Read Assassin's Baby (A Bad Boy Romance) Online

Authors: Amber Branley

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

Assassin's Baby (A Bad Boy Romance) (7 page)

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Back at the Malibu home, bags were packed and an old trusty truck belonging to Miles was loaded full. They were leaving town quickly, to where Alexandra didn’t know – but Miles knew, and he was ready to get there. They’d need reinforcements since things had escalated quickly. Jones would be sending multiple men for him now, and they wouldn’t be as easy and unprepared as the last ones.

“Where are we going?”

“You know how I have no friends?” Miles asked, “Well, I used to. And we used to all be pretty damn close.”


“We’re going to meet the old gang.”

“The old gang?”

“I used to be in a biker gang with a pretty big group of guys. We were big time. Then we fell apart after an incident, but I’ve been in communication with some of them over the last few years. We’d been drifting apart for a long time before the breakup, with us all going our separate ways in life and all, and especially my profession choice.”

“I don’t understand,” she said.

“Gulliver’s going to be sending a lot of men after me, which puts you in danger as well. We’re going to need my boys to help us out. I can handle myself, but in a situation like this… Sometimes I need a helping hand; and I can’t think of anyone better to help than the old gang.”

“Do they know we’re coming? I’m so confused and scared, Miles.”

“Baby, relax. We’re going to be good. And yeah, I called ‘em when I was in the bathroom; they know.”

They drove north up the coast toward Ventura County, where the gang had a compound in the hills. It had been theirs for years, and it was Miles’ old home… In another life. He’d left the gang years ago for multiple reasons. One, he was tired of being around others. Two, he was ready to further his career as an assassin – and the gang was hindering his privacy, his free time, and his mental state.

There’d been too much gun violence, too many close calls with the police, too much risk running weaponry. It wasn’t going smoothly, and for that reason much of the gang had broken up. But there were still remainders who stayed behind, and they’d have helped Miles at the drop of a hat for anything he needed. He cruised at a steady pace down the coast until they reached the county line, and then he took a sharp right and winded through the valleys until he made it to the outskirts of town.

It was at this moment that Miles and Alexandra noticed headlights behind them – headlights which had been behind them for quite some time. Miles skidded to a halt in the emergency lane and reached back for his shotgun. He held it up to his chest as his wife stared in fear.

The car stopped behind them some twenty feet. Then the door opened after five minutes of waiting. Along with the driver’s side door, the passenger door swung open as well. Two men got out from both sides, and began to approach the truck at equal paces on both sides.

“Get down,” Miles said softly.

He burst out of the truck. The man approaching the driver’s side began to raise his arm, but he was too late. He was caught with the buckshot and sent blasted backwards where he fell onto his back; dead.

The man approaching Alexandra’s side raised his rifle and fired. The bullet burst through the passenger side’s back windshield and Miles hopped into the bed of the truck as he cocked the rifle and let another spray blast out of the barrel. It sprayed through the man’s neck and he was dead on impact. Miles checked the bodies for identification and found nothing. He went to the back of the car and checked for the license plate; but it had been removed. He fumbled quickly through the glove box of the car, but there was no insurance. There were no leads.

He got back into the truck and drove onward, silently. Alexandra began to wonder secretly what kind of marriage she’d gotten into. She began to wonder if the love at first sight had just been imagined. But as she stared at the hunk of a man in the driver’s side, she knew it wasn’t imaginary. She had fallen head over heels for this man, and she wanted more and more. He was going to fix this; he was going to keep them safe. Whatever happened, she would be okay.

Because there were many bad men she’d seen in the past day….

But none of them were as bad as her hubby.


When they got to the compound it was a good forty five minutes later. Miles had left the scene of the crime quickly and hadn’t spoken about it. There was nothing to say, and nothing to explain. The both of them knew that men were coming after them, and it was just a matter of time before the next ones got there. Miles pulled up the blacktopped road and parked in front of the compound, which was basically a large warehouse. The big garage door was opened and there were fluorescent lights inside.

