Read Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited Online

Authors: S. L. Morgan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Historical, #Science Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited (10 page)

BOOK: Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited
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“I was fortunate to make the acquaintance of Miss Bryant; she is a lovely woman.” Isabelle looked longingly up into Levi’s eyes, forcing an awkward moment for him. “She must be remarkable in every way, to have stolen your heart.”

Oh, give me a break!
Levi thought in irritation. “I am thrilled that you have met her.” Levi said as he caught a glimpse of Reece exiting out to the balcony. “Excuse me, Miss Hamilton; there is something I must attend to,” he said, abruptly ending their conversation. He knew it was rude of him; however, he was more concerned about Reece than Isabelle Hamilton’s discomfort from his behavior.

Levi strode briskly across the room, but was interrupted by numerous people along the way. By the time he made it to where Reece was, she had accepted a young man’s dance request. Levi discerned her discomfort and forced smile; but as the young man led her to the dance floor, she seemed as though she would cry at any moment.

Someone must have insulted her in some way, but what could they have said? She had dealt with all of Simone, Lillian, and Catherine’s hatefulness amazingly well; and those three women were insulting and unwelcoming in every way towards her.

“A few more dances, my man, and you will have your lovely lady all to yourself again,” Harrison announced, as he came up from behind him.

Levi continued to study Reece’s expressionless face as she and her dance partner waited for the music to start. “Something’s not right with her, Harrison,” Levi said in a low voice.

Harrison scanned the room and found Reece. “I think any woman would have the same expression on her face, if that young man desired to dance with them.” Harrison clapped Levi’s shoulder. “Give me a moment; I’ll go rescue her.”

“Harrison!” Levi blurted out, but he was too late; his cousin was already on the dance floor, and about to do one of the most offensive things that could be done at one of these events.

Levi knew Harrison well enough to know that he didn’t have a problem with breaching propriety in a situation like this. Inwardly, he was grateful for Harrison’s boldness, and the scene it would create for Harrison to barge in and replace Reece’s dancing partner did not concern him. He watched his cousin tap the man’s shoulder, and smoothly step in his place. He then began to lead Reece to the music, ignoring any scene he may have created. Even Harrison’s good humor did not change the expression on her face. Levi watched intently as Reece pointedly ignored Harrison, and appeared to force herself to get through the dance.

When the song ended, Harrison drew Reece’s arm possessively into his, and with a subtle nod to Levi, led her out of the room. Levi followed, and caught up to them in the corridors.

“Really, Harrison, I’m fine.” She acknowledged Levi with a smile when he approached. “I’m fine.” She said reassuringly as she reached for his hand.

Levi felt the trepidation in her grip. Something wasn’t right, but he wasn’t going to make matters worse by forcing answers from her. Luckily, the evening was coming to a close, and Navarre and Allestaine began making their final farewells to the guests. Levi and Reece followed the emperor and empress in bidding everyone goodnight, and soon after, they were in the carriage on their way back to Stavesworth Hall. Levi’s concern was growing by the second as she remained silent and leaned into his embrace.

“Sweetheart,” Levi spoke softly, while brushing his hand along her arm. “Please talk to me; what has happened?”

“Really, it’s nothing,” she responded absently.

Levi pressed his lips into her temple, absorbing the rich fragrance that always assaulted his senses. “I would happily believe that, if your expression had not changed to one of absolute distress when you returned to the ballroom.”

“I think I got a little overwhelmed by everything tonight.” She looked up at him. “I’m feeling much better being alone with you now.”

She wasn’t being entirely honest with him, and Levi knew it. Levi brushed his hand over her cheek, seeing the troubled expression that she was trying to mask with a smile. “I love you,” he said, with concern in his voice.

At the moment he said it, he caught a glimpse of tears filling her eyes before she quickly turned her head away.


“Levi, don’t…please.” She sniffed.

