Bernard, Lynnette - Laurie's Loves [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (2 page)

BOOK: Bernard, Lynnette - Laurie's Loves [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Chapter 2

Jace followed the group into the visitors’ lodge. He made no attempt to hide his irritation as he watched the women of the group flirt with the other guests as well as with his men, who were standing just inside the doorway waiting for their alpha. Jace ignored them and stalked across the large foyer to oversee the check-in, realizing that he had automatically taken his place beside the woman whose destiny was meant to intertwine with his and Jackson’s. He could see that Janine watched him curiously from behind the long desk where she was checking in their guests, but he ignored her, concentrating instead on the woman he had an overwhelming urge to protect and care for.

My brain is turning to mush!
He was careful to shield his thoughts so that Jackson would not know the turmoil he was in. He would not give in to this. He had to fight it.

“Welcome to the Circle Three Ranch,” the young woman at the counter welcomed each guest, smiling at them as they stepped forward. “My name is Janine, and I’d like to welcome you on behalf of the Beckett family. Please don’t hesitate to come to me with any questions or concerns.”

Laurie smiled at the woman behind the counter. She was the perfect person to greet them. She was young, pretty, and outgoing. With beautiful blonde hair that curled slightly just below her shoulders, and vivid blue eyes, she was a heartbreaker and the type men drooled over. And she had the perfect body. Slim, with just the right size waist and proportions. Laurie was immediately intimidated by her. Always larger than other girls, she had lived a lifetime of insecurity that she was not the perfect petite person that every woman aspired to be.

Laurie put her bags down beside her gently and patiently waited for her turn to check in. She looked around the lodge, feeling a sense of peace overcome her as she took in the comfortable, dark brown, overstuffed couches and the huge fireplace that was surrounded by beautifully cut gray slate. She could picture sitting before it with the fire within burning hot and bright as she sat there lost in thought and finally relaxing. She could envision the snow falling outside and the warmth and coziness of the lodge embracing her. The flash of this place being her haven from the world was vivid in her mind’s eye. How she wished that was a real possibility.

Jace watched her, unable to tear his gaze away from the woman who looked to be a thousand miles away. There was an overwhelming sadness that surrounded her, and he fought the urge to step forward and take her into his arms.

Jackson, where the hell are you?
He couldn’t keep the panic from his voice.

I’m about five miles out.

Jackson’s voice was soothing as always, but it did nothing for Jace at the moment. He was used to Jackson being the voice of reason, the one who listened and guided with an understanding that was typical of his beta personality. He needed his friend beside him right now. He couldn’t deal with this alone.

Jackson, hurry. You need to deal with this.

Jace clenched his teeth and fisted his hands by his sides as he heard Jackson’s chuckle in his head. He would have a serious talk with him later.

“Miss Young?” Janine called to Laurie from behind the counter.

Laurie pulled herself away from her silent thoughts and turned to face the young woman. She stepped toward her, smiling despite the melancholy that had gripped her. “Hi,” she said warmly as she stepped toward the counter.

“You’re planning on staying for two weeks. Is that correct?” Janine asked her as she verified the information in the computer before her.

“Yes,” Laurie answered, nodding and accepting the pen from the young woman to fill out and sign the guest card.

Janine took the pen and card back from her and handed her the key to her room, along with a glossed piece of paper. “Here’s a flyer with the list of events this week. You’re welcome to attend any of them. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them.”

“Thank you,” Laurie said quietly, taking the paper and tucking it securely within her purse. She didn’t think she would be attending any events. She had come here to relax and maybe, if she were lucky, heal.

“You’ll be in 5B,” Janine told her. “Down that hallway and to the left, third door on the left.”

Laurie took the key from the girl and smiled warmly, happy that there would be no plastic electronic cards, just old fashioned keys and rustic surroundings. She wanted to lose herself in this vacation—her first in fifteen years. She hoped it would be just what she needed.

She turned and bent down to pick up her overnight bag, hesitating when the hulk of a man that had helped her outside reached for it at the same time. Their hands touched briefly, and she pulled back immediately, afraid and unsure. It wasn’t his size that intimidated her. It was his looks. A man had no right to look that handsome. With midnight black hair that fell in waves to the top of his collar, soft blue eyes that sparkled with a clarity that unnerved her, and a face chiseled to perfection, he was a walking wet dream.
And so out of my league.
The unbidden thought raced through her brain.

“Oh, that’s all right,” she told him quickly. “I have it.”

Jace looked down at her and smiled despite his resolve to remain devoid of emotion. He pushed his hat up with his index finger and gently took her bag from her, a jolt of electricity shooting up his arm as her hand brushed his. “It’s all part of ranch services, ma’am,” he told her quietly, reaching down to grab her larger suitcase as well. “Lead the way.”

Janine looked at her alpha in shock as he followed the woman down the hallway to her room. He turned back to look at her with such anger in his eyes that she looked down at the computer as quickly as she could to avoid his censure. She wasn’t going to mess with him today, if that look he just gave her was any indication of his mood.

Jackson, we’re heading toward 5B. Get your ass here and do something.

Laurie walked nervously toward her assigned room. She did not want this man anywhere near her. She wished he had just let her go to her room alone.

