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Authors: Jocelyn Dex

ArayasAddiction (5 page)

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“Kiberry, no!” Araya yelled.


The beastly creature gave Kean one last sniff then sauntered
to Araya, wagged its short, furry tail and licked her face. Its wings retracted
into its sides. She giggled and gave it a hug.

“Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in weeks,” she said
to it. It lay down and rolled onto its back, its tiny legs straight up in the
air. Araya rubbed its belly and the thing made a rumbling noise he assumed was
a sound of approval.

“What the hell is
?” Kean asked.

“This is Kiberry. He’s a baby
. My sister and I
found him hiding in the orchard. We don’t know what happened to his mother but
he took to us. He’s our buddy.”

“A Teng-what? And
?” he asked.
He’d never seen such a thing.

She laughed, still rubbing the beast’s belly. “A
And yes. He’s only a year and a half old. They usually stay with their mothers
until two years of age. So technically, he’s still a baby.”

“You have seen its teeth right?” he asked, wondering if she
was oblivious to the danger.

“Yes. He’s capable of doing damage for sure, but as long as
he likes you, you’re in no danger. He wouldn’t leave my or Valia’s side for the
first few months after taking him in. He saw that we favored kiwi fruit and
blueberries so he ate them too. Hence the name, Kiberry.”

“Cute. A little too cute. I swear it wanted to eat me.”

” she corrected him
might be right. He’s protective of us. When he saw you tackle me, he probably
thought you were trying to hurt me.”

“Shit. I thought
was protecting you,” Kean
explained. “I’ve never seen anything like
before. Can you blame me?”

Araya stood and Kiberry followed her lead. “You two should
meet properly,” she said as she led the beast to where he stood. It took all of
his willpower to stand his ground. Kean never shied away from a fight. He was
no pussy but he’d never faced a fucking winged monster demon before.

“Kiberry, this is Kean. He’s a friend. Shake his hand,”
Araya said.

Was she serious? Kiberry stood on his four-inch-long back
legs and held out a front paw-claw to Kean. Kean extended his hand so as not to
insult Araya or the beast, but he wasn’t all that crazy about it. Kiberry’s
claws wrapped around Kean’s hand and thankfully didn’t rip the skin from his

“Kiberry, can Kean pet your head?” she asked.

“That’s okay,” Kean said quickly. “A handshake is good.”

Kiberry dropped to all fours and head-butted Kean’s leg.
Kean looked to Araya and she nodded for him to go ahead. Kean leaned down and
stroked the top of the beast’s head. The softness of the fur surprised him.

“Okay. Now you don’t have to worry about him eating you,”
she teased. “Now that’s settled, I’m thinking I need to lie down.”

“Feeling bad?” he asked, truly concerned.

“Not really bad, a little woozy from the wine and tired.
Maybe I overdid it. This is the most energetic I’ve been in months.”

She strolled ahead of him, back to the room, the beast
following close behind her. He noticed her sway a little and he chuckled
silently when she held her arms out to steady herself as if she were taking a
drunk test.

She plopped onto the bed and wrapped the covers around her.
The beast spread his wings and flapped them once, lifting him high enough to
reach the top of the bed. It tucked its wings in, turned around in a circle and
curled into Araya’s side. She absently stroked its head. “I’m afraid I’m about
to pass out,” she said. Regret stained her words.

“That’s okay. I’ll entertain myself.”

Her eyes fluttered closed, her voice soft and small, “Kean?”


“I enjoyed our picnic tonight,” she said without opening her

“Me too,” he said. He meant it too. He’d enjoyed her company
and wished she had enough energy to stay awake and spend more time with him.

“Kean?” She called to him again.


“My bed is huge. You don’t have to sleep in a chair.”

Oh how he wished that was an invitation for more, but he
recognized it for what it was. She was simply being nice. “You already have a
bed buddy.”

“There’s still plenty of room. He really won’t hurt you.”

“Okay. Sleep well.”

Kean waited for Araya to drift off before striding to the
intercom at the far end of the room. He pressed the “call” button.

A male voice answered almost immediately. “Yes?”

“I need to speak with Talith. Now. Privately.”

“I’ll inform her of your request.”

