Bill and the Space War! (Bill in Space (Erotic Fantasy)) (3 page)

BOOK: Bill and the Space War! (Bill in Space (Erotic Fantasy))
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She sighed softly in anticipation as he shimmied down a
bit.  She felt her skin tingle as he lifted her hair, playing with it, and then
started to kiss the back of her neck drawing a moan from her full lips.  She
gasped in pleasure as he lined up his manhood and slid it between her ready,
moist, and hot velvety folds.  While filling her up she felt him tweak a nipple
and continue to tease her neck with his lips, teeth and tongue.

She said breathlessly, “I love you Bill, I love to feel you
in me.  Take me please!”

She arched her back to give him a better angle.  She moaned
loudly as he went much deeper with his next stroke, her body trembling as he
filled her with his pleasure.  Her walls were hugging and conforming to him as
he filled her again and again with deliciously long slow full strokes.  The slow
friction on her labia and walls caused her to tighten as her center coiled,
increasing the stimulation with every stroke of his hardness as they reached for
bliss together.

“Fill me! I need to feel you shoot inside me!” she cried out
as rapturous pleasure overwhelmed her senses.

She felt him expand within her and he buried himself deep
while reaching around and pinching her nipples.  Her center quivered and her
body trembled as she locked down on his length with her core muscles, milking
his throbbing pulsing manhood as he shot his seed deep into her waiting womb.

She turned when he withdrew and kissed him softly.  She
pulled his head to the side and whispered in a sexy voice, “I have another hole
that needs filling my love, I need you to cum in my ass.”

She reached down for his already recovering tool and smiled
at the surge of lust she felt when she wrapped her fingers around his cock.

She said teasingly, her voice innocent where her words were
not, “You’d really like that?  You want to fuck my sweet innocent tight little ass? 
Do you think your large thick cock would fit in my little tight hole?”

She smiled when she heard him growl and then push her over
onto her stomach.  She loved when they made love, but she really wanted this
too.  Inciting Bill’s lust made her body quiver in anticipation of being taken
hard and fast…  She did not fear his lust in the least bit anymore.  She knew
he would make it as good for her no matter how crazy she got him.  

She knew she would always be safe, protected and loved in
his arms.

Chapter 3


Bill was feeling relaxed, it was about two days after the
battle when the ships were finally repaired and the five backup ships arrived. 
He, Gwen, and Larissa had been busy the last couple of days sending Ariella
more energy, with her avatar’s help of course.  He was finally starting to
believe that all these women loved him, and that it was okay for him to love
them all back.  He still didn’t get why though.  Why they wanted him that is, but
he wasn’t going to argue either.

They had arrived in the enemy system before anyone else to
do the scans, although all the ships had cloaking ability they were worried
about traps.  The enemy knew we were coming but hadn’t moved from the system, there
had to be something up, no one was that stupid.

He knew he should be paying attention to what they were
saying about the scans so he stopped his wandering mind and focused on what was
going on…

Ariella said, “It doesn’t look like an offensive trap.  Those
twenty four ships are stuffed with Elvii and Orlii.  It looks like they are
going to hide behind them.  Of course it’s going to work too.  We will have to
take more risks to disable instead of destroying those ships.”

Larissa nodded.  “I agree, we can’t sacrifice all those
innocent lives.  The odds are a little better though I think, twenty four to
fifteen.  Let’s just go kick their ass!”

Ariella sighed, “See this ship here?  They have their
weapons charged and pointed at a city on the surface.”

Gwen said thoughtfully, “We have ground defenses in the
warehouse, can you teleport me and a couple of shield generators to the city,
without them noticing?”

Ariella shrugged.  “Maybe, but if they detect the transport
they might just fire on the city before you can set up.  I’m not willing to
risk that.  We might have a better chance with an attack from cloak, taking the

Bill shook his head and said, “Wait.  It’s too easy, what if
they have cloaked ships around that one?  After all it’s the only one focused
on the planet, it’s wearing a big kick me sign right now.  It’s what I would
do, make you see the obvious trap, then, when you disarm it I would spring the
real one.  I could be wrong.  Maybe they are that stupid, or desperate?”

