watched Jamie sliding the iron over a sweater early in the morning. Not only was he happy for Jamie but he had the utmost respect for him. Jamie had stood his ground and was reaping the rewards of his resilience.

   “In three days. Rehearsals start in four days but I need to see my mom.”
try to get Chelsea back.

   The bus arrived in Elmtown at noon on Saturday. He walked from the station to the nearest bus stop and boarded a bus straight to his mother’s new apartment. He spent an hour with her discussing all the wonderful things they would be able to do, now that he would be getting a sizable income. He also told her about Ji-Min’s email. He had long desired to see this joy on Helen's face and it felt so good to see her happy.

   At 2pm he sent a text to Chelsea:

   -Can we talk? I’ll be at the Elm Waterfront Bar between 5 and 7 p.m. Let me know if you can make it.

   At 3:45 pm he checked his phone and there was still no reply. He sent another text message:

   -I guess that’s No. I’ll still be there between 5 & 7. I’ll understand if you don’t come and won’t bother you anymore.

   Jamie took a bus downtown and walked down to the waterfront. It was freezing cold with little flakes of snow settling on the ground. The currents gently splashed against the base of the dock. Usually boats would be lined up to pick people-mostly tourists-for rides but all waterfront activities had stopped in November.

   Jamie remembered how he used to go to the waterfront years ago in the summer, not for the boat rides like everyone else but just to watch the water. As he walked towards the Waterfront Bar and Grill where he and Chelsea had been on a date before, his nostrils were attacked by the aroma of grilled steak that still permeated around the area but fizzled into thin air as it traveled towards the berth surrendering to the movements of the cold wind.

   He walked into the bar and sat on a stool in front of the bartender.

   “Iced Raspberry With A Kiss, please,” he said to the Bartender who immediately grabbed his drink mixer, a container of frozen raspberries and a bottle of rum.

  “You are here alone? Where is your girlfriend?” the bartender said in his melodious Mexican accent as he poured rum over the crushed frozen raspberries. “This drink is for lovers only.”

   “Oh, I didn't know that,” Jamie said.

   “I’m just playing with you amigo.”

Jamie’s mouth moistened as he watched the bartender's gymnastics, the smell of the mixture reminding him of how Chelsea's lips had tasted that night they were kissing in a corner at the bar after a few drinks. He touched the drink with the tip of his tongue, inhaling the aroma, her face vivid in his mind.

   Everything reminded him of Chelsea and how much he was missing her. He knew he could never love anyone as much as he loved her.

   At 7 p.m., he saw a teenage couple in the distance laughing and holding each other’s hands. He envied the boy who looked like the happiest person on earth as he held his pretty girlfriend.
I hope you never do anything stupid to lose her. Don't be like me
. Jamie thought. He knew If only he had been honest with the girl he loved, he wouldn't have been here at her favorite bar, having her favorite drink by himself. She’d be here with him laughing like that teenage girl with curly brown hair, they would have be talking about when she'd come visit him at Allen City or possibly even discussing whether she could find a job there after graduate school so they could spend every day with each other.

   Through the window he saw a boat that reminded him of when he was around 16 when he would envision himself like an 18th century explorer who wanted to sail away to a different land in search of fortune. He would look far into the distance and drown in a sea of imagination. He would imagine going on a voyage with Chelsea by his side. His life now truly resembled an adventure, the things he imagined coming to pass in a way except that Chelsea wasn't with him.

He grabbed his glass, took a sip, and looked into it wondering what exactly was inside apart from the crushed fruit and sugar. As he turned to pay the bartender he heard someone say “Iced Raspberry With A Kiss."

   For the first time since he arrived at the bar he heard a distinct sound. A voice known to him. It was like hearing ones name being called in a noisy crowd, the ears selectively picking out that one distinct sound from the background noise.


   “I thought you weren't coming.”

   “Why would you think that?” Chelsea asked taking a seat next to him.

   Jamie shrugged. “Because I crossed the red line,”

   “You did but the red line does not exist anymore,” Chelsea said smiling at him.

   “So I guess we can be friends again?” He stretched out his hand for a handshake.

   “Friends? It depends.” she said taking his hand.

   “On what.” he said.

   “If as your friend, I’ll be allowed to do this,” she said then leaned into him and brushed her lips against his. He smiled looking deep into her eyes then they both surrendered to a lip lock that felt like an eternity of bliss.

Message From The Author


   Dear Reader,

   Thanks for reading
An Autumn To Remember,
the first book in my
Elmtown Series
. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. If you would like to be notified about the release date of my next novel
A Winter To Remember. Please join my mailing list by clicking

   Also, if you are able to leave comments on Amazon or Goodreads about why you enjoyed reading this book, that would be so kind and fantastic.

   Again thank you for purchasing my novel.

   Regards from Buffalo, New York.



An Autumn To Remember

Copyright © December 2014 Joy Galloway


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

BOOK: An Autumn to Remember: A Novel (Elmtown Series Book 1)
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