The door to Araya’s room opened five minutes after he told
the voice on the intercom he wanted to see Talith. She didn’t even glance at
him as she made her way to Araya’s bed. She looked at her daughter, then turned
to him and crooked a finger for him to follow.

A guard stood outside the room.

“She looks better,” Talith said, “but she hasn’t submitted
completely. She’d have more color in her face and more energy if she had. What
did you do?”

Kean shifted uncomfortably and avoided answering. “I’d like
to talk to you,” he looked down at the towel that barely wrapped around his
waist, “privately and preferably with some clothes on.”

Talith stared at him for a long moment then nodded to the
guard. “Balcony.”

The guard disappeared ahead of them and Talith said, “Follow

By the time they arrived at the end of the long hallway, the
guard had reappeared. He handed Kean a blue robe. He shrugged into it and
belted it around his waist.

“You stay here,” Talith said to the guard as she opened the
door leading to a balcony off the opposite side of the mansion.

They sat opposite one another on wrought iron chairs similar
to those where he and Araya had picnicked.

“What’s on your mind?” Talith asked.

Kean didn’t really have a plan and picked his words
carefully. “After talking to Araya tonight, I found out there have been others
in my current
. However, I’m the only one who was not given a
choice about being here. Why is that?”

Talith leaned back in her chair, her cool expression didn’t
falter. “Perhaps I was tired of asking and decided to simplify the process.”

“I don’t think so. Why would you waste your time on someone
who might not be interested? Had you asked and I refused, you could have simply
moved on to someone else. Why me?”

This time, her composure slipped a bit but only for a
moment. “What are you getting at?”

He leaned forward, no longer intimidated by his situation or
the fact that he knew she could kill him or have him killed easily. “I think
you know what I’m getting at.”

“Perhaps I do,” she said. “Perhaps you shouldn’t concern
yourself with it.”

“What?” Kean couldn’t believe she’d said that. “I’m a
prisoner here and I shouldn’t concern myself with it?”

“I will do what I have to do to save my daughter. If you are
inconvenienced in the process, that’s too goddamn bad,” Talith spat at him and
her eyes turned black.

Okay. That bitch was scary when she got angry. He still wasn’t
ready to come out in case she didn’t actually know what he was so he said, “How
inconvenienced will your daughter be if—” He stopped to regroup but there was
no need. Talith already caught his drift confirming his suspicion was right.

“My hope is that Araya will be fine once you’ve left.
Considering your
it’s my assumption the effect will not be long
lasting if there is any effect at all.”

His deficit? What a bitch
. She locked her daughter in
a room, imprisoned him and now he knew she was willing to risk addicting her
daughter to him. She knew he was part Incubus. She fucking knew and that was
why she chose him, didn’t give him an option. It had to be him to tempt Araya
more than any other could. Well, a full-blooded Incubus would tempt her more,
but would definitely be too dangerous. Deficit? He’d show her his deficit. “And
if you’re wrong? If she isn’t fine?”

“Then,” her eyes glittered angrily, “you’ll be staying with
us for a very long time,

Holy fuck. She’d keep him here. Keep him a prisoner forever
if necessary. Kean had to find a way out of this mess but he didn’t want to
hurt Araya. If he could get her to submit fully to him once, the danger to her
should be minimal—hopefully—and she should strengthen significantly, allowing him
to get out of here. He needed an edge. She’d obviously been tempted by him but
not enough to give in.

“Since we aren’t playing games anymore, why don’t you arm me
with some info? Where’s the weakness? Where’s my advantage?” he asked.

Talith looked thoughtful. “Our kind can scent semen as if it
were a cologne freshly spritzed on your skin. The more aroused you become, the
more fragrant and alluring the scent. Even with your deficit,
is tantalizing because of the Incubus blood coursing through your veins.” She
inhaled deeply and her pupils dilated slightly.

That’s why Araya had been so focused on him in the shower.
Why she’d been drawn to him and so aroused she’d let him touch her. He
understood about tantalizing scents. When Araya was aroused, her smell
intoxicated him. Yes, he could use this information to his advantage.

“I’ll need a way to keep your daughter from running or
hiding from me,” he said, a plan forming in his mind.

“We’ve been over this, you cannot force her,” Talith warned.

“I wouldn’t
her to do anything but stay in one
place so she can’t avoid me.”

