Read Ben Online

Authors: Toni Griffin

Tags: #gay paranormal erotic romance

Ben (4 page)

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Caught completely by surprise, Tommy cried out as his finger pressed deep inside him, his hips bucked and his hand tightened around his cock. His seed sprayed, painting his chest with the evidence of his release. Tommy continued to stroke his cock for several seconds as shudders continued to race through his body.

Collapsing boneless on the bed, Tommy sighed in contentment. The only thing that would make this moment better was if Ben was there with him. Ben! Shit, he had forgotten all about Ben on the phone. Now that the waves of desire and arousal had been sated, he couldn't believe he had just had phone sex with his mate. He could feel his cheeks heating from embarrassment and was glad no one was home to witness it.

"Ben?" he asked tentatively, not sure if the man was still on the other line or not.

"I'm still here, pup." Tommy listened as Ben seemed to take a deep steadying breath. "Next time we do this, I would like to be in the same room as you. I want to see your face as your orgasm races through your body. I want to see what you look like when you make such pretty noises while I drive you to distraction."

Tommy whimpered as his cock tried valiantly to rise again at Ben's words. "Okay," he gasped out.

"You're not to touch yourself again without me present, do you understand?"

"Yes," Tommy choked out.

"I'll pick you up for poker in three hours; pack a bag, pup, as you won't be going back to your brother's house tonight." Before Tommy could even register the words enough to form any sort of answer, Ben had disconnected the call.

Tommy lay on his bed staring at the ceiling. His rapidly cooling cum still splashed across his stomach as he wondered if he was ready for what Ben had in mind for him. Knowing the man would never hurt him helped to alleviate some of the fears that had started to creep their way forward.

He had decided it was time to move on with his life and he was determined to do just that.



The second Ben hung up his phone, he ripped open his pants, not caring in the slightest at the sound of fabric tearing as he freed his cock. Two quick stokes was all it took before he was blowing like a teenager on his first date. The sounds his mate had made through the phone line as he'd pleasured himself had nearly sent Ben spiralling out of control. If not for the fact that he was an Alpha, he knew he would have lost control of his wolf and hunted his mate down.

To say he was surprised when Tommy had answered the phone and moaned down the line would be an understatement. He had no idea what had brought about the change in his mate, but whatever it was, Ben was all for it.

He couldn't help the command he had issued at the end of the call. Ben wanted his mate in his home, where Tommy belonged, more than anything in the world and it looked like he might finally get what he wanted.

Ben grabbed a couple of tissues and cleaned himself up. He quickly checked his calendar to see if he had any pressing appointments and blessedly found the rest of the day clear, barring any emergencies of course.

Toeing off his shoes, Ben shucked his pants as he had managed to rip both the button and the fly. They would need to be repaired before he could even think about wearing them again.

Ben left his office, shoes and pants in hand as he made his way through the house. He had three hours before he was to pick up Tommy for poker with the boys. That was another thing that had surprised him. Ben didn't think Tommy had stepped foot out of the house since he had arrived, not even on the full moon. Now he wanted to join in a game of poker with his friends? He had to admit, as worried as he was about his mate, the thought that Tommy wanted to get to know his friends pleased him immensely.

Rummaging through his chest of draws in his room, Ben found a nice soft pair of jeans, the material thin and worn from years of use. Glancing around the room, he noticed piles of dirty clothes from where he had changed quickly before going to see his mate. His bed was still a mess from the last time he had slept in it, the sheets probably in need of a change.

If Ben was planning on bringing Tommy back there after poker then he had some cleaning to do. He also needed to make a run to the supermarket as he knew his fridge was bare. Not living here for the last few months, Ben had let a lot of things slide since he wanted to spend as much time as he could with his mate, and if he stayed home and cleaned then that was time away from Tommy.

Checking his watch Ben noted just how much time he had before he needed to pick up the other man, then set about making his house into a home. He planned on bringing his mate back there that night and he wasn't intending to let the man leave.


