Bad Behavior #1: Tales of an American Gigolo (4 page)

BOOK: Bad Behavior #1: Tales of an American Gigolo
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With a twist of his hips and a forward push, he thrusts inside me. I gasp at the unexpected but welcome intrusion. He gives me a second to adjust, pulls out, then drives back in.

“Okay?” he asks. A lock of hair drifts over his forehead when he looks into my eyes for confirmation. “You need to tell me what you want. If you need it harder or faster. I’ll do anything to please you. Anything.” I nod, too stupefied for words, turned on beyond all measure. My heart pounds at the prospect. He flips his head back, tossing the loose hair out of his face.

He sets a punishing rhythm. Our bodies slap together. The scents of sex and sweat fill the air. He grunts with the effort. Tendons and veins stand out along his neck and biceps. I take a moment to revel in the beauty of this man, fucking the hell out of me with his stallion-sized dick, but only for a moment, because he shifts position, demanding my attention.

“Mmmm…you feel great. So good. I could fuck this pussy all night.” His rough praise heats my blood. I drag my nails over his back. “That’s right. Just like that.”

My pussy shudders and clutches at his cock. He pulls my hips closer, driving downward, hitting my clit with each stroke. Dampness coats my thighs. The enormous bed creaks and groans under the power of his thrusts. Friction builds between us. He takes me to the edge of release then slows. His black lashes lower as his gaze skims over my naked body, focusing on where we’re joined together. He slips a finger between us, taps my clit, then continues to fuck me with maddening leisure.

“Do you like me fucking you? Do you like it?” he demands.

“Yes. Oh God. Yes,” I whimper.

I forget to worry about the cellulite on my thighs, the flabby skin of my underarms, or my sagging breasts. I feel young again, desired, feminine. The sight of his lithe, powerful body between my thighs does wonders for my damaged ego. I clutch Bastien’s back, digging into the twin columns of muscle on either side of his spine, desperate, needy.

“Tighten your legs around my waist.” His voice draws my attention back to his mouth. His lips are red and swollen from kissing me. “Put your hands on the headboard.”

I comply, pressing my palms against the wood. He begins to hammer into me, shoving my body up the mattress with each punishing push of his pelvis. I lock my elbows to keep my head from slamming the headboard. Perspiration beads on his forehead. He turns feral, insane with sexual energy. Our bodies bang against each other. The walls of my pussy clench tight around his hard shaft, and I lose all vestiges of control. My cries echo around the room. He's relentless, punishing, and glorious. This is what I need, the experience I've longed for.

“Bastien. Bastien.
!” I come hard, screaming his name, my body consumed by fire. A perfect stranger brings me to the pinnacle of ecstasy. The uncertainty and embarrassment fade. He’s worth every penny.


I hope you enjoyed this erotica short story. Bastien’s adventures continue in Bad Behavior #2.


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Copyright - #1


Copyright 2016.

Cover by Ishkadiddle Publishing


ISBN-10: 1-943938-10-5

ISBN-13: 978-1-943938-10-0

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All characters and events in this book are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination. Any similarity to real persons, alive or deceased, is purely coincidental.

BOOK: Bad Behavior #1: Tales of an American Gigolo
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