Levi refrained from asking any more questions. Instead, he gently massaged her arm, as he contemplated how to get her open up about what had upset her so badly. By the time they arrived at Stavesworth Hall, Reece insisted on going straight to her room. Levi didn’t have much time to argue, as his father requested a short meeting with him.

He led Reece up to her room and before departing, pulled her into a tight embrace. “Once I’ve finished speaking with my father, I will return to check on you.”

Reece stepped back and looked up into his eyes. “And if I’m already asleep?” she teased.

Levi nearly sighed in relief when he saw the humor in her eyes.

Levi reached for her hand. “Then I will ensure that you are properly tucked in.” He raised it to his lips. “Go freshen up, my love. Jasmeen can mix up a relaxing tea remedy for you.”

Her smile was brighter now. “I love you.”

Levi smiled, absolutely taken by her beauty. She raised her hand up to his lips, her fingertips delicately tracing them. “I so love this smile,” she whispered, with a look of sadness.

Levi started to respond, but she turned to walk into her room. As he stood there, confused and struggling to make out what was going on, she turned back to him and smiled. “I’ll see you when you get back.”

Levi nodded, and then quickly turned to leave. As he made his way to his father’s study, he desperately hoped that this meeting would pass quickly.

eece leaned against the balcony railing, observing the ocean waves as they slowly rolled into the shoreline. She watched as the waves crept up and swept over the glittery sand, drawing it back out to sea again.

“Miss Bryant, your tea,” Jasmeen said, as she stepped out onto the terrace.

She turned around and smiled. “Thanks, Jasmeen.”

“Is there anything else I can get you?”

“This is perfect, thanks.”

Jasmeen turned to leave, giving Reece her privacy. Reece slowly sipped the tea, letting the unique flavor of it soothe her. She gazed out onto the surface of the water, watching the many brilliant shades of blue glisten. This time she wasn’t able to appreciate the majestic beauty of Pemdas the way she usually did.

“This view has never appeared more enchanting,” a low voice spoke from behind.

Reece glanced over her shoulder to see Levi leaning up against the doorframe. “It’s really beautiful tonight.”

Levi came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He molded his body around hers while kissing her softly on her cheek. “You appear to be feeling somewhat better.” He caressed her cheek. “I have something I want to show you; would you be up for a walk?”

Reece looked down at her cotton pants and navy blue top. “Hopefully the walk consists of staying inside my room, because I really don’t want to put another gown on.”

Levi’s forehead creased, and then he laughed. “The route we will be taking will not require that you dress in a gown. You will be perfectly fine.” He lightly ran his long fingers under the thin straps on her shoulder. “I will say, I am exceedingly grateful you chose to bring some of your clothes from Earth.”

Reece sighed, feeling goose bumps cover her shoulder. “You find yoga pants and tank tops attractive?”

Levi’s eyes grew somewhat mysterious as he smiled at her. “It reminds me of the way you dressed on Earth, and I find it extremely attractive.” His lips twisted while he studied her. “It is also probably the reason we should leave your room quickly.”

Reece smiled as she brushed passed him and walked over to her sofa. She picked up her light cotton jacket, pulled it on and exhaled. When she was ready, Levi approached her, clutched her hand, and led her to a door in her room she hadn’t previously noticed. “These are the servants’ passageways,” he advised her as he led her through the dimly lit hallway. “Harrison and I used to play in all of these hidden passages as young boys,” he added, with humor in his voice. “Those wooden doors over there were where we convinced his sister, Lillian to hide one time.” He laughed out loud. “I thought we were merely going to lock her in the room; however, little did I know, Harrison had mouse in his pocket that he threw in the room as I was closing the door. I do not believe I have ever seen our parents so upset with Harrison and me, after Lillian told them what we had done to her.”

Reece laughed, but didn’t feel sorry for the woman. Her opinion of her hadn’t changed, as she recalled how Lillian had treated her when she first arrived in Pemdas. “Well, now I know why she grew up to be such a bi—” Reece stopped herself, prompting Levi to glance back with a wide smile.

