Read Arranged for Pleasure Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Multiple Partner Erotic Romance, #Bdsm

Arranged for Pleasure (5 page)

BOOK: Arranged for Pleasure
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“Sit on my cock, Kat,” he panted, and it made her feel powerful to hear the catch of his breath, to feel the tremor in his thighs.

She shifted until she straddled his hips once more and let Rafe help her balance as she wiggled until Liam’s cock nudged between her cheeks. She was still slick from Adrian’s fucking, and Liam lodged easily. He gripped her hips while she bore down, pressing onto his cock. Once he bridged the first tight ring of muscle, it was easier to lower until her hips hit his and she sat atop him.

God, it felt incredible. He was buried so deep in her ass, filling her completely.

Adrian stepped out of the bathroom, using a hand towel on his cock before tossing it beside the box of condoms and reaching for a new one. He made quick work of ripping it open and sliding it on before approaching the bed.

Liam sat up behind her, making her cry out as the change in position shifted his cock inside her. He pulled her tight against his chest. “We’re going to lie back together, darling, and let Adrian fuck that pussy.”

He eased her down with him, giving her time to adjust her legs while keeping her spine against his chest until they were both lying on the bed.

“Pull your legs up,” Liam told her. “Open them for him. Let him see my cock buried in your ass.”

She did as he instructed, her breath shuddering in and out. She doubted she’d last long once Adrian thrust inside.

Adrian moved onto the bed on his knees, slipping over so his legs were outside of Liam’s. He moved up until she could rest her feet on his shoulders. He reached down and used two fingers to thrust in and out of her pussy. His knuckled brushed where she and Liam were already joined, and she felt the hiss of Liam’s breath against her hair.

“I’m going to fuck you hard and fast, Kat,” Adrian panted. “I’m so close to coming, baby. I won’t last long.”

She nodded her head. She was right there with him.

His cockhead nudged her pussy, and he held her gaze. She saw so much, more than he probably intended. But there was no time for soft words. He thrust deep and her feet slipped over his shoulders as he leaned into the thrust.

Liam cried out as his cock was forced deeper with every thrust. He just held her tight while Adrian did the work. He rode like a man possessed, pounding his cock into her channel, and she could see how close he was to letting it go and spilling his cum into the condom that separated them. For the first time, she felt regret against that thin shield of latex. She wanted the heat of their cum inside her, wanted to feel everything with no barrier between them.

But that was a decision best made not in the heat of the moment, but after a long conversation where they were all honest about their pasts.

Liam hugged her tighter. One hand wrapped around her breast, the fingers playing with the nipple closest. He wrapped his other hand around her waist, until his fingers slid between her and Adrian, and found her clit. He fingered it, rubbing and tapping. “Come, Kat,” he groaned, and she did.

With a keening cry, she spasmed around them, her pussy and ass locking down and gripping tightly around their cocks. Adrian’s burned as he forced his way in and out, riding her to his own completion. He joined her with a harsh cry, slamming deep and pressing hard to keep himself buried while he came.

Liam grunted behind her and shifted his hand out from between her and Adrian.

Adrian held deep for a long moment. He shifted and his lips brushed across hers softly before he pulled his cock free. Her legs fell to the bed. She was too spent to move. Liam’s cock was still rock hard inside her.

“Fuck me,” she told him.

He shifted behind her, until she was over on her side with one leg bent up and the other out straight. He jerked a pillow and shoved it at Rafe who helped him lift her, so they could slide it in place under her hips. Then he began to fuck, pounding his cock in and out of her ass. One hand slid under to gently tease her clit, and she launched into another orgasm.

Liam shuddered behind her, yelling her name as he joined her, his cock twitching and jerking inside her. This was what she’d been missing. It was better than she remembered, would probably only continue to get better as they learned more about each other. She wouldn’t be running this time. This time she planned to stay and take everything they offered.

Adrian stood back and watched Kat. She was by far the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, the best lover he’d ever had. Sex had always been great, but mostly it’d just been a physical release, even after he’d joined Liam and Rafe and shared women with them. The sex was better, more intense because the woman received more pleasure from having all of them. But no woman had ever responded the way Kat did.