Talith tapped a slender forefinger against her lips. “Ah, I
believe I get your drift. Walk with me.”

Talith whispered to the guard as they left the balcony and
entered the house. He strode ahead of them while Kean and Talith made their way
back to Araya’s room. The guard appeared a few seconds later and handed Kean
two silk scarves.

Talith said, “In her weakened condition, these should be

“Will the collar see this as me trying to hurt her?” he

“Only if your intent
to hurt her.”

“Wait,” Kean said, “one more request. Can you get that beast
out of her bed?”

Talith’s eyes narrowed. “Beast?”

“The furry one with wings,” he explained.

“Oh, Kiberry?” She laughed at him but opened the door, made
sound and patted her leg. The beast stood, walked to the edge of
the bed, spread its wings and floated to the floor. Kean would swear it looked
at him disdainfully as it walked past him into the hallway.

“Good luck, mixed-breed,” Talith said and closed the door.

Chapter Four


Kean padded to the bed where Araya still slept. Her cheeks
already looked slack again and her face had lost most of its earlier glow.

He dropped the robe, surprised Talith hadn’t stripped him of
it before locking him back in the room. He supposed she didn’t think it
necessary considering he’d decided to do what she wanted him to do.

Kean tried not to think of how pissed Araya would be when
she woke up, and he tried to tell himself he didn’t care anyway. He had a life
to get back to and this seemed the only way to do it. Besides, he would be
saving her life and she might end up thanking him in the long run.

He gently wrapped one silk scarf around her wrist. When she
didn’t stir, he carefully lifted her wrist above her head and tied the loose
end of the scarf to the bedpost. She grumbled and he froze but she didn’t wake.
He repeated the process with her other wrist.

Kean’s cock hardened from the mere possibility of Araya
watching him, desiring him. The thought that he’d be the only one she hadn’t
turned away stroked his ego.

He sat on the bed looking at her, imagining how her mouth
would feel wrapped around his cock. How her nipples would bead while she sucked
him. He’d penetrate her mouth, pumping into its slickness while she sucked and
lapped at him. How her delicious cunt would flood in anticipation of him
fucking her. Yeah, he wanted her to want him.

He gripped his shaft and stroked it. Pre-come had already
formed at the tip. He ran his fingers over the head on the upstroke and
massaged it downward. He imagined it was her wetness coating his cock.

Araya stirred, her breathing becoming irregular.

He stroked her cheek with his free hand. “Araya,” he said
softly and her eyes fluttered open.

“What? What are you doing?” she cried out. She struggled to
move but realized her hands were tied. “Untie me!” she shrieked.

“I’m saving us both,” Kean said, his voice raw.

“You traitor! I thought you understood. You’ve been working
against me the whole time,” she accused as she struggled against her bonds.

The betrayal in her eyes stung him. But he had a mission. To
save her. To save himself. He wouldn’t be deterred no matter how much like a
cocksucker he felt.

“It won’t work. I won’t let it.” She squeezed her eyes shut.

“Araya, look at me. I’m hard for you.
is for

Eyes still closed, she pleaded, “Please stop, Kean. I don’t
want this.”

He hesitated. The pleading tone in her voice cut him. But
what the hell was he supposed to do? Being a prisoner didn’t work for him and
she still had the option to say no. It was her choice even if what he was doing
made it difficult for her.

Her breathing deepened and her nipples peaked beneath her
thin robe. What he’d give to suck them into his mouth, tickle them with his
tongue. To lick her sweet cunt until she screamed his name in ecstasy.

“Thinking of touching you, pleasing you, is driving me
crazy. I’m getting close, Araya.”

Her eyes popped open. She licked her lips as she watched him
pump his cock. Faster now. Her eyes followed his movements, he groaned as she
licked her lips.

“Do you want to taste me, Araya?”

“Noooo,” she whined. Her dilated pupils gave away the lie.

More droplets of pre-come oozed from the tip of his cock.
Araya’s eyes bugged and she struggled to free herself from her restraints. He
assumed in an effort to flee but then she groaned and said, “I-I need to taste

He almost came right then. She was giving in. She wanted
him, wanted to taste him. Such sweet words.

