Read Banged In The Bayou Online

Authors: Rosie Peaks

Tags: #fiction, #fantasy, #erotica best sellers

Banged In The Bayou

BOOK: Banged In The Bayou
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Banged In The Bayou

Published by Rosie Peaks at

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2013 Rosie Peaks

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Chapter One

After being on the road for fifteen
hours, I never expected to find myself stranded on the side of the
road in a backwoods, Cajun community. Getting to the Gulf of Mexico
was my only goal. Sipping fruity, high in alcohol drinks while I
sunbathed on the beach would now have to wait. All thoughts of
getting banged by some random life guard disappeared as I watched
the smoke billow out from under the hood of my rental

“Fuck! Not even one bar on my cell
phone. Where the hell am I?”

The past hour of driving had gone by in
a blur. I didn’t recall passing a road or town sign and strangely,
I felt as though I’d been driving in circles. The occasional shanty
and crocodile were all I’d seen. Now, as I stood on the side of the
dirt road, surrounded by giant Cypress trees, I watched the
daylight fade quickly.

“I had to be a big shot. I just had to
come down here alone!” I was quite apt at using snark, even when I
spoke to myself. Always independent, this time I’d truly screwed

“Someone please help me.” I prayed,
though I knew no one would answer. No, I was definitely on my

I grabbed my purse and locked the doors
of the car before venturing out to find someone, anyone who might
have a phone. I knew the chances were slim, but I couldn’t sit by
the side of the road waiting for a crazed serial killer to find me.
Better to be a moving target than a sitting duck.

“Why don’t I ever wear sensible shoes?”
The expensive sandals I’d chosen for the trip were far from
comfortable, but the straps were studded with rhinestones and
perfectly accentuated my calves. I realized my one ‘must have’
accessory was now cutting into my legs, so I sat down and removed
them. Slinging the ridiculous shoes over my shoulder, I trekked
onward, deeper into the forest.

“Of all places!” I was now engulfed in
complete darkness, save for the myriad of creepy eyes glaring at me
from the trees and bushes. Goosebumps appeared on my tan skin and I
shivered, though it had to be well over ninety degrees. Something
didn’t feel right. I could turn back, but I knew there wasn’t a
soul living where my car had died. I had only one choice. Keep

Luckily, I’d worn thin clothing. Even
in the woods, the humidity was almost unbearable. I came upon a
lake and sat down for a moment. My tube top, now soaked with sweat
had to be removed. I dipped it into the cool water and fashioned it
upon my forehead, sliding it back and twisting the excess. I now
had a headband which helped to keep me cool. My long, chestnut-
brown hair was still matted with dirt and sweat, but at least, the
fabric kept it from running down my face.

I stumbled on and on for what felt like
miles. I knew better than to be in out in the swamps alone at
night, but what else could I do? By now, I knew I had traveled deep
into the bayou and I had no idea if I could find my way back out.
There hadn’t been one shanty with a light on and I knew I was
screwed…so screwed.

Chapter Two

By then, I knew the entire endeavor was
an effort in futility. I couldn’t keep going. I was tired, hungry
and dehydrated.

“I can see the headlines now. ‘Missing
Woman From Ohio Found Dead In Louisiana Swamp: Manner of Death:

Literally, plopping myself down, I
landed with a muffled ‘Thud!’ on the sandy path.

“I cannot believe this is how I’m going
to die. Dirty, sweaty, shoeless with dried blood running down my
legs. Unfucking real.”

I propped myself up against a huge, old
Cypress tree. Small slivers of moonlight peeked through and
reflected a glimmery surface sheltered deeper in the swamp.
“Another pond full of muddy water. Fabulous.”

As I said, I was beyond thirsty, so any
water, even muddy water would have to do. I can’t tell you how many
nocturnal critters ran and slithered from me that night. I lost
count. All I know is that there are way too many crocodiles,
raccoons and snakes in the bayou.

Finally, the shimmering mud puddle was
a few yards away and I braced myself for what I was about to do.
Being a neat freak, drinking only expensive, bottled water had
spoiled me to anything less than what fit my OCD. I made myself
count to ten countless times before I could make myself cup my
hands and drink the putrid liquid. But I did.

After manically gulping a dozen
handfuls, I felt my body recoil in disgust. Next thing I knew, I
was on my knees, vomiting every bit of the fluid I’d greedily
ingested. I have no idea how long the heaves wracked my thin body
before I passed out.

Chapter Three

“What the…”

I awoke to find myself on a bed of
plants. There were walls of moss surrounding me and a musty odor
filled my nostrils.

“Where? How?”

My first thought was that a serial
killer had indeed found me and taken me to his cave in the woods.
Either way, I was going to die.

The only sound I could hear was an
incessant drip from somewhere in the cavern. I sat up, though my
body protested as my head throbbed. Should I scream? Was there
anyone there? I was truly fucked.

Just then, I heard something moving. It
sounded like someone was dragging a wet blanket across the

A crocodile? A giant snake? Every
warning bell in my body went off. I attempted to jump off of the
slick greenery, only to find my feet were tied, shackled to the
floor with what appeared to be seaweed. I yanked and yanked,
ripping at the slimy strands but it wouldn’t let go! The sloshing
sound grew louder, it was coming for me, but I wasn’t going to stop
trying to escape!