Alexandra could make out a pool table and a bar that sat within the compound, and there were men that began to form around the door, all of them wearing leather vests; many of them smoking cigarettes and holding bottles of beer or glasses of dark liquor. They got out of the truck and Miles hugged more than ten burly, dirty, and greasy looking men. They were all dangerous looking, much like Miles; but nowhere near as polished as he could be – nowhere near as rich, or at least they didn’t show their wealth.

And then it was Alexandra’s turn to be introduced. Miles had her shake a good dozen hands and gave her a dozen names that she soon forgot. Her memory wasn’t the best at that moment with everything going on. It went through one ear and out the other. All she could think of was how crazy this all was… It wasn’t that long ago that she’d been comfortable, if a bit depressed, in her Hollywood shack of an apartment. And now?

She was the bride of an ex-biker, current assassin, ex-military badass. And he was on the run from men trying to kill him. And he was now introducing her to his old biker gang, who looked even more dangerous than he did.

Jesus Christ. Is this a movie I’ve somehow managed to find myself trapped inside

And what a movie it was, she thought. As she shook hands and felt hugs from muscular arms, she was welcomed warmly into the compound and given a cold drink. It was a much needed taste of alcohol; the buzz helped her to chill out. She sipped on the sweet drink as she watched her husband play pool with his old comrades. A lot of talk went on and a lot of backs were slapped. Many laughs were had as Alexandra sat there on an old worn-out leather couch, taking it all in.

She wasn’t the only woman, but she was one of the few that were there. They stayed in the sidelines and seemed pretty rough around the edges. They looked like they’d been around the block. She was finally introduced to them by their boyfriends, and she noticed that they were referred to as “old ladies”, save for one, who Alexandra took to be the one night stand of the night. She was twenty or so, and she struck Alexandra as a stripper. She blew bubbles and sipped vodka and got wild with the boys around the pool table, flashing her tits and acting so trashy that it made Alexandra smile and feel uncomfortable simultaneously.

She walked to the garage door which was still comfortably open, and looked up at the stars. There wasn’t as much light pollution as there was in Los Angeles, and Alexandra thought the night sky was beautiful. Around the warehouse there were some old rustic looking cabins. It was quite the compound, and she wondered how the men had afforded it – but being bikers and dealing in turn with illegal things, she supposed they were all pretty well off.

Later in the night the men drank and smoked and Alexandra joined in on the fun, but watched her intake. She didn’t want to be out of her head, or anything, because bad things were on the horizon, and guaranteed to happen.

It could be a minute from then, the next day, or the day after. She knew it was coming, and judging by the pistols clamped to the biker’s sides and the rifles slung over the bar, so did they. She hung onto Miles as they made their way through the clubhouse and watched the joy spreading across his face.

He looked at home here. She’d love him for the quiet and confident bad boy he was, but now he seemed to be coming out of a shell around his own people. He looked like he belonged in this place. She’d never been around people of these sorts; good hearted criminals who happened to be filthy rich, and she’d have never guessed that they were rich to begin with. Based on the way they dressed, they all looked like they’d just rolled out of bed and thrown on twenty year old leather attire to cover their greasy, inked up bodies.

“Girl, you got yourself into a mess, don’t you?” A grizzled older member pulled Alexandra aside with a gentle hand. He raised his glass to toast and they clinked theirs together, “But don’t you worry, hear me? Because we’re the baddest fuckers on this side of the state line. We’ve got contacts down in Mexico, we’ve got ‘em up in Northern Oregon, and we’ve got plans to relocate far up the coast if need be. We can be out of the state in a day, and we’ve got the firepower and ammunition to last us.”

He was drunk, and slurring. But despite that, he appeared able to hold his alcohol. He looked like he’d been through hell and back. He was an old-time biker. Grizzled, graying, wrinkled skin that had been burned one too many times by the sun. It looked like a worn out baseball glove. Patches of age spots lined his forehead and his cheeks were covered by a fraying, frizzy beard.

