Read Bad Wolf Online

Authors: Savannah Reardon

Tags: #bondage, #erotic romance, #erotica, #f/f, #f/m/f, #menage, #paranormal romance, #shifter romance, #werewolves romance, #werewolf romance

Bad Wolf (2 page)

BOOK: Bad Wolf
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Chapter Two


group gathered in the great room, and the sense of anticipation was palpable.
The newer cubs shifted nervously from side to side. For some of them, this was
the first run, and for a couple of them, the first time they’d transformed.
Unlike popular myth, they could actually change at will, though the instinct to
do so during the three days of the full moon cycle was almost irresistible.
Most cubs only changed during the moon cycle because they feared the

had to admit it was painful, but she reveled in the sensations of her body
changing. It made her feel more powerful, more alive, more connected with the
universe around her. Hunting with the pack meant she belonged somewhere, and to
her, that was worth more than all the money in the world.

run with me,” Zane breathed in her ear before moving to the center of the
circle the group had formed. Nikki inwardly groaned. Running with Zane had its
advantages… and its disadvantages. It would likely mean wild animal sex on a
carpet of leaves, but it would also bring more problems with Sara. However,
Nikki felt her heart swell at the prospect. Running with Zane was an honor, one
that only Sara had experienced until now. Nikki didn’t have time to ruminate on
the consequences or the reasoning behind Zane’s order.

Zane began as he swung his arms wide to indicate the group assembled before
him. “We have two new members with us who have never experienced
transformation… never experienced the run. Sara and Adam, I charge you both
with taking care of our newest additions. You know how scary a first change can
be. Guide them. Stay with them through the run. Show them what being part of
the family means.”

eyes blazed for a moment in Nikki’s direction before she took her place beside
the new male cub. Normally, Nikki took care of the new ones. The change sent a
low murmur through the older members of the family. Inwardly, Nikki smiled. The
responsibility would keep Sara off her back… at least for the duration of the
run. She knew a confrontation was inevitable now, but she felt Sara wouldn’t
challenge her just yet, so she pushed the thought from her mind.

threw his arms in the air and howled. It was time.

closed her eyes and allowed the sounds and smells of the family to wash over her.
She slowly stripped down to bare skin before opening her eyes and joining the
members streaming outside. She admired the raw power exhibited in the small
group. Muscles flexed and tendons strained as each member moved a short
distance away from the others in order to allow the transformation to begin. Zane
slipped his hand into hers and drew her off to the head of the group.

change together.”

heart leapt at the implications of his words. She had never seen him share the
transformation with Sara. The fact he was with her was important. Nikki knew a
heart to heart with him was in order for later. It would be the only way to
find out for sure.

and grunts filled the night air as the older ones began the transformation. As
Nikki felt the bones in her body start the initial shift, she heard the screams
signaling the beginning for one of the cubs. She was ever conscious of Zane’s
tight hold on her hand as her body stiffened and pain shot through her. Her
body elongated, her fingers and toes becoming claws tipped with talons. Her
nose spread out and flattened, and her teeth changed to those of a predator.

member of the pack had their own unique body shape. Their wolf shape reflected
their human physique. Hair color often determined the hue of their pelts and
the women’s breasts, while flattening to some degree, still remained visible
though covered with fur. The men’s musculature dictated how powerful of a wolf
they became… the more athletic the man, the larger the wolf. Cock sizes were also
determined by the size in human form, though as a wolf, each one grew by a
couple of inches in length and also some in girth. Size is what differentiated
them from their all animal brethren. Even the smallest werewolf doubled the
size of the normal wolf.

pelt was the blackest of the group, matching his raven locks. His cool ice eyes
melted to silver, and his tall, muscular body transformed into the largest of
the werewolves. His roar sounded loudly in Nikki’s ears as their
transformations neared completion.

fell to all fours and Zane’s hand slipped from hers.

