Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8) (42 page)

BOOK: Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8)
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She looked lost. “No, Sebastian, I haven't changed my mind, but this?”

“There was no other way. I’m sorry. I love you way too much and I wasn’t going to let you slip out of my life. You’ll continue to be
, only more powerful, utterly unbreakable. You will be mine for eternity and you’ll never be afraid of anything or anyone. Arielle, you know everything about immortality. You've heard all the details from me in the last year plus and you helped Eva through her countless questions when she went through her transformation.” He pressed her hand. “You have to do this Arielle, and I know you can.”

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She wasn't ready, she wanted to go back to how things were, but she knew there was no turning back now.

“I wonder how this is going to work when we get home.”

“Arielle, it worked for Ian and Eva. No one but our friends sees them as being different. It'll be the same for you.” His voice was calm and reassuring.

She watched him carefully as she considered what he was saying.

“Are you all right, baby?” He gazed into her sapphire eyes trying to see the answer he needed before she even said it. His devastatingly beautiful face was pleating for reassurance and his eyes were blazing with love and passion for her and her only. His hands came up and held her face gently, running his thump across her bottom lip.

“I love you, baby, and you’re all mine now and forever.”

“I love you, too,” she replied gently. His lips were mere centimeters from hers.

His arms came around her and pulled her flush against him. His embrace felt warm and powerful as his muscles shifted and she moaned.

She stood on tip-toes and brushed his lips. Sebastian closed his eyes in a silent prayer and thanked God for making this transformation a little easier than he thought it would be.

Arielle wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him down to her. Sebastian’s lips covered hers and fused them into a blistering kiss. The sensation was so much stronger than she remembered. Something was different; her knees nearly buckled.

Sebastian felt it and a smile tugged at his lips. “What is it, baby?”

“I’m not sure. It's a strange sensation.”

“It’s the immortal sensation,” he replied, his voice amused. “Much more potent than that of a human.”

Arielle skimmed her hands across his muscled shoulders and stepped even closer. “Now I understand what Eva was trying to tell me. Now I understand your unending desires.”

Sebastian grinned. His gaze fell on her lips just as she ran the tip of her tongue over the bottom lip and he groaned. “How are you feeling?”

“I feel great, but I still don’t understand how this can be.”

“It'll take time.” His voice was hushed.

“Am I going to need Salve from now on?”

He nodded as his mouth came down on hers once again and kissed her with unleashed passion. He felt her body respond and heard her soft moan. She drew back breathless and pinned him with her eyes. She needed a reply.

“Yes, you’ll need Salve just like we all do, for strength, but you’ll be able to enjoy human food just as you did before.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “Just as I did before?”

Sebastian pulled her back into his tight embrace. “Well, not just as before, but you'll be able to tolerate the food. It'll make it easy for you to function among humans.” He was staring at her lips, eager to plunge back into the kiss.

She slipped away from his embrace. “I want to taste it.”

Sebastian’s eyebrows furrowed, but he walked into the other room and came back with a small glass filled with the special immortal nourishment.

She stared at the glass for a moment, and then took a small sip. She closed her eyes, letting the liquid trickle down her throat. Sebastian watched her intently. He saw no changes in her expression and waited eagerly to hear what she had to say.

Arielle stood, thoughtful. The liquid was sweet with a fruity kind of aftertaste. “I like it,” she whispered into the glass and glanced at him over the brim.

He moved to take the glass away from her but she pulled back and smiled. “I’m going to finish it,” she stated. “How long have I been going through the transformation?”

“It has been four days since…” he voice trailed. He didn’t want to bring back bitter thoughts.

“I wonder what this new life will be like,” she muttered into the glass.

“It will be amazing. You and me together forever.”

She walked toward the bed, zillions of thoughts swirling in her head. This is what she'd envisioned from the moment she met Sebastian.
Why am I so worried about it now? Maybe I’m not ready for such a huge step, but ready or not I’m here now and there's no going back.
Her next thought was about the man she loved beyond any limits. He saved her life and she needed to make sure he knew that she was very much in love with him. What if he hadn’t found her in time? The thought of Sebastian moving on through the centuries without her weighed her down. She didn’t want to think about that any longer. She was now an immortal and they would be together for eternity.

He came around and stood in front of her. His hands cupped her face and his fingers caressed the curve of her jaw. “What are you thinking?”

She looked into his emerald eyes and smiled. “I told you before that my thoughts are always about you.”

“As they should be,” he said and his smile widened.

Suddenly Sebastian scooped her up into his arms, and carried her to bed. “Let me show you about immortal love,” he said cradling her against his chest, his lips soft against hers, his love enfolding her like a warm blanket. He laid her on top of the sheets and their clothes came off with maddening speed. He let his gaze wander over her naked body and his breath held at the splendor of it. She was beautiful before, but immortality gave her a stunningly exquisite touch. He climbed on the bed and pulled her flush against his bare body. “You’ll be mine always,” he whispered against her lips.