Miles nudged the man and began to laugh, “You scaring my woman, Pony?”

“More like reassuring your woman, young man.”

“Well tell me you at least properly introduced yourself.”

“You know I ain’t good at introductions.”

“Well let me assist you with that,” Miles chuckled, motioning to Alexandra, “Honey, this is Pony. He’s the oldest member of the club. Before we were born he was a member with his daddy, and his daddy before him. When shit hit the fan numerous times over the years, Pony always stuck with the club. He never backed out. He wasn’t a quitter, like myself and many others.”

“But now you’re back, son,” Pony said.

“Now I’m back, it seems.”

“Nice to meet you,” Alexandra said. They shook hands and Miles pulled her away.

They walked around the large club house and Miles introduced her properly to others. Alexandra heard conversations of crime and murders, but none of the men talked about them like they enjoyed it.

“You son of a bitch, what the hell have you been up to?”

“A little of this, a little of that. I’m making a living.”

“An honest living?”

“Honest as a lawyer, at least.”

“Well I’ll be damned. Ol’ Miles here has got himself a job.”

“I work for myself.”

It was a conversation strewn with anxiety; filled with tension. It was between Miles and a younger man who Miles had briefly introduced to Alexandra as Joe Glass. Joe Glass seemed to be a real asshole, based on the way the crowd had quieted down and was watching the two of them duke it out verbally.

“Oh,” Joe said, “You work for yourself. Doing what? Shining shoes?” He broke out into laughter and spilled some of his drink. As he lit a cigarette, Miles flipped it up from his lips and it burned his forehead. Miles caught the cigarette in thin air and dropped it to the ground, stubbing it out with the heel of his dusty brown boots.

“Watch yourself, Joe. You’ve got a hot temper and one of these days it’s going to end you, I promise you that.”

Joe Glass stared plainly at Miles with a blank expression, “Is that a threat, Miles?”

“It’s more of a promise.”

“Well look at you. Got yourself a fine piece of ass for a bride and here you are getting all proper. You talk like you’re better than me, Miles. You talk like you’re better than all of us. Is that what it is, bitch? You think you’re better than all of us?”

“Shut your fuckin’ mouth, Joe. You know that’s a load of horse shit.,” one of the men said.

“Is it?” Glass looked around, and then back to Miles, “Is it, Miles?”

“It is, and it isn’t.”


“I don’t think I’m better than any of them,” he motioned toward the crowd, and then smiled, “I just think I’m better than you.”

Joe’s lip twitched and he shifted his eyes toward Alexandra. He said, “Hey honey. Why don’t you crouch down and taste a real man’s cock.”

The crowd buckled in as soon as Miles threw a punch, but they weren’t quick enough to break up the first few seconds of the brawl. Miles slugged Joe in the face, knocking him off his bar stool and smashing him to the ground. Joe twisted around and grabbed Miles and pulled him down to him, and then made his way on top of him and raised his fist to swing. Miles blocked the punch and grabbed Joe’s back, pulling him down and head butting him. It made a high pitched cracking sound and then Joe fell off of Miles; limp and borderline unconscious.

“Shit,” one of the bikers mumbled.

“You good?”

“I’m good,” Miles said.

He grabbed Alexandra by the waist and took her into a back room. There, he grabbed a bottled water from a small refrigerator and sipped on it, “Asshole…” He murmured.

“Why is that prick in the group?”

“He won’t be for long, the way he keeps behaving.”

Alexandra looked at him, feeling kind of turned on. Her adrenaline had been pumping during the fight, but now it had settled slightly. What she felt in return was a surge of horniness. She liked seeing her man beat up another man, especially after he’d disrespected her. She thought back to all her old boyfriends, the ones she didn’t last with. She couldn’t think of a single one who’d have come to blows with a guy who looked as big and threatening as Joe did.

BOOK: Assassin's Baby (A Bad Boy Romance)
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