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Authors: Cat Blaine

Best Friends

BOOK: Best Friends
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Evernight Publishing ®




Copyright© 2015 Cat Blaine



 ISBN: 978-1-77233-526-2


Cover Artist: Jay Aheer


Editor: Jessica Ruth







WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.  No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.







Cat Blaine


Copyright © 2015




Chapter One


It all started in an elevator.

Malcolm and I were both drunk and horny, and for some reason kissing each other seemed like a good idea at the time. Neither of us had ever been with a guy. We weren’t gay. But every girl we’d met at the hotel bar this weekend wanted more than just hot, dirty, meaningless sex. Malcolm and I weren’t looking for anything serious. We were a hundred percent on the same page when it came to that. We might not agree on everything, but avoiding commitment was one thing we were both down for.

The elevator was obscenely bright, and the mirrored walls reflected everything like a giant disco ball. I couldn’t stop giggling when Malcolm came in for a kiss. It was just so bizarre to be locking lips with my best friend. But I was buzzing with beer and raunchy need so I went with it.

,” he growled, although he was smiling when he said it.

I tried to hold back the guffaw that wanted to erupt. “I can’t.”

“Come closer, idiot.” The first touch of his mouth was weird but kind of nice. His stubbly chin was rough against mine, and it was really different kissing him as opposed to a chick. He wasn’t tentative at all. But his lips were warm and full, and my cock woke up real fast, testing the elasticity of my underwear.

He lifted his head. “Jesus Christ, C. You kiss like a fucking girl.” Malcolm’s voice was raspy.

“Is that a bad thing?” I asked, snorting. I tended to find everything hilarious when I drank too much. And I had definitely had more than enough booze.

“Kiss me like a dude. Stop being careful with me.”

That damn giggle hit me again, and once it passed, I said, “Fine.” I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer, opening my mouth under his. He pushed his tongue between my lips and a zing of lust rattled through me like a circuit board shorting out from electrical overload. Why did this seem ten times hotter than usual? Was it because I thought it was wrong? Was it the forbidden fruit syndrome?

He gave a little whimper and slowed down, taking his time exploring the inside of my mouth. His tongue was rough, and he smelled like bourbon and ginger cardamom cologne, both expensive if I knew my good friend, Malcolm. He had a hard-on same as me. Maybe it was just something about friction, and flesh touching flesh, that had us turned on. But I had to admit, the hard muscles of his thighs pressing into mine made my skin prickle with arousal.

When he lifted his head, he cupped my balls through my jeans and I groaned at how good it felt. The look in his eyes was borderline scary. “That’s more like it.” His tone was gritty. I wondered if the girls he was with ever got intimidated by the sheer force of his passion.

“You’re intense, dude.” I licked my throbbing lips, feeling unsettled by how into him I was.

“What do you think?” I couldn’t read his expression.

“About what?” I asked.

“Do you just want to stop at kissing?” He was staring at my mouth, and lust radiated off of him in waves.

Kissing was all I’d expected. This was just a little tipsy experiment. I’d made a joke about not needing girls when we had each other. Mostly I’d been kidding, although there had been a hint of truth. Malcolm was my best friend. I almost never wanted to spend time with anyone but him. But after that kiss we’d just shared I was feeling a little more for my good pal than just friendship. My cock felt like it was in knots inside my underwear. I was turned on and confused. “Kissing was your idea. I don’t know what the hell we’re doing.”

His dark gaze was bright and lurid. “I’d like to get off.”

“The elevator?”

He rolled his eyes. “No. I mean I want more than just a kiss.”

My pulse bumped at his obvious need. “Give me details, dude. What does that mean?”

Blinking, and looking confused, he said, “I think I’d like to suck you.”

Heat flooded my cheeks, but my dick twitched in response. The thought of him taking my cock in his mouth had my knees weak. What the fuck was wrong with me? Shouldn’t I be pushing him away and telling him to back off?

“You…you want to what?” I asked unsteadily.

“I know. I get it. This is kind of out of the blue. But I’m curious for some reason.”


Smirking, he squeezed my swollen cock. “Don’t be coy. You’re as turned on as me, C.”

I shut my eyes and nodded because his big hand on my crotch felt amazing. He wasn’t tentative like some girls were, maybe because he owned the equipment already. “I’ve never done that with a dude.”

“Yeah. I know. Me either.”

Sighing, I mumbled, “I’m not sure, man.”

His touch changed slightly. He began massaging me with a little more finesse, and I grabbed his shoulders in case my legs gave out. “You’re as hard as a stalagmite. I know you like me touching you.”

Nodding, I moaned, “Aww, fuck. Yeah, that…that’s nice.”