Zane’s voice sounded in her head. The first time she’d heard one of the
member’s voices in her head, she’d yelped. It took a few moments for her primal
brain to understand the family communicated telepathically in wolf form. She
couldn’t speak with anyone, only a wolf who was within a few feet of her. Over
time, she’d learned to focus enough that her thoughts didn’t broadcast to
everyone within range but only to the person to which it was directed.

low in her throat, she followed Zane and she knew the rest of the family
brought up the rear. For hours, they simply ran. Stretching their legs and
muscles and thundering as one through the trees and splashing through streams.
As the night grew late, couples splintered from the pack, some to hunt and some
to copulate. Nikki knew Sara and Adam would be doing both with their cubs as
they needed to be initiated fully into the ways of the family.

stopped when she realized Zane was no longer ahead of her. She knew he was near
because she smelled him. He hadn’t given any orders to hunt, so she waited. She
sensed him a moment before his body fell onto hers. The mating was purely
primal, he mounted her from behind and claimed her as his. Human foreplay
didn’t exist in this form. The male took what he wanted from the female, and
she let him.

remained on all fours while his claws dug into her muscular shoulders. Howling
loudly, she pushed back to meet him as when cock rammed into her pussy. He
fucked her relentlessly. Zane roared and held onto her tightly as he pounded
into her. Nikki gripped the rocky dirt with her claws, the powerful thrusts
threatening to send her toppling to the ground. Her tight pussy muscles gripped
his cock while he continued to slam into her. She could hear Zane growling low
in his throat as he fucked her.

could hear the yips, growls, and howls of the other members of the family, and
she knew they weren’t the only couple giving in to the frenzy of lust that
gripped them each time the moon shone in the sky. Being horny was a constant
condition as a werewolf, but it was especially strong during the full moon
phases. Zane’s teeth nipped at her neck, and she yowled in response. Digging
her claws deeper into the earth, she worked her hips, pushing back to meet Zane’s
thrusts and fucking herself on his large cock. He stiffened and threw back his
head and howled. His come flowed from her pussy as he slammed deep into her and
emptied his seed. He nipped at her before withdrawing his cock from her pussy.

his voice commanded, and Nikki followed the scent of the herd of deer she’d
smelled when she arrived at the cabin. Once she’d tracked them down, Zane
jumped in the middle of the herd, his teeth and claws slashing and tearing into
the succulent meat. He ripped out the heart of the buck and offered it to
Nikki. She’d learned long ago to no longer be sickened by what she did as a
wolf, and she gladly took the gift from Zane and savored the tasty treat. After
their bellies were full, they padded down to the stream and washed up,
cleansing the blood of the massacre from their fur.

settled on a rock by the stream and Nikki lay beside him, her body fitting into
the curve of his. It would be sun-up soon, and Nikki could feel the essence of
the animal draining from her as she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Three


woke to the warmth of the sun streaming through the trees and onto her naked
skin. She also felt the heat from Zane’s body spooning hers. She didn’t realize
he was awake until his fingers began to trace patterns on her belly. Rolling to
face him, she smiled and reached out to brush a raven curl from his face. His
ice blue eyes still held the slightest trace of silver and they glinted in the

you have any idea how much I want you?” he whispered.

wiggled slightly against the hard cock pressing into her stomach and laughed.
“I can feel it.”

not just talking about sex, Nikki. I’ve felt it since the first moment you
joined the family. There’s something between us. Something that defies

propped up on one elbow and stared down at the leader of her pack. “What are
you telling me, Zane? You have to be totally clear on this.”

going to happen soon,” he stated instead of answering her question. “She’s not
going to wait for you to challenge her. She’s going to attack first. You need
to be ready.”

remained silent for a moment, knowing the words he spoke were true but wanting
more from him than what he’d given her. “Zane…”

not big on sharing emotions, Nik, you know that.” He rolled onto his back, and
his cock pointed toward the trees at their heads.

not good enough, Zane. This is too important.”

want you to win. Is that good enough?”


turned his head towards her, his eyes piercing through hers. “I want you as my
alpha female. I love you, Nikki. Sara never compared to you. Never… and she
knows it.”

felt a tremor of fear run through her. “She’s going to kill me.”

bolted to a sitting position and grabbed Nikki’s hands. “No! Don’t for one
minute think that way. Of course, she will try, but you have the advantage.”


an emotional fighter. You’re a thinker. Besides, you’ve got an instinct she
lacks. I can’t explain it. It’s just something I feel. She never fully embraced
her wolf nature. You have.”

that why you love me instead of her?”

may be part of it, but it runs far deeper than that.” Zane cupped her chin.
“When the time comes, use your instincts. Trust them.” He pulled her into his
lap and wrapped his large arms around her. “It’s going to be okay. You’ll beat

rested her chin on his broad shoulder and began to relax in the safety of Zane’s
embrace. Her eyes swept over the trees surrounding them and her body suddenly
stiffened as she spied a naked form a moment before it slipped behind a tree.

is it?”

She’s watching us.”

know. I smelled her some time ago. It doesn’t matter. She’s not going to see
anything she doesn’t already know.”