“Yes?” he questioned in an encouraging voice.

“A real piece of work,” she finished with a smug grin.

Levi smiled and brought his arm around her. “You could have used the other term, love. I will admit, it wouldn’t be the first time anyone as referred to her or Simone in such a way.”

“And you?”

“I’ve been known to agree with Harrison on more than one occasion about those women.”

The stairs ended on a stone floor, and the fragrances of fresh herbs filled the area. She looked around, and saw that this was the area where the kitchen staff brought in the fresh produce and food for the Oxley family. Levi guided her through two doors, which led to an outdoor garden. The herb fragrances became more potent as Levi led Reece past numerous, vividly glowing plant life. Lime-greens, yellows, and reds colored the leaves all around them. They stopped at the end of the long pathway, and Reece stood in wonder at the numerous vibrant blue rose blooms climbing archways that lined the entire length of the garden. They sparkled and glistened unlike any other bloom she had seen in Pemdas thus far.

The aroma of the unique blue roses was like a rich gardenia flower, and its color shimmered like a blue sapphire reflecting the light of the sun.

“If there is anything that could be comparable to the beauty of your eyes, it would be these roses,” Levi said, as he plucked a bloom from the vine and handed to her. “These roses only grow near the seaside; I thought you would like them.”

“This shade of blue is so fascinating.” Reece brought it to her nose and smiled as she looked into his radiant eyes. “But I have to argue with you, I’ve actually witnessed your eyes glow like this.”

Levi smiled faintly. “That’s simply a little quirk that I have when I am reading someone’s thoughts.”

Reece was reminded about her concerns from earlier. She quickly diverted her attention from Levi, and stepped toward the flowering bushes. She sighed softly, knowing she needed to talk about this with him, but not knowing where to start. “Reece,” Levi said in a low voice. He reached for her arm, turning her to face him. “What happened tonight?”

Reece gazed past him, striving to gather her thoughts.

“Reece,” he persisted.

Just come out and say it!
she ordered herself. She mirrored his somber expression. “I know that you and I have already talked about the,” she inhaled, “
of our relationship.”

Levi tilted his head to the side. “Yes, and?”

“Levi, I don’t know how to say any of this, because I know you’re already aware of what people might say—”

“I am,” Levi simply stated. “Reece, I care nothing of what they think. All I care about now is who offended you outside of my presence.”

She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear nervously. “I wasn’t offended; I was actually enlightened.”

“What happened? Please, be straightforward with me.”

“I overheard Mr. Prather and a group of men talking in one of the sitting rooms while I was waiting for Angeline and Elizabeth to leave the powder room. I was in the hall, looking at the artwork on the wall when I heard a group of men speaking about how a foreigner from Earth would never be accepted as their empress. That you and your father have disgraced Pemdas by allowing such an abomination to take place.”

Levi encircled her with his arms. “I do hope you will trust me when I tell you that those men’s opinions are of absolutely no consequence, and you shouldn’t let them affect your opinions about our relationship.”

“Mr. Prather—”

“Mr. Prather has put himself in quite the complicated position with his emperor tonight.”

Reece stepped back and looked up into a grave face. “What are you talking about?”

Levi’s expression recovered some. “It appears as though Mr. Prather is quite the power hungry individual these days. My father believes he is part of a plot to destroy his uncle, King Prather, and has been trying to manipulate his way into reigning over Brunack Kingdom. Without going into detail that will only bore you, I can safely say that after my father has finished visiting the kingdom, Mr. Prather and his friends will never be a concern to anyone.” He stared at her purposefully.

Reece turned away from him. “Levi, this isn’t right. These men may not be a problem; but what about everyone else? What made me so ignorant to think I could take up residence in your world and think everyone would be perfectly fine with some foreigner marrying the intended emperor?”

BOOK: Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited
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