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Authors: Lexxie Couper

Assassin (15 page)

BOOK: Assassin
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Cold blood lust tore through him—familiar and very seductive—but he shoved it to the back of his mind. He had a purpose to focus on.

I am going to find you, Jia. Make no mistake
. A rush of searing hunger pumped into his cock and his grin turned black.
We have a lot of catching up to do


To Be Continued in
Agent ~ The Boundaries Book Two

Coming Soon.



About the Author


Lexxie’s not a deviant. She just has a deviant’s imagination and a desire to entertain readers with her words. Add the two together and you get wickedly fun erotic romances.


When she’s not submerged in the worlds she creates, Lexxie’s life revolves around her family; a husband who thinks she’s insane, a cat who thinks she rules the world, and her daughters, who both utterly captured her heart and changed her life forever.


Living in Australia makes it a bit tricky for Lexxie to pop by for coffee, but she still loves to chat! Contact her at
[email protected]
or find her at




The Boundaries Book Two


Chapter One



Jaienna held her soft sigh in check, touching her fingertips to the scar on Zeric’s side. The moment they’d arrived back on his ship four days ago it had begun to heal. That hadn’t messed with her head. What had messed with her head was the silence. Silence that hadn’t changed in the entire time since she’d half-carried, half-led him to his quarters.

Four days of trying to make him talk to her, look at her. But he’d constantly refused and now here she was, almost begging him with her eyes to acknowledge she was there and he did little but stare at the far wall.

He was healing well. Too well. When she’d dragged him to his quarters four days ago he’d looked like shit. Every inch of him had been marred by bloody gashes or ragged bite marks. None of those gashes seemed to exist any more. With the exception of the faded wound in his side and the brooding silent treatment, Terran Boundary Guardian was healed.

He’s not just Terran, Jaienna. You have to remember that.

No, he wasn’t. Zeric was something else altogether.


She lifted her gaze to his face, noting the studied control there. His jaw was clenched, his nostrils flaring slightly with each breath he took. Breaths, she couldn’t help but notice, long and somewhat shaky.

“Were there many other werewolves on Old Earth?”

His jaw bunched more at her question, his eyes glinting gold fire. “Not that I knew of.”

Her heart slammed into her throat. He’d answered her? Gods, he’d actually answered her?

He shifted slightly on the edge of his bunk, his muscles coiling and flexing under his skin. “None.”

Jaienna caught her bottom lip with her teeth, willing him to look at her. She needed him to make some kind of connection with her. Fuck, four days ago she’d saved his life and given him her heart.

Is that really what you’re worried about? His lack of manners?

No. She was worried that he wouldn’t talk. Or look at her. Or relax.

He should be able to relax now. They’d defeated Crotek and were safe on his ship. Surely what they should be doing was relaxing in each other’s arms? And then maybe something not quite relaxing but just as—

“I shall deposit you on Spaceport Ry’l as soon as possible,” Zeric suddenly spoke, his voice low. “Until then, it is safer for you to keep away from me. In Jak’s quarters.”

Jaienna’s eyebrows shot up. She stared at him, her mouth falling open. “Jak’s what?” Her fingers hovered over the scar beneath his ribcage. “And where?”

He turned his head a fraction more away from her. “Jak’s quarters. It will be safer there.”

“Safer for whom?”

Zeric didn’t answer.

A dull beat thumped in Jaienna’s temple and she settled back onto her heels, studying him. “Safer for
, Zeric?”

He moved his stare back to her face, his eyes fixing on hers with an unwavering intensity. “You.”

She let out a sharp sort, crossing her arms over her chest. “Oh, of course. Me. Why didn’t I think of that? Oh wait, because I fought of half of Crortek’s personal guards, killed a Xolotlan and destroyed a sex den saving you four days ago, that’s why. Because I’m an Intel-Patrol Corp. assassin, that’s why.”

“It’s not the same, Jaienna,” he snarled through clenched teeth. “You saw what I did in Crortek’s den. What I became. I have no control of it.”

“So get some,” she snapped back. “I’m not scared of you and I’m not leaving you. If you want me out of your life just say so, but don’t hide behind the animal you are.”

“You should be scared!”

The words burst from him in a roar, so forceful Jaienna felt her hair blow back from her face. He glared at her, his eyes no longer human. His nostrils flared, his chest heaving as he sucked in breath after breath. Beads of sweat popped out on his forehead, trickling down his temple.

Jaienna didn’t move. Her heart slammed into her throat, but she didn’t move. If she moved now, it really would be all over. She had to show him now she wasn’t going anywhere. “I’m not,” she said, keeping her voice calm. Steady. “Why would I be scared of the man I—”

He roared again, smashing his palms against her chest and driving her backward. She slammed into the ground, the back of her head striking the cold metal with such force her teeth clicked shut and black stars erupted in her vision.

Another roar ripped through the room and she blinked, pain blurring her vision as she watched Zeric leapt at her.

But it wasn’t Zeric. He’d transformed.

Massive claw-tipped feet punched the ground either side of her hips and her head. She scurried backward, staring up at the animal.



BOOK: Assassin
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