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Authors: Terry Towers

Behind The Mask

BOOK: Behind The Mask
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Behind The Mask

(Taboo & Forbidden Love Erotica)


Terry Towers

Behind The Mask

Copyright 2014 by Terry Towers

All rights reserved. With the exception of brief quotes used for critical reviews and articles no part of this book may be used or reproduced without the written permission of the author Terry Towers. Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Terry Towers can be contacted via her website at Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via internet or other means, electronic or print without the authors permission. Criminal copyright infringement without monetary gain is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. ( Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material.

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors imagination and used fictitiously.

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Chapter 1

Trina heard the front door downstairs open, heavy footsteps storm in and then the door slam shut again. She cringed at the slew of curses that came from her stepbrother’s mouth as he made his way up the spiral staircase to the second floor of the house they shared with their parents – her mother and his father.

Placing her ruby red lipstick on her vanity, she took a glance at herself in the mirror. Dressed in her Poison Ivy costume, prepared for the Comic-Con event she was attending that evening, she didn’t look anything like her normal nerdy self. Her black-rimmed glasses were replaced with emerald-colored contact lenses that covered her natural blue eyes. Her body, which was usually covered with a baggy t-shirt and equally baggy jeans, was restrained within a forest green corset with her breasts threatening to spill out and matching mini skirt covered in fake leaves. For the first time in her eighteen years she looked and felt sexy.

Her stepbrother’s footsteps continued to charge up the staircase, until they reached the landing for the second floor. In a bout of brazenness she decided to go out and see what was wrong, although she suspected she already knew.

Opening her bedroom door, she stepped out into the hallway, blocking his path as he rushed down the hallway in the direction of his room. His head lifted from the screen of his mobile phone and he stopped short in front of her. His eyes wandered the length of her body to meet her eyes. For a moment she thought she saw a flicker of hunger in his dark eyes, but as soon as the look appeared it was gone, replaced instead with annoyance.

“What in the fuck are you wearing?”

Planting her fists on her hips she returned his stare. “A costume.”

“You and your dorky friends competing in a ‘who can dress like a bigger slut’ contest?”

Normally she’d cower under her stepbrother’s wrath, but not tonight. Maybe the costume was giving her a newfound sense of power – she didn’t know or care. She’d been bullied by him for two years and she refused to be bullied any longer.

“What’s gotten you pissed?”

“None of your business.” He made an attempt to brush past her, but she stood her ground, blocking him.

“It’s Claire, isn’t it?”

His gaze met hers again, his eyes narrowing. “What do
know about her?”

“What all the school knows. She’s been gloating about dating a college guy, while fucking the captain of our school basketball team.”

His lips formed into a tight line, the muscles in his neck clenching.

“It’s true, isn’t it?” she prompted. She couldn’t believe how much she was enjoying seeing him squirm.

About time he figured it out,
she mused as their stares remained locked and she waited for his response. She really had no idea what he saw in Claire anyhow – aside from her looks. She was model perfect, but looks only got a person so far. Aside from looks, Trina couldn’t see the appeal.

“I didn’t know who it was, until now, just knew she’s fucking around. And if you must know, I just broke up with her.”

Trina had to force back the smile that was threatening to form on her lips. She knew she shouldn’t be excited to hear the news he was single, but she was. Not like she could do anything about it. Not like he’d ever be interested in the girl he considered his dorky stepsister. She’d seen a slew of women come and go from his life and all of them had one thing in common: They were beautiful, but nothing much else to offer than looks. She was the exact opposite.

He frowned. “What’s that look for?”

She shrugged. “I was thinking maybe if you picked your girlfriends with your big head instead of the small one you might find someone with substance.”

He scoffed. “Yeah, and what would you know about it? You’re barely old enough to date.”

She formed a fist and slugged his muscular shoulder. “I’m eighteen, asshole. Only two years younger than you!”

“Eighteen, really? It was hard to tell the way you normally dress.”

“A minute ago you were calling me a whore for my costume.”

He took a step back and gave her another look over and gave his head a shake. Again, she thought she saw a flicker of hunger in his eyes, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared. “You’re not going out looking like that.”

“Yeah, I am.”

He chuckled. “No, you’re not. I don’t care if it’s some nerd gathering or not. I’m not going to allow a bunch of geeks sporting hard-ons, staring at you. If you’re going, then you’re to change into something else.”

Trina couldn’t believe her ears! He was never concerned about her or what she did; if he wasn’t harassing her he ignored her. All of a sudden he was going to act like the protective older brother. Nope, not going to happen. Not tonight and not ever.

She cocked her head to the side, her eyes narrowing at him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you had a say.”

“Well, I do. Go get changed.”

“Fuck you, Brice, I’m leaving.” She spun on her heel and made an attempt to brush past him, but he grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

“I’m serious, Trina.”

“And so am I.” She attempted to break free of his iron grip, but he refused to let her go.

“Now, Trina.”

Anger boiled up within her. “And I said let me go,” she growled through clenched teeth.

“I’ll call your mother and let her know.”

Her lips twisted into a sneer. “Really, Brice, gonna rat me out to my mother? Maybe I should tell your father about the acid you have in your sock drawer.”

His eyes narrowed at her. “That’s not mine. You know that’s Jacob’s. I’ve never touched the shit.”

