Read Beauty and Pain Online

Authors: Harlem Dae

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Beauty and Pain (4 page)

BOOK: Beauty and Pain
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Arrogant bastard.

I shoved my fingers into my pussy. The heel of my hand caught my clit, and I went for it hard and fast, determined to find an orgasm while pain still blurred my vision.

He flicked me again.

I cried out. He must have bent the stick farther back from my flesh each time he’d released it because the pain was building, increasing, each slice much more efficient at releasing endorphins.

“Ah, ah, ah…” I panted, heading to the glorious height of my pleasure. “Yes, one more, please.” That was all I needed, one more fantastic bout of pain.

He gave it, and in a knee-buckling, spine-crumbling moment of suspension I burst through my orgasm. I carried on fucking myself wetly with my fingers, bashing into my clit with near violence and struggling to breathe.

I dropped forwards. My face hit the wall hard, my cheek banging against then resting on the smooth, cool surface of a drawing pin.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me up. I was grateful for the support as I came down from my high. My insides spasmed—my guts clenched tight, my ears rang, and the
clack-clack, clack-clack
had become so distant.

“You sound beautiful when you orgasm,” he whispered. “So fucking beautiful.”

“It felt beautiful,” I gasped.

“It makes me very happy to hear that.”

I pulled in a deep breath. The air was laced with my sex smell as well as his subtle aftershave.

I turned around, placed my sizzling arse cheeks on the cool wall and looked up at him. I knew my hair would be a mess, my mascara no doubt smeared by the dampness I could feel around my eyes—unnoticed tears—and my lips red, not from lipstick but from where I’d just bitten into them.

He placed the misery stick on the nearest shelf. “You look”—he smoothed my hair from my face—“well and truly fucked.”

I giggled, a gush of noise that spilled out of me. I was high, ecstatic, running on overdrive. “Good, that’s my preferred look for the office.”

A muscle twitched in his cheek and he pressed his lips together. I suddenly realized how selfish I was being.

I stretched up, cupped his clean-shaven cheek and spoke into his ear. “Fuck me, Sir.”

His body tensed. He swallowed. “Is it what you want?”

“Yes, and I know damn well it’s what
want.” I brushed my hand over his groin, stroking his long, hard erection through his clothing.

“I can’t deny that.”

“So do it.” I released his belt buckle, unbuttoned and unzipped him. “You got a condom?”

He already had his wallet in his hand and was pulling out a small blue foil package.

I grinned, anticipating the feel of his solid shaft plunging deep into my pussy. He was well endowed, but I was so wet and ready for cock it would be an absolute treat to accommodate him.

After releasing his dick from his boxers, I made a show of exploring its length, of tracing the veins and smoothing beneath the groove of his circumcised glans. The movement of the train shifted our bodies slightly, rhythmic sways, but that didn’t disturb my adoration of his erection.

“Ah, yeah,” he groaned. “I love your little sub hands on me.”

He tipped his head back, groaned, and I decided to let that sub mention pass.

But I wasn’t his sub.

I gave a couple more languid push-pulls then took the condom and rolled it down his length.

He opened his eyes, watched me, his mouth slack and his eyes wide. He was so hard, so turned on, I really didn’t think he’d last long. But that was okay, I was still buzzing—it wouldn’t take much to tip me over the edge again.

“You’re ready,” I said. “To fuck me… Sir.”

He sucked in a breath. Oh, yeah, that
word seriously got him off.

Suddenly I was a foot higher. In a flash he’d slid me up the wall, spread my legs around his hips and had his hands on my sore arse.

“Get ready for it,” he said then claimed my mouth.

A second later he nearly split me in two by shunting his cock into my pussy.

I cried out in delight—the sound mixing with his long, low moan—and clung onto his shoulders.