The gold in her eyes sparked as her chest heaved from ragged
breaths, her gaze never leaving his cock. He moved closer to her, getting on
his knees and positioning his cock inches from her face. She looked up at him
uncertainly, for a second, then raised her head from the pillow, sticking her
tongue out. She touched it to his seeping slit and growled a sound of pleasure.

His cock jumped. He was about to fucking explode.

“More,” she growled, an unnatural tone hitching her voice.
as hell
. “Now.”

He obliged. No hesitation. He inched closer, giving her full
access to his throbbing cock. She latched on with her greedy mouth. Her
inexperience didn’t lessen his pleasure. Her enthusiasm as she sucked and
licked, the scent of her arousal, fruity and seductive—he’d never experienced
anything like it.

His slippery cock kept sliding out of her mouth and she
growled each time. He figured he could untie her hands now but she still hadn’t
gotten his semen and she might find the will to stop. So, he braced one hand on
the wall and grabbed the base of his cock with the other, holding it steady for

She moaned her approval. His balls clenched at her vigorous
slurping. “Araya, I’m-I’m going to come. Are you ready for me?”

She mumbled around his cock and began sucking and licking
more vigorously. That was it. She wanted it. She needed it. He couldn’t hold it
back a second longer.

His hips jerked forward, shoving his cock deeper as semen
exploded from him into her eager mouth. The sensation racked his body, his hips
thrusting of their own accord as she milked every last drop from him.

His body slumped back to a sitting position, his dick made a
popping sound as it pulled from the stranglehold her lips had on it. She swiped
her tongue across her lips.

Her hair shone and her lips and skin plumped, taking on a
rosy glow. The transformation was incredible. He’d thought her beautiful before
but now stunning, irresistible.

The lust in her golden eyes struck him as her gaze met his.
She’d been fed but now she needed release and he’d damn sure give it to her if
she’d let him.

“Untie me, Kean,” she demanded in a low and husky tone.

He removed one silk tie and then the other. She shook out
her arms and commanded him, “Touch me, like you did before.”

So damn sexy
. “Araya, I want to make you come with my
mouth. Like you did for me. Let me lick you. Let me taste your sweetness.”

“Yes,” she breathed as her legs spread.

He needed no more invitation than that. He dove between her
legs, burying his face in her ambrosial scent. Her hips bucked at the assault
his tongue waged on her silken folds.

“Oh god, Kean. Feels so good.”

He parted her lips with his tongue and delved deep inside,
then stroked up and down on her clit. Her knees squeezed together crushing his
head. He parted them forcefully with his hands, never stopping the assault on her
clit. He sucked. She writhed.

“Yes, oh yes,” she wailed as her sweet juices coated his
lips and tongue. Warm, sweet, fruity. Pure heaven.


Araya’s body hummed with energy. Oh god. She’d never felt so
alive. So hot. And she’d never feasted on anything as exquisite at Kean’s cock.
She’d almost climaxed when his come had flooded her mouth.

She needed more from him now. Her body craved him, burned
for him, demanded an orgasm from him. Only him.

His warm tongue caressing her, probing her—she hadn’t known
what she was missing. The sensations splitting her insides apart. She grabbed
his hair holding him in place, afraid he’d stop the delicious assault his mouth
waged on her.

She couldn’t bear it. The pleasure, the intensity threatened
to make her go mad. Raging waves of bliss blazed through her. Consumed her. Her
hips bucked in contrast with the magical swipes of his tongue on her clit.

Her body tensed as white hot sparks shot through her body.
She cried out, “Kean. Yes!” as her skin melted and her internal organs turned
to mush from the intensity of her climax.

Araya rode the waves of orgasm until she couldn’t bear any
more. Her voice was barely a whisper as she pushed at Kean’s head. “Stop.”

Kean looked up at her, a cocky smile splayed his lips.

She nodded, too breathless for words.

Kean crawled up the bed and lay next to her on his side
propping his head up with one hand. The other hand stroked circles around her
stomach, goose bumps trailing in the wake of each stroke.

Kean didn’t speak and she was glad for it. Araya couldn’t
remember ever feeling so relaxed. Boneless. Content. Somewhere in the back of
her mind, she knew she should be royally pissed, but the climax washed away all
coherent thought. Her eyes drifted shut and her mind floated away on a cloud of

BOOK: ArayasAddiction
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