Beauty [A Faery Story 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: Beauty [A Faery Story 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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One kissed her, his lips strong against her own. She shivered when she felt his tongue trace the seam of her lips at the exact moment Two’s fingertips began to pull down the bodice of her gown. The silky fabric skimmed her skin, and she opened for One’s invasion. One kissed her like a ravenously hungry man, his mouth slanting over hers again and again. He rubbed his tongue along hers, a slow, silky slide that heated her whole body.

She felt it again, that slight flash of something sharp nipping at her flesh, but it was gone in an instant. Cool air kissed her breasts as Two worked the bodice to her waist.

One’s head came up, and he stared down at her now-bare breasts.

It was only the second time she’d been naked in a dream, and in the first she’d been awakened by the damn rooster. She prayed dawn was far away.

“You’re so beautiful, princess,” One said, his voice husky.

“So fucking gorgeous,” Two whispered into her ear. “Think about how lovely these beauties will be when we dress them up.”

Big, strong hands cupped her breasts, offering them up to One, who reached out and began to play with her nipples. She whimpered as he pinched them.

“That’s right love, that’s a sweet sound.” He rolled the nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. He would gently tug and then punctuate it with a sharp, stinging pinch that sent shivers of arousal to her pussy. Her nipples tightened, and her every inch of skin began to come alive. “It sounds like the little princess likes our games, brother.”

“She’ll like the jewels I’ll pick out for her nipples, too.” Two nipped at her ear. “You’ll be a good girl, won’t you? You’ll let your Masters dress you up. We’ll bind you and hold you down for our pleasure. We’ll pierce these gorgeous nipples and play with the rings.”

“I don’t know about that last bit.” It was normal in some provinces, but she wasn’t sure about it. Still, it was just a dream. “Maybe. Who knows what I’ll let you do if you take care of me the way you’ve promised.”

“Still making demands.” One rubbed his nose against hers, the affection in the gesture making her heart skip. “I can’t wait to feel the flat of my hand on your ass.”

Two groaned behind her. “And I can’t wait to sink my fangs in you.”

She stopped. “Fangs?”

She would never dream of her Dark Ones with fangs. She’d never thought of them in anything but a funny way. Dante had fangs. Her husband would be sidhe, not a vampire. She stopped and tried to pull away.

“Hey.” Two’s hands tightened on her hips.

“Let me go.” What the hell was happening? This wasn’t her waking dream. When she thought about her Dark Ones, they were sidhe. They had some power, perhaps gentry royals. They would be her brothers’ loyalists. They would help the cause.

They wouldn’t be vampires.

“What’s wrong, princess?” One had tightened up, every muscle in his body taking on a tension.

It didn’t matter. This was her fantasy, and she could utterly ignore anything she wasn’t sure about. “Nothing. Touch me.”

The fingers on her nipples tightened to just the right side of pain. “You keep pushing me, brat. It makes me want to turn you over my knee.”

Again, a very vampire-like attitude. It was okay. She’d loved her cousin, Dante. She’d adored her aunt and uncle and spent time on the plane. If she thought about it, she rather believed that it was where her brothers were, safe and sound with the Dellacourts. It was only predictable that she dream of vampires. Vampires wouldn’t have to deal with Torin. Vampires were safe on their own plane.

It didn’t matter. All that mattered was pleasure.

“Turn me over your knee, then,” she said. “Just touch me. Any way you want.”

One smiled, his lips turning up slightly. “Tell her what you want to do, brother.”

Two’s hands found her hips, pulling her back against his cock. “I want to eat you, love.”

“What?” She wasn’t sure what to take that as. Was her dream becoming a nightmare?

One snorted, though he managed to make it sound regal. “Little virgin. He’s talking about licking and sucking on your pussy. He wants to taste you.”

She wasn’t an idiot. She’d listened in on the women of the village. Peasant women were much more willing to talk than her former friends and handlers at the palace. The villagers could be bawdy and boisterous, and when a bit of ale was introduced, they could be very honest around a woman of marriageable age. She understood what he wanted. Yes, she wanted to try that.

