Read An Unexpected Husband Online

Authors: Constance Masters

Tags: #Romance

An Unexpected Husband (2 page)

BOOK: An Unexpected Husband
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“Oh, oh,” was all that escaped. Her ass was starting to burn as the strength and frequency of his smacks increased, especially when he spanked several times in the same spot. It also felt so good. His hard on pressed against her leg urgently and her breathing quickened. The spanking stopped and his voice was near her ear.

“On your knees Scarlett,” he said breathily and she happily complied. She was desperate to feel him inside her. She heard a rattling of a packet that she assumed was a condom before she felt him slam deeply inside her. His fingers dug into her hips hard and he groaned loudly as his cock slipped even deeper inside. He pulled all the way out before slapping her warm pink ass cheeks and pumping into her again. Over and over he pounded her, each thrust deeper than the last. One hand snaked around to tease her once more while he ground into her. The feel of his fingers on her engorged clit was all it took to tip her over the edge. Her back arched and her muscles clenched around him as wave after glorious wave of pure electric pleasure coursed through her spent body. The feelings were so intense that they shook her to the very core, tiny aftershocks making her tremble. With one final thrust he exploded.


And so apparently had the condom, she thought. Not to mention life as she knew it.


*              *              *


Skye tossed all the pregnancy tests, their boxes and instructions that were strewn all over her bed into the small trash bin. There was only one way to handle this problem, she thought, put off worrying about it. What else could she do? She was a twenty five year old teacher who was destined to be a single mother. She wouldn’t have let Shaun know if she wanted to. What would be the point? If he did have feelings, they were for Scarlett, they weren’t for her. He didn’t even know her. They’d spent a couple of memorable days together before he’d flown back to his life and Scarlett had disappeared. She wasn’t going to saddle a perfect stranger with a baby and a girlfriend he’d never met. She should have told him after that first night that she’d lied. She should have told him who she really was.


She lay there staring at the unfamiliar ceiling with the equally unfamiliar man gently snoring next to her. Skye wasn’t used to these situations and had no idea what her next move should be. The fact that she was actually comfortable, scared her enough that she felt she should get out of there. When in doubt run. She lifted the corner of the sheet that covered their naked bodies and tried to slip out of the bed.

“Where are you going?” Shaun asked, grasping her wrist just firmly enough to keep her next to him.

“Um, I, I was going to go back to my own place.” She faltered. Wasn’t that what you did after a one night stand?

“Stay. Please Scarlet?” he asked tugging her gently. She climbed back in and allowed herself to fall against his warm body.


Maybe she should use his phone number after all, she thought. She could almost feel that warm body pressed up against hers, and it felt good.

She mentally tried to calculate how far along she was. She’d gone back to work two months ago. That probably made her about nine or ten weeks. What was a week here and there? She’d have to get a calendar and work out when her last period was but that was tomorrow’s problem, now she needed sleep, there was work tomorrow.


*              *              *


What started as a one night stand, had turned into several days. Scarlett had changed Shaun. She was easy going and fresh spirited. He admired her for following her dream to become an actress. It took courage to fight against what was expected of you and do what you wanted. He’d made his own choices against his father’s wishes and become a teacher.

His father had wanted him to take courses in college that would help him to take over the business when he graduated, but that hadn’t been where his head was at. He loved kids…and he knew that there were many kids these days that didn’t have a strong male role model…male teachers were important… He’d never been sorry, he loved his job, even though it had caused a rift between them. They still spoke but his Dad had been disappointed that Shaun didn’t want the business he’d created for his family and Shaun had felt guilty that he hadn’t been able to give his father who he’d always looked up to what he wanted.

Thankfully he’d been able to put things right with his Dad before he died. He’d had to promise to take hold of the firm until his younger brother graduated and he could take over. That’s what Tom wanted. He liked the business world, he’d inherited the business acumen from his Dad and that made Shaun both happy and relieved. He knew his brother would be so much better at it than he would’ve been.