* * * *


Tommy was one large bundle of nerves by the time seven o'clock rolled around. He had done what Ben had said and packed an overnight bag. To say he was nervous about meeting Ben's friends, playing poker, and spending the night somewhere other than his brother's place would be a huge understatement. Tommy stopped and wondered if maybe he was trying to do too much all at once.

Before the thought could take hold and make him doubt himself, there was a knock on the door quickly followed by Ben stepping inside. The man had practically been living there for the last few months so he no longer waited outside for someone to answer the door, instead just politely announcing himself then walking inside.

Tommy nearly swallowed his tongue as he looked the large buff man up and down. The large black boots had Tommy wondering if what they said about foot size really was an indication to what he could expect to find hidden under Ben's clothes. Even though they had spent the last week in bed sleeping together, Ben had been the proper gentleman and refrained from making things harder on the pair than they already were. No pun intended.

His gaze slowly worked its way up the long thick legs currently encased is what looked to be soft blue denim that had faded with repeated washing. Tommy swallowed audibly as his gaze came to rest on a very prominent bulge at the apex of Ben's thighs. Thinking about going to his knees and freeing Ben's large cock from his jeans then licking and sucking the head into his mouth had Tommy's mouth watering from desire for a taste. Tommy's tongue flicked out and ran over his lips, moistening them.

Suddenly the jeans in front of him were moving closer, bringing that hidden treasure closer to him.

"I'm up here, pup." Ben placed a finger under his chin and gently applied pressure until Tommy was forced to look away from what he wanted.

"Huh?" Tommy shook his head trying to clear the fog of lust that seemed to have taken up residence in his brain.

Ben chuckled and Tommy could feel his cheeks heating at being caught staring so openly at Ben's package.

"Sorry," he whispered.

"You never have to apologise for looking at me, pup." Ben's soothing words washed over Tommy and he felt his heart rate escalate again as his gaze was caught on Ben's mouth. He wondered what it would feel like to have the larger man's lips pressed against his own. He already knew they were soft and hard all at the same time from when Ben would kiss his forehead.

"Would you like to find out?" Ben's voice had lowered considerably.

"Huh?" Tommy really needed to get his head in the game; he was starting to sound like his IQ had dropped considerably.

"You wanted to know what my lips would feel like against yours. I'm more than happy to show you." Ben smiled at him and Tommy nearly melted right there and then. Instead, he felt himself nodding in agreement to Ben's question.

Before Tommy could do anything else, Ben reached down and wrapped his hands under his ass, lifting him up against his hard muscled body. Tommy didn't think himself particularly short at five-ten, but with Ben coming in at six and a half feet that put a good eight or so inches of height between them.

Tommy wrapped his legs around Ben's thick waist at the same time his hands went to the back of Ben's neck, holding on. Ben's mouth crashed down on his. This kiss was not gentle and tender as Tommy had thought it was going to be. Instead the kiss was all fire and heat as Ben's lips moved against his own. Tommy moaned in delight when Ben's tongue pressed its way into his mouth, licking and sucking and exploring every crevice possible.

Ben's hands kneaded his ass cheeks as he pulled Tommy closer against his body. Tommy could feel the long hard ridge of Ben's cock straining against the thin material confining it as it pressed against his own hardened prick. Tommy's fingers tangled in Ben's short nearly black hair as he tried to get closer. He could feel his lungs start to burn with the lack of oxygen but didn't care at the moment. All he wanted was to be devoured by this man and he thought Ben was doing a pretty damn good job.

A throat clearing had Tommy breaking the kiss with a gasp, before sucking much needed air back into his body. His eyes caught in the piercing deep ocean blue gaze of his mate. Tommy couldn't look away if he had wanted to, and boy, he didn't want to.

"If you two are quite finished greeting one another, we have a poker game to get to." Liam's voice floated to him from somewhere behind them. Tommy put his head down on Ben's shoulder, embarrassed at being caught making out with his mate by his brother-in-law.

"Dude, that's my brother's face you just tried to eat." Tommy groaned at those words. And his brother apparently.

Ben soothed him by rubbing a large hand up and down his back.