Ariella widened her scans to other dimensions looking for
any indication of a cloaked ship.  This was something only the Dravii could do
but she usually didn’t bother because it took so much energy, but thanks to the
last few days she had some to burn.  There were quite a few dimensions and it
took a while, but she finally found what bill suspected.

Ariella said, “I found them, good call, but we can defeat the
trap easily now that we know they are there.  Just like when I am cloaked they
will be especially vulnerable to energy weapons.  I have their location and can
easily disable them with just my secondary beams at the same time I disable the
lure ship.  I don’t know if they have hostages too, so we won’t take the

“I think what we will do is sneak in close to the planet,
and take them out as our other ships attack head on.  It will be dangerous, but
I don’t want another ship to take shots at the planet.”

Everyone agreed with Ariella so she sent orders to the ships
and they moved into attack position, her taking those three ships will be the
signal to attack.  They all held their breaths as they snuck through the enemy
lines and slipped between the enemy ship and the planet.  In theory they were
undetectable, but they were also quite vulnerable.

A short time later Ariella popped into normal space and
disabled those three ships all at once.  She watched as their fourteen ships
uncloaked, two of their ships per enemy ship coming in at different vectors. 
That would ensure the enemy couldn’t move their vulnerable side to a safe

Only the ship with a disabling shot in the two ship teams
fired.  That left sixteen ships left to fight.  The numbers were close to even,
but the enemy was shooting back and intent to destroy.  They didn’t have that

Ariella drew four ships.  The last twelve went after the
rest of their fleet.  She took a pounding, protecting the planet, but she was
able to disable those four ships before her energy got to low.  She watched the
fierce battle going on not sure if she should try to help, or stay to protect
the planet. 

She decided to protect the planet, losing a ship would hurt,
but losing millions of Elvii on the surface was not an option.  She wasn’t
willing to gamble on that many lives.  Still it upset her each time one of
their ships was destroyed.  She was conflicted about the decision.

The battle lasted twenty minutes, in the end they lost four
ships, but every one of the enemy was disabled.

She sighed, “We need to get those cores offline, then I can
get those Elvii back to the planet.  I am tempted to blow them to dust after,
but then maybe a miserably long life will serve better.  Give them enough time
to regret their actions.”

She teleported squads of soldiers over directly from the
other ten ships to the enemy’s.  When she sent them to one of the ships she
felt a strange but familiar energy, though she couldn’t recall where she had
felt it before.  It was very subtle.  She wouldn’t be able to detect it if the
ship was still fully powered and even now she couldn’t lock onto it yet.  Even
with the core idling and at close range she could hardly detect it.

Ship by ship she teleported the Elvii and Orlii back to the
planet when the cores went offline.  When the ship with the strange energy
signature had its core powered down she teleported him aboard ship, to a locked

She could tell it was an Angilli, but that was all,
something wasn’t right about him but she couldn’t figure it out.  She decided
that it could keep though, until after the battle was finished.  Then, she
sensed the strangest thing.  The energy signature parted from the Angilli, who
collapsed.  She wasn’t sure if the room would hold it, but it didn’t try to
escape the room, it sunk down into the deck plate, into her body.

She panicked as she felt its malevolence.  It was attacking
her mind, clearly trying to take over control of her body and suppress her will. 
And it was winning, handily.  She couldn’t read whatever it was at all, just
instinctively knew it meant her harm.  She fought desperately with will power,
but the creature was also made of energy and that gave her an idea.  She
surrounded and trapped it with her own, then ejected the energy into space and
moved away.

She was terrified, if she hadn’t had the energy to fight
back on that level, she knew she would have lost that fight for control of her
body.  What the hell is that thing?

She said to the crew, “Hey, come and take a look at this.”

They all came over as she focused her scanners on the
strange energy signature and explained what just happened.  They watched as
over thirty minutes or so, it slowly lost cohesion and dissipated.

Bill said, “Are you okay?”

Ariella replied slowly, “Yes, but worried.  I have seen that
energy before but can’t remember where.  Also if I had been low on energy it’s
possible that thing would have taken over my body.  It came from the Angilli I
detected and brought aboard.  Perhaps he will have some insight when he wakes
up?  Either way it looks like they need a body to inhabit, stuck without a host
it died relatively fast.”

They finished the ship boarding actions and started back to
Angillia when she noted he was waking up. 

She said, “He is waking, his name is Gabe, let’s see what his
story is.”