With the business in his brother’s hands, Shaun had finally been able to take a new teaching job and was due to start with the new school year late August. It was finally getting his life back that had him once again mulling over his time with Scarlett.


He woke after having the best sex he could remember to find her creeping out of the bed. He’d panicked and snaked his hand out to take hold of her. It may have only been one night but he wanted her to stay with him. He wanted to hold her, talk to her, smack that beautiful round ass some more and he wanted to bury himself inside her.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“Um, I, I was going to go back to my own place.” She faltered.

He knew she had every right, those were the rules of the one night stand he supposed, but he didn’t want it to be. He wanted her to stay. “Stay. Please Scarlet?” he asked, tugging her gently. Relief washed through him as she changed her mind and climbed back in the bed beside him and into his arms.


He’d given her his phone number and hoped Scarlett would call but the fact she hadn’t given him hers in return left him doubtful. He should have insisted that she give it to him. He’d barely scratched the surface with getting to know her and he just had the feeling that there was somehow much more that she’d kept to herself. If he’d been asked to put a label on what they had he wouldn’t have been able to but for him it had been much more than a one night stand. A holiday romance maybe, but he knew given the chance it could have been so much more.


*              *              *


Ignoring the problem had lasted until the next morning when Skye had woken with the worst nausea she’d ever experienced. After spending nearly all her getting ready time in the bathroom, Skye had dragged herself to work in wrinkled clothes and with no makeup. She still felt like death when she was standing in front of her class.

“I need you to open your social studies book to page twenty eight and read that whole chapter.” Quietly and without fuss while I just sit over here by the door so I can run to the bathroom or die quietly, whatever happens first, she thought.

“Miss you don’t look so hot,” the concerned member of her class asked.

“Thank you honey…not feeling the best.”

“It’s not catching is it?” the hypochondriac of the class asked.

“No it isn’t,” she managed with a reassuring smile.

“Are you gonna barf?” the class clown asked.

Quite possibly, she thought. She would just ignore the question from that particular young man because she knew an answer would only spur him to more questions…she decided to go with the only thing she was sure would get her charges reading and give her a little peace. Bribery.

“Whoever is the quietest and then answers the questions at the back of the chapter first,” she turned to the class clown. “Real answers that relate to the chapter.” She turned back to the rest of the class. “Will be able to leave class five minutes early.”

If Skye wasn’t feeling like death she would have laughed. It always worked. A little bribery went a long way. There was a slight flurry of noise while the kids expressed their approval of the reward before they all settled down to quietly read. Skye leaned her head against the door in what would probably be her favourite classroom position for the next few weeks. She hoped. Morning sickness didn’t go on for too long did it? Man…this was going to be hard to hide she thought.


*              *              *


The morning sickness she’d thought would be hard to hide, turned out to be impossible to hide. By the third day of her moping around until lunchtime when she was suddenly able to eat her weight in cafeteria food, she was certain some of the other teachers were suspicious, some were curious, and the Principal was damn sure. When school was over one afternoon, Skye was summoned to her office.

As she sat on the bench seat right outside the door, she felt like she was a naughty third grader waiting for her parents to arrive. THAT wasn’t going to happen. They lived two states away and were as much in the dark as everyone else. More than some people she worked with apparently. The sympathetic looks she’d been given all day had already told her she was the talk of the teachers’ lounge. She tapped her foot nervously. What if she got fired? What the hell was she going to do then? It was going to be hard enough to feed herself and her baby as it was, without a job, she was fucked. And that about brought her back to square one, she thought.

The door opened and Mrs. Rogers smiled. “Come in Skye,” she said. She put her arm about the younger woman’s shoulders and walked her in. Skye was suddenly overcome and tears threatened to choke her. She’d been ready to be scolded, judged and looked down upon but kindness at the moment was too much. Mrs. Rogers took her over to her couch and sat beside her. She didn’t talk at all for the longest while. She passed Skye some tissues and waited until it seemed that she’d cried herself out.