He shrugged. “Well, aside from that one time.”

“Oh, yeah, and your father would totally believe that. You know what kind of tight-ass he is. Who do you think will get in more trouble?” She cocked her brow at him, her sneer turning into a grin of victory.

A low growl emerged from him and he released her wrist. “Fine. Go. Don’t come running to me when some idiot tries something on you.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of it.”


Trina fingered the gold-plated first-place medal around her neck.

“Oh, stop gloating,” her best friend, Gwen, chastised, eyeing the medal with envy. Gwen had competed in the same competition, for best female superhero costume as Wonder Woman and hadn’t placed. While Trina felt bad – she knew how much time Gwen had invested in creating the costume by hand – she suspected sexy won out over traditional, even at nerd conventions.

“Oh, you mean over my first place costume medal?” Her grin widened.

“Yeah, that one.”

“Hey, have you noticed Batman?” Trina looked over her shoulder to see another of her closest friends, Beth, dressed as Catwoman with a bronze medal hanging around her neck.

Trina laughed. “Which Batman?” She’d seen at least a half a dozen at the convention of varying heights and statures throughout the evening.

“The one who’s been watching you ever since the contest began.”

“Huh?” She frowned; her eyes followed where her friend was pointing. Sure enough, standing by himself against the far wall was a tall, perhaps 6’ or taller Batman. It was apparent he didn’t need the armour to thicken his stature; he was naturally muscular.

Her eyes locked with his across the room and an intense energy rushed through her and her breath hitched. Unlike most of the other men at the convention he refused to look away. He knew he’d been spotted staring and he didn’t give a damn. He was challenging her to look away.

Was it some creepy Batman and Poison Ivy scenario he was attempting to play out with her? The way he was watching her, it sure felt like he was hunting her. And to her surprise her body was reacting to him. She knew she should be creeped out, but men never looked at her the way he was looking at her, and it felt good. Hell, hot men never gave the school nerds a second look – period.

“Kinda creepy if you ask me.” Gwen stepped closer to Trina, her stare joining the other two women’s.

, he’s supposed to be dark, mysterious and brooding,” Beth defended.

“Do you think I should go over and talk to him?” Trina asked. She continued to hold his gaze. What could possibly happen in a crowded convention anyhow? Hell, she was across the room, but could feel something between them, an undeniable electric connection.

“Hell no, are you insane?” Gwen grabbed her arm and steered her into the vendors’ room, where hundreds of vendors selling various items from comic books to apparel to figurines had booths set up. If it was comic book, fantasy or sci-fi related it could be found among the vendors.

Trina took one more look back over her shoulder to see Batman had disappeared.

She tried to shake the thought of the mysterious Batman, but couldn’t. Even two photo ops with two of her favourite television stars couldn’t distract her, and her prints showed in her expression and eyes that she simply wasn’t into it. She wished Beth hadn’t pointed him out; if she hadn’t he wouldn’t be plaguing her thoughts and she’d be able to enjoy the atmosphere.

“I gotta run to the bathroom,” Trina announced when the trio exited a panel hosted by several master cosplayers.

“We’ll meet you at the food court, okay?” She barely heard Beth’s voice as she left the group and headed for the deserted area of the convention center on the first floor. She hated using busy washrooms; she preferred walking an additional five minutes for bathroom privacy.

As the crowd lessened to the point where she was alone, she began to entertain the idea that perhaps Batman was a psycho and following her. She couldn’t shake the feeling she was being watched no matter how hard she tried. She rounded a corner and saw the entrance to the ladies’ room less than ten feet away.

She quickened her pace, but in three-inch heels the quickest she could move was little more than a brisk walk.

The feeling she was being watched intensified to the point where she stopped and turned, eyeing the empty hallway. After a minute of standing there and not seeing a soul she laughed at herself. She was being silly and she knew it, letting her friends rattle her.

Who would want to stalk me anyhow?

Chuckling softly at herself she spun back around to continue on to the bathroom and collided into a hard wall. But it wasn’t a wall, it was the thick black rubber of a chest piece. With a soft gasp she took a few quick steps backwards and stumbled over her own feet in her haste. She yelped as she felt herself falling backwards.

With lightning speed, arms of steel reached out, grabbed her around the waist, and pulled her to her feet and against a hard chest. Her heart stopped, and then as she lifted her face and her eyes locked to the dark ones of the Batman who’d been watching her, it began beating again so rapidly it felt as though her heart was going to burst through her ribcage.

Placing her hands against his chest, she attempted to pull out of his arms, but it was a weak effort at best and his embrace was unyielding. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

“L-let me g-go.” She struggled again, but gave up. She wasn’t going anywhere until he decided to allow her.

A partial grin touched his lips. “Why?”

“Why?” she mimicked his question. She found herself being backed up until she was flush against a wall, his body pressing against hers. She was trapped. “Let go!” She struggled, her fists beating against his chest.

“What if I don’t want to?” he said. Grabbing her wrists in his hands he pinned them to the wall, above her head. As he pinned her hands, his leg slipped between hers, his thigh brushing against the apex between her legs. His eyes lowered from hers, making their way down her neck to focus on her breasts, which were dangerously close to exploding from her corset as she struggled against him, her chest heaving.

BOOK: Behind The Mask
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