She, Bill, and Larissa went into the room he was in. 

Gabe asked in a trembling voice, “Where am I?  What’s going

Ariella ignored his questions and asked, “What’s the last
thing you remember?”

Gabe looked confused at the question but answered, “The new
empress had given orders to outlaw slavery.  I was planning to convert my ships
to carry other cargo and making plans to convert my company to another footing. 
I had just started making changes, and I don’t know what happened after that. 
I woke up here.”

Ariella sighed.  “He is telling the truth, more than that,
he doesn’t even like slavery.  Inherited the family business and was happy to
comply when the orders came down from Tiffani.”

Larissa growled, “If you didn’t like slavery why didn’t you
change the business before the orders?”

Gabe looked sad suddenly, “It’s not that simple.  If I had
left a gap in the market someone else would have taken it over.  Maybe a lot
more ruthless.  At least with me in charge of part of it I could ensure that
the Elvii I dealt with were not abused and raped.”

He shook his head, “Too little I know, but the best I could
do at the time.”


Ariella stayed to fill him in a little on what went on the
past month or so.  Bill, Gwen, and Larissa were tired, and a little worked up
from the battle.  They left the room and went to bed.  They would get to sleep,

Chapter 4


Tiffani was making an effort not to be a bitch.  She knew
her short temper had everything to do with her worrying about her mates.  When
the single ship had come back alone a couple of days ago she had been terrified
and thought the worst for a moment.  She had calmed down and sent the five
relief ships after they reported their progress however.

She had wanted to send more, but knew she needed to trust
Ariella.  It was hard for her to stand by and wait when her lovers were in
danger.  It killed her that while she was at home and safe they were fighting. 
When she got word they were almost back, her body relaxed in a huge sigh of
relief.  She had not realized how tense her muscles had been.

When they arrived she welcomed them all back with hugs and
kisses, she needed the tactile assurance they were all okay.  She, Anise and
Sylvia listened as they went over what happened.  She had never heard of
anything happening like that either.  She took a long read of Gabe and there
was no evidence of anything in his mind for the last two months.  Despite his family’s
business he appeared to be a good man, with good ideas for trade that would stabilize
the economy.  She determined to speak to him later about that, it was going to
become a serious issue soon as slavery had been big business.

 “I haven’t heard of anything like that, but I can search
the royal archives.  If there has been past contact with these beings it will
be recorded there.  Gwen, can you help me?”

She and Gwen moved to do that while the others went to
relax, she smiled as she felt Bill staring at her ass when she walked out, she
would have to find time later to do something about that.  She also noted Gabe
was doing the same thing, but dismissed the thought.


Gwen was thoughtful as she searched through the archives for
any mention of the entity they had run across.  She looked for both entries of
a being that was made of energy, and for any historical accounts of possessing
spirits.  It was slow going and so far she had come up empty, she hoped Tiffani
was having better luck.

She had felt Gabe’s devotion to the new empress, he truly
did hate what he was doing in the past.  It was apparent to her that he had
been predisposed to like her as she had freed him from a burden.  She also felt
his surprise at Tiffani’s youth and beauty, the guy was properly smitten

She had also felt the attraction for him from Tiffani, he
was attractive after all, and quite obviously would do whatever Tiffani asked
of him.  She didn’t think that Tiffani was aware of it yet though, she had been
full of other feelings at the time.  Relief that they were safe, horror at the
story of an entity that could possess a body, and occlude their victim’s will
and awareness.  She was also worried about what this meant for the Empire.  Was
there more of these beings?

She knew It would occur to Tiffani soon however.  There was
nothing wrong with that, Tiffani was free to be with who she wills, but she
worried about Bill.  The love between Tiffani and Bill was deep and intense.  She
hoped this would not damage it.  She had decided not to take that chance and
avoid other opportunities with males.  She was in love with Bill to distraction
and thought it a small sacrifice for the man who saved her life, and allowed
her to grow.  But she knew Tiffani did not have that option, her duty prevented

She felt a surge of grim satisfaction come from Tiffani and
knew she must have found something.  They continued to search though, unwilling
to stop until they had everything they could find.  It turned out to be a
wasted effort however.  They had little information when they left several
hours later.  They were both exhausted and joined their mates in bed, both falling
into a deep sleep.