“I’m sorry,” Skye said. She was so embarrassed. For crying in front of the principal, for being pregnant and not being able to even produce a boyfriend much less a husband. She may as well hang a sign around her neck that said don’t let me anywhere near your kids, I have no morals.

“It’s ok.”

“No, it’s so not. I’m guessing you’ve already guessed?”

“I have, but I’ve only guessed that you’re pregnant. I don’t know any details. That’s up to you if you want to share with me. I just wanted to tell you that I’m here for you if you want to talk.”

Skye smiled and nodded but said nothing so Mrs. Rogers kept talking.

“I do want to tell you though, this isn’t the end of the world, you’ll get through it.”

“I… I’m alone,” Skye stuttered out. “The father isn’t in the picture.”

Mrs. Rogers nodded again. “Oh honey you won’t be alone. Have you told your parents?”

Skye shook her head. She knew eventually she’d have to tell them but she wasn’t ready. They’d be ashamed of her and then they’d take over, guilt her into doing what they thought was best. Tell her she should give up her apartment and come home. She didn’t want that. More than anything she wanted to keep her independence. “I don’t know yet what I do want but I don’t want to go home.”

“Are you going to keep the baby?”

“Yes.” She hadn’t actually said it out loud yet and it gave her butterflies to say it…she was going to keep it. Her baby. She was going to keep her baby and that would make her the Mommy. Wow.

“Well that’s good. One decision made. So I take it you’re going to stay here? After a short break of course.”

“I guess. I like it here and I love the kids. I’ll need to earn money.”

“Yes you will. See? It’s all matter of finding the problems first and then finding the solutions. We’ll all help you. You only need to tell us what you need.”

Skye nodded again and her lip wobbled. “Thank you. I thought you were going to fire me.”

“That would be against the law and wrong. People make mistakes.” She got up and walked over to her desk and collected two picture frames and passed one to Skye.

“She’s beautiful,” she said of the curly headed moppet in the picture.

“Her name is Angel, she’s my granddaughter.”

Skye smiled and then took the other frame that the Principal held out to her.

“This is her mother.”

Skye smiled. “They look alike.” She was staring into the face of a fresh faced cheerleader holding her baby daughter and laughing.

“Yes they do,” Mrs Rogers said with pride. “That was four years ago and she’s just about to graduate. Angel’s father isn’t in the picture either, it can be done.”

Skye left the office feeling better than she had in days, at last she had hope. She was determined to make this work.


*              *              *


Shaun drove away from Tom’s graduation happy. He was proud of his little brother and even more relieved that his time doing business with adults had come to a close. Today had been a formality really. He’d already put a trusted family friend in charge of walking Tom through business and he’d worked with him himself when he didn’t have classes. Now the business was Tom’s and it was his time to get on with his own life.

The next day was the last day of the school year and he’d made an appointment with the Principal of the new school he was going to work at come the fall, to have a tour. He couldn’t wait.


*              *              *


Skye couldn’t wait until tomorrow afternoon. She’d have the whole summer to get things ready for her baby and to lay around like the beached whale she’d become and do nothing. At six months she’d popped and felt much bigger than she actually was. She loved her job but going to work every day was starting to take its toll. She was ready for a break.

As always though, she felt a certain sadness with the end of each year and that was having to say goodbye to her kids. They’d still be there next year and they’d wave in the hallway but they wouldn’t be hers anymore. Still by the time the school year started it’d nearly be time for her own baby to be born and she’d have a whole new class of kids to get to know and enlighten with social studies.

Skye sighed as she looked around the room at all the posters and paintings and the kids messy desks… She really should have started packing up the classroom by now. This whole room would have to be cleared before the end of tomorrow.

BOOK: An Unexpected Husband
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