Read Bad Romance Online

Authors: L Kirk,Bonnie Bliss

Bad Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Bad Romance
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“Because we have to. That simple. This is a must, need, and have to kinda thing, sweetie.” He tapped my chin. “No more unnecessary stress. I’m dropping you off, then we will have lunch. I’ll take you down for a burger at Eureka.”

Even after the amazing lunch I’d consumed, my stomach managed to grumble in delight. Other than In N’ Out it was the best burger joint in town.

“Ah, the lady doth protest too much,” he chuckled and took a step back as he grabbed my hand, pulling me along.

I marveled at how just that easy, Todd managed to make me totally forget Dax for a total of sixty seconds. Then he was back, just like that. His smug grin danced across my mind’s eye and I thanked the powers that be that I didn’t have to see him until maybe never with the schedule I had. We made it into the building housing both our classes. He walked me in and more than a few women turned their attention towards Todd and me. One in particular caught my eye. I did a double take because she was totally familiar, yet I didn’t remember ever meeting her. Her long dark hair gleamed as it spilled down her back. Not just that but her figure was like wow! She had hips that flared out, a tiny waist, and breasts that spilled out of a tiny tank top. She had a hoodie tied around her waist loosely.

A memory flashed.

I blinked a few times, shaking my head, trying to figure out how I knew this image. Muted mumbling echoed in my mind. I squeezed my eyes shut and fought for the memory. It wasn’t coming. A hand on my shoulder jerked me out of my mind. I turned quickly, Todd
backed up, his hands up.

“Slow down, sweetie.” He brushed his knuckles over my cheek.

Chills danced up and down my spine, making a nice little home at the base. The heat spread to my core and a flash of Dax, latched to my nipples, his fingers circling my clit bloomed to life. I sucked in a deep breath, nodded too quickly and dropped into the seat behind me. “Whoa, Clara—” Todd took a seat next to me and leaned in close, his forehead nearly pressed to mine.

Did som
ething happen? Tell me? I keep─” I shook my head. “And that girl.” I waved my hand towards the raven-haired beauty. I leaned in closer, whispering, hoping no one could overhear. “She looks familiar.”

Todd’s eyes flashed. Something like regret seemed to take hold. He reached out and gra
bbed my hand, pulled me in close and without warning his lips were on mine. His lips were soft and warm, his other hand gripped the back of my neck and I leaned into him like I was drinking him. I was starved for attention and in so much need. I whimpered, my lips parting. His tongue brushed over mine and then he was pulling away.

My eyes were shut. Lips still puckered.

He chuckled and I peeked one eye open.

“W-what was that for?” My throat was suddenly a desert and I struggled to get words out.

He shrugged
and leaned back in the chair, his pose casual.

Let’s say I’m staki
ng my claim.” He winked. “Well─” He glanced at his watch and stood. “Class is about to start and I should get to mine.”

He peeked up and his expression went cold. When I turned around I sa
w a swish of raven hair turn away from us.


hat wasn’t everyone telling me?

I looked back at Todd and his attention was fixed on me. He leaned over, pressed a kiss to my forehead and smiled.

Lunch, y
ou and me.” He smiled and left.

Well, I figured I was already sitting, so why not stay? I was in the second row, closer to the door than I would’ve liked. An older-looking woman entered the class and tipped her eyeglasses down at us.

Welcome to calculus. I’m Professor Haynes and if you pay attention and
take notes, we will be just fine. You all should’ve done the pre-chapter review series. I got emails from─” She paused, looking through her tablet. “Half of you. The other half will take a no credit for that. If you want to make it up, you will do the review and the assignment tonight and you will still only get half credit.” She cleared her throat, flicked on her overhead, and got to mapping out the first lesson.

My mind travelled to the world of numbers and I was distracted from all
the crap. The hour dragged on.

After a while, numbers turned to mush in my brain. I allowed my eyes to roam over my classmates and my eyes locked on the raven head. She was looking right at me. Her long legs were crossed, one swaying sexily as she twirled her finger in her perfect hair. She winked and chuckled. Picking up the phone on her desk, she seemed to go to work texting.

I turned my attention to the clock and we had fifteen minutes. Just as she focused back on the professor, every phone in the room either vibrated or went off with some sort of song or theme from a movie.

Even mine.

A dull ache started in my lower belly.

I didn’t look at my phone.

I didn’t want to.

I was afraid.

This couldn’t be good.

I swallowed when I heard my voice. It sounded husky and full of a drug induced fl
irty. “Yes, Dax, please…”

No. No. No. No. No.

I closed my eyes and fought to breathe. He wouldn’t do this. No one would do this to a human being.

That’s it, good girl.” Dax’s v
oice was filled with—reverence?


I was dreaming. This was one of those dreams like when you show up naked at school and everyone else seems to notice but you. This was that dream. Only it was a sex tape.

Did Dax—date rape me?

No, he wouldn’t.

Would he?

Honestly I didn’t know.

The professor was busy getting everyone to settle down. She was threatening zero credit to all the students that wouldn’t pipe down. Her words, not mine.

Slowly, I rose from my seat. I grabbed my notebook and pen, and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I didn’t even look behind me. I couldn’t face it right at that moment. I wasn’t mortified so much as scared. I’d no clue what happened to me that night. And Todd knew. That look, his avoidance of my questions. He knew.