“Fuck this!” I summoned all of my
strength and pulled harder and harder, tears of frustration rolled
down my face. I was so wrapped up in freeing my legs, that I failed
to notice the peripheral noises had stopped.

I smacked at my own legs, pissed and
terrified. When I looked up from my algae shackles, what I saw
would give nightmares to the Devil. Before me stood a creature.
That’s the only way to describe it…him. The Thing stood at least
seven feet tall and from head to toe, it was covered in the same
seaweed type plant that shackled my legs. I couldn’t recognize any
sign of a face in that mass of algae, but it appeared to breathe.

It came toward me, arms…vines
outstretched as if to grab me and I tried to scoot away. Screaming
my head off was the only option at that point.

“What the fuck are you? Stay the hell
away from me!”

Apparently, it didn’t understand
English, because it continued to reach for me. When it touched my
leg, I began to scream even louder and promptly passed

Chapter Four

“Yes!” Someone was lapping at the folds
of my pussy. Their warm, moist tongue darted in and out, suckling
and probing. I was paralyzed in ecstasy as wave after wave of
orgasms hit me. I could feel my juices pour out of me as he eagerly
drank them.

“Fuuuuck, yeah!” I squeezed my nipples
as he probed, tasting my inner core and he brought me to the edge
once again. I knew I must be dreaming. I was a single woman, after
all. But this was by far, the best dream I’d ever had.

Suddenly, the dream changed, I felt
slimy twine wrap around my throat! My eyes popped open to find the
‘thing’ applying pressure as another orgasm slammed into me. I
began to struggle but could not stop my body from betraying me. My
core throbbed and pulsated as the creature licked circles around my

“Stop! Get off of me!”

The Thing continued, apparently
oblivious to my screams. I tried kicking at it, but my legs were
now splayed apart and still trapped by vinery.

I tried as best I could to smack at the
Thing and it finally backed away, releasing my neck. Now, I could
see it did indeed have eyes. There, looking back at me, were the
most gorgeous green eyes I’d ever seen. Sad, but glorious and

I felt sorry for this creature. My fear
instantly vanished. Crazy, right? I know. Believe me, I


The Thing slithered away from me,
holding its head and made whimpering sounds. I felt like such a
bitch! This creature had just given me the best orgasms of my life
and I’d tried to beat it to a pulp!

“Hello? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to
hurt you. But you have to understand. This isn’t right. My car
broke down and I was just looking for someone to help me. I really
need to go.”

The creature folded into itself
further. Now, it was shielded by the darkest corner of the cavern.
What was I going to do now? What if I’d angered it? What if it
became enraged and attacked me as I sat there helpless and

My large breasts heaved with
trepidation and fear. I had to find a way out of here before the
Thing came after me! I frantically searched with my hands for
anything I could use as a weapon. My fingers nimbly found a rock
with sharp edges and I grabbed it.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Creature, but I have to
get out of here.”

I feverishly sawed at the vines, my
hands covered in slime and blood. The Thing suddenly raised its
head, sniffing, I assume. When it stood up to its full height, I
once again began to tremble. The creature then came over to me and
one seaweed hand wrapped around my right wrist, halting my

It groaned and shook what would be its
head. I was truly perplexed by the emotions this anomaly had shown
thus far and it was quite unnerving. Strangely, I became aroused by
the compassion shown by it. The Thing covered my wounded leg with
an algae coated appendage and I felt instant warmth course through
my naked body.

This monstrosity disgusted and aroused
me at the same time. Part of me was so ashamed at how my body
responded and part of me longed for it to slither up inside of me.
Was I being hypnotized? Was I being mind-controlled into having sex
with this beast of the bayou? I couldn’t explain it but I wanted
this creature. And I wanted it badly.

The Thing untied my legs and picked me
up, holding me against the cool, and wetness of its skin. Though it
should have felt slimy, its flesh was in fact, slightly fuzzy and
soft. It smelled of a freshly plowed field and I found everything
about it comforting. There was a distinct mound of flesh where a
human male’s cock would be and my pussy throbbed with delight as I
felt the creature’s body stiffen. My ass barely grazed the top of
this newly found feature, but I could feel it growing as The Thing
carried me away from my former resting place.

At this point, I surmised, The Thing
was indeed male and apparently exuded pheromones in high doses.
Whether plant, animal or both, I had no idea, but I knew I wanted
it inside of me. He laid me upon a dry bed of leaves and his almond
shaped eyes searched mine as if for permission. A seaweed coated
appendage reached up and stroked my cheek and I felt a tear fall.
His mouth opened to reveal sharp, pointy teeth that could retract
and pop out much like a Venus Fly Trap and I shuddered as I
imagined him scraping his teeth along the length of my

He was on top of me in an instant, his
male appendage large and green protruding from his sac-like middle.
The creature leaned down, an inch from my face and I searched for a
sign of what he was about to do. I could hear him sniff, but I saw
no nose. I heard him groan and moan but it reverberated from his
chest not from his mouth. The greenery covering his abdomen raised
and fell with his rapid breathing and I saw what would be another
cock emerge from yet another covering. He had two dicks!

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