Read Betrayed Online

Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #General Fiction

Betrayed (10 page)

BOOK: Betrayed
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“I should go. Thanks…for tonight.”

“Mate please, don’t just walk out.”

“What do you want me to do Jax? Stand here and let you try and make me feel better about saying you won’t be with me? Your choice is made; there is nothing more to say.”

“Can’t you at least talk with me?”

“What for?” I yell. “I…just leave it.”

I turn and walk out, god this is all just too hard. Jack takes me home and promises to return Lilly in the morning. I curl up into my bed and try hard to let go of this evening. It's not easy. It's all been just too much. I finally fall into a restless sleep, only to be woken by a phone call at seven am. It

s Mack.


“Love, can you come over? We have had an unexpected visitor. Jax is wild.”


“Jax’s parents.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I know, his mother and father.”

“His father is dead.”

not, one look at this man and there’s no denying it. He went into a rage and is smashing his room to bits. He won’t let anyone in. Not even the crew.”

“I will be right over.”

I drive over quickly. I storm in the front door, keeping a steady pace. I see a group of people; I notice a man and a woman; the woman is stunning for her age. Long black hair, pale skin, blue eyes and a small petite frame. The man is tall, at least six feet. He has broad shoulders, olive skin and brown hair that is going silver at the sides. He has piercing green eyes; it is scary familiar. There is no doubt that
is Jax’s father.  His eyes meet mine, and I narrow them at him as I keep walking straight past them to the door I hear smashing sounds coming from. I knock.


Nothing, more cursing and smashing.

“Open the door pirate. Don’t fuck with me, I will come and climb in that window, and you damned well know it.”

Silence. So he is listening.

“Come on, open up. Let me in and you can continue your destroying.”

I hear the lock click; all eyes turn to the door and me. I open it and slip in, not giving them a peek. Jax is by the window, his hands trembling with rage. He seems to be forcing control back in his body, he isn’t cursed anymore, so I am not scared. I walk up and stand beside him.


“What do you want?” He growls.

“Talk to me Jax, don’t bother telling me to fuck off, or that you don’t want me here. It won’t work.”

He looks down at me; his green eyes filled with rage.

“My father…my fucking father and mother walk through the front door.”

“Ok…and how did they know you were here?”

“Jack happened to run into them, they have been living here for a year.”

“Wow, popular place.” I mutter. His glare shows he doesn’t appreciate my comment.

“This whole time.”

“I thought your father was dead.”

“So’d I.”

“Do you know what happened?”

“Does it look like I know what fuckin happened?”

I put my hands on my hips. “Stop your snapping at me, I did nothing to you. Now snap out of it.”

He raises an eyebrow. “I think I like this side to you.”

I poke my tongue at him.

“Do that again and I’ll spank that pretty ass.”

I flush and he finally grins.

“So, are we going to go out and face this?”

“I am so fucking mad, I just can’t look at him.”

“Maybe so but you want answers, don’t you?”


“I will stay with you.”

He sighs. “Fine.”

“Before we go, do you want a hug?”

He glares at me. “Do I look like a small child that needs comfort?”

“Listen to me you cranky, snappy pirate. I am not doing it because I think you need comfort, I would like to hug you, if you don’t want me to just say no instead of being sarcastic.”

He smiles that stupid half smile that I have missed, oh so much. He pulls me into his arms, trailing a light kiss over my hair.

“You and your mouth woman, it will get you in trouble.”

“Yeah yeah, lets go.”

We walk out, and Jax’s father stands. Jax puts his hand up.

“Don’t come near me. I want answers, now.”

“Son…” His mother says. “Please.”

“Don’t you fucking please me. You left me when I was five years old. How dare you come in here and make that ok.”

I hold Jax’s hand, which he doesn’t reef out.

“Son…I thought it was for the best.”

“No, you thought Carol, Mark and Maddox were better.”

“Maddox was…older. He knew what he wanted. Carol was female.”

“And I was a little fucking kid.”

Who the hell is Mark and Maddox?

“You loved being with your father.”

“You didn’t even give me a choice!” Jax roars.

I squeeze his hand. “Hey, its ok.”

He looks down at me; his eyes are glassy.

“Jax, please…I love you. You know I love you.”

“No ma, you loved them, not me.”

“That’s not true!” She screams. “It’s not.”

“Son, can we talk about this?” His father asks in a pleading tone.

“You can fucking tell me what happened.”

“I…got shot and sunk down. I don’t know why, but I swam. I was tired, sick of that life and sick of living without my family. You came back from Bill’s ship, and you were strong,
, and I knew you could do it. So when I got shot, I took it as a way out. I got picked up on a ship, and I spent eight years in Africa, alone. Then I came back to find your mamma. I…didn’t know where you were by then. None of the crew knew I lived so none could give me your location. When I heard of my brother’s death, and…” His gaze falls to me. “Her. I knew I had to come and find you. I tracked down Jack, and he just happened to have you at his house.”

Jax shakes his head, digesting it all. “Why couldn’t you have just said you wanted out?”

“Nobody can ever just say they want out son, you know that. I had to disappear.”

“I…fuck this,” Jax says. “How did you hear about Jade?”

“It was everywhere, the news…the princess getting taken by pirates. It’s when we started searching.”

“Well, I didn’t take her if that’s why you keep staring at her. She came willingly, and she is the mother of my child, willingly.”