"I'm well aware of who I was kissing, thank you, Declan." Ben's voice had lowered and Tommy shivered as he felt the chest rumbling beneath him.

"Kissing? Is that was you call that?" Declan asked, laughing.

"Liam," was all Ben said. Tommy could feel the power in the man's body as he tensed slightly, his voice a low growl.

Liam caught on quickly as he changed the subject and tried to get them all moving.

"Come on, we should go before the hot food gets cold."

"Hot food?" Ben's voice held a sudden alertness as he sniffed the air and looked in the direction of Tommy's brother. It appeared the trays Declan was carrying were finally starting to register with Ben.

"Yes, homemade sausage rolls, chicken party pies, and bacon and mushroom mini quiches. I thought we could try something different than takeout. They're all finger foods so we can play while we eat and there's plenty to go round."

Tommy had to admit that the smells wafting from his brother's kitchen all day had been incredible.

"And for dessert we have cream horns and macadamia caramel slice. Now can we please go? Because this shit is heavy and bloody hot."

"Certainly. I wouldn't want to do anything to chance ruining the food." Ben turned his head to look back at Tommy, who was still wrapped around the bigger man like a spider monkey. "Did you pack a bag like I asked?"

"You asked?" Tommy's lips twitched into a smile as he raised a brow at his mate. The man was all Alpha male and very rarely asked for anything. Most of the time he just told a person what was going to happen and then they either agreed with him or could find themself facing off against one very large, very annoyed Alpha wolf.

"Bag?" Ben wasn't going to acknowledge Tommy's little remark and that made Tommy laugh quickly before he lent forward and pecked the man on the lips, then wiggled as he unlocked his legs from around Ben's waist. Ben got the idea and lowered him to the ground.

As soon as Tommy stepped back he missed the heat of his mate and wanted to be back in Ben's arms again.

Instead he walked over to where he had left his overnight bag and slung it over his shoulder before heading to the door to open it for everyone.

Tommy made sure the door was locked behind him as he closed it and followed everyone else down the path to the cars. Ben's large slate-grey Mitsubishi Outlander was parked behind Liam's cars, so he headed towards that.

"See you there," he called to his brother and Liam. Declan just grunted at him as he and Liam set about putting the food in the backseat of their vehicle.

Tommy looked up to see Ben standing at the passenger side of his car, holding the door open for him. He smiled at the big mean Alpha wolf who apparently had a soft tender inside. The thought that only he would get to see this side of his mate made him feel special.

Going up on his tippy toes, Tommy placed a kiss on Ben's cheek and said thanks as he settled inside the car. Ben didn't say anything, just closed the door after watching Tommy buckle his belt then walked around to get in the car.

Tommy stared in fascination as Ben pressed a button and the car started. "Where the hell is the key?"

"In my pocket." Ben looked smug as he put the car in reverse and backed them out of the driveway.

"Of course, where else would a key be but in your pocket when you start a car?" Sarcasm dripped from his words but really, since when had cars evolved so much that you no longer needed keys? Ben laughed and Tommy folded his arms across his chest, a little hurt that Ben was laughing at him.

Ben reached over almost immediately and placed his hand on Tommy's crossed arms. "I'm not laughing at you, pup. I was laughing because I had almost the exact same reaction when I bought the car four months ago. It took me forever to get used to not using the key; I still pull it out sometimes when my mind is on other things."

Tommy felt a little better after Ben's explanation and relaxed, letting his arms unfold. Ben's hand wandered down his arm until their fingers were twined together. Ben squeezed gently but didn't say anything else. The rest of the drive was made in comfortable silence, Tommy was content to simply sit and watch a town he had never seen before go by outside his window.

He noticed a McDonalds as they passed and shuddered at the thought of all that greasy processed food. He would much rather have a home cooked meal any day. He looked at the storefronts lining what he assumed to be the main road through town and one in particular caught his attention. The Crystal Caves. The entire outside of the building looked like it was covered in rocks and crystals. Tommy was thankful for his heightened vision as they drove past because he could see the displays in the windows of huge geodes full of deep purple crystals.

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