No. No woman had ever made
respond the way Kat did.

He’d felt the connection from the beginning, which was why he’d opened up with her. He’d told Kat about his mom and how losing her had almost undone him. He’d told her about his hopes and dreams, and even admitted his fear of never achieving them. He’d opened up, shared a connection, or so he thought. It seemed he’d just been deluding himself.

She’d seemed all into it the last time they’d had sex. She’d enjoyed every minute of it, yelling and crying out their names with each orgasm. Begging for more. She’d been accepting of Liam’s need to control, of his desire to spank. She’d liked the kink, and she’d lured them all in. Then they’d awoken to her gone.

Adrian had seen the hurt in Rafe’s eyes. He’s seen the touch of shame in Liam’s and knew the other man was wondering if he’d pushed too hard. And Adrian had felt the betrayal in his own chest. Rafe was so in love with her a blind man could see it. And Adrian and Liam weren’t far behind. She just had that affect on a man. Pulled him in and didn’t allow him to hold any part of himself back. She claimed every inch of you.

He heaved a sigh and walked back toward the bathroom. He needed a shower and to clear his head. He wasn’t sure he could take her walking away again.

He wondered what she’d say if she knew they hadn’t had sex since her. The longest two and a half years of his life. Would she realize the significance of that? And would it matter? Or was she already planning on how she’d slip free this time?

He flipped the water on, adjusted the temperature, and stepped under the hard stream. He closed his eyes, leaning his head under the jets of water, trying to wash his thoughts away. It didn’t work though. No matter how many times he called himself a fool, Adrian just wanted to go crawl back in bed with Kat and spill promises. Promises of fidelity and a lifetime of tomorrows. But he couldn’t. She more than likely wouldn’t stick around to accept them.

Her smile invaded his mind. The way she tilted her head, her eyes flashing with joy. He could see the tumble of her ebony mane cascading over her shoulders and falling in waves down her back. He could picture her wicked mouth, swollen and red from sucking his cock. Visions of earlier filled his mind and had his cock surging to life. One hand streaked down and gripped it at the root before milking the length from base to tip and back down.

The water felt good. He could remember the snug grip of her body, the way she welcomed him inside and hugged him tight, fighting to keep him buried deep. He moved his hand faster as he pictured her bent over in front of him, ass or pussy, both wet and ready for his thrust. A man could die content, having spent one moment with Kat. He shouldn’t be selfish. He shouldn’t want more.

He braced one hand on the shower wall and pumped his cock until another orgasm ripped through him, almost taking him to his knees. Fuck! It was definitely a bad thing when she only had to be in his mind to make him come so hard. No woman should delve so deeply inside a man’s soul. But he’d never been able to hold back with Kat. From the moment they’d met, he’d shared parts of himself with her he’d never given to another.

He closed his eyes, his body finally relaxed, and thought of how they’d sat together and talked about so many things. They’d spoken of their lives, both the mundane routines and the funnier moments. They’d shared their hopes and dreams. She’d been so intuitive about him. And she was the only woman he’d ever discussed his mother with.

“You must have loved your mother a lot.”

“More than anyone else in the world.”

“She was a very lucky woman, Adrian.”

“No, I was the lucky one. She gave up everything for me. Hell, loving me’s what killed her.”

“Don’t say that.”

“It’s true. If she’d gone to the doctor when she first got sick… But she didn’t want to take the chance of losing her job. We needed the money. It was too important to her that I be somebody. She didn’t want me staying in what she considered a piss ant town.”

“She must be so proud of you, Adrian. You made her dreams for you come true.”

“I hope so.”

“I know so.”

“Oh, you think so?” He’d laughed, trying to inject a lightness into a conversation that had turned way too serious.

“Any woman who has someone like you to love her, to remain devoted to her. Well, she’d be the luckiest woman in the world.”

He let his head rest against the wall while he turned the water off.
Damn it!
He wanted that woman to be Kat. He just wasn’t sure she wanted the same thing.


Chapter Four




“You’re not fucking leaving, Kat,” Liam roared.