Chapter Four


picked up her clothes from the great room floor while members of the pack
milled about and chatted. She picked her way through the various bodies lying
in the floor as she headed to one of the bedrooms to get dressed in private.
Before she managed to extricate herself from the crowd in the great room, she
found her path barred by Sara. The alpha-female grabbed Nikki by the arms and
flung her around so that her back slammed up against the paneled wall.

forget your place,” she hissed. “Zane belongs to me.”

held her tongue. She knew a show-down was inevitable, but she felt this wasn’t
the time and place for it.

think you need to be taught a lesson.” Sara grabbed Nikki by the hair and
dragged her to the middle of the great room. Nikki fought the urge to twist
from her grip. She knew Sara intended to take her down a peg. In the hierarchy
of the pack, Nikki had to grit her teeth and bear it unless she planned to
challenge Sara at that very moment… which she had no desire to do. She’d take
whatever Sara had to dish out. It wouldn’t make any difference in the long run.
Zane had declared his love for her, and Sara would soon realize alpha-female
theatrics in front of the pack wouldn’t change a thing.

did not make a statement to the group; she simply shoved Nikki’s head towards
her knees so that her ass stuck up in the air. With speed borne of wolven
instinct, she brought her hand flat against Nikki’s cheeks. A sharp smack
sounded in the air, and Nikki bit her lip to keep from crying out. A soft
murmur floated through the great room as the action grabbed the attention of
the pack. By the time the fifth slap landed on Nikki’s now red ass, tears
trickled down her cheeks, but she remained silent. She would not give Sara the
satisfaction by making a sound. Her ass burned with each smack of Sara’s hand,
but she did not give in. Her teeth left an indention in her bottom lip from the
effort of staying silent. After the tenth slap, Sara realized she would not
make Nikki cry out, so she switched tactics.

her once again by the hair, Sara led Nikki to the couch where she settled onto
the cushions and spread her bare legs. “Eat me, and do a good job. I expect one
fantastic orgasm.”

gritted her teeth and frowned before getting on her knees before the alpha
female. Unless she wanted to challenge Sara right then and there, which she
didn’t, she would have to do as Sara commanded. It wasn’t the first time Sara
had used sex to humiliate her after some perceived wrong-doing on Nikki’s part.

busy, bitch,” Sara growled when Nikki hesitated a moment too long.

frowned once more but bent to her task as Sara’s hands grabbed her by the hair
and pushed Nikki’s face between her legs. With Sara’s grip holding her in
place, Nikki figured the best thing she could do was do a good job and get it
over with as quick as possible.

ran her tongue over the alpha female’s silky folds. She groaned when Nikki
found the hard little pebble of her clit and circled it with slow strokes. She
lapped at the bud, coaxing it to swell beneath her tongue. As Sara’s breathing
grew heavier, Nikki pushed a finger into the wet warmth of her pussy. Sara
flexed her hips in response and ground her pussy against Nikki’s face. As Nikki
licked, she felt a surge of electricity run through her body. Zane had entered
the room. She knew it, even though she couldn’t see him.

knew Zane would not intervene since Sara still held the place of highest honor
in the pack. She returned her attention to the task at hand and redoubled her
efforts. She thrust a second finger into Sara’s pussy and was rewarded by a
sharp intake of breath as she curled her fingers and rubbed the spongy spot on
the front wall of Sara’s cunt. She pressed and stroked hard on Sara’s g-spot
while her tongue swept across the swollen bud of her clit.

Sara’s legs tense around her head, Nikki drove her fingers deep into Sara’s
pussy, causing the woman to cry out with pleasure. She alternated between deep
strokes and stimulating Sara’s g-spot as her tongue continued to lash against
her engorged clit. Sara began to tremble and her fingers dug into Nikki’s hair
and release claimed her. Nikki felt her pussy ripple around her fingers and her
clit pulse beneath her tongue as Sara’s cries rang out in the great room. Nikki
continued her ministrations until the sounds faded and Sara sagged against the

a word, Nikki rose to her feet, her eyes gazing around the room until they
locked on the deep ice blue eyes. She walked straight to Zane and wrapped her
arms around his torso. Having no doubt that Sara watched her every move, Nikki
stood on her tip toes and pressed her lips against his. Zane responded
immediately by pulling her close and darting his tongue between her lips. He
kissed her hard, letting his tongue dance with hers for what seemed an eternity
before pulling away. Nikki smiled at him before turning in his arms and staring
defiantly at Sara. She wanted the message to be loud and clear. Nothing Sara
had just done would sway Nikki away from Zane.

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