Animal Heart (Beast & Beauty) (3 page)

BOOK: Animal Heart (Beast & Beauty)
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Her eyes quickly flew over Lucas' muscular form, cropped hair, tattooed arms, and his diamond ear stud. He was mixed race and very good looking indeed. Jade would have snared him by now. She was suddenly more than pleased Jade wasn't here, and then she felt mean thinking it.

“Maddy? Ah yes, Madison Jones. And a Jade Welch?” Lucas asked, looking at his register and then up at her in question.

She couldn't come. Broke her wrist, I'm afraid.”

I'm sorry to hear that. But at least
did and we're so pleased to have you here.” His gorgeous brown eyes gazed into hers and her stomach did another of its little flips.

What the hell is the matter with me today?

“I'm really looking forward to it,” she replied a little breathlessly.

Yeah, my day's just brightened up a helluva lot as well.” He leant forward on the counter and licked his lips subtly as he checked her out, very blatantly, top to toe.

Finished looking?” she asked, raising her eyebrow at him. He stood up again, having completed his appraisal.

Mmmm, lovely hair. Unusual color. We don't get too many redheads in these parts. Not ones with your kinda looks anyway.” His eyes bored into hers and suddenly a wide white smile lit up his way too handsome face. “Don't take any notice of me. I'm a born flirt. Can't help it. Sorry.”

She smiled back and relaxed in his openly cheeky company. “No, I'm enjoying it so far. Please carry on.”

He laughed at her for a moment. “Hey, don't encourage me. You're a client and I should behave myself, but believe me, I'm finding it real difficult. Now then, Miss Gorgeous, let's register you... Sign here and fill in this small card.” She dealt with it swiftly and passed it back with a grin. He handed her a key. “I'll show you to your room and explain everything en route.” She followed his broad and very attractive back view through an archway and into a large reception room. A couple in their forties were sitting reading on one of the long, low sofas, and smiled at her as she entered. A log fire burned in the fireplace and a pair of large husky-type furry dogs looked up in interest as she passed them by.

This is the main reception,” Lucas began. “Use it whenever you want. Computer's there, coffee machine there, juice, milk and water in the fridge, help yourself to whatever... Drying room, for wet gear and boots over there. Kitchen is beyond that hatch, chef's called Shane, have a word if you have any dietary requirements. Meals are served between seven and eight morning and evening, in the dining area in the corner. We provide the food for the trails. They're all escorted, full or half days, take your pick. We can sort that out later. Now your room. This way.” He took a breather and moved off.

Right... Obviously you've said all this many times before, haven't you?” she muttered, following him, her head reeling while trying to absorb the off-pat rapid information delivery.

Ha ha... Yeah, you could say that,” he replied with a laugh.

She was led along a corridor and to her room. She opened it with her key and stepped inside looking around appreciatively, as Lucas waited outside. It was beautifully done. White walls, white furniture, white bathroom, two white and blue beds, a good sized TV.


This is lovely. Thanks very much. I think I'll have a lie down in a minute.”

I wish I could join you...” He lounged in the doorway and smiled at her again with his sexy sultry eyes raking her up and down. He was obviously back in flirt mode again. “I'll bring your luggage and leave it outside your door. You know where I am, if you need me for anything Maddy...  Just snap your fingers and I'll be at your side.”

You're so kind. I'll remember that, thank you Lucas.” 

Later then... Enjoy your rest.” He closed the door and left.

She took a slow walk around the room, poking around the wardrobe and in the drawers and finally surveying the bathroom properly. It really was a wonderful place for a vacation. The room, the location, the hot staff, the horses... She took a few steps to her window and stood looking at the view outside. She could see the road she had just driven in on, snaking off into the distance, down into the valley. A thickly wooded area lay beyond the fenced paddocks of the ranch.

To her surprise, in the next moment, Aden passed by her window on Storm. He trotted along with the two Husky dogs she'd just seen and suddenly swept off at top speed down the trail. Her heart lurched at the sight of the beautiful white horse and its even more attractive dark haired rider. She watched with excitement, pressing her cheek to the window as he disappeared into the trees a minute later. What a glorious opening scene to her vacation that had been. She sighed heavily with desire.

I'm going to ride you Storm... No matter what Aden says. Even if I have to sneak out at first light to do it.

She lay on one of the beds, closed her eyes, and yawned as a rush of fatigue engulfed her.

Just forty little winks... that's all...


A sense of wild exhilaration shot through him, as it always did when he rode his horse hard like this. As he charged along with the wind whipping at his hair, he thought about Madison wanting to ride him. It wasn't an option. Even he had to be careful. Storm had the propensity to change course suddenly, sometimes in mid air when he was leaping a stream or some other obstacle in his path. You needed to be prepared for the unexpected all the time. He knew a fall could be deadly, especially at the speed he liked to go through the natural debris littered terrain. No, he couldn't risk it with her, although to be honest, he'd like to see it.

She had a lot of guts, one way or another, he had to admit that. She'd almost stared him out back there. Out-staring an Alpha male was a real test of endurance. Not that he'd meant to stare, but he couldn't stop himself. Her hair and eyes compelled him to look. And looked he certainly had.

He didn't much like redheads, as a rule. He could blame his mother for that. But she was something else, a whole different class of red, like the finest red wine, and he wanted to smell and taste her. He'd had a strong compulsion to grab a handful of that deep russet waterfall, when he'd first seen it hanging all the way down her back, skimming her ass. And what a cute little ass it was, encased in those tight faded jeans and perched on top of those long, long legs of hers.  Fuck, the things he wanted to do with that hair... Wrap it around his wrists and his cock and anywhere else he could find to wrap it... And that wasn't all by a long shot... His whole body had gone into a state of pure arousal at the sight of her when she'd turned to face him. He had to stop himself gasping out loud with the force of it. It had swamped him so suddenly. When he'd held her small warm hand, strange things happened, inside his stomach. He'd gripped her much too hard trying to cover his surprising reaction and divert her attention. In the end it had all become too much, and he'd had to rush off to give his raging hard-on the chance to calm down. He'd better give her a wider berth from now on. God knows why she had such an effect on him.

