Read Bastard (Bad Boys) Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Bastard (Bad Boys) (3 page)

BOOK: Bastard (Bad Boys)
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"Please what?"

I fucked her steadily, deep, punishing strokes that caused these fuck hurt noises to leave her throat. Music to my fucking ears! I dug deep on the next stroke and held still, flexing my cock in her little tummy.

I know I must be pressing on her internal organs or some shit, as little as she is. My cock is nothing to fuck around with. I’ve brought grown women to their knees with my monster, so could only imagine how much harder it would be for her virgin pussy.

"Say it." I needed to cum; her tight pussy was giving me quite the workout as it throbbed and pulsed around my meat. It was going to be a while before I got my fill, which meant she was in for a world of hurt.

I changed up once more and at the end of each thrust I ground my pelvis against hers
, rubbing against her clit. Her noises became louder as she lost her battle with defying me. Her little hips were moving faster and faster as she tried to reach that pinnacle again.

When she was too far-
gone from the pleasure, when her breathing was erratic and her pulses raced, I pushed a finger into her tight little ass and she lit the fuck up.

"I'm going to cum in your belly
Bianca, it will be the first of many sons. Beg me." I wrapped a hand around her throat for emphasis.

"Please Xander, please cum in my pussy."

"Good girl."

Only then did I off load inside her pussy, loads and loads of copious cum spilled into her as I threw my head back and growled. One fuck down many more to go! I took her lips in a hard kiss as I shook off the dregs of my jizz inside her. I wasn’t kidding when I said she was going to be my little breeder.

Chapter 6


Yes I know, people think I'm sick
, but it's been such a long time since I gave a fuck...who cares? My baby mama is even now, as we speak, tied spread eagled to my bed upstairs.

fter I'd mounted her sweet little pussy in the hallway, I dragged her off to bed. I'd been trying out my gentlemanly skills by planning to fuck her on a nice soft bed for round two, but she'd acted as though there was no difference. So I'd given her a good pounding until she cried and then left her.

Of course she couldn't escape me
, that's not why I tied her, it was a psychological play on my part. I had two things going at once, my new breeding program. Okay, stop Kostantinidis, you're killing me.

I laughed at my own joke. That one al
ways got me, 'breeding program'. Anyway, I'm working on that and training her in the right way to please me at the same time.

t's not gonna be easy, that little girl has a stubborn streak a mile wide. I do have the scratches down my back to prove she'd enjoyed her third plowing though, hot bitch.

So much passion in that one,
I lucked out there her old man could've had a dog for a daughter then where the fuck would I be?

"You got shi
t to do Xander, get your mind off the snatch." Easier said than done. Her pussy had what I call 'come to me' in it or some shit. No sooner had I pulled out, than my dick wanted back in. And if I looked at that monitor one more time I'd be up those stairs like a shot.


I played around with some lives as I sat at my desk. I figured I had ten months at the most before my little man gets here, had to set shit to rights.

I c
ouldn't have my heir breathing the same air as my enemies, I'm running a going out of business sale; everything must go. Every fucker that had crossed me in one-way or the other was done.

hey each had a target on their backs, and I have the motherfucking arrow, funny thing is, some of them didn't even know it.

Doesn't matter
, my sons and daughters were gonna come into this world free of enemies, because that's what the fuck I want.

I heard her pulling on her restraints and looked up.

"Let me out of here."

"Damn my work is never done.
Fucking girl."

I left what I was doing and headed up the stairs, releasing my cock as I went. In the bedroom I stripped, climbed onto the bed and straddled her chest, the look on her face was priceless.

"You rang?"
I flexed my already hard cock so it hit her in the chin. "Open." She resisted, which is what I'd expected; until I grabbed her head and forced her mouth open around my cock.

What a sight, spread eagle
, arms and legs tied and my cock in her mouth, I like it. I skull fucked the sweet little Bianca to the sounds of her gagging and I'm sure complaining around my cock.


When I was as hard as I was gonna get, I pulled out of her mouth and dragged my dick down her middle until I reached the golden gates. With one sure thrust I was balls deep.

er little pussy betrayed her by clenching around me as her body released her juices. Her eyes were staring up at me, such beautiful eyes.