“All right.” The minute the words left her mouth, she was scooped up into Two’s arms, and he began to walk toward the big bed.

She cuddled up against his massive chest. She felt small and fragile. She knew she wasn’t. The last thirteen years had proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt, but it was so nice to feel protected and cherished even if it was only a dream.

He placed her on the bed. Somehow One had gotten there first. Two laid her down against One. Strong arms wrapped around her, the heat of his chest at her back. He nuzzled her cheek, kissing her lightly. His arms tightened around her.

“Stay still, love. Let my brother have his treat. He’s waited so long to taste you.” The words were hot on her skin.

Two pulled at the silk of the gown she wore, hauling it down her body until she was naked in front of them. She knew she would be horrified if this happened in her reality, but in the dream she felt sexy and beautiful. She loved the way Two stared down at her, his eyes widening as he took in her body.

She was perfect in this dream. She was soft, and her breasts were full. She was curvy the way beautiful royals were. Somehow her mind filled out her form to what it should have been. In the harsh light of day, she was typical of a woman who plowed fields for her existence. She wasn’t gaunt, but she wasn’t filled out the way a princess would be. She was a peasant and she looked it, but here she was everything she’d dreamed of being.

“You’re so lovely.” Two’s fingers skimmed over her skin.

And they were amazing. Dark hair and eyes. Perfect faces with sharply masculine features. They were everything she could have dreamed of.

Two caught her ankles and very gently forced her legs apart.

“Leave them there.” One whispered the command in her ear, his hands tweaking her nipples.

Two climbed on the bed looking like a big predatory cat. He got to his belly, his mouth hovered right over her pussy. “Can you smell her, brother?”

“She smells like she wants it,” One replied. “Do you want it, princess? Do you want my brother to sink his tongue deep inside your cunt? Do you want him to taste every inch of your pussy? To stroke your little clit until you come?”

“Yes.” A simple answer, but it came from her soul. She wanted more than the orgasm. She wanted to feel connected to them, to sink so far into them that she never had to feel alone again. She wanted this time when she could be Bronwyn again.

Bron gasped as his warm tongue slipped over her flesh. Her pussy lit up, beginning to pulse as blood rushed through her system. It was so intimate, so beautiful. She could feel her whole pussy soften and moisten. She was coming alive under his touch. She writhed as he drew his tongue over her clitoris.

Fingers tightened on her nipples, erotic pain flaring, making a sharp contrast to the soft pleasure at her core.

“You stay still, princess. You don’t want him to stop, do you? He’ll stop, and we’ll have to discipline you. If you don’t behave, you’ll feel the flat of my hand on that perfect ass of yours and then you’ll suck us both and get nothing in return.”

Despite the fact that everything inside her tightened at the thought of having One spank her, she didn’t want to lose Two’s tongue on her pussy. She was close, so close to something she’d never felt before. She’d played with herself, found comfort in masturbating, but this was something completely different. This was a massive quake where before she’d managed a gentle shaking. This was something utterly new.

One tortured her nipples while Two lashed her pussy with his tongue. Bron whimpered and cried, trying to float over the edge, but they kept it up. Two’s tongue danced all over her pussy, lighting her up but never spending enough time to force her over that ever-elusive edge. Two gently pulled back the petals of her pussy, licking and sucking every inch of her flesh.

“You taste so good.” The words seemed to sink into her skin. She felt his nose running over her pussy.

And then he speared her, his tongue fucking into her cunt as his cock would. While he pierced her with his tongue, he pressed on her clit, and she went flying.


* * * *


She came awake with a cry of joy on her lips.

Bronwyn sat straight up in bed, her chest heaving as she tried to drag air into her lungs. Her hands were shaking, her nipples still peaked and wanting.

Tears leaked out of her eyes.