Then he smiled with sudden relief.

Ah yes...! That was what it was...

It wasn't her... it was him. He needed a fuck. It had been a few days after all.  He'd see to that later tonight. But not Mia, she'd been relegated to the back of the queue, permanently.


She was awakened from her slumber by a noise, it was almost dark in the room, and someone was knocking on the door. She jumped up, wobbly on her feet, and opened it. There stood a small, pretty, short haired blonde girl, in her mid twenties.

“Hello, I'm Grace. I work with Lucas, helping the customers on the ranch. Dinner is being served in five minutes, if you want some? I suggest you do, because there's no McD or Pizza takeout for sixteen miles. And you'd better be quick because everyone loves Shane's special chili. It's usually gone the second the pot's on the table.” She smiled sweetly at her revealing dimples and a crossed over front tooth.

Oh, right. I'll be along in a minute, thanks.” She smiled back.

There you go.” Grace wheeled her luggage inside the door for her and closed it as she left with a soft click.

She opened the case and tried to decide what to wear for her first meal at the ranch. In previous places she had stayed, they dressed up, Jade always did regardless. But she felt this place may be rather more low key, based on Grace's black trousers and plain white blouse. But maybe she was a waitress, she thought.  She plucked out her above the knee, tight plain black dress which had a low, but not indecent neckline. She put on her black pumps and added some simple jewellery. Giving her hair a quick straighten with her irons to gloss it up, and a smattering of evening make up, she surveyed herself in the mirror.

Not too bad. Sexy, smart, and classic. That'll do.

A quick squirt of perfume later, she set off for her much needed dinner.

Outside her door, the delicious smell of food assailed her nostrils and her mouth watered in anticipation. She hadn't eaten anything all day except the one bite of cheesecake and a packet of potato chips.

I'm starving... No, make that ravenous!

On turning the corner of the main reception area, it was clear she had overdressed for the occasion. A sea of jeans and casual gear was clearly evident. The chatter died down and everyone stared at her. Not that she minded being the center of attraction for once. Jade usually stole the show. Well, her cleavage did.

Lucas stood up and guided her to a spare chair next to him.

“Sleeping Beauty looks pretty good tonight,” he said giving her waist an appreciative squeeze as she sat down.

I feel way too done up,” she whispered. “You could have said it was super casual here, Lucas,” She admonished.

Oh no, I love what you're wearing, honey.” He gave her a glowing look that set her on fire. He was more than interested in her and she wasn't exactly immune to his charms either.

She looked up and around the table. A lot of eyes were upon her. One set caught her attention, Aden's blue magnetic gaze.

“Hello again,” she said politely, locking eyes with him. “How was your ride? I saw you leave.”

Unpredictable, as usual,” he replied with a hint of sarcasm and a blatant, seriously hard stare. He seemed to be staring right inside her head somehow and my God, did she feel uncomfortable and aware of it.

"Let me introduce you to our team," Lucas said, interrupting her disturbed thoughts. He proceeded to work his way around the table, explaining what they all did and then covered the small neighboring table. She found out there were eleven staff, and sometimes up to sixteen guests, although there were only five at this moment. The staff all seemed to be quite young, twenties to thirties.

Suddenly there came a shout from the kitchen.

Come and get it guys!” And the chef opened the hatch with a pink faced smile.

Two people brought the food over and laid it on the two tables. They all dived in like starving refugees. Chili, Rice, Bread, Salad. Never had a meal tasted so good. Encouraged by a couple of glasses of wine and pleasant flirty chatter with Lucas, she demolished a very large helping. Full to the brim, she looked on as a massive peach sponge cake dessert arrived on the table. She managed to force some down before her stomach began to complain quite badly that it was very full and could not accept another mouthful.  She sat back in pleasure watching as the others did the same. How relaxed and pleasant they all were, and how she was enjoying her first night.

Apart from him.

Aden Carr.

He was so serious and had hardly stopped staring at her the entire meal.

So, have you decided yet, Maddy? A half or a full day in the saddle tomorrow?” Aden suddenly asked.

I'll jump right in with a full day,” she replied, smiling happily, a little wine induced.

In that case, I'll take you out,” he said quickly. “Mia is escorting the other four guests on a half day around the lake. It appears I have you all to myself Miss Jones,” he said without any sign of pleasure or humor.

How wonderful a thought,” she replied, straight-faced, noticing the evil looks being levelled at her from Mia's direction.

My rides are always wonderful and very enjoyable,” he added. “I make sure they are.” He gave her a long dark look afterwards, which she had no inkling as to the meaning of.

I just can't wait,” she announced in reply. “There's nothing I'd like more than a whole day of your pleasant, enjoyable, and light-hearted company, Mr Carr.” She couldn't help the slight hard edge to her voice and the sarcastic tone that crept in. His eyes flashed at her angrily and he arose from the table.

I shall see you at nine at the stables. Goodnight, Maddy,” he growled at her. Then he left, beckoning at Grace, who stood up immediately and followed him out of the room. Mia's eyes burned in hatred as Grace left, and then she turned her head and they burned at her as well. She tried to make conversation with her, to lighten the heavy atmosphere, which had formed like a black cloud above the table.

BOOK: Animal Heart (Beast & Beauty)
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