Read Bad Girl Therapy Online

Authors: Cathryn Fox

Bad Girl Therapy (6 page)

BOOK: Bad Girl Therapy
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The warmth of his mouth seeped into her skin and her senses exploded, leaving her hot and breathless and in need of so much more. Her nipples tightened with arousal as he brushed his fingers along her jawline, a tender caress that seeped under her skin and had warmth streaking through her.

Making no attempt at discretion, he sidled closer, pulling her against him. He slid one hand through her hair to hold her mouth to his, while the other continued to trace the curve of her face. When he deepened the kiss, his tongue tangling with hers in the most provocative way, there was nothing she could do to stifle the moan rising in her throat.

Unlike their frantic kiss earlier, Cole took his sweet time, savoring her mouth in its entirety while his tongue lazily danced with hers. Everything in the way he was touching her was surprisingly tender, achingly gentle and she shifted closer, every nerve in her body coming alive beneath his erotic caress.

Desire settled deep between her legs, and in that moment she couldn’t deny that she needed him in a way she’d never needed another. Her body quivered, rattled by the emotions his tender kiss and soft touch brought out in her, and she suddenly knew
was the last word she’d use to describe the dare she’d accepted.

When he finally inched away, his glance locked on hers and his mouth curved enticingly. She sat there staring at him, her heart pounding wildly.

“Okay then,” Carter said, breaking the moment.

“Cole’s turn,” Sean piped in, “and I think you’d better pick truth, because you two are about to set this picnic table on fire, and I’m without my equipment.”

Laughter sounded as Cole reached for the dice. A quake moved through Haley’s body when he landed on a snake and she wondered—hoped—he’d pick dare so they could finish what she started.

He turned to her and said, “Truth.”

She worked to sound casual. “So I get to ask you anything?”

He nodded. “Anything.”

Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was this man. She couldn’t say for sure. All she knew was that this whole situation was getting out of control, and that she’d do anything to get Cole alone, so she could do deliciously naughty things to his hard body.

“Okay.” She placed her hand on his leg, wanting to make him as sexually aroused as she was at that moment. Although she suspected he wasn’t too far behind, and in fact, might even be passing her. “While I’m enjoying this child’s game, I’m much more interested in playing an adult game with another type of snake.” When Cole’s mouth dropped open, she asked, “Do you think you’d like to play with me?”

Hoots and hollers erupted from around the table, and the fire in his eyes told her just how much he’d like to play along.

“Hell yeah,” he rushed out, his lusty glance moving longingly over her face.

She wet her lips and let her glance drop to his cock. “One more question.”


“What are we waiting for?”

A deep growl cut through the quiet around them, and in a swift move that took everyone by surprise, he jumped from the bench and grabbed her hand to haul her up with him.

“We’re out.” He tossed the words over his shoulder and didn’t speak another word until they reached the shoreline. All that could be heard was the laughter coming from their friends. When he stopped near the boat house and backed her up until she was caged between the building and his chest, there was an intensity about him that excited her as much as it frightened her.


“Yeah?” He reached above them, his hand fishing around.

“What are you doing?” A cool breeze washed over her, but as he pressed hard against her, his warmth drove back the cold and rattled her brain.

A second later he produced the key to the padlock. “I need you alone because there are things I need to do to you, and this time I don’t want any interruptions.”

Haley closed her eyes for a brief second, hardly able to believe how much that excited her. Feeling edgy and out of control, her body quivered with unfettered want, and she wondered how she’d ever go back to dating boring men who cared nothing about her needs.

With a hungry gleam in his eye, Cole made short work of the lock, opened the door and pulled her inside. The place was small, cozy, the perfect spot for the two of them to be alone.

She took a quick glance around. On one wall there was a bench, and above it there were hooks with bathing suits dangling; on the other she found an old sofa. Behind the sofa there was a small window, just big enough to let a bit of light in, but small enough to give them the privacy they were seeking.

Catching her off-guard, he backed her up against the door and set the lock behind her. Sexual tension crackled in the air, and when his hands shackled hers and he pinned them above her head, she felt a flood of sexual heat. He was so wild, so animalistic that it excited her beyond anything she’d ever known.

His mouth found hers, and he kissed her deep before skimming over her cheek, her jaw, her neck. As warm and wicked sensations erupted inside her, she spread her legs in a silent invitation.

He slipped a hand between her thighs and cupped her sex, his gaze going from her eyes, to her lips, to her breasts.

“Is this what you want, baby?” he questioned in a soft tone.

The heat in his gaze reverberated through her blood, and as a wave of anticipation took hold, her pussy lubricated, eager to feel his cock inside her.

“Among other things,” she whispered, her teasing voice thick with desire.

His chuckle was deep, sexy. “Then why don’t you tell me exactly what you want?”

Her mouth watered, aching to taste him. “I’d rather show you.”

She reached between them and opened his jeans. She was so aroused it took effort to keep her hands from trembling as she worked his zipper. His nostrils flared, and she knew he wanted her mouth on his cock every bit as much as she did.

His cock throbbed when she pulled it free. She shimmied lower, her back sliding along the wall, and when her mouth was aligned with his erection, he threw his head back and let loose a guttural sound.

She grinned, loving how wild she could make him. Then, when his cock brushed over her mouth, she leveled her head to give his erection her full attention. She stroked him lightly, taking pleasure in his impressive size and girth.

“So beautiful,” she murmured before pulling his crown into her mouth. She flicked her tongue over his engorged head then sucked him in deeper. His breath came in a jagged burst as he raked his fingers through her hair. He held tight, his hands following the motion as she pulled his amazing cock in and out. When he throbbed in her mouth, she made small, sensuous circles with the blade of her tongue before raining kisses over his silky softness.

