Read Beholden Online

Authors: Marian Tee

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Teen & Young Adult

Beholden (4 page)

BOOK: Beholden
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The entrance to the office was deceiving. Upon reaching the end of the twisting staircase, people would find only a blank brick wall. But instead of one of the bricks acting as a special lever, one had to find the right
floor tile
to step on three times for the wall to swing open.

The smell of leather and old books greeted Alexandru as they entered the headmaster’s domain, which was decorated in a mixture of rosewood and leather. The living area was lined with wooden shelves, and at the center were a tan-colored couch and matching armchairs, a dark gray area rug, and a bronze chest with a flat top serving as a center table.

“Sit, sit,” Sir Richard said as he turned to bolt the door shut.

Alexandru lowered himself on one of the armchairs. “What is it?”

“I had wanted to ask you for an honest update on the situation in Chalys. Do you believe it is best if I suspend any future claiming for now?”

“I don’t think you have to go that far, no, but extra precautions are always better.” Alexandru knew it was not what the headmaster truly wanted to ask and the other man was simply biding his time. They spoke at length about Chalysian politics, Alexandru answering all of the headmaster’s questions.

When the headmaster paused, Alexandru felt it was time to cut to the chase. “You may speak freely with me, Sir Richard. Is this about my pet?”

“Partially.” Sir Richard grimaced at the other vampire’s insightfulness, but then it was only to be expected from their kind’s most powerful hunter.

Settling his elbows on the armrests, he clasped his hands as he said, “There has been talk about an increasing number of attacks of demons outside Chalys for some months now, but last week was the first report about it happening here in Key Sanguis.”

“It’s Lilu’s doing.” Alexandru referred to the demon duke who lorded over Sulphur, the city of demons in Chalys. “Like everyone, he’s heard about his son finding a heartkeeper. Building a stronghold outside the kingdom is like his Plan B, in the event Silviu Draghici decides to wage a war against him – and he loses.”

Sir Richard was aghast. “Do you mean he would be involving humans in the war? Doesn’t he know that could result in genocide?” Otherworlders might be a hundred times stronger, but their numbers were paltry compared to humans. With technology also on the humans’ side, a war between both races could destroy the world completely.

“Demons care nothing about humans,” Alexandru said grimly. “But please do not worry just yet. It’s why I have been sent back to this area. The Duke of Sangre has heard of the same incident and has asked me to resolve the case as soon as possible.”

“The soul seer will help you?”

“If necessary, yes.”

Sir Richard looked uncomfortable. “But you see, I was hoping that with your permission, the soul seer could be consulted by the school’s enforcers.”

Alexandru didn’t have to think, saying flatly, “No.” Soul seers like his pet, being able to see the past and future, were very rare nowadays. If even one demon was ever to learn about Zari’s existence, his pet would be targeted for the rest of her life.

“We would not be consulting her openly—”

“I’m sorry, Sir Richard, but my answer will always remain the same. If you need help, you only have to ask me, but my pet must not be involved in anything requiring her skills as a soul seer without my approval.” His voice turned into steel. “I hope we understand each other.”

“Yes.” As a lower-ranking vampire, the headmaster had no right to go against Alexandru’s words.

Alexandru stood up. “Then if you’ll excuse me—” His voice trailed off as the blood bond he shared with Zari suddenly blazed in pain, an intrusive force trying to break it. Without a word, he left the headmaster, going straight to where his pet was.

Who dares taste my pet?

But his little soul seer did not answer, her senses in a disarray as another vampire drank from her neck, and his rage, kindled by a mix of jealousy and possessiveness, burst into life.

A second later, he was at the courtyard, his gaze unerringly locating Zari. When he saw her wan face, he roared. The sound had the other vampires in a panic, but Alexandru didn’t give a damn. He would kill them all.

Flying to her side, he tore his pet away from the vampire on the ground. Shaking her awake, he said her name roughly out loud and in her mind.
Wake up!

Her eyes blinked open. “
Her voice was faint, but he still managed to hear it.

Did he hurt you?” he demanded, not bothering to speak through their minds, knowing that she was too weak to answer in the same vein.

No…don’t…angry. Don’t…hurt…him.

“You’re not making sense
Alexandru gritted out. “Tell me you are all right, at least. Talk to me, Zari!”

But she didn’t answer, her head falling back as her body went limp.


“Welcome back, sleeping beauty.” The murmured words came from her Master, whose handsome but strangely grim face was the first thing Zari was able to focus on when she woke up.

Disoriented, she had to blink groggily several times before the world around her settled. She was alone with her Master in a room filled with several neatly made beds. Its walls were painted in cream and the floors made of shiny white marble. Memories came back to her in a striking flash of pain, and she whimpered, eyes squeezing shut. Zari automatically reached for the side of her neck. The vampire had fed on her so hungrily that there was none of the usual tingling pleasure she felt every time Alexandru drank from her.

Alexandru’s lips compressed tightly at the sight of pain on his pet’s face. He waited for her to open her eyes before reaching forward to flick her forehead. Hard. “Serves. You. Right.” He flicked her forehead with each word.

