Backstage Pass: Last Call (The Backstage Pass Rock Star Romance Book 6)

BOOK: Backstage Pass: Last Call (The Backstage Pass Rock Star Romance Book 6)
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Backstage Pass, Last Call

New Adult Romance


by Elizabeth Nelson

All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2014 Elizabeth Nelson


No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author and/or publisher. No part of this publication may be sold or hired, without written permission from the author.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the writer’s imagination and/or have been used fictitiously in such a fashion it is not meant to serve the reader as actual fact and should not be considered as actual fact. Any resemblance to actual events, or persons, living or dead, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication / use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.























I closed my fingers around his as they held the black velvet box. I wanted to scream yes, but something made me hesitate. Oh my god, was this really what I wanted—what was best for us right now? I mean, it was one thing to pretend to play house and to fiddle around in his yard, but marriage . . . Like, for real?

Jesse’s gaze bore
into mine and I knew I needed to give him an answer. I couldn’t even believe I was debating this with myself.

He blinked
and backpedaled, dropping his hands and quickly stowing the ring. “You don’t have to answer right now. Come here and give me a kiss.”

I could
tell that I’d hurt his feelings and I should have agreed in that perfect instant, immediately after he asked. Like always, he hid his disappointment in me and my reactions quickly and pulled me into a huge hug. I tried to kiss him and he gently let go and drew our hands back to his chest. “Sorry if I sprung that on you. I probably should have waited. I’m always just in such a hurry to cram everything in when we’re together.”

“No.” I flattened my hands against his chest.
“It’s wonderful. I just . . .” I looked away, gathered my thoughts, then looked back up at him, trying to make him see how much I truly did want this. “I just always worry how these things will impact your touring.”

He cradled my face between his hands and kissed me. “You let me worry about that, okay?”

“Okay.” I rested my head against his chest and he sang to me. While we stood there dancing in the dark, I wondered if Kerri had helped him pick out the ring and how much of this weekend had already been planned out. I didn’t want to ask, but I was loving that he would go to so much trouble, if that was the case, even though it made me feel like an extra special jerk for ruining it.

He slipped his
fingertips beneath my chin and tipped my face up, kissing me softly, then he pulled back and stared at me. “I love what you’ve done with the place.”

I laughed.
“Yeah, right.”

serious. Looks like you spent a lot of time putting this together.”

I blushed and looked away. It would have been the perfect
setting for a proposal, and I could see why he’d done it. “I wanted you to have a nice welcome.”

He drew me tight against him in a big hug and I couldn’t help but feel the square protrusion in his pants,
mocking me. I should just tell him yes right now and make him feel better about asking. I was such an overanalyzer all the time. Why couldn’t I just go with the flow, but now the moment was gone and if I tried to take it back, I’d just look like I was giving him a pity response.

His fingers slid around the back of my neck and played up and down my spine.
No matter what we resolved on the engagement front, I just wanted to be with him now. I’d gone to all this trouble to make tonight special, and I didn’t want to ruin it—for either of us. I couldn’t fix my hesitation about the proposal right now, but I could definitely give him the welcome home that he deserved.

My thigh slid between his and I remembered that I barely had any clothes on. By the way his body responded, I think he had too.
“I don’t know how I survive so many days without you.” His lips traveled down my neck and I tipped my head back and ground my hips against his thigh.


Fears and worries slipped away as I focused on what he was making me feel and my body tuned into his. This was one space where we’d always been able to communicate without a single miss.
Here, I could say everything I wanted to perfectly, without hurting his feelings, without doing anything wrong. When we were naked and communicating with bodies, nothing wrong ever got said. And for me, that was a very good thing.

ran my fingertips along his waistband then up his back, tracing the divot of his spine and devouring every inch of skin with my hands. He felt so good and so right. Being here in this house, alone with nothing but the ghosts of past inhabitants, made this time feel different. The weight of the diamond in his pocket might have helped, but there was something that made this more mature, more meaningful, more—well, everything.

I moved my hands up to his shoulders and around to the front of his chest, then kissed him. I would never get enough of the feel of his lips, so soft, so
steady. For all that he was the sexiest thing alive, he grounded me in ways I’d never imagined a man could. He was my rock when everything in the entire world was tilting and spinning and rolling around like we were in the middle of an earthquake. My tongue slipped between his lips and I traced the line of his mouth, exploring every bit, delving deep as his tongue swirled against mine, but he let me lead the pace and the passion. A shot of excitement traveled through me. I’d never been the one in charge of our love-making before and he’d always been so dominant about it, even when we’d had sweet sex. My thumbs flicked over his nipples and he moaned but didn’t deepen the kiss. I withdrew and left a trail of soft kisses across his jaw, down his neck and along the collar of his shirt. I ran my fingers down the front of his chest and across the wide swells of his abs. Spending hours on stage had done wonders for his body. It had been chiseled and perfect before, but now it was taught and tight everywhere without a single ounce of fat on him. I wanted to run my tongue over all of it and take my time exploring him. We’d been robbed of so many leisurely nights, first with my inexperience, and then with our frantic schedules and trauma.