She was awake, and they were gone once more.

Loneliness swept across her. She could still feel their hands on her, but she was alone. Brutally, painfully alone.

She stared out into the star-filled night and prayed for sleep to take her once more.


* * * *


Torin Finn stared out over his kingdom, trying not to let the screams and cries get to him. Normally the wailing of the condemned was simply a sign that all was right in his kingdom, but today the sound seemed to have actual weight and motion, pushing at him. He had a fucking headache from that damn noise.

Why couldn’t traitors die more quietly? Did they really have to scream every time they were stabbed or cut or had their fingernails pulled from their bodies?

He sighed. It was because they were unworthy. They were not sidhe. Sidhe died properly. Even his own brother had died with a quiet dignity, his bright gray eyes widening as the sword went through his heart. Seamus Finn had died as a king should, with rage in his eyes and no cry on his lips.

Yes, his brother had died well.

“I’m glad I did one thing right.”

Torin’s stomach turned. Fuck, he wished his brother would go away. Thirteen years and his brother was still here, still a shade who managed to whisper in Torin’s ear.

“Shut up, Seamus. Why didn’t you leave with your brethren?” The sluagh were gone. He’d had his guards check the caves near the palace. Torin knew it was most likely a bad sign. They had heard of his plans to destroy them, but the one thing he had been happy about was the fact that his fucking dead brother would be gone, too. No such luck.

“I didn’t become sluagh to join the happy little family. When I died, I sent my wife on, but tied myself to this place until such time as you no longer breathe air.” Seamus’s form shimmered, a sure sign that he was emotional. Even then, his voice remained a hoarse whisper. “I chose to stay here because I owe my children.”

Torin sighed. He’d heard this all before. Roughly three years after his successful coup, Seamus had shown up, having stored enough energy to make himself known. Torin had thought he was going insane. Those around him still believed he was. Seamus was excellent at hiding from all others.

Seamus liked to show up at the worst times. When Torin was giving a speech, he’d catch visions of his brother’s form. When he made love to his wife, Seamus stood and watched, those flint-gray eyes filled with judgment.

Torin hated his brother. Just like when he was alive, Seamus ruined everything simply by being around.

“My hags are going to make sure you never come back. They’re working on it now. The blood of traitors will banish you to the underworld, and then I won’t have to see you or listen to you prattle on ever again.”

Seamus laughed. “I’ll believe it when I see it. Even if you found a way to get rid of me, you can’t get rid of the me who lives inside you, Torin. That piece of me will never fade until you join me in death.”

Torin feared Seamus was right. Guilt weighed heavily on him, but he couldn’t go back. He was too close to finishing off those annoying boys. The Vampire Council had declared them criminals. The word was that Beck and Cian had fled the Vampire plane and were seeking asylum. Once they were caught and their bodies and that of the bitch they’d bonded to were hanged in the city square, the rebels would know all hope was gone.

Then he would take out all non-sidhe one by one if he had to. Including those disgusting, blood-drinking vampires.

All he had to do was kill two men.

“As long as they’re out there, you aren’t safe.” Seamus seemed to be able to read his mind. His brother leaned against the marbled wall of the palace balcony, his ghostly eyes going out over the city. Beyond, Seamus could surely see the fires that had been set in the country in an attempt to quell the current rebellion. “These are small rebellions run by peasants. What would you do if one of the nobles gave the rebels someone real to rally behind? You didn’t kill all those with royal blood. The rebellions will almost surely continue since you don’t know the first thing about running a country. Peasants don’t like it when you steal all the food and leave them with nothing.”

Torin’s fists clenched. “Traitors. They’re lucky I leave them alive.”

Seamus’s head shook. “Oh, brother, you’ve put them in the position where they have to choose between the king and their own lives—and the lives of their children. A king’s worth is in protection and shelter, and you offer neither. You’re a tyrant, Torin. It’s why father chose me over you.”

BOOK: Beauty [A Faery Story 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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