Xander, you beast, have a heart. She's the mother of your future children have some motherfucking respect.

Sure, yeah, okay.
I held her eyes as I lowered my head and felt her tense. Who knows what she was expecting, but all I did was take her mouth in a slow, soft kiss.

I felt her tension ease,
as I tongued her mouth for some nice lovers play. Enough a this happy shit, with our mouths still fused together, I reared back and plunged into her hard and deep, lifting her body off the bed.

She screamed into my mouth as I kept up a steady pace of deep stroking thrust
into her freshly awakened pussy. All the while kissing her softly. Yeah I'm a sick fuck but I like me, shit I ought to see about cloning my ass.

I finally let her get some rest and went to see about food. I don’t like people around, so I have a maid service come in twice a week. No one cooks my meals. When I’m not cooking here, I go to one of my places to eat.

My chefs know not to fuck with me or else. Still, I have ways of testing shit before putting it in my mouth. I’m not paranoid; I’m just not the most trusting motherfucker in the world.

I wonder what kinda mood my little mother is gonna be in when she wakes up from her cock induced nap? Opening the refrigerator, I perused the contents; maybe I should start feeding her healthy shit
starting now.

My kid must have the best from beginning to end. With that thought in mind I started raiding the vegetable bin. Uh-oh, daddy needs to go shopping, I didn’t have shit in the way of fresh produce. I guess I’d used up the last of it.

A quick run to the market should take care of that. Now usually leaving the house wasn’t such a big production. The guys had their own little bungalow on the property, because I didn’t want people under foot. Unless some asshole had sanctioned a hit against me, and ma bitched me into letting them stay on my ass.

But now with her in the house, I couldn’t just up and go at the drop of a hat. I had no worries like I said, of her getting away, but I wasn’t too comfortable leaving her unattended yet.
Neither did I want some other swinging dick hanging around what’s now mine.


You see, contrary to what you may think up to this point, I didn’t just decide to fuck this kid over, okay maybe a little. The truth is, after that first day, when I saw her on the street, I made it my mission in life to find out everything about her.

I was already in the market for a nice, clean, pure girl to bear my seed. Ma would have a fit if I knocked up one of my usual cum dumps. She’s big on the family line and shit like that. I don’t know where the fuck she expected me to find a virgin in this bitch, but she let her feelings be known.

Now I’m not one to give much of a fuck what others think, feel, or want; but that ends with ma. Whatever she wants, she gets. That’s the way all the men in the family see it, and if we don’t, she’d let us know and make sure we do.

So here this peach
just fell into my lap. What was I to do? The fact that she was gorgeous and had a body made for fucking, and was of childbearing age, only sealed her fate.


I got to know her through reports; I got to know her dad better. He was a drunk and a gambler, bad combination. I started trying to find ways to get him in my back pocket from day one. It wasn’t hard getting him to gravitate to one of my casinos.

After that
, I’d reeled him in by letting him slide when he started losing. I waited until he’d dug a hole so deep, it would take him ten lifetimes to dig out of, and then I pounced.

But I had to do it in a roundabout way. Couldn’t let him know straight off the bat that it was his little girl’s sweet snatch I was after. As fucked up as he was, he seemed to have a soft spot for the kid. Probably
saw her as a commodity or some fuck.

That didn’t stop him from offering her up the first chance he got. Even though that had been my aim all along, it still pissed me off that he’d been so quick to offer up the mother of my future children as payment for his debt. That’s why he was even now nursing two broken legs. He’s lucky I didn’t break his fucking neck.

  Chapter 7


In the end, I decided that since she was asleep, I could make a run for the market and be back before she awakened. I wouldn’t be gone too long, and with all the security I had on this place, there was no way anyone was getting in or out.

I was gone for at the most, thirty minutes. When I got back to the house it was quiet. Too quiet; the kind of quiet you can feel but can’t explain how the fuck you can.