I eased his shirt over his head and he bent to kiss the side of my neck. I let him stay for a bit as he sucked my skin and ear lobe, trading one for the other until I moaned and squirmed against him.
I mimicked his movements, mirroring the kisses along the side of his neck, then I dipped lower, exploring the expanse of his chest. God, he was really so perfect. His pecs were firm mounds of muscle and the nipple nearly cut into my cheek as I rubbed against it. I swirled my tongue across the dark skin and his fingers tightened on my shoulders. “Sasha, you feel so good.”

I tried not to grin, but I loved hearing him say those kinds of things. This had never really been an area of confidence for me, and I delighted in knowing that I could turn him on as much as I could. Lord knows, he had me wet with just a look.
I nibbled my way across to the other nipple and paid it the same attention until he wrapped long sections of my hair around his wrists. I kissed my way to the center, then down. His fingers played against my scalp and as I peeled his pants off, he was hard and ready. I stroked his thighs, his calves, and then he let me take him. As I stroked and sucked, I let myself fly, overtaken by the feel of him, his responses to me, and stopped fretting about if I was doing it wrong. He moaned and his fingers played over my entire scalp and down my neck. I’d never let myself totally go and as all my inhibitions slipped away, I started to enjoy the pure pleasure of taking him all the way. His legs started to tremble but I didn’t stop. I gripped the back of his thigh with one hand and used the other to stroke him.

Then he slurred my name and I
swallowed, surprised at how much I was enjoying it too.

I withdrew and kissed the tops of his
thighs, then stood, kissing my way back up his body.

His fingers slid beneath the hem of my nightie and cupped my ass. He dropped his forehead to the side of my neck and tried to get his breathing under control. “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are?”

I wiggled against his fingers. “No, but you can show me.”

He laughed against my skin and started to sing.
“Just remember you asked for it.”




As my lips traveled across Sasha’s skin, I tried to stow my disappointment. I had to stop doing this to her. It seemed like every time we managed to take one step on level ground, I spun her around sixteen times and punched her in the gut with a giant decision. I just wanted to get to the rest of our life and I forgot that maybe she wasn’t as gung ho about this as I was. And that hurt.

I nibble
d the side of her neck. I was a dumbass for proposing like that. Christ, I’d already scared the shit out of her and then I went and did something equally lame. It’s no wonder she hesitated. Who’d want to be married to a schitzo all the time? The strap of her nightgown slid over the cap of her shoulder and I followed it, pleased to feel her squirm. At least I could still do one thing right.

I pick
ed her up and carried her to the mattress, kicking it into place and lying her down on it. We bounced high in the air as I kneeled between her thighs. She giggled and I lifted my head from her belly. “Should we try the floor?”

nodded and cupped my face, bending down to kiss my forehead. I closed my eyes and let the touch of her wash over me. This was so right. No matter what had happened to get me here, she was amazing and stunning and this was the only place I wanted to be.

I slid her off the mattress and onto the floor, then returned to kissing her and
inching the satin fabric higher. Her soft skin was like a delicacy beneath my fingers and I wanted to stroke every curve of her. She was, and would always be, my muse.

My tongue tasted all of her and I delighted in making her
squirm and call out my name so loud that it echoed in the near-empty room. I took my time exploring her body, often getting lost in one spot or another until she begged me to take her. I rose above her and hesitated, taking in the view of her beneath me. She was lovely, and we’d come through so much together. My eyes misted and I pushed closer as she drew me home. I only managed to keep our sex at the love-making pace for a little while before I was so overcome with the need to claim her that my thrusts intensified and she wrapped her feet around my waist and lifted her hips to meet every single movement with a deep intensity of her own. We’d been here so many times before and yet somehow it always felt like the first time.

Our sweat-slicked bodies moved in harmony and she cried out again, digging her nails into my back
. After, I pulled a blanket over our hips and pulled her to me, holding her until we both fell asleep.

We woke during the night and couldn’t seem to keep our hands off each other.
This was the best homecoming we’d managed yet, even with the flub of the diamond nestled in my pants pocket. That would come eventually.

And I would wait for her.

BOOK: Backstage Pass: Last Call (The Backstage Pass Rock Star Romance Book 6)
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