Had she really been insane enough to consider staying and taking what they had to offer? Liam would be lucky if he didn’t have her foot up his ass in the next five seconds.

“You’re not in charge here, Liam.” Kat was ready to rip her hair out by the roots. “I need you to dial down the testosterone and listen to me.”

“If you think you can convince any of us that your idea of drawing this crazy guy out is good, you’re the one who’s delusional,” Rafe interrupted.

“It’s going on three weeks, Rafe. Three weeks of nothing. No contact of any kind. This lunatic is looking more and more like a figment of Juliana Marino’s imagination. The rest of her family can’t recall any guy she hung around with before she was sent away.”

Adrian’s sarcasm came through loud and clear when he spoke. “I’m sure they’d be willing to disclose anything. Their psycho brother had their psycho sister put away. I can’t imagine them wanting to hide anything else from getting out.”

“He has a point,” Rafe agreed.

Kat sighed and practically threw herself onto the couch. “Then you need to come up with something. I don’t care what the hell we do, but for God’s sake, let’s do something. I can’t take much more of being cooped up here. I feel like I can’t breathe.”

“Is it really so bad, Kat?” Adrian asked. He didn’t wait for her reply before slamming out the front door.

“Oh, nice,” she yelled. “Just leave when I can’t follow you.” Her glare bounced between the shut door, Liam, and Rafe. When neither of them said anything, it took the anger out of her. “I don’t think he’ll ever forgive me.”

“If he didn’t care, it wouldn’t bother him,” Rafe countered then plopped down beside her. “We’re not going to do anything that puts you at risk, Kat.”

“We can’t just keep hiding me here. I’m going stir crazy, Rafe.”

“I know you are,
mi amor

“But your ass is still staying here,” Liam interjected.

“Fuck you, Liam.”

“Bend over anytime, darling.”

“You’re such an ass.”

“If that’s what it takes to keep yours safe, then call me whatever you need.” He bent down in front of her. “I’m not willing to risk you, not if there’s even one one-millionth of a chance this guy exists.”

“They’ve attempted to go over every movement Juliana Marino made from the moment she left the hospital until she attacked your friend Tara. There’s nothing to make them think she could have sent any of those photos.” Rafe shook his head in frustration.

“We also know no one in the office of the hospital can figure out for sure who okayed it for Juliana to leave. The signature on the release form isn’t legible, and no one will admit to okaying it,” Liam added.

“Would you want to be the one who let her out?” Rafe questioned.

“Hell, no,” Kat stated emphatically. “Not after everything’s come to light.”

“What else do we know?” Liam brought them back to topic.

“She disappeared right after Raymond’s funeral,” Kat said. “Until she tried to kill Tara, Juliana’s family thought she’d gone back to the hospital.”

“So, it only stands to reason someone helped her get out. Someone helped her send those pictures. And it follows that the same person may have helped her commit the murders those photos depict.”

“I know that, Rafe.” She sighed and leaned her head back, letting her eyes close. She could see a slide show of all the photos Tara had received. Women, all different types of women, with only the way they’d died to connect them. It was a connection Kat didn’t plan to share with them. Her hand automatically lifted to touch her neck.

“We’re not going to let that happen,” Liam stated, his hand rising to cover hers. His fingers brushed over her flesh, and she swore she felt him shudder.

“I’m fine, Liam.”

“And we plan to keep you that way.” He stood up, his hands going to his hips, feet braced apart as he glared down at her. “If you hate me, then so be it.”

She leaned forward, letting her hands rest on his hard thighs. “I don’t hate you, Liam.” She glanced over at Rafe. “I don’t hate any of you. I’ve just never been very good at waiting for something to happen.”

Rafe laughed and nodded his agreement. “God, I could give you a hundred examples of stupid stuff she did while we were kids.”

“Stupid!” She slapped her hand toward him, catching him in the chest.

He caught her hand, pulling it to his mouth, kissing across the tips of her fingers. “I love you just the way you are, Kat. Wouldn’t change a thing.”

“I might change a few,” Liam muttered.

Kat lifted her brow as she glanced back up at him. “Really? Such as?”

BOOK: Arranged for Pleasure
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