Bill woke up early.  He looked over at Tiffani and watched
her sleep for a moment, she looked so peaceful and beautiful it was hard to
look away.  He wanted to be with her badly right now, not having a chance when
they got home last night.  But he knew she worked late into the night and must
be exhausted, so he decided he should let her sleep. 

He pulled on some comfortable pants and a shirt and walked
out the back entrance for his morning jog.  The weather had been getting cooler
and the air felt crisp and cool this morning, maybe high fifties as he ran his
circuit around the castle.  He guessed he had run something like five miles
when he came back in and showered.

His mates weren’t around so he hunted down breakfast and
tracked them down after getting a cup of coffee.  Apparently there was a
meeting in a few minutes.

Bill took another sip of coffee.  He was a little worried
about the entity, but Ariella had fought him off handily.  Plus as far as he
knew there were no more heavy forces out there resisting the new anti-slavery
laws.  It seemed they were down to light resistance, sending normal ships out
in an almost police action. 

He bowed his head and moaned softly, Gwen’s hands and fingers
on his neck and shoulders was a little distracting.  Her massages were
amazing.  However when Tiffani started the briefing he looked up and paid
attention, he wasn’t worried, but he was curious what she found last night.

Tiffani said, “Gwen and I didn’t find much, and the little
we did find was from a hundred thousand years ago.”

She frowned and continued in a cautious tone, “What we found
doesn’t look good though.  They never discovered their race name back then but
refer to them as
Evil Spirits,
though they note it was in fact some type
of being made of pure energy.  As you found out, they cannot exist away from their
world without a
body to live in. 

“Apparently they invaded the Empire, jumping from body to
body into people with more authority.  No one knew who was or wasn’t possessed,
it was a nightmare and no one could be trusted.  Only the Dravii were able to
detect the energy and know if someone was possessed, and then only when they
were close.  The archive does note that the energy beings were defeated. 
Somehow.  But there was nothing else regarding their defeat except that it

Tiffani sighed in frustration and continued, “The only other
information is to contact the Dravii if they ever showed up again.  For some
reason knowledge was suppressed about this war and how they won.  I can’t
imagine why but…  If they are invading again we are in trouble.  There are no elder
or ancient Dravii left, outside of Ariella who wasn’t born until twenty five
thousand years ago.”

Bill could tell she was really mad about the archive being
edited like that.  It was also concerning, the Dravii must have assumed they
would be around for the next one.  And why wouldn’t they?  As the most powerful
and generally peaceful race they couldn’t have seen the betrayals and their
destruction coming.

He watched as Ariella’s face transformed into a look of

Ariella said with certainty in her voice, “They are
invading.  Worse than that, they started two thousand years ago, at least.  I
just remembered where I felt that energy signature before.”

She turned to Tiffani and continued, “There was one in the
Dravii that enslaved your family line, and who ultimately betrayed my race.  I
am sure of it.  But that means…  The Dravii betrayers…  Were not really Dravii
anymore.  I believe destroying my race, or most of it, was their first goal. 
Now no one knows how to defeat them.  Tiffani is right.  I am the oldest left
and born seventy five millennia after that war.

“The question is what will they do next, and how can we rediscover
the solution that they found so long ago?”

Bill was starting to take it a little more seriously, now
that the pieces were on the table it was obvious there was a second invasion
coming, in fact, was already here.

Bill said, “Well we have one advantage they didn’t have back
then.  We know for sure that a solution exists.  At the very least that gives
us hope.”

He watched as they all nodded, Gabe stepped in at that
point, being invited to the meeting for his point of view.

Gabe said thoughtfully, “I don’t think they really cared
about the slavery of the Elvii one way or another.  It was probably just a way
to destabilize things a little more before they moved in.  Plus, it is a way to
start the war while still trying to conceal their presence under the guise of a
civil war power struggle.  Tiffani taking over and outlawing slavery actually
gave them a way to sneak in.  A reasonable reason for the leaders they possess
to attack the government.”

There was no proof of that of course, but as Bill thought it
over it did fit all the facts.  He thought there was more to it than that
though, he couldn’t put his finger on what though.  As he thought all this
through he saw Tiffani and Gabe exchanging glances.  The kind they used to
share in the beginning.  His stomach twisted but he pushed it down, refusing to
even think about it right now.