He had been on bedside duty for over an hour, and each minute that passed without her waking up had been nerve-wracking. The school’s human nurse, Mrs. Humphrey, had told him it was normal for someone who had lost a good amount of blood, but for Alexandru, the experience was an eye-opener. He had never spent a lot of time with humans until this pet of his. They were turning out to be more troublesome than he expected. More fragile, too, and he didn’t think he’d be able to forget the sight of his pet losing consciousness anytime soon.

” Zari rubbed her no doubt red forehead when her Master was done torturing her.

He asked abruptly, “Why did you let another vampire feed on you?” He expected his pet to be flustered at the question but instead she gave him an odd look, as if
expected him to have known the answer already.

When she answered, “Why do you think?” Alexandru flicked her forehead again, harder than usual.

She gasped in pain. “That
hurts, Master! I’m not kidding.”

“Because you’re being
too cute
this time, not giving me a straight answer.” When their gazes met, he said flatly, “You know you’ve violated a rule, don’t you? So unless you have a good reason…”

She turned to face him, lying on her side. “He could have died if I hadn’t let him drink from me.”

“Even so.”

She shook her head. “You don’t understand.” Avoiding his gaze, she mumbled, “What if it were
, Master? What if you were the one in need of blood? If that day comes, I hope that what I did today would be returned. That another human pet would help you, Claimed or not.”

When silence was her only answer, Zari forced herself to meet her Master’s gaze and found Alexandru’s eyes resting on her broodingly. “What?” she asked, feeling defensive without understanding why.

Alexandru slowly leaned against his seat. A now-familiar pang had struck his chest when the intentions behind his pet’s words became clear, uncomfortably so.
She had done it for him.
He mentally shook his head at the realization. Did she know how
that was? He was an ancient vampire, whose powers were unmatched by almost every creature in the world, and yet this human girl dared to be terrified…

“Ouch!” Her Master had flicked her forehead again. “What was that for?”

“Because you’re too cute. Is that all you’ve learned in this school? Being cute and turning me on?” She gaped at his words, and
was cute, too, which was why before she could even reply, he did what he had wanted to do the first time she woke up.

Zari’s eyes widened when she saw a familiar look in Alexandru’s gaze. She automatically protested, “No, Master—”

But of course, he didn’t heed her. He never did, and if she was being honest, she didn’t want him to. His blasted powers of attraction made sure it was so.

Zari’s toes curled under the sheets as Alexandru bent forward and captured her lips with his own.

Her Master was kissing her.

Oh, dear Lord, her Master was kissing her again, and each kiss just felt more addictive than the last. This kiss, however – it was rougher than usual, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth, Alexandru sucking her lower lip hard. She was breathless in a few seconds, and she found herself clutching his shirt hard as the kiss went on and on.

Don’t do that again.
His voice sounded savage in her mind, the words accompanied by Alexandru’s lips trailing down just before he licked the side of her neck. The flesh under his tongue tingled hotly, and the soothing tenderness of his kiss made her toes curl harder. It was as if her Master was asking for her forgiveness and blamed himself for what had happened.

Promise me,
Alexandru demanded.

Even as she arched her neck to give him better access, she gasped in her mind,
I can’t. Because it could happen…you needing blood. When that day comes—

The rest of her thoughts were cut off as she felt him whip the covers off her body. Before she could react, he was already unbuttoning her blouse, his fingers swift and sure. And then he was pushing her bra up, baring her breasts to his gaze.

Zari whimpered, the heat of his eyes as they rested on her nakedness making her blush. She tried to cover herself, but the shake of her Master’s head had Zari forcing herself to keep her hands on her side. Instead, she begged,
Don’t stare.

Why not, pet?

His fingers moved, cupping one straining breast. She could only stare helplessly, the pink in her cheeks deepening as her nipple became erect right before her eyes just as Alexandru purred in his mind,
Is this body not mine?

When she didn’t answer, he tweaked her nipple, making his pet gasp.
Is it not?

It’s yours,
Zari gasped, and no sooner had the words left her mouth did her Master take one nipple in. His tongue swirled around it, the movement tantalizing and making her clutch his shoulders involuntarily.

Logically, she knew that all the explosively hot sensations inside her body were a result of his powers at work.

Illogically, a part of her insisted on believing it was
just that. Illogically, a part of her wanted to believe that it was more than that.

That her body felt like this because the bond between her and Alexandru was more than what a pet and Master shared. Just the thought was terrifying, but it also made her feel heady. She couldn’t help surrendering herself as he began to suck hard on her nipple, and when he moved on to her other breast, she arched her back, wanting him to take all of her.

While sucking on her sweet nipple, Alexandru let one hand roam freely. Her long, shapely legs were as soft as he remembered, and his cock hardened at the way they trembled at his touch.

Yes, Master?
Even communicating like this, her voice shook, her brain hazy with need for his touch.

I’d like to make you come.
Actually, he didn’t just want to. He
to make her come, but he wouldn’t do it if she still felt the slightest bit ill. He would never satiate his desire at the expense of her health.

Her Master’s words were confusing, enough to have her opening her eyes and seeking his. When she saw the concern in his green gaze, Zari knew then that if she wanted to, she could put a stop to it. And maybe, if she was being sensible, she would have.

But she never was sensible when she was with her Master.

BOOK: Beholden
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