Jax’s fathers eyebrows rise. “Well in that case.” He says walking over and holding out his hand; I take it and his fingers curl around mine. “I am pleased to meet you love. I am Rusty, and this is my wife Amber.”

“Um,” I look at Jax, who gives me a tired nod. “Pleased to meet you too…sir.”

“I have a grandchild?” Jax’s mother squeaks.

“Yeah.” Jax mutters, his tone a little less angry.

“How wonderful, can we meet her? Him?”

“Her, Lilly is seven.”

“Oh, how wonderful.”

“May we see her?” Rusty asks.

“Sure.” I whisper.

“And you two live here together.”

“We aren't together.” Jax snaps and I feel a little hurt.


“I should go get Lilly to school.” I say, letting go of Jax’s hand.


s not time.” He says, staring at me.

“I have to go. Nice to meet you.”

I leave before he can say another word. Damn him. I take Lilly to school and head home; I can

t believe Jax’s parents are alive. How awful that must feel for him. And who is Maddox and Mark? Jax arrives with Lilly in the afternoon and lets himself in. Lilly skips out the back happily, her favorite place.

“Do you mind?” I growl, when he walks into the kitchen and sits down.



He has the nerve to laugh. “You are so cute when your mad.”

we discussed the meaning of cute before?” I say, trying to hide my smile.

He grins. “We sure have. Come here.”


His smile grows; Jax loves a challenge. “Come here…little Jade.”

“Little Jade? Really?”

He stands, and I edge around the counter, oh no, we are not going to play a game of cat and mouse. Are we? He stalks around the kitchen bench and leaps for me, with a squeal I speed around the other side. He is close behind me as I scurry to get away. When his arms encircle my waist, I squirm in his grips. Damn man is strong.

“Let me go Watts, I swear to god, I will hurt you!” I cry, between giggles.

He spins me around and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his hard embrace. I peer up at him through my lashes.

“There now, aren’t you happier after that cuddle?” He grins down at me.

“You don’t cuddle, it was more like a brutal attack.”

He snorts. “I cuddle, this is cuddling.”

I laugh. “You are crushing me.”

His arms loosen. “All girls need a cuddle to get out of poor moods.”

“I’m not in a poor mood.”

“No, your right, poor doesn’t cut it. I would go more for…rotten.”

I slap his chest. “Don’t make rotten into fowl Watts. You won’t like it.”

“You never know.”

I shove him away but now I am smiling; he always knows how to handle me.

“So, you going to tell me where you work?”

“Nope.” I flash him my naughtiest grin.

“You drive me crazy girl, I ought to spank your ass.”

“Do it.”

Bad move. He lunges at me again, grasping hold of my body and letting himself fall onto a nearby couch. He yanks me down, his grip too strong for me to get out of. He pulls me onto his lap, then pushes my body down over his knees. Using one leg to hold mine down, he bends me over just like a naughty child.

“You can’t be serious?” I squeal.

His hand comes down on my bottom, and I yelp, he doesn’t continue because I manage to struggle out of his grips. We are both laughing as he tackles me to the floor, his body falling over mine. When
we realize the position we have put ourselves in, we freeze. His face is so close to mine, his body presses in every part of me. Oh god, I am panting.

“Fuck it.”

His lips slant over mine, and I groan; he is warm, no, hot. His lips are hot, wet and taste delicious. His tongue toys with mine, his kisses get deeper and deeper until we are in one of those intense pashes that take your breath away. I grasp at his shoulders, my body screaming to be touched, handled, anything. He grinds himself against me, his erection pushing into the soft spot between my legs. I moan, oh god; I need him. His hand has just slipped under my shirt when the back door slams.

“Shit!” He hisses leaping off me. We both sit up just in time.

“Mummy, what are you and daddy doing?”

“Daddy was tickling me baby.”

She giggles. “He is a meany.”

“He is.” I say, meeting his eyes. Oh god, look away.

“Will you tickle me daddy?”

“You better run monster, I will tickle you alright.”

She squeals and bolts up the stairs, Jax tears off after her and I sink back into the couch. That had to be, without a doubt, the hottest kiss I have ever, EVER had. My lips feel swollen, my cheeks sting slightly from his stubble. My groin clenches, aching. Man, if I didn’t sort that issue out soon I was likely to combust. I stand, with wobbly legs and make my way upstairs into my room. I have to dress for work tonight.

I undress myself and slide into the shower. My body tingles at every touch of the water, god, it hurts. The ache between my legs has become so intense I can think about nothing else. I slide out quickly. Get dressed, go to work, forget it. I pull on my bra and am sliding my panties up when my hand grazes over my very sensitive flesh. I moan; I don’t mean to but it comes out all guttural and desperate. Wouldn’t hurt, would it? I move my hand, so I am stroking myself gently. Oh. OH.

“Stop doing that.” A husky voice from the door says. I scream and fling my hands up.

I turn and Jax is standing there, watching me. I flush crimson.

“W-w-what, get out of my room.”

He comes towards me, looking like a lion about to pounce.

“Jax, out.” I whisper.

His foot kicks out behind him and the door slams shut.

“Lilly?” I croak.

“With Layla. They went to get ice cream.”

“Jax, no.”


“No.” I whimper.


“You will complicate things, please.” I stammer.

He takes my hips into his hands and flings me back onto the bed. I try to get up, but he flattens his body against mine.

BOOK: Betrayed
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