I burst through the door and let it slam shut behind me. My vision was starting to blur and not from tears, from fear and confusion. Why the hell did I trust a stranger? Just as I reached the main doors at the end of the building I heard my name shouted. Todd’s voice boomed off the walls and I halted. I had one reason and one reason only for doing this.

He was running down the hallway at full speed towards me. I lifted my head and locked eyes with him and that’s when I knew.

He knew.

Pity and guilt swam in those beautiful pools of light blue with flecks of aqua.

I lifted my hand when he nearly got to me. He skidded to a halt and nearly fell forward into the door.


My voice broke a little. It make me look weak, like I was fragile and this was affecting me in a different way.

He looked down at me, his expression pained.

I didn’t care.

Stay away
from me. From now on, just─” I paused. I thought over my words very carefully. This had to be final and finite. Unbreakable. I really needed to drive home that he wasn’t allowed to look in my direction anymore. I looked directly into his eyes. Those eyes were so deceptively perfect. They flashed with regret.

Just pretend you never met me.”

I shoved through the double doors. The heat slammed into me like a wall of fire and I welcomed in. I needed something familiar. Nothing was more familiar then California heat in August. I wished in that moment it would burn away all my shame. But I wasn’t that lucky. My next class was in two hours and I would use that time to figure out how to get those assholes out of the house next door.

“What’s wrong, little girl? You look blue.”

You have got to be fucking kidding me.



Chapter Seven





I had this fucking knot in my chest. It felt like someone was sitting on it the moment Clara turned in my direction. I didn’t just see murder in that glare. Her eyes were glossed over with unshed tears.

You did that, you asshole.

I did.

I put that pain there. I’d torn out a piece of her pride and her soul. And all for the sake of revenge. I’d gotten a moment of pause where I nearly didn’t go through with it. Then Tamara stuck my dick so far down her throat that I forgot everything and hit the confirm button. What Todd didn’t realize was that I’d used all the equipment his father had created, that was in his corner of the room, to pull off this shit.

The feeling of a warm hand cupping my cock through my pants threw me back to the present. I wasn’t faced with the same girl that was cupping my dick. Nope. I was slammed right to the present with Clara’s carefully masked pain right smack in front of me.

It was too late to feel guilty.

Besides, if I was being totally honest I wasn’t. This would assure she was blacklisted and no one, not even Todd, could walk over that line without getting booted from the frat. That shit was in his blood back to his great great grandfather. It was secret society level. He wouldn’t risk his future or job by trying to make nice with Clara after this. I wouldn’t have to worry about any male touching her.

I didn’t fucking care though.

I cared that she hurt like I hurt.

“Why are we still here, baby? You said you would play with me during the break,” Tamara purred against my ear.

In that moment I regretted she was there. I watched Clara’s gaze dart in her direction. Disgust filled her features so heavily it was practically dripping off her.

“We will. I just wanted to check on Clara, see how her day was going.” I smirked.

Fire flashed in those expressive eyes of hers, and my cock jumped in my pants. Tamara giggled behind me and I thought it was the fact she was now tracing the outline of my hard-on through my jeans.

That would be a negative.

I was so hot for Clara being pissed the fuck off at me that I wanted to forget Tamara, throw Clara over my shoulder and remind her how she’d screamed my name last night. I wanted to know how that tight pussy felt clenching around my dick as it pounded into her.

I could see that play out in my head as she opened her mouth to talk back to me, seem to think better of it, turn on her heels and start power walking away from me.

Oh, fuck no.

I got off my bike and turned to Tamara.

“Leave!” I snarled.

She threw out a very full bottom lip and shook her head at me.

Yes, cause I really needed to deal with this clingy bullshit now.

“Want to fuck later?”

She nodded with a mischievous smirk.

“Then get the fuck gone for about an hour. I have shit to take care of. Or you get nothing.”

She sighed, slipped off my bike and huffed. “Fine! You owe me though.” She flicked her tongue over my bottom lip and walked way.

I didn’t even watch her go.

What the fuck was wrong with me? I always watched her go. She had the best ass I’d ever fucked.

Instead my gaze was pinned on the back of Clara. Her hips swayed so gracefully I groaned and had to adjust my dick before I jogged up behind her. The woman must have felt me coming because when I was about a breath away from grabbing her shoulder to stop her, she spun on me and her tiny fist connected with my chin.

Well, that wiped the smug smirk right off my mother fucking face.

“What the fuck, Clara?” I yelled. I took a step closer, getting into as much of her personal space as possible.

She didn’t back down either. We were both panting, our hands fisted at our sides. I watched her shoulder twitch and knew she wanted to take another hit at me. Her brows furrowed and she started to laugh. Not that happy-go-lucky shit like she was having a good time. This shit was maniacal.


I broke her.

“You’re serious.” She took a step back. I didn’t let her run. Oh fuck no, I was right with her with each step. I glanced up quickly and realized we’d reached our homes. Clara was backing herself right into that tree. The tree that seemed to like to be the post of driving sexual prowess. “You really believe that it’s shocking I’d hit you.”

I rubbed my jaw. It really didn’t hurt. She’d clipped me with those little hands I itched to feel on my skin again. She was so fucking soft and my body re
membered that and ached for it.

Another step. Closer to the tree.

Oh, she was trapped so sweet.

I wanted her.

Fuck. This was bad. This was not part of the plan.

“After the stunt you pulled today you really think you don’t deserve to be knifed in the gut?”

BOOK: Bad Romance
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