She sighed audibly as she faced the door to 5B and reached out to unlock it, swinging the door open wide and stepping inside, aware that the giant of a man followed in behind her. She walked to the windows and turned to watch him as he placed her bags on the floor in front of the double bed. When he straightened and looked at her, she felt a squeezing in her chest and had to shut her eyes briefly.

He’ll only be here a little longer.
The thought did little to help her nerves, and she struggled to calm her breathing.
The wonderful smell that invaded her senses made her feel a sense of peace and belonging that she didn’t understand, and it scared her a little. And all that male gorgeousness before her wasn’t helping the situation either.

“Thank you for your help,” she told him warmly, reaching to open her purse and take out her wallet to tip him.

Jace shook his head and reached out to touch her hand lightly. The brief contact made her shiver slightly. “No need for that, Ms. Young,” he spoke quickly, stopping her and stepping back for fear that he would pull her into his arms before he could control his wolf.

Laurie looked up at him and smiled, her eyes filling with sincere gratitude as she sighed and nodded. “Thank you, I appreciate it,” she told him honestly. “I’m Laurie.” She introduced herself, reaching out to offer him her hand.

“Jace Beckett,” he answered, taking her hand in his, immediately feeling her warmth and caring, unable to stop the emotions that her touch pulled from him.

“Nice to meet you, Jace,” she told him warmly as she smiled up at him, and she really did have to look up at him. Being five feet five inches tall, she was used to having to look up at men, but this mountain of a man was unbelievably tall and built like an Adonis. She couldn’t help the blush that crossed her cheeks as she looked up at him, quickly looking away shyly to study the carpet as she tried to pull herself together.

Jace nodded, smiling as she pulled her soft hand from his, feeling the loss of her touch immediately. He removed his hat to hold it in his hands, turning the brim slightly before catching himself and stopping the nervous habit he hadn’t resorted to in more years than he cared to remember. This woman had already reduced him to a randy teenager. And he didn’t like it one bit.

“Sorry to interrupt,” Jackson’s voice invaded their space as he entered the room, smiling openly at the woman Jace feared was destined to be theirs, unable to stop himself from walking toward her. His wolf recognized her immediately.

He looked at Jace and nodded.

Jace felt his stomach tighten. He didn’t want to acknowledge it. He didn’t want to accept it. He had hoped he had been wrong. But Jackson knowing it the moment he walked into the room sealed their fate. Laurie Young
their mate.

Laurie smiled at the man who entered the room, her breath catching at the sight of him. He was nearly as tall as Jace, with a body that rippled with muscles, but his hair was a deep brown that flowed in soft curls to his shoulders. His brown eyes held a mischievous sparkle to them, and she found herself smiling and stepping forward, drawn to him just as much as she was drawn to the serious man beside her. She closed her eyes momentarily, taking a deep breath to calm herself. Her forehead furrowed in confusion, and her eyes opened slowly to look at the two most gorgeous specimens of the male gender she had ever seen.

“Do you smell that?” she asked of both men.

“What?” Jackson asked, smiling as he gazed at her, transfixed by the gentleness that poured from her and already soothed his soul. He could barely contain himself. Goodness and kindness radiated from her, and he knew he and Jace had finally found the one who would complement them, love them, and be the gentle soul that would nurture their pack.

“I’ve never smelled anything like it before, but it’s the most wonderful smell,” Laurie tried to explain, stepping closer toward the men without realizing it. “It’s stronger than before,” she told them, stopping suddenly when she realized just how close to the two men she had gotten. She stepped back and blushed, lowering her head to hide her total embarrassment.

“I smell it, too,” Jace told her quietly, needing to ease her discomfort. He inhaled deeply, his eyes dilating with sudden passion and hunger.

“I’ve never smelled that before either. It sure does smell great doesn’t it, big guy?” Jackson asked him, his voice filled with humor.

Jace growled, fighting the attraction, fighting the proof, needing to deny with every ounce of his being that there was the most delicious scent linking them together. At Laurie’s light touch on his arm and the sound of her gentle laughter, his body couldn’t hold on to his denial. He found himself relaxing, enjoying her touch and her humor.

“At least it’s a good smell,” Laurie teased, smiling up at Jace briefly before turning to Jackson and winking good-naturedly.

Jackson nodded and smiled at the two of them. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and hold this adorable woman in his arms, trapping her between him and Jace, smelling her, touching her, bonding with her. He had to make that happen. He knew Jace had no idea what to do.

His friend was already losing his grip on his emotions. Laurie had come to them at the time that his alpha needed her the most. The Fates always knew what they were doing. Now it was up to him to help nudge their destiny along.

“I’m Jackson Scott,” he told her, reaching forward and extending his hand, wanting to touch her more than he could have ever thought possible.

Laurie smiled and reached out to shake his hand, feeling the warmth of his touch all the way down to her toes. What was it about these two men that pulled long-buried feelings of longing from her? She had to pull herself together. She couldn’t let her imagination and her secret desires lead her to the deep sorrow she knew she would feel when she realized once again that reality did not hold such things for her.

“Laurie Young,” she told him, smiling softly as she gently pulled her hand from his. She hadn’t been touched in kindness for so long, she actually felt uncomfortable feeling it. And she couldn’t risk feeling the kindness only to have it disappear when she left, leaving her more alone and hurt than before. She had to be careful.

BOOK: Bernard, Lynnette - Laurie's Loves [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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