“Look, I need to get off. I don’t want to have to get engaged to one of those girls down in the bar to do it.” His tone was coaxing. “What’s the big deal? We’ve both had random chicks give us BJ’s, right? This will be just like that.”

“Yeah, only you’re my best friend. And you’re a dude. I don’t want it to get weird between us.”

“Never. We’re buddies for life, C.”

“I don’t know.”

“Come on. My balls are gonna explode.” He grinned.

That made me laugh again. “Shit. I just came to this convention to buy some new fishing lures. Not to turn gay.”

He punched my shoulder. “We’re not gay.”

“Nah. We’re just two friends who want to suck each other’s dicks.” I snorted. “That sounds fucking gay to me.”

“Never mind. If you’re gonna be all freaked out forget about the whole thing.” He crossed his arms and sighed.

I didn’t want him mad at me. The very idea of that had my stomach churning. And I wasn’t opposed to his idea either. My throbbing crotch could attest to that fact. I was just nervous. “I don’t want to fuck up our friendship.”

He met my gaze, and his softened. “It won’t, C. You’re my favorite person in the world. That’s never gonna change.”


His smile was sweet and he moved up close to me again. “Of course.” His warm gaze was sincere.

My chest tightened with affection. “God. This is nuts.”

“I know.” He fondled my erection.

Even as I pushed my crotch against his seeking fingers, I whispered, “We could just jerk off together.”

Frowning, he pulled me even closer. “I want more than my own hand right now.”

Yeah. I got that. The longer he stroked me the more I knew exactly what he meant. I needed more too.

“What do you say? Are we gonna do this, or what?” He sounded borderline guarded, but he was still touching my dick as if it were a slot machine and he was hoping for a payout.

Swallowing nervously, I nodded. “I…I guess.” I was excited and terrified all at the same time. “My room or yours?”

“Mine is cleaner.”

I knew that was true. Malcolm was a neat freak while I, well, wasn’t. “Okay.”

“Thank God.” He left me to go to the keypad and he punched in his floor number. “I’m about to come in my pants.”

“Me too.” I hadn’t been this aroused in months. Maybe longer. I couldn’t remember exactly, and four Long Island Ice Teas weren’t helping my memory any.

He returned to me and captured my lips again and I didn’t have another rational thought until the door
signaling our arrival at his floor. We stumbled out of the elevator and down the hall, laughing and bumping into each other clumsily. He slid his key card in the lock and we were in his room. Sure enough his room was spotless, and it smelled like his spicy cologne.

He stripped first and my stomach rolled with excitement mixed with nerves. He had a nice body with a defined six-pack and bulging biceps. I’d noticed that many a time in the shower and when we shared rooms on trips. But it had never occurred to me I might want to touch his body until today. I started to pull my shirt off over my head and it got stuck halfway.

“Fuck,” I muttered, the words muffled by the cotton material. “I’m stuck.”

Malcolm’s familiar, husky chuckle found my ears. “Let me help.” He unbuttoned the shirt and pulled it off, leaving me bare-chested. I crossed my arms, feeling self-conscious. I’d undressed in front of him plenty, but today it was different. His nostrils flared at the sight of my pecs and he tentatively touched one of my nipples. It beaded as he stroked and caressed me with his fingers, and I gave a soft groan as arousal rose in my gut.

He grabbed my belt and pulled me in for another wet, hot, tongue-filled kiss. When he lifted his head, he was breathing heavily. “This is just cuz we need to get off,” he insisted. “It’s no biggie. We’re just using each other’s bodies.”

I nodded, my head fuzzy with need. “Yeah.”

With a growl he undid my pants and pushed me back on the bed. Then he tugged them off of me, leaving me in just my white briefs. He peeled off his black silk underwear and covered my body with his. His coarse skin and the prickle of his leg hairs were different from the silky flesh of a woman. It was so weird having him on top of me—weird in a good way. He was heavy, and he handled me roughly. I was oddly turned on by how he tried to control me and use me for his pleasure.

“I’m not going to be able to do much with my underwear on,” I whispered.

“Oh, yeah.” He rolled off of me and I ditched the offending cotton barrier. The cool air hit my exposed dick, and I sighed as Malcolm closed his fingers around me. My cock ached to be touched, and he obliged, squeezing and swiping his thumb over the seeping head.

“This is a nice handful,” he muttered, squeezing my cock soundly.

I writhed as he stroked me, trying not to make too much noise. I didn’t like to be loud during sex. It embarrassed me to show how much I needed something. I’d always been weird like that about showing my feelings. But it felt so fucking amazing to have his rough, big hands tugging at my shaft. I lifted my head and stared at him through blurry eyes. A lock of dark hair fell over his forehead, and he was focused intently on fondling my cock.

BOOK: Best Friends
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