“You feel so hot, so burning hot, in your cunt and on your arse,” he said onto my lips. “Fuck, I’m not going to last long. It feels fucking fantastic to have you on fire in and around me, on me… Oh, yeah…”

“Me either, Sir.” And I wasn’t going to last long—it was there, building up. “God, I want it so much again.”

He squeezed my bum, shooting pain through my pelvis. But I was an expert at harnessing discomfort and delivered it straight to my clit at exactly the same time that he ground into me, trapping my body between him and the wall.

My head lolled. I was being transported there again. I was one lucky girl.

His movements were frantic. I could feel his buttocks pistoning, the muscles taut and powerful. There was nothing slow and gentle about this fuck. It was all about the finish line. Getting the crazy need out of our systems as fast as possible.

“Jesus, it’s here…” He groaned and dug his fingers into my sore welts.

“Yes, yes, don’t stop,” I cried, spinning into free fall as he pumped his cum inside the condom.

My pussy hugged and released his pulsing cock, my body claimed every bit of bliss it could, and I willed him to keep pinching my arse until the orgasm had faded.

He stilled. But not his hands—he kept on abusing my tormented skin. It was perfection. He was a skilled master, that was for sure. The lingering, ongoing abuse eked out my orgasm until I wasn’t sure it would ever end.

I groaned, moaned, flexed and unflexed my fingers, curled my toes in my high-heeled shoes. My pussy didn’t want to let him go, my clit was still bobbing, shooting out darts of extreme pleasure that rattled up my spine and settled in my chest.

“That’s it, take what you need,” he panted against my cheek. “Take it all, I have plenty more where that came from.”

Chapter Four

Plenty more where that came from? Oh, God, he was up for doing it again? Could my fantasy
any better? I thought of the other scenarios I’d entertained in my head and knew that yes, it
get better.

“I’ll take whatever you want to give me, Sir,” I said, out of breath and hotter than I’d thought I was going to get when I’d woken up this morning.

“Well, now, there’s a challenge if ever I heard one.”

He gave me a smile that melted my insides. I was ready to go yet again. Multiple orgasms would rule the day every time I was with him, I knew that. There was something about him that set me off, tripped all my switches and created total blackout, where nothing existed except him and me, what we were doing and the feelings I got from it.

Could I handle such a sexy man? One that was so on my level?

Fuck, yes.

He licked my earlobe. Gave my arse an extra hard squeeze. Sharp stabs of pain radiated through the flesh, zooming in on my clit again. My internal muscles clenched.

“And it seems your cunt wants more—that
want more…”

“Yes, I do, Sir. When do you propose to
me more?”

He licked down my neck then said, “We don’t usually get the same train back, but if we made it so we did, I assume you’d be ready for me on the way home? In here, against the wall?”

“I want something different,” I said. “I get bored easily.” I paused to make him wonder what I was thinking. Waited for him to fill the void.

“So you like variety,” he said. “I’m very pleased about that. It seems we’re well matched. Me a Dom, you a sub.”

“I’m not a sub and never will be. I only called you Sir because you said you prefer it that way.” I bristled, disliking being plonked in a category that I didn’t think I belonged in.

“In denial?” he asked, easing out of my pussy then lowering me to the floor. He put his hands on my shoulders and massaged, arcing his thumbs back and forth over the sides of my neck.

“No, I’m just not sub material, that’s all.” My legs were wobbly, as though what we’d done had sucked all the stability out of them. As though his little stick had been the catalyst in draining me of energy. How the hell was I going to get through my work day?

By thinking about him, that’s how. By relishing the pain on my arse every time I walk around, remembering how it got to be so sore.

“I beg to differ,” he said.

I stepped to the left then turned my back on him to give him some privacy in sorting out the condom. I heard the sound of his zip and waited a few seconds before swiveling to face him again. I put my knickers and skirt on.

“You can beg to differ all you want.” I smoothed my palms over my clothes, straightening them out. “But I know exactly who I am—and I am
a sub.”