Not when they were all probably reading him in one way or
another, outside of Larissa that is.

She felt Gwen squeeze his leg and look over at him in
concern, which of course, backfired, not making him feel better at all.  Because
now he was sure there was something going on there and felt worse.  He kept his
stone face, no sign of his emotions touched his face, but of course that was
worthless in this company.  The very human emotions of jealousy and anger
twisted his stomach, then shame filled him as he knew he didn’t own her, didn’t
have the right to the feelings. 

That was not how things were done out here, it was an alien
concept, a human concept.  Something he knew very well, since he had six lovers
right now after all.

He got up and left before his thoughts made it worse.  He
felt embarrassed and ashamed.  He knew, or if he was honest about it, thought,
that he could handle it.  He might even get used to and accept it someday.  Take
some joy knowing his mate’s life was a little fuller with another mate, and a
child.  After all, that wouldn’t take anything away from him and Tiffani.  It
would just further enrich her life.  In the same way that Gwen and the others were
enriching his, while taking nothing away from Tiffani and himself. 

But that didn’t mean it would be easy.  That didn’t mean he
wouldn’t feel the pain of it.  
golden goddess,
with another man.  The thought turned his stomach.  Maybe not yet, but he could
see the way the wind was blowing after all.  He loved her so much and knew she
loved him.  He cringed again as he knew his thoughts must have hurt her. 

It was also something of a shock, a surprise despite
foreknowledge of what was coming.  His own mind had fooled him.  Not
consciously accepted perhaps, because his logical brain would have tossed it
out as ridiculous.  But deep down inside he had been fooling himself.  Yes she
needs an heir, so his mind and emotions had concocted some idiocy of it almost
being impersonal.  Something she would be forced to do out of duty.  But when
he saw those looks between them it struck home that she would be in love with
the person she chose.  Maybe it wouldn’t be Gabe, but it would happen.

She would one day look at another, love filling her heart as
she locked her stunning blue eyes on someone else, the same way she looked at

And why shouldn’t she, she deserves it after all, a hell of
a lot more than he deserved what he has.

How could he possibly fight the way he felt with the others
there, that made him angry too.  They were primal emotions, animal and brutal,
ones he would prefer to keep to himself.  Even between humans where it was
normal to feel jealousy, it was normal to hide it out of shame. 

It was almost as if humans instinctually were ashamed of
that emotion and hid it, even though the emotion itself was driven by instinct.

Emotions he felt were shameful but that he needed to dwell
on enough to get past them.  He couldn’t get past it, if he couldn’t think about
it.  So he went off on his own.  He could not deal with both at the same time.

He started drinking but changed his mind.  That was no way
to deal with it.  In fact, it made him more contemptuous of himself.  He
avoided everyone that day.  He went out jogging again around the palace and
enjoyed the gardens and fresh air.  He considered taking a walk in the city
then cringed at the thought of all those strangers reading his current mind
set.  Ariella kept his mind protected but he had to stay in a somewhat close
proximity.  He kept himself busy when he couldn’t jog anymore, by whittling, which
was something he hadn’t done in months.  As his mind churned throughout the day
he tried to force it to behave the way he truly wanted it to.  By the end of
the day he had a good representation of Ariella done in wood.  The ship, not the
woman or Dravii.

When it came time to sleep he didn’t have the heart to join
his mates in the main bedchamber.  He found his way to the rooms assigned to
him personally for the first time since he had been there.  He fell asleep on
the strange bed instead of with the empress and his other mates.  He snorted at
the irony of that thought as sleep took him, despite his spinning mind his body
was wiped out from all the running he did.


He came awake with a moan and looked down.  There was an
exotic looking redhead with emerald green eyes looking up at him.  He could see
past her beautiful face to her large double D breasts resting on his thighs,
her hard nipples teasing his skin.  Her mouth felt like heaven as it wrapped
around his sensitive tip and he felt her slowly feed him into her mouth. 

He looked to the right and saw the same face, hair, and eyes
as the second woman got into the bed and kissed him.  He kissed her back hungrily,
his lust growing fast at the stimulation to his body.  He whispered in her ear,
“Hi Sylvia, love the new look.”

BOOK: Bill and the Space War! (Bill in Space (Erotic Fantasy))
8.16Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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