She gasped at the feel of his skin against hers. His mouth came down on hers with unrestrained passion and his tongue plundered the softness of her mouth. Arielle moaned as blistering fire shot down her spine, curling her toes, leaving her breathless. His lips warm against her flesh moved down her throat, kissing and nipping her soft silky skin. His mouth moved lower and pressed further kisses along the curve of her breasts.

Arielle took a tremulous breath as his hand cupped and kneaded one breast while the tip of his tongue flicked over a taut nipple and then his hot mouth closed over it suckling fervently. A seductive quiver shot down her spine and she felt her body sinking into immeasurable pleasure. She made groaning sounds as his hands and his mouth moved down her body. His fingers stroked and teased every naked spot and his mouth kissed, suckled and tasted every part of her body. Her pulse rocketed and she melted into his touch when she felt his erection pushing against her thigh.

Sebastian moved over her body like a panther after his pray. He stretched on top of her and tilting his head, laid claim to her mouth. His tongue delved into its softness and he plundered hard pulling all the stops and sending waves of blistering fire across every single muscle of her body.

He slipped his hands around her hips, pressed her thighs wide and drew her up to him, jetting wild anticipation across her nerves. With one swift move and a loud groan he buried himself inside of her to the hilt. Arielle hissed a gush of air between her teeth. The filling was exquisite, the sense of fulfillment indescribable. Their encounters were always beyond anything she could ever imagine, but this was different; no mistake about it. The passion was glorious, overpowering, the strength was vast cloaked with primitive urge. He invaded her body and possessed her mind setting her flesh on fire.

Arielle slipped her arms around his neck pulled him down crashing his lips beneath hers. She shut her eyes, bowed her neck and pushed against him as he plunged into her body harder fusing them together like never before.

Sebastian had been watching the emotions cross Arielle’s face and knew she was experiencing the supremacy of immortal sex. He was determined to show her the art of immortal sensuality. This was going to be a night she’d never forget.

Her hands moved helplessly across the muscled planes of his back and her nails scraped him seductively, sending his mind racing frantically. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him even deeper into her body as urgency crashed into her. A guttural groan left his lips and he plunged into a ferocious kiss that left them both breathless, lost in waves of sensual pleasure. He took long strokes and she fell into the rhythm arching and shifting beneath him trying to get even closer.

The feeling was so startling that they wanted this to last longer, for eternity if possible. Arielle buried her face into his neck and clang to him as though this was going to be the last time.

Sebastian was bathed in bliss that only got stronger by the moment. The thought that he'd have her for eternity drove him into unrestrained hunger and intensity. Her muscles tensed around him as he drove harder and harder into her body.

She called out his name and her world exploded when she reached her release. She threw her head back and her body quivered clenching tightly around him bringing him over the edge. They’d never had an experience this remarkable. They were both speechless, drifting in an aftermath that was more overpowering and more consuming that ever before.

They lay holding onto each other possessively. Finally Sebastian drew a breath and rolled onto his back taking her with him. She rested her head in the crook of his neck and spread her hand lovingly over his chest. Sebastian held her close and pulled the covers over them. Soon they fell asleep utterly exhausted.

The next time Arielle opened her eyes the room was bright, bathed in the sunlight that was slipping through the balcony doors. She was still in Sebastian’s arms and he was wide awake, watching her intently. Their gaze locked and held. Wide smiles spread across their faces. She was now an immortal, more powerful than she’d ever dreamed she could be.

A new day had dawn for Arielle and Sebastian, and a new beginning in the immortal world as husband and wife.



Note to the Readers

Thank you to my fans. It is the most rewarding and surreal experience to receive your wonderful feedback after reading my books. To the future readers, thank you for loving books and making my book your choice.
This is the eighth and final novel in my Immortal Rapture Series. I hope you enjoyed it.


About the Author



Lilian Roberts is a corporate engineer and lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband. She is an avid reader and loves to read novels that feature characters draped in passion, mystery, and adventure. She is especially fascinated with the concept of immortality.
Arielle Immortal Resolve is
her eighth and final volume in the Immortal Rapture series of romance thrillers.






Contact Information

My website:

My Twitter: @lilian3roberts

My Blog:




Arielle Immortal Awakening

Arielle Immortal Seduction

Arielle Immortal Passion

Arielle Immortal Quickening

Arielle Immortal Journey

Arielle Immortal Fury

Arielle Immortal Struggle






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BOOK: Arielle Immortal Resolve (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 8)
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