As she continued to pleasure him, precome dripped from his slit and his veins filled with heated blood, and she got the distinct impression that it was going to take a massive amount of control on his part to hang on until her mouth had had its fill.

“Oh Jesus, Haley. That is so good.”

Hearing the want in his voice urged her on, and she ran her tongue along the length of him, needing in the most unfathomable way to make this so good for him. She spent a long time between his legs, taking him as deep as possible as she reveled in his incredible length and texture.

She sucked, nibbled, licked and teased, and when she felt him pulse, and noted the sexy way his entire body quaked with pent-up need, she knew he was rapidly approaching his breaking point. With no intention of stopping before his control snapped, she widened her mouth to accommodate his girth and took another inch.

“Baby,” he whispered, and tried to ease her mouth off him, but she refused to budge, wanting him to come in her mouth.

“Oh fuck,” he said as understanding hit. The surprise and pleasure in his voice when he realized her intention excited her beyond measure and spurred her on.

His hands gripped her hair harder, and when she cupped his balls and gave a gentle caress, his body tensed. She gave a sexy moan, knowing his composure was slipping. Wanting to drive him wild, she pulled back slightly and angled her head so he could watch his cock ride her mouth. His body responded to the erotic sight and a moment later he exploded in her mouth.

Haley let loose an erotic whimper as he gave himself over to the pleasure, loving the warm flavor of him on her tongue. She swallowed and decided then and there that she’d never tasted anything better.

After she finished cleaning him with her tongue, he gripped her shoulders and pulled her to him. She tilted her head to meet his gaze and became spellbound by what she met there.

“Haley…” was all he said, but the urgency in his voice had heat rushing through her bloodstream. He pushed her hair from her face. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

His eyes were dark, full of emotion, and the second her glance met his she knew something very important had just happened to him, and she also knew it had everything to do with the pleasure she’d given him, the way she’d let him come in her mouth. The fervent passion in his eyes as they moved over her face told her so.

Had no one ever done that for him?

He began kissing her so possessively, so passionately, that she barely had time to catch her breath. His hands, gentle yet demanding, raced over her body as if he couldn’t get enough. He slipped a knee between her legs and pulled her away from the wall, purposely guiding her to the sofa. He pulled something from his pocket before he kicked his jeans the rest of the way off. Then he removed his T-shirt and practically ripped her clothes from her body when the backs of her knees connected with their makeshift bed. With a gentle nudge, she fell backward, and Cole came down with her, his hard, naked body so gloriously heavy on top of hers.

His fingers slid over her skin, and the heat radiating from his hands burned her from the inside out. He kissed her mouth, her neck, then dipped his head to draw a hard nipple into his mouth. Looking wild and frantic, he shimmied lower and pushed her thighs apart. Once he had her cunt wide open, he groaned deep and buried his face in her slick heat. He raked his tongue over her clit, tasting and exploring her sex while he pushed two thick fingers inside her.

Her hips rose and her pussy clenched, her arousal peaking as he pressed his lips hungrily into her. Good, so damn good, but she wanted more…

“Cole, please, I need you to fuck me. I need to feel you inside me.”

His tongue trailed over her trembling flesh, building pressure in her core as he climbed back up her body. She felt his thickness on her leg and glanced down, shocked yet pleased to see his cock so full and ready to go again.

He brushed her damp hair from her face and his nostrils flared, the heat between them tremendous. “I know, baby. I know what you need. I need it too.” His voice was heavy, his breathing labored and his hunger so raw, so carnal, it was almost like he was trying to sate a lifelong craving. She found it exciting, exhilarating.

He ripped open the condom he’d pulled from his jeans and sheathed himself, then positioned himself back on top of her. As his cock pressed against her wet slit, he gripped her legs and guided them around his back. Once her pussy was wide open, his for the taking, he positioned his body on top of hers. He shot her a scalding look.

“Are you ready for me, baby?”

She looked at him, and wondered if she’d ever be ready for an incredible guy like him. Her heart hitched, and her pulse kicked up a notch, and she couldn’t deny how right it felt to be with him like this. Suddenly drowning in emotions, she gave a low, erotic whimper and bucked forward, a silent answer as well as an unspoken plea. With that he slammed into her, and the intense stab of pleasure between her legs pulled a scream from her lungs.

“Oh God, yes,” she yelled out to let him know her cry was from enjoyment not pain. As her voice cut through the silence, she was surprised at the urgency and emotion she heard in it.

Sweat broke out on their bodies as he rode her harder, spearing her with his cock and angling his body for deeper thrusts. His scent burned through her blood, and some coherent part of her brain warned that she was crossing an imaginary line with Cole, one that might not be so easy to come back from.

When he shifted his hips, his cock went deeper than before, and with her orgasm so close, her body convulsed in response. Her hips began moving, rocking, pulling him in deeper and deeper with each thrust, until her entire body trembled from bliss.

Her blood pulsed hot as he continued to ravage her, and she could feel impatience thrumming through him as he took her beyond her wildest fantasies. The pleasure was so intense, so mind-numbingly glorious, her head began spinning. Overwhelmed with the sensations, she gripped his broad shoulders to hang on.

“Cole,” she cried out in ecstasy, and a second later her body shuddered in surrender and she trembled uncontrollably. Her cunt pulsed and throbbed, and she went wild as a powerful orgasm tore through her.

He let loose a savage growl as her pussy muscles clenched around him, and she could feel his muscles bunch, his release rapidly approaching. She rode out the pulses, and his dark eyes smoldered as he watched her. When she squeezed tighter, it was easy to tell he was about to lose it.

“Come for me, Cole,” she whispered, urging him to let go. He moaned and, no longer able to fight off his carnal hunger, tightened his muscles as he came with hard, hot pulses inside her.

BOOK: Bad Girl Therapy
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