I dropped the bags on a side table and headed up the stairs. Of course she wasn’t in the bed, but she hadn’t left the house either because she would’ve tripped the alarm.

I went to the monitor and searched. “There she is.” She was in the downstairs library
trying to call out. Smart girl, I would’ve chosen that wing of the house too since it was so far removed from everything else and didn’t look like it got much use. Too bad I was gonna have to punish her for disobeying me.


“Hello sweetheart.” She jumped a mile high and screeched, before trying to make a run for it. I stalked her across the room as I removed my belt. Her eyes went wide as saucers and she kept backing away.

“You can stop now, unless you wanna make things worst on yourself.” I stopped moving and waited for her to come to terms with her fate. “Who were you trying to call?”

“No one.”

“Don’t lie to me Bianca, I don’t like it. Now who were you trying to call?”

“A friend.”

“And who might that be?”

“No one he’s just a friend.”

He? Oh fuck no.

“This friend have a name? “ She shook her head and looked down at the floor. Now she’s not only gonna get her ass beat for defying me but also for trying to call some dick to come rescue her.


I’ll have to find out who he is, and what he means to her later. For now I had to deal with my little captive. “Come here Bianca.” She didn’t move an inch, but her eyes were glued to the strap in his hand as he folded it and slapped his other palm with it repeatedly.

“You know what’s gonna happen if I come after you right? GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW.” She flinched and started tearing up, but at least she was moving. She stopped in front of me with her head down; and the strangest fucking thing happened.

My heart felt…off. For the first time I really felt like the bastard I’d been called so often. “Hey.” I found myself lifting her chin with a finger. “Good girl.” What the fuck? Her eyes widened on mine and she had a look that said she thought I was fucking with her.

“I would’ve done the same fucking thing baby. Some fucker snatched my ass and locked me away, first chance I get I’d be looking for a way out, fuck that. Let’s go make lunch or dinner, or whatever the fuck.” I took her hand and led her from the room.


I think until we made it to the door where I’d dropped the groceries she still thought I was fucking with
her. Shit, it was gonna take me a minute to get used to this new me too. But seeing her looking so dejected didn’t sit well with me. I hope her fuck sweet virgin pussy hadn’t made my ass soft.

Let’s test that shit before I go handing out candy and flowers to the opposing crew or some fuck. I pulled my phone from my hip and called my muscle. He answered on the second ring. “What’s good boss?”

“My little peach’s got herself a male friend, probably from the neighborhood or school, find him, take him to the place.” Oh yeah, I was still the same fucker I knew and loved. She looked at me with fright in her eyes again.

“What do you plan on doing to him? please he didn’t do anything…”

“You like this kid?”

“Yes I do.” She seemed to realize her mistake because she started gnawing on her lip as she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

“See, that’s why he’s gotta go, I can’t have the mother of my children pining after some other dick. You see my dilemma right?”

“But it’s not like that.” She felt brave enough, or she forgot herself for a hot minute because she grabbed my arm, before dropping it like a hot potato.

“You can touch me anytime sweet cheeks. Now what do you mean it’s not like that? How exactly is it?” I was chopping vegetables as we spoke, with my domesticated ass.

“We’re just friends, since we were little. We kinda look out for each other.”

“What would a little girl like you have to look out for? Except, maybe a bastard like me.” I had to grin at myself, because really, I don’t know where I come up with this shit sometimes.

She swallowed and looked away from me
. How was she so fucking beautiful? Her old man was a fucking mutt, no joke. She didn’t answer the question and I let it drop for now, my boy hadn’t turned up nay red-flags when he was following her around for weeks, and I certainly hadn’t found any when I ran her.

“You know you can make it easy on this kid by just giving him up now. I will find him, but if you make me go through this dance, I’m going to be less inclined to believe you, and well…he might get his ass hurt.”

“Andrew, his name is Andrew Foster, but please don’t hurt him he’s a good guy.”

“And you’re sure you don’t have feelings for this boy?” The thought fucked with my head. She shook her head and started tearing lettuce like she was nervous. I got back on the horn and gave my guy the name and change of location.

BOOK: Bastard (Bad Boys)
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