He held up his hands as though admitting defeat. I could almost hear the words “We’ll see!” as they floated through his mind. He wore his emotions on his face—and as a Dom he might do better if he learnt to mask them. A sub could easily take advantage of him if they wanted to.

Suddenly, I didn’t want a sub doing that to him. Oh, I didn’t
about him, didn’t love him or anything like that, but I imagined that could come in time. If we both wanted it. I just didn’t want to see him topped from the bottom without realizing it.

“So,” I said, deciding to change the subject before he insisted again that I was someone I wasn’t, “you may want to have a little nap once you get home because our next encounter is at three a.m.”

He widened his eyes, scraping one hand down the side of his cheek. Was he fighting the urge to tell me not to give him orders?

“What?” he asked. “Why so late—or early, depending which way you want to look at it?”

“I’ve got this little scenario I’d like to try out.” I hoped he’d be up for it, that I’d see him, that he wasn’t just stringing me along in saying he was interested in fucking me again. I had a serious crush on him—him and that wicked stick—and I couldn’t wait to have more of it, of him. Of everything he had to offer.

“And what’s that?” He moved the two steps toward me. Crushed me to his chest. “Fuck, you’re such a dainty thing. I wouldn’t have guessed you could take it on the arse like you did. Being as it was your first time and all.”

“Like I said, I’ll take whatever you want to give me. And tonight you’re going to give me something in the deserted storeroom of a supermarket.”


He appeared so shocked I nearly laughed.

“That’s right. My daydreams involve many, many things. Me in ordinary situations, getting fucked and spanked and whipped and smacked and…lots of delicious things—things you need to think about if we’re going to make this a regular meet-up. Is that what you want?”

“Fuck, yes. I want to do so many dirty, kinky, debase things to you. Have done for quite a while. Like I told you, I’ve been thinking about you for a long time.”

I nodded, lifting one hand to brush a fingertip over his bottom lip. “I never would have known, to look at you—and believe me, I must have looked at you over a thousand times—that you’d change from the man you were when you offered to brush my hair from my face to…to who you just were. A no-holds-barred Dominant.”

“Is that a problem?”

“No. I love it.” And I had, did. He was right up my street, and hopefully, if he wanted to fuck me a third time, he’d be just that. Up my alley, too—in more ways than one.

“So, let’s get the rules straight before we go further.” He dashed his tongue out to lick the end of my finger.

A shiver went through me, and I imagined what that tongue would feel like if he slicked it up and down my slit. It would be hot, and he’d flatten it so my folds opened up and everything was there for him to take.

Heat threatened to fill my face and combined with his close proximity, I might have to step away very soon. To get air—he’d stolen all of mine, leaving me breathless just by staring down at me with those mesmerizing eyes of his.

“Tell me, who does what?” he asked. “What roles will we be playing?”

“Yes, what roles?” I said, struggling to keep my mind off thoughts of him hurting my arse again. Those questing fingers digging into my flesh and making me squirm, bringing on a fresh round of pain, a new edge to the burn. “You’ll bring the toy—I don’t want to know what it is beforehand. Surprise me. If it’s anything like you just used, you’ll be onto a winner. I choose the locations and, as I told you, tonight is in a supermarket. They’re empty at three in the morning, only shelf stackers and a couple of people on the tills. The security guard on the door. And that’s it. No one to interrupt us in the storeroom. I want you to fuck me in one of those metal cages they use to push the boxes around in. Do you know the kind I mean?”

He blew out a breath and nodded. “Yes. Which supermarket?”

“The one on Bridgewater. Know it?”

“I do. Go on, tell me more.”

“We’ll arrive as though we don’t know one another. Enter the shop separately. We’ll do a little role play—you know, single people browsing with our baskets, then oh, we just happen to catch one another’s attention at, say, the fruit aisle. All those bananas, cucumbers… Cock-like, aren’t they?”